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This paper presents a first attempt to estimate the volume of water required for the maintenance of freshwater-dependent ecosystems at the global scale. This total environmental water requirement consists of ecologically relevant low-flow and high-flow components and depends upon the objective of environmental water management. Both components are related to river flow variability and estimated by conceptual rules from discharge time series simulated by the global hydrology model. A water stress indicator is further defined, which shows what proportion of the utilizable water in world river basins is currently withdrawn for direct human use and where this use is in conflict with environmental water requirements. The paper presents an estimate of environmental water requirements for 128 major river basins and drainage regions of the world. It is shown that approximately 20 to 50 percent of the mean annual river flow in different basins needs to be allocated to freshwater-dependent ecosystems to maintain them in fair conditions. This is unlikely to be possible in many developing countries in Asia and North Africa, in parts of Australia, North America, and Europe, where current total direct water withdrawals (primarily for irrigation) already tap into the estimated environmental water requirements. Over 1.4 billion people currently live in river basins with high environmental water stress. This number will increase as water withdrawals grow and if environmental water allocations remain beyond the common practice in river basin management. This paper suggests that estimates of environmental water requirements should be the integral part of global water assessments and projections of global food production.  相似文献   

European river basin authorities are responsible for the implementation of the new river basin management plans in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive. This paper presents a new methodology framework and approach to define and evaluate environmental flow regimes in the realistic complexities that exist with multiple water resource needs at a basin scale. This approach links river basin simulation models and habitat time series analysis to generate ranges of environmental flows (e‐flows), which are evaluated by using habitat, hydropower production and reliability of water supply criteria to produce best possible alternatives. With the use of these tools, the effects of the proposed e‐flows have been assessed to help in the consultation process. The possible effects analysed are impacts on water supply reliability, hydropower production and aquatic habitat. After public agreements, a heuristic optimization process was applied to maximize e‐flows and habitat indicators, while maintaining a legal level of reliability for water resource demands. The final optimal e‐flows were considered for the river basin management plans of the Duero river basin. This paper demonstrates the importance of considering quantitative hydrologic and ecological aspects of e‐flows at the basin scale in addressing complex water resource systems. This approach merges standard methods such as physical habitat simulations and time series analyses for evaluating alternatives, with recent methods to simulate and optimize water management alternatives in river networks. It can be integrated with or used to complement other frameworks for e‐flow assessments such as the In‐stream Flow Incremental Methodology and Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many river restoration projects are focusing on restoring environmental flow regimes to improve ecosystem health in rivers that have been developed for water supply, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, and other purposes. In efforts to prevent future ecological damage, water supply planners in some parts of the world are beginning to address the water needs of river ecosystems proactively by reserving some portion of river flows for ecosystem support. These restorative and protective actions require development of scientifically credible estimates of environmental flow needs. This paper describes an adaptive, inter‐disciplinary, science‐based process for developing environmental flow recommendations. It has been designed for use in a variety of water management activities, including flow restoration projects, and can be tailored according to available time and resources for determining environmental flow needs. The five‐step process includes: (1) an orientation meeting; (2) a literature review and summary of existing knowledge about flow‐dependent biota and ecological processes of concern; (3) a workshop to develop ecological objectives and initial flow recommendations, and identify key information gaps; (4) implementation of the flow recommendations on a trial basis to test hypotheses and reduce uncertainties; and (5) monitoring system response and conducting further research as warranted. A range of recommended flows are developed for the low flows in each month, high flow pulses throughout the year, and floods with targeted inter‐annual frequencies. We describe an application of this process to the Savannah River, in which the resultant flow recommendations were incorporated into a comprehensive river basin planning process conducted by the Corps of Engineers, and used to initiate the adaptive management of Thurmond Dam. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water management agencies throughout Australia are attempting to find a balance between the water requirements of ecological and socio‐economic environments as part of a holistic approach to managing flow‐dependent river ecosystems. Environmental water provisions are under consideration for the Ord River in far northern Western Australia. This river has been regulated for irrigation and there are plans for substantial expansion. Like other semi‐arid and tropical rivers, however, the hydrology of the Ord River is highly variable and unpredictable, and therefore, proportionate water release strategies for the environment that are based on average monthly flows are unsuitable. Regulation continues to produce pronounced ecological changes throughout the river system as the impacts of flow regime are negated. There is a dichotomy in optimal flow regimes for the contrasting management aspirations of ecological restoration based on low seasonal flows, and the dilution flows required for the drainage of agricultural effluent. Whilst current agricultural land and water management practices continue, the two cannot coincide, and consequently, a decision should be made regarding which environmental water allocation holds the primary value. Such a decision would guide the appropriate dry season flow regime on the lower Ord River. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water rights for environmental flows are not universal, and oftentimes, legal tools used to incorporate the environment into water management only require new users to consider their impact. It can be difficult to include the needs of riparian and aquatic ecosystems in new plans when relevant information is not always available, especially when other existing uses already outstrip available supplies. There is a need for easily accessible and understandable science on the water requirements for riparian and aquatic species, so managers can make informed decisions about whether or not to include riparian and aquatic species in their community's water management future. In this paper, we describe the current understanding of the link between hydrology and Arizona's riparian and aquatic ecosystems through the creation of a geospatial Environmental Water Demands database that can be used to determine the water needs to maintain habitat. Analysis of 121 studies reveals that there are very few analyses of the surface water and groundwater requirements for intermittent or ephemeral river systems, and there are only limited generalizable data for aquatic species. Except for a few species, such as Cottonwood (Populous fremontii) and Willow (Salix gooddingii), few data are available on the flow requirements for vegetation. The Environmental Water Demands database can be used to identify critical geographic and topical knowledge gaps where further research is needed, as well as serve as a single place for water and land managers to assess and use the most currently available information to make more informed management decisions and recommendations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Globally, large river systems have been extensively modified and are increasingly managed for a range of purposes including ecosystem services and ecological values. Key to managing rivers effectively are developing approaches that deal with uncertainty, are adaptive in nature, and can incorporate multiple stakeholders with dynamic feedbacks. Australia's largest river system, the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), has been extensively developed for shipping passage, irrigation, hydroelectric development, and water supply. Water development in the MDB over the last century resulted in overallocation of water resources and large‐scale environmental degradation throughout the Basin. Under the pressure of a significant drought, there was insufficient water to supply critical human, environmental, and agricultural needs. In response, a massive programme of water reform was enacted that resulted in considerable institutional, social, and economic change. The underlying policy was required to be enacted in an absence of certainty around the scientific basis, with an adaptive management focus to incorporate new knowledge. The resulting institutional arrangements were challenged by a need to generate new governance arrangements within the constraints of existing state and national structures. The ongoing reform and management of the MDB continues to challenge all parties to achieve optimization for multiple outcomes, and to communicate that effectively. As large‐scale water reform gains pace globally, the MDB provides a window of insight into the types of systems that may emerge and the challenges in working within them. Most particularly, it illustrates the need for much more sophisticated systems thinking that runs counter to the much more linear approaches often adopted in government.  相似文献   

South African water resources legislation requires that environmental flow requirements are included as part of water resource management. An operational management method is presented that relies upon simulating natural flow conditions based on inputs of near real‐time observations of rainfall and a set of operating rules. The operating rules define the reservoir releases and water use supply curtailments that ensure downstream environmental flow objectives will be met. The focus is on managing the variability of continuous low flows, while a suitable method for managing event‐based high flow releases remains elusive. The main limitation to the successful implementation of the low flow approach is the lack of legislated control over run‐of‐river water abstractions. While this limitation is expected to be overcome, as the provisions of new legislation are implemented, water managers may still lack the capacity to exercise the necessary controls over abstraction. There is no reason why the method could not be applied outside South Africa, given compatibility in the definition of environmental flow requirements. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Growing water demand across the world is increasing the stress on river ecosystems, causing concern for both biodiversity and people. River‐specific environmental flow assessments cannot keep pace with the rate and geographic extent of water development. Society needs methods to assess ecological impacts of flow management at broad scales so that appropriate regional management can be implemented. To meet this need in Colorado, USA, we developed a Watershed Flow Evaluation Tool (WFET) to estimate flow‐related ecological risk at a regional scale. The WFET entails four steps: (i) modelling natural and developed daily streamflows; (ii) analysing the resulting flow time series; (iii) describing relationships between river attributes and flow metrics (flow–ecology relationships); and (iv) mapping of flow‐related risk for trout, native warm‐water species and riparian plant communities. We developed this tool in two watersheds with differing geomorphic settings and data availability. In one of the two watersheds, the WFET was successfully implemented to assess ecological risk across the 3400‐km2 watershed, providing consistent watershed‐wide information on flow‐related risk. In the other watershed, active channel change and limited data precluded a successful application. In Colorado, the WFET will be used to evaluate the risk of impacts on river ecosystems under future climate change and water development scenarios (e.g. for energy development or municipal water supply). As water continues to be developed for people, the WFET and similar methods will provide a cost‐effective means to evaluate and balance ecosystem needs at large scales. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydroelectric power provides a cheap source of electricity with few carbon emissions. Yet, reservoirs are not operated sustainably, which we define as meeting societal needs for water and power while protecting long‐term health of the river ecosystem. Reservoirs that generate hydropower are typically operated with the goal of maximizing energy revenue, while meeting other legal water requirements. Reservoir optimization schemes used in practice do not seek flow regimes that maximize aquatic ecosystem health. Here, we review optimization studies that considered environmental goals in one of three approaches. The first approach seeks flow regimes that maximize hydropower generation, while satisfying legal requirements, including environmental (or minimum) flows. Solutions from this approach are often used in practice to operate hydropower projects. In the second approach, flow releases from a dam are timed to meet water quality constraints on dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature and nutrients. In the third approach, flow releases are timed to improve the health of fish populations. We conclude by suggesting three steps for bringing multi‐objective reservoir operation closer to the goal of ecological sustainability: (1) conduct research to identify which features of flow variation are essential for river health and to quantify these relationships, (2) develop valuation methods to assess the total value of river health and (3) develop optimal control softwares that combine water balance modelling with models that predict ecosystem responses to flow. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In arid regions, large-scale water diversion from rivers leads to significant changes in river flow regimes, which may have large impacts on ecological water uses of river-dependent ecosystems, such as river, lake, wetland, and riparian ecosystems. To assess the integrated impact of water diversion on ecological water uses, we proposed a hierarchy evaluation model composed of four layers representing the evaluation goal, sub-areas of the influenced region, evaluation criteria, and water diversion schemes, respectively. The evaluation criteria for different types of ecological water uses were proposed, and the analytical hierarchy process was used for the integrated assessment. For a river ecosystem, the percentage of mean annual flow was used to define the grade of environmental flow. For a lake ecosystem, water recharge to the lake to compensate the lake water losses was used to assess the ecological water use of a lake. The flooding level of the wetland and the groundwater level in the riparian plain were used to assess the wetland and riparian ecological water uses, respectively. The proposed model was applied to a basin in northern Xinjiang in northwest China, where both water diversion and inter-basin water transfer projects were planned to be carried out. Based on assessment results for the whole study area and two sub-areas, an appropriate scheme was recommended from four planning schemes. With the recommended scheme, ecological water uses of the influenced ecosystems can be maintained at an acceptable level. Meanwhile, economical water requirements can be met to a great extent.  相似文献   

生态环境用水是关于水资源管理的一个综合性思维方法,可以为人类社会可持续发展发挥重要作用。近几十年来,这一科学概念得到越来越多国家的关注。但是,在生态环境用水的实践方面,发达国家和发展中国家存在巨大的差距。从政策与立法、管理策略和组织机构能力3方面对生态环境用水在世界其他国家和中国的实践进行了分析比较。通过研究得出国家政策与法律、国际协定、公众参与、市场机制、公众意识、技术支持和流域管理是影响生态环境用水实践的关键因素,并以此为依据明确了中国生态环境用水实践的现状,最后为如何推动中国生态环境用水的实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

The condition of river, wetland and estuarine ecosystems is largely determined by the prevailing flow regime. The flow regime can be described by the magnitude, frequency, timing, duration and rate of change of both intra-annual and inter-annual events. The required flow regime, necessary to maintain the ecosystem in a particular condition, is referred to as the environmental flow requirement. To appropriately take environmental flow requirements into consideration in water resources planning and management, it is required that models used in water resources planning can accommodate the specific characteristics of the environmental flow requirements. This paper presents a new functionality in the generic water resources planning package ‘RIBASIM’, which allows for realistic allocation of particularly the high flow pulses and small and large floods that are part of an environmental flow requirement. Tests of this functionality with a model application based on the characteristics of the Mahabad basin in Iran show that the use of this functionality can help to find environmental flow release options that lead to smaller losses for other water users, which would not have been found easily if the traditional approach was used.  相似文献   

水生态红线是水生态环境保护的重要途径,将从管理机制上为水生态安全提供更可实施的保障。本文通过对水生态系统表象特征和水生态系统演化过程的关联分析,提出了水生态保护的红线框架体系:水量红线、空间红线和水质红线,阐释了三条红线间的相互关系及其内涵。综合生态需水、淹没面积、生态健康评价方法,嵌入我国生态环境保护相关规范,提出了兼顾自然和社会属性的水生态红线分级方法,建立了水生态红线指标体系。以淮河水系淮滨、王家坝和蚌埠断面为例,进行了水生态红线划定的示例应用。本文提出的三位一体的水生态红线框架体系和红线划定方法,弥补了水生态保护红线机制研究的空缺,为水生态保护研究与实践提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   


The Tagus River basin faces a growing water management challenge, as water demand and river regulation by large multi-purpose reservoirs lead to situations of water scarcity and mediocre conditions in some water bodies. The current situation and the impacts of increasing water demands are evaluated by a detailed river basin model which covers the whole river basin and includes the main hydraulic infrastructures and water uses of Spain and Portugal. Several indicators are computed from the model results to assess water demand satisfaction and the alteration of the hydrological regime, offering a better understanding of current hydro-climatic conditions in the basin. Results show that current water management practices have significantly altered the natural river flow conditions in the entire Tagus River basin. Water managers struggle to satisfy existing waters uses and increasing water demands will further accentuate these problems. The enforcement of new and planned environmental flow requirements may alleviate the conditions of some water bodies but will decrease the level of satisfaction of non-priority water demands. As additional measures are needed to improve water bodies status, water management and allocation policies must be revised at the river basin scale to improve the balance between water consumptive uses and environmental needs. A shared knowledge base and a common vision on the basin challenges will be required to achieve these goals and the datasets and tools applied in this study contribute to this needed transboundary cooperation.


流域环境流量管理分区方法研究——以浑河流域为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境流量管理分区对识别流域各地区的环境流量管理要求,合理配置河流环境流量,协调社会-生态竞争性用水具有重大意义。本文结合管理结构体系,统筹考虑社会-自然两大属性,构建流域分区指标体系;利用聚类分析算法以及布尔运算法结合指标体系对管理流域进行划分,建立了一种区划管理分区的方法。以浑河流域为例,按划分方法将浑河流域划分为5个环境流量管理分区。结果表明:分区方法切实可行,利于简化流域整体管理复杂程度;每个分区具有独立完整的管理结构体系;环境流量管理分区特征鲜明,利于各区管理目标的制定。  相似文献   

Today's water systems require integrated water resource management to improve the water supply for conflicting water uses. This research explores alternative policies to improve the water supply for two conflicting uses, hydropower and environmental, using the Leishui River basin and Dongjiang reservoir as a case study. First, the natural flow regime prior to reservoir construction (pre‐1992) was estimated by performing a statistical analysis of 41 years of daily streamflow data (March 1952–February 1993). This natural flow regime was used as a template for proposing environmental flow (e‐flow) requirements. The post‐reservoir flow regime (post‐1992) (March 1993–February 2011) was analysed to estimate the streamflow alteration. Results show that the natural flow regime has been completely transformed; post‐1992 winter normal flows are greater, and summer flows are smaller than pre‐1992 conditions. Also, the occurrence of natural floods has been prevented. Second, a planning model was built of the current operation of the Dongjiang reservoir and used for comparison of four alternative water management policies that considered e‐flow releases from the Dongjiang reservoir. The scenarios that considered combinations of the current operational policy and e‐flow releases performed better in terms of hydropower generation than the current operation. Different volumes of e‐flow requirements were tested, and an annual e‐flow volume of 75% of the pre‐1992 hydrograph was determined to generate the most hydropower while providing for environmental water needs. Trade‐offs are essential to balance these two water management objectives, and compromises have to be made for both water uses to obtain benefits. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长江环境流量问题及管理对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈进  黄薇 《人民长江》2009,40(8):17-20
基于国内外环境流量研究成果和实践经验,以及长江生态环境敏感区与河道内水生生物特点,对我国环境流量的定义及内涵进行了论述,对长江存在的环境流量问题进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了保证环境流量实现的工程和非工程措施。研究表明:生态监测、流域规划、水库联合调度及生态补偿机制等非工程措施是保证环境流量实现的关键。  相似文献   

孙国平 《水电站设计》2007,23(3):105-109
从流域和区域对水资源需求及环境保护要求出发,提出了在大樟溪干流刘岐、岩前和莒口增设鱼道、取消船闸和航运的建议;从流域环境保护要求提出了主要水库的最小下泄流量;根据大樟溪流域人口、经济及土地资源的状况,提出了从泉州、莆田和福州等水资源受益区安置移民缓解土地资源紧张的模式来提高龙湘水库的调节库容,以提高流域及区域对水资源需求与调配能力,确保河道生态安全、生产生活用水安全等流域规划的新思路、新理念。  相似文献   

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