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We investigated interactions of riparian vegetative conditions upon a suite of channel morphological variables: active channel width, variability of width within a reach, large wood frequency, mesoscale habitat distributions, mesoscale habitat diversity, median particle size and per cent fines. We surveyed 49 wadeable streams, 45 with low levels of development, throughout the Upper Little Tennessee River Basin in the Southern Appalachians. Conversion of riparian forest to grass has reduced aquatic habitat area (quantified by active channel width), channel width variability, wood frequency, mesoscale habitat diversity and obstruction habitat (wood and rock jams), and such conversion has increased the fraction of run and glide habitat. Channels with grassy riparian zones were only one‐third to three‐fifths of the width of channels with forested riparian zones, and channels with grassy or narrow forested riparian zones were nearly devoid of wood. Particle size metrics were strongly affected by stream power and agricultural cover in the basin, but the data suggest that elimination of riparian forest reduces median bed particle size. Results indicate that even modest increases in the extent and width of forested riparian buffers would improve stream habitat conditions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effects of stream enhancement on habitat conditions in five spring‐fed urban streams in Christchurch, New Zealand, were investigated. Stream enhancement consisted of riparian planting at three sites, and riparian planting and channel modifications at two sites, where a concrete dish channel and a timber‐lined channel were removed, and natural banks reinstated. Sites were surveyed prior to enhancement activities and 5 years after, and changes in riparian conditions (composition, horizontal and vertical cover), instream conditions (bank modifications, inorganic and organic material on the streambed), and hydraulic conditions (wetted perimeter, cross‐sectional area, depths and velocities) quantified. Enhanced sites generally had higher marginal vegetation cover, as well as increased overhanging riparian vegetation, reflecting planting of Carex sedges close to the water. Bed sediments changed at some sites, with the greatest change being replacement of a concrete channel with gravel and cobble substrate. Bryophyte cover declined at this site, reflecting loss of stable habitat where these plants grew. Bed sediments changed less at other sites, and cover of fine sediments increased in some enhanced sites, presumably from sediment runoff from nearby residential development. Filamentous algal cover decreased at one stream where shade increased, but increased in another stream where the removal of timber‐lined banks and creation of a large pond decreased shade. Stream enhancement increased variability in velocity at three of the five sites, but overall changes to stream hydraulics were small. Although enhancement activities altered the physical conditions of the streams, major changes occurred only to riparian vegetation and bank conditions. Lack of other major changes to instream physical conditions most likely reflected the limited range of channel morphology alterations undertaken. Moreover, the flat topography of Christchurch and naturally low stream discharge further constrained changes to instream physical conditions from enhancement activities. Sediment inputs from continuing urban development also negated the effects of adding coarse substrates. These over‐arching factors may constrain the success of future stream enhancement projects within Christchurch. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream temperatures are critically important to aquatic ecology, especially cold‐water fish such as salmonids. Stream temperatures are influenced by multiple factors, including local climate, solar radiation on the stream channel, stream discharge volume and groundwater contributions. The Heat Source hydrodynamic and thermodynamic numerical model was used to evaluate temperatures in three stream reaches in the Navarro River watershed, California, USA. The model was calibrated and validated for summer 2015 conditions and then applied to scenarios that address changes in air temperatures, riparian forest cover and stream discharge. Modelling results indicate that stream temperatures are sensitive to changes in air temperatures and riparian forest cover and that higher discharge volume mitigates those impacts. Modelled stream maximum weekly average temperatures (MWAT) increased by 1.5–2.3°C in response to an air temperature increases of 3.5°C under low flow conditions (drought) but by only 0.9–2.0°C under moderate flow. Complete removal of riparian forest in a large‐scale forest fire would increase MWAT by 2.2–5.9°C in low discharges and by 1.0–4.4°C under moderate discharge. Riparian zone reforestation would decrease MWATs by less than 0.8°C, a modest change reflecting high existing shade on the modelled stream reaches. Comparison of identical climate and land cover change scenarios under low and moderate discharge conditions reveals that efforts to conserve stream discharge volume could be an effective mechanism to mitigate stream temperature increases. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riparia surrounding low‐order streams are dynamic environments that often support distinct biodiversity. Because of their connection to nearby uplands, riparian vegetation communities at these streams respond to many environmental filters—climatic, physical, chemical or biotic factors—that restrict what species can occur at a given location from within larger regional species pools. In this study, we examined how environmental filters originating at the landscape, watershed and reach scales correspond to riparian plant community composition across the interior Columbia and upper Missouri River basins, USA. We correlated riparian vegetation to environmental filters, identified unique communities and partitioned the variance within riparian vegetation data among filters originating at different scales. Riparian vegetation composition was strongly correlated to landscape‐scale filters including elevation, precipitation and temperature. Watershed‐scale filters such as grazing and reach filters indicative of fluvial setting were also correlated to vegetation composition, often differentiating communities with similar landscape settings. We identified 10 distinct vegetation communities. Forested communities occurred at higher elevation, moderate gradient reaches with high mean annual precipitation. Shrub–forb systems corresponded to fluvial and watershed disturbances and occurred within climates that could preclude forest establishment. Meadows corresponded to high water tables and/or high grazing activity. Variance partitioning showed that landscape‐scale filters explained the most variance within vegetation communities. Global change will alter many of the environmental filters that drive vegetation. Vegetation change may occur rapidly if local filters (e.g. fluvial process) change rapidly or may occur more slowly if larger‐order filters (e.g. climate) change slowly and without influencing local hydrogeomorphic filters. By identifying filter–vegetation relationships at large spatial scales, hypotheses can be constructed on how riparian vegetation communities may change under future environmental conditions. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation development and macroinvertebrate assemblages were studied in 16 streams formed between 35 and 230 years ago, following glacial recession in Glacier Bay National Park, southeast Alaska. Riparian vegetation established most rapidly in streams where flow variation in downstream reaches was buffered by a lake. Riparian vegetation development was positively correlated with lower bank stability, but was independent of stream age. Roots and branches of riparian vegetation trailing into streams (trailing riparian habitat—TRH) were shown to be an important habitat for a number of macroinvertebrate taxa. In young and unstable streams, TRH was colonized mainly by Plecoptera whereas in more stable lake‐influenced streams Simuliidae dominated. Significant coarse woody debris (CWD) accumulations were not observed until after approximately 130 years of stream development had occurred when certain channel features, such as gravel bars, were stabilized by dead wood. Where dead wood was present, opportunistic wood taxa were abundant, even in the younger streams. However, a xylophagous species, Polypedilum fallax, was not recorded until streams were over 100 years old. Two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) using presence/absence of macroinvertebrate taxa on TRH, initially divided streams into lake and non‐lake systems, but subsequent divisions were consistent with differences in stream age. TWINSPAN of macroinvertebrate assemblages on dead wood again highlighted differences in stream age. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that bed stability and stream age were the most important environmental variables influencing macroinvertebrate distribution on TRH. Trailing riparian habitat was most abundant in moderately unstable streams where it facilitates invertebrate colonization. CWD contributes markedly to channel stabilization, provides habitat for invertebrate xylophages, and confers additional habitat complexity. Maximum levels of CWD are predicted to occur in non‐lake streams after approximately 300 years, but at least a further 100 years will be required in stable streams below lakes where dead wood entrainment is not enhanced by flooding, channel migration and bank undercutting. A conceptual model summarizing the role of TRH and CWD on stream development in Glacier Bay is presented. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As anthropogenic impacts on riverine ecosystems expand, both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are influenced over large spatiotemporal scales. We predicted how riparian bird communities changed in response to long‐term changes in floodplain landscapes such as woodland expansion (i.e. rapid increases in vegetation cover on gravel bars and the progress of vegetation succession due to a decrease in the frequency and magnitude of flood disturbance). To test the hypothesis that woodland expansion after dam construction reduces the abundance of gravel bar‐nesting birds and increases the abundance of forest‐nesting birds, we estimated historical changes between past and present bird abundances using species distribution models across multiple rivers that were either unregulated or regulated by dams. We created past and present vegetation maps from remote sensing images and used habitat quantities as explanatory variables in the species distribution models. As we hypothesized, the estimated abundance of gravel bar‐nesting birds decreased and that of forest‐nesting birds increased because of woodland expansion in some regulated rivers. This suggests that anthropogenic alterations of riverine conditions (e.g. dam construction) can affect terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. riparian bird communities) through changes in floodplains (e.g. woodland expansion). In addition, our findings highlight the efficacy of combining spatial and temporal analyses when examining long‐term ecological dynamics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In‐depth knowledge of the fluvial corridor and surrounding slopes and forest vegetation is needed for a better understanding of wood recruitment or inputs to rivers. The information available in Central Spain on hydrogeomorphic processes and forest distribution enabled the evaluation of potential wood recruitment from three sources: landslides, bank erosion and fluvial transport during floods on a regional scale. The method presented here is based on a geographical information system (GIS) and on multi‐criteria and multi‐objective assessment using fuzzy logic principles. First, the areas potentially affected by landslides, bank erosion and floods were delineated, and a vegetation analysis was carried out to obtain the vegetation resistance and forest density. Several scenarios were proposed based on the process frequency and severity. Using this method, the volume of potentially available wood can be estimated for each scenario. Fourteen river basins in populated areas were selected for further analyses and field survey. Observations of in‐stream storage of woody debris and tree disturbances were used to interpret the woody debris dynamics throughout the watershed and validate the obtained results. This method offers a suitable approach to define a watershed's capacity to recruit wood material to streams by delineating the source areas and estimating the order of magnitude of the wood volume in each case. The results may be useful to characterize the dynamics of woody debris from the perspective of the potential hazard of its transport during floods, and they can also be used for forest and river management and restoration. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from a semiarid watershed of the southwestern United States (Verde River basin, Arizona) indicated that abundance and species richness of mixed deciduous riparian forests varied in a curvilinear and quantifiable fashion as a function of stream flow parameters. Three indicators of riparian abundance—foliage area, stem basal area and stand width—increased most significantly with growing season flow volume, a surrogate indicator of riparian water availability. Tree species richness varied in a bell curve fashion with flood size, with the greatest richness occurring at streams with intermediate flood magnitudes. These instream flow models have management implications for riparian habitats. They suggest that flow volume (and the related attributes of water-table recharge and floodplain soil wetting) is the primary factor regulating riparian vegetation abundance in the Verde River watershed, and provide a first approximation of the extent of riparian loss expected from flow diversion or other types of flow reduction.  相似文献   

Large wood (LW) has important physical and ecological functions in streams. Riparian vegetation is extensively removed during urban expansion, and urban streams may experience enhanced fluvial transport of LW due to flashy hydrology. In this study, LW loads were assessed for three reaches on North Buffalo Creek, an urban stream located in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States. These three reaches have similar hydrology but different riparian vegetation densities. We measured the frequencies and sizes of both in-channel LW and riparian vegetation across the three reaches. Our results showed that the recently reforested reach had greater LW volume (22.5 m3/km) compared to the unmanaged forested site (16 m3/km) and the site with low riparian vegetation density (4.78 m3/km). The difference in LW frequency among reaches was statistically significant ( p = .05 ). However, the difference in the volume of individual pieces was not significantly different across reaches ( p = .84 ) , indicating that a similar size of wood is recruited across the three sites. Our findings also showed that there is a positive relationship between riparian vegetation frequency and in-channel LW frequency, which are significantly related as a power function. Spatial lag models (integrating upstream riparian trees) did not show better results compared to a non-lagged model, suggesting that storage and recruitment were predominantly local and that the LW distribution at our reaches is limited by recruitment rather than dominated by fluvial transport. Our findings suggested that a fully forested watershed is not needed to provide some of the benefits of wood to urban streams.  相似文献   

This study quantified the unique variation in stream fish and habitat and a land use disturbance index (LDI) at a variety of spatial scales: catchment, eight riparian polygons that varied in width and length (e.g. 50 m to all upstream reaches), upstream polygons of 1.6 and 3.2 km and the residual upland area of each site watershed not accounted for by each polygon. The analyses confirmed a hockey stick‐shaped relationship between the fish community and the LDI, with sensitive species only present below an LDI of 11. The largest variation for most metrics was explained by the largest polygons, suggesting that local riparian conditions were not as important predictors of stream condition. LDI in upland areas, where zero‐order streams occur, was also an important predictor of fish biomass and taxa richness. Contrary to expected, additive models with both catchment and riparian corridors provided minimal increases in predictive power, and no improvement in model performance occurred when data sets were stratified into sites below the LDI threshold. Finally, there was considerable covariation in the template and stressor predictor variables that made it difficult to quantify the unique variation in biological and physical responses accounted for by land use. That the 1600‐m proximal polygon provided the best predictor of the fish community and temperature is supportive of there being some proximal effects of land use. Overall, our findings suggest that stream management must consider processes that occur in the entire upstream catchment and the entire riparian corridor, including the headwaters for success. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cattle access to streams has been linked globally with degradation of stream water quality, driven largely by bank erosion and resultant instream, fine sediment deposition. The majority of evidence on such effects is however based in arid and semiarid regions of the United States and Australia, with few studies relating to cool temperate climates such as Northwest Europe. In this study, “Quorer” resuspendable sediment samples were taken from riffle geomorphic units upstream (control) and at two points downstream (pressure and recovery) of cattle access points in headwater streams in agricultural catchments in Ireland to assess levels of deposited stream sediment. Samples were taken in April/May (2016) prior to the grazing season and in October (2016) at the end of the grazing season. Sites in good‐high ecological status catchments and less than good ecological status catchments were included in the study. Higher levels of sediment were found downstream of cattle access points in both good‐high status and less than good status catchments; however, the impacts of access points were spatially confined to, in most cases, the area immediately downstream of the point of access. There was a strong correlation between deposited sediment mass and organic matter (OM) mass, with levels of OM increasing linearly with deposited sediment mass. Levels of measured sediment were negatively correlated with riparian habitat health (measured using a qualitative habitat assessment). The results of this study highlight the need for measures to prevent cattle access to headwater streams where access points can be many in order to manage local habitat quality and downstream water quality issues.  相似文献   

Data from 10 sampling sites along the River Njoro are used to examine the contribution of nutrients from upstream land uses draining each of the sampling sites. The data also are used to assess whether both the proportion of land uses and the size of the subwatersheds account for the variability in water quality in the River Njoro watershed. Geographical Information System analysis was used to determine the spatial distribution of land‐cover types and subwatersheds contributing run‐off to the sampling sites in the River Njoro. Standard Digital Elevation Model‐based routines were used to establish the watershed area contributing run‐off to each sampling site. Water and sediment samples were collected for chemical analysis, and the nutrient levels were related to the upstream land‐use types and the size of the subwatersheds. The mid‐stream portion of the River Njoro (near Egerton University) accounts for the highest nutrient contributions. The percentage contribution is magnified by additions from industrial, human settlements and agricultural land uses around the University. There is a significant decrease in nutrient levels downstream, however, indicating natural purification as the river flows through an area of large‐scale farming with intense, well‐preserved riparian and in‐stream vegetation. Steep slopes of the land upstream of Egerton University enhance erosion and nutrient losses from those subwatersheds. Mixed small‐scale agricultural and bare lands contribute over 55% of the phosphorus load to the upper and mid‐reaches of the River Njoro. The size of the subwatershed accounts for about 53% of the variability in the soluble phosphorus in the river. The land‐use subwatershed proportions are important for characterizing and modelling water quality in the River Njoro watershed. Upland land uses are as important as near‐stream land uses. We suggest that conservation of intact riparian corridor along the river and its tributaries contributes significantly to natural purification processes and recovery of the ecological integrity of the River Njoro ecosystem.  相似文献   

In‐channel large woody debris (LWD) promotes quality aquatic habitat through sediment sorting, pool scouring and in‐stream nutrient retention and transport. LWD recruitment occurs by numerous ecological and geomorphic mechanisms including channel migration, mass wasting and natural tree fall, yet LWD sourcing on the watershed scale remains poorly constrained. We developed a rapid and spatially extensive method for using light detection and ranging data to do the following: (i) estimate tree height and recruitable tree abundance throughout a watershed; (ii) determine the likelihood for the stream to recruit channel‐spanning trees at reach scales and assess whether mass wasting or channel migration is a dominant recruitment mechanism; and (iii) understand the contemporary and future distribution of LWD at a watershed scale. We utilized this method on the 78‐km‐long Narraguagus River in coastal Maine and found that potential channel‐spanning LWD composes approximately 6% of the valley area over the course of the river and is concentrated in spatially discrete reaches along the stream, with 5 km of the river valley accounting for 50% of the total potential LWD found in the system. We also determined that 83% of all potential LWD is located on valley sides, as opposed to 17% on floodplain and terrace surfaces. Approximately 3% of channel‐spanning vegetation along the river is located within one channel width of the stream. By examining topographic and morphologic variables (valley width, channel sinuosity, valley‐side slope) over the length of the stream, we evaluated the dominant recruitment processes along the river and often found a spatial disconnect between the location of potential channel‐spanning LWD and recruitment mechanisms, which likely explains the low levels of LWD currently found in the system. This rapid method for identification of LWD sources is extendable to other basins and may prove valuable in locating future restoration projects aimed at increasing habitat quality through wood additions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In southeastern Coastal Plain streams, wood debris can be very abundant and is recruited from extensive forested floodplains. Despite importance of wood debris, there have been few opportunities to examine recruitment and redistribution of wood in an undisturbed setting, particularly in the southeastern Coastal Plain. Following extensive flooding in 1994, measurements of individual downed trees (species, dbh, orientation, distance from base‐flow channel and condition) were made across replicated riparian landforms in a Gulf Coastal Plain 5th‐order stream. Annually, the fate of these trees was determined and newly recruited trees were noted. More than 300 downed trees have been recorded. Recruitment varied across landforms with more constrained reaches having greatest mortality. Total tree mortality varied substantially across years. Generally, tree recruitment was greatest in years with substantial floods (1994 and 1998). For each riparian landform type, tree mortality was correlated with the maximum daily flow during the period preceding annual debris surveys. This relationship was particularly strong for sand ridges (r2 = 0.942) and low terraces (r2 = 0.915), but was significant for floodplains (r2 = 0.413). Greatest rates of debris recruitment per maximum daily flow were observed for sand ridges followed by low terraces. Flood characteristics also influenced debris recruitment. The 1994 flood was caused by a tropical storm and resulted in a rapid rise in streamflow. Much of the debris recruited during this flood was from toppled trees and was oriented parallel to the stream channel. In contrast, the 1998 flood was preceded by a wetter than average winter with more gradually rising flows and there was no relationship between riparian landform and debris characteristics. These results indicate that wood recruitment dynamics in Coastal Plain streams are complex. Wood recruitment rates are controlled by cyclical variations in climate interacting with riparian geomorphology. Infrequent high flows appear critical in the maintenance of the instream debris pool. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat enhancement on the invertebrate communities in five urban streams in Christchurch, New Zealand, were investigated. All streams underwent riparian planting, while extensive channel modifications were made at two streams, where a concrete dish channel and a wooden timber‐lined stream were removed and natural banks reinstated. Benthic invertebrates were collected before enhancement and 5 years after from the same locations. Invertebrates were also collected from control sites in each stream in 2001. Desired goals of enhancement activities included increasing the densities of mayflies and caddisflies, and decreasing densities of oligochaetes, snails and midges. Enhancement activities changed riparian vegetation and bank conditions, as well as substrate composition, instream organic matter and variability of instream velocities. Invertebrate communities prior to enhancement were typical of those in urban environments, and dominated by snails (Potamopyrgus, Physa), the amphipod Paracalliope, the hydroptilid caddisfly Oxyethira, oligochaetes and chironomids. Stream enhancement caused only small changes to the invertebrate community, with subtle shifts in overall abundance, species evenness, diversity, and ordination scores. Lack of a consistent strong response by invertebrates to enhancement activities, and continued absence of caddisflies and mayflies from enhanced sites may reflect lack of sufficient change to instream conditions as a result of stream enhancement, colonization bottlenecks for aerial stages of these animals, and the inability of individuals outside the urban watershed to perceive these enhanced ‘islands’ of good habitat. Alternatively, contamination of streambed sediments, excess sedimentation and reduced base flows may be limiting factors precluding successful invertebrate colonization in enhanced sites. These results highlight the importance of setting clear goals and objectives necessary to meet these goals. Enhancement of riparian zones in urban streams may not be adequate to improve benthic invertebrate communities. Identifying over‐arching factors that potentially limit invertebrate communities will enable the enhancement potential of streams to be better assessed, and allow managers to identify sites where recovery of biological communities is possible, and where such recovery is not. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrology is a defining feature of aquatic ecosystems. Changes in stream hydrology, due to climate change, water use and impoundment, have been shown to negatively affect fish populations. Assessing changes in hydrology and its effect on fish populations and communities remains an important consideration for aquatic monitoring programmes across the globe. In this study, we used the Milk River in southern Alberta as a model system to understand how hydrologic alteration may also affect capture probabilities of fishes and impact instream monitoring programmes. The Milk River receives the majority of its April to October flow via an inter‐basin transfer from the St. Mary River, drastically altering the hydrologic regime and instream habitats for fishes during this augmentation period. We estimated species‐specific seine net capture probabilities of fishes in the Milk River during augmentation and natural flow periods using depletion surveys in both open and enclosed sites. Using habitat data collected during the seine surveys, linear mixed‐effects models were created with capture efficiency as the dependent variable. Models were compared using corrected Akaike's information criterion, and the relative contributions of the different variables to the top models were examined. We found that species and flow characteristics, such as water velocity and the state of augmentation, played a prominent role in many of the top models explaining variation in capture efficiency. These results demonstrate that changes to stream hydrology clearly have the potential to impact gear efficiency and individual species assessments. Stream monitoring programmes, which aim to determine long‐term trends in aquatic ecosystem health, need to be mindful that any change to stream hydrology—from climate change, fragmentation or stream alteration—can alter capture efficiency of the sampling gear and inadvertently alter species‐specific trends. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dead trees in rivers can significantly affect their morphological and ecological properties by increasing flow resistance, affecting sediment transport, and storing organic matter. Logs are usually recruited from banks or along the entire upstream basin. Although it is generally acknowledged that forested headwater streams feature higher volumes of in‐channel pieces of large wood, the influence of forest type and forest management of the potential recruitment zone on the volumes and effects of wood have been less explored, especially in relation to the effects of replacing native forests with pine plantations. This paper presents a comparison of volumes of wood, and characteristics and effects on streams draining paired basins with comparable slopes, areas, and hydrologic regimes, but different in terms of land use. The five selected pairs of basins are located in the Coastal and Andean mountain Ranges in central Chile, in order to compare native forest and pine plantation basins. The results show that logs tend to be shorter and with larger diameters in streams draining native forest basins. Because of their smaller dimensions, logs and jams tend to be more mobile and oriented parallel to the flow. Volumes of in‐channel wood in native forest basins are only slightly larger than in pine plantation basins, and no differences have been identified in terms of morphological effects on channel geometry. Also, fish type and biomass were comparable among pairs. Evidence highlights the importance of the width of riparian buffers in mitigating the effects of land use change, especially the substitution of native forest with plantations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Low streamflows and warm stream temperatures currently limit habitat and productivity of trout, including native Lahontan cutthroat trout in Nevada's Walker Basin. Environmental water transfers, which market water from willing sellers to instream uses, are evaluated to improve instream habitat. We use River Modelling System, an hourly, one‐dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model, to estimate current and potential environmental water transfer effects on stream temperatures. Model runs simulate a range of environmental water transfers, from 0.14 to 1.41 cms, at diversions and reservoirs for wet year 2011 and dry year 2012. Results indicate that critically warm stream temperatures generally coincide with low flows, and thermal refugia exist in East Walker River, a tributary of the Walker River. Environmental water transfers reduce maximum stream temperatures by up to 3 °C in dry years and are more effective in dry years than wet years. This research suggests that environmental water transfers can enhance instream habitat by improving water quality as well as increasing instream flow. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The natural flow regime and the relationship between flows and riparian vegetation are described for sites on both the Blackwood River in south‐western Australia and the Ord River in north‐western Australia. Analysis of long‐term flow data showed the historic mean monthly river discharge for the Blackwood River is strongly seasonal and highly predictable with generally low variability each month. The Ord River showed a strong seasonality of flows with about 92% of the (total) yearly flow occurring between December and March. Flow variability was very high (e.g. coefficient of variation >100% for all months) but highly predictable, with this mostly attributed to low but constant dry‐season flows. Water depth, duration of flood events and the number of flood events per year show a significant correlation with aspects of the riparian vegetation within experimental vegetation plots. Results highlight the strong relationship between floristics, life form structure and population dynamics with stream hydrology. On the Blackwood River, species richness and cover of shrubs reduced with increased duration and frequency of flooding, while cover of exotic species and annual herbs increased with increased flooding. Germination of tree seedlings was not influenced by flood regime but size class of tree species increased with flooding frequency. On the Ord River, species richness was not influenced by flooding regime. However, cover of perennial grasses increased with flooding frequency whilst cover of shrubs decreased. There was no relationship between flooding and seedling establishment whilst tree size class decreased with increased flooding. The methods described here can be used to compare the response of different components of the riparian vegetation to different fluvial regimes (e.g. because of impoundment and abstraction). This technique can be expanded for the management of riparian zones and planning rehabilitation programmes. It may also be useful for improving the ecological knowledge base for setting environmental flows in regulated systems. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel‐spanning logjams completely span the active channel and create longitudinal discontinuities of the water surface and stream bed across at least two‐thirds of the channel width. These jams disproportionately affect channel process and form relative to smaller jams that do not span the entire channel width. We analyze a spatially extensive dataset of 859 channel‐spanning jams distributed along 124 km of 16 distinct rivers on the eastern side of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA, with drainage areas spanning 2.6 to 258 km2 and diverse valley geometry and forest stand age. We categorized valley geometry in terms of lateral confinement (confined, partly confined, or unconfined), which correlates with gradient. Jams exhibit substantial downstream variability in spacing at channel lengths of 102–103 m. The number of jams within a reach is explained by a statistical model that includes drainage area, valley type (lateral confinement), and channel width. Longitudinal spacing of jams drops substantially at drainage areas greater than ~20 km2, although jam spacing exhibits tremendous variability at smaller drainage areas. We interpret the lack of jams at larger drainage areas to reflect increasing transport capacity for instream wood. We interpret the variability in jam spacing at small drainage areas to reflect local controls of valley geometry and associated wood recruitment and fluvial transport capacity. Our results suggest that management of instream wood designed to facilitate the formation of channel‐spanning jams can be most effectively focused on smaller drainage areas where these jams are most abundant in the absence of management that alters instream wood recruitment or retention. Unmanaged streams in the study region with drainage area <60 km2 have ~1.1 channel‐spanning jams per 100 m length of stream. The cumulative effects of these jams on instream storage of sediment and organic matter, hyporheic exchange, instream habitat, stream metabolism, and channel–floodplain connectivity are likely to be enormous. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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