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Water and natural resource managers are concerned with evaluating how fish habitat and populations may respond to water diversions and small‐scale flow augmentations. We used two‐dimensional hydraulic models, habitat suitability curves and an individual‐based population viability model to assess whether flow augmentations of about 0.28–0.57 m3/s would create suitable habitat for federally listed native fish loach minnow Rhinichthys cobitis and spikedace Meda fulgida in a reach of the Gila River, New Mexico, and then examined how fish population viability may change under a variety of colonization and extinction scenarios. These simulations help to inform water management decisions in a reach of the Gila River where river diversions currently exist and new diversions and augmentations are being proposed. Our results suggest that the flow augmentations evaluated will result in small changes (on average across life stages, ?0.22% to 4.06%) in suitable habitat for loach minnow and spikedace depending on augmentation scenario and fish life stage. While these percent changes are small, they would result in a reduction in the dewatering of the river channel in a river reach where native fish abundance is thought to be low. Actual native fish responses to these habitat changes are unknown; however, these flow augmentations could potentially allow these native species to re‐colonize this river segment from upstream or downstream sources increasing species distribution and likely population viability. Maintaining viable populations of native fish in this river reach is dependent on complex factors including persistence of suitable habitat for multiple life stages, connectivity with other populations and minimizing risk of invasion from non‐native species. We recommend that these predictions from the habitat and population models be tested and verified in an adaptive management framework linking modelling, experimental management, monitoring and reassessment to inform water management decisions in the Gila River. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We tested a model [Benthic Invertebrate Time series Habitat Simulation (BITHABSIM)] for simulating the effect of changes in flow on benthic macroinvertebrate habitat and relative abundance. The model calculates a habitat index (WUA2) based on weighted usable area (WUA) modified to account for reduction of invertebrate abundance by flood disturbance and drying followed by recolonization. The test involved a comparison of WUA and WUA2 with a 1‐year abundance time series of the common New Zealand mayfly Deleatidium spp. in a small gravel‐bed river with naturally variable flows. The fit of WUA and WUA2 to the Deleatidium spp. abundance time series was judged on correlation and regression analysis of the magnitudes and slopes of the mean‐standardized indices and abundance versus time. WUA fit the low flow part of the abundance time series fairly well, but not the portion after flood disturbance. Over the entire time series, WUA fit Deleatidium spp. abundance and rate of change poorly. WUA2 fit Deleatidium abundance better, but the correlation was not quite statistically significant at the 95% level. However, it did explain the essential temporal pattern. The fit of the slopes of standardized WUA2 to the slopes of standardized Deleatidium spp. abundance was significant (R2 = 0.66), but with a systematic bias; high slopes were underestimated and low slopes overestimated. BITHABSIM adds biological realism to traditional hydraulic‐habitat modelling based on WUA and so improves the reliability of assessments of effects of flow change on benthic macroinvertebrates over the entire hydrograph. Parameter uncertainty and research needs to improve BITHABSIM and future process‐based models are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam removal is an increasingly common restoration technique in lotic ecosystems. Potential dam removal benefits include improved aquatic organism passage, restoration of natural flow dynamics and a general improvement in habitat for native species. However, understanding potential dam removal outcomes requires data on ecosystem response in a wide variety of settings. We evaluated fish and benthic macroinvertebrate response to removal of the Spruce Pine dam in western North Carolina, USA. This dam was partially breached prior to removal, and impounded a coolwater river, both scenarios under which dam removal has been under‐studied. Post‐removal shifts in fish and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages did not occur, suggesting that previously documented patterns of assemblage change in response to dam removal, particularly in the area upstream from the dam, are not universal, and may depend upon factors such as river gradient and water temperature, and the available species pool. Such information can aid managers in identifying conditions under which an expectation of significant instream habitat improvement in response to dam removal may not be warranted. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大苗山山高坡陡,河流坡降大,是泥石流的多发区。根据大苗山已经收集到的泥石流资料,结合降雨情况,提出坡面泥石流、滑坡泥石流和沟谷泥石流预警雨量和预警范围、治理措施。  相似文献   

We evaluated the response of benthic macroinvertebrates in a Michigan trout stream to flow reduction by diverting water from a 602 m reach of Hunt Creek from June through August of 1994, 1997 and 1998. We also assessed the utility of the Physical Habitat Simulation system (PHABSIM) in predicting the response of benthic insects to water withdrawals by testing the assumption of a positive linear relationship between modelled habitat (weighted usable area, WUA) and the density of 13 benthic insect families. Our findings showed that the density of filter feeding and grazing insect taxa, as well as insects classified as obligate erosional zone taxa, declined significantly in the dewatered (treatment) zone (TZ) when 90% of flow was diverted. Density of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa in the TZ was significantly lower when 90% of water was diverted as compared to density at baseflow or when flow was reduced by 50%. The density of all insects in an upstream reference zone riffle (RZ), where flow was not altered, did not change among experimental periods. Although overall reductions in the density of benthic insects at 90% flow reduction coincided with lower PHABSIM predictions of WUA, we found poor linear correlation between WUA at different flows and the density of the 13 benthic insect families for which WUA was modelled. The low proportion of variation explained by WUA for all families modelled suggests that WUA alone is not an accurate predictor of benthic insect density. Resource managers should consider the potential consequences of water withdrawals to all components of stream communities, including benthic macroinvertebrates. However, caution should be applied when using the PHABSIM technique in groundwater‐fed streams such as Hunt Creek, because most relationships between WUA and benthic insect density were insignificant. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The challenge of restoring watersheds in arid regions often requires the development of novel scientific tools to guide management. The Walker Basin Program was created to reverse ecological decline in an arid, endorheic watershed through scientifically guided restoration. As part of this programme, 3 years of benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected seasonally at 10 sites that represent the diversity of river environments from the high‐mountain headwaters to a desert terminal lake. Samples were analysed to quantify baseline conditions in reference and degraded reaches of river and identify opportunities and constraints for aquatic community restoration. Naturally harsh environments in the lower river characterized by high temperatures and low base flow combined with a weak understanding of reference conditions to limit the utility of commonly used indices for quantifying biotic integrity. A flexible approach was employed using a combination of indicator species analysis, cluster analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, and community tolerance indices to evaluate the variation of benthic macroinvertebrate community composition across a set of environmental gradients. Results demonstrate that benthic communities in the watershed are primarily influenced by a longitudinal gradient related to elevation. A strong secondary community gradient caused by anthropogenic nutrient loading may constrain restoration effectiveness in some parts of the watershed. Restoration activities should improve water quality conditions and initially target areas of the watershed less affected by nutrient loading. Results also demonstrate that benthic communities shift longitudinally. These shifts should be monitored to inform adaptive management of restoration actions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrology is a defining feature of aquatic ecosystems. Changes in stream hydrology, due to climate change, water use and impoundment, have been shown to negatively affect fish populations. Assessing changes in hydrology and its effect on fish populations and communities remains an important consideration for aquatic monitoring programmes across the globe. In this study, we used the Milk River in southern Alberta as a model system to understand how hydrologic alteration may also affect capture probabilities of fishes and impact instream monitoring programmes. The Milk River receives the majority of its April to October flow via an inter‐basin transfer from the St. Mary River, drastically altering the hydrologic regime and instream habitats for fishes during this augmentation period. We estimated species‐specific seine net capture probabilities of fishes in the Milk River during augmentation and natural flow periods using depletion surveys in both open and enclosed sites. Using habitat data collected during the seine surveys, linear mixed‐effects models were created with capture efficiency as the dependent variable. Models were compared using corrected Akaike's information criterion, and the relative contributions of the different variables to the top models were examined. We found that species and flow characteristics, such as water velocity and the state of augmentation, played a prominent role in many of the top models explaining variation in capture efficiency. These results demonstrate that changes to stream hydrology clearly have the potential to impact gear efficiency and individual species assessments. Stream monitoring programmes, which aim to determine long‐term trends in aquatic ecosystem health, need to be mindful that any change to stream hydrology—from climate change, fragmentation or stream alteration—can alter capture efficiency of the sampling gear and inadvertently alter species‐specific trends. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对西部某水电站,为满足下游生态环境需要的流量,深入研究了导流建筑物下闸程序.考虑了蓄水进度、施工组织、下闸难度、下游供水、生态流量、上游电站出力泄水和下游电站运行水位等条件和要求,制定了最优的下闸封堵方案,使大型水利水电工程的建设技术与生态文明兼顾融合.  相似文献   

长江防洪实体模型是利用世界银行贷款兴建的重大水利科研项目.通过理论分析与试验研究,建立了适合长江防洪实体模型的非恒定流条件下荆江三口分流模拟控制方式.恒定流和非恒定流条件下的验证试验研究表明,该模拟控制方式下荆江三口模型分流流量与分流过程均与原型相似,基本满足试验精度要求.验证后,该模拟控制方式被应用于长江防洪实体模型...  相似文献   

赣江下游尾闾河道为冲积性多级分汊型河道,主要分为西河、东河,西河分汊为西支和北支、东河分汊为中支和南支。由于水文情势的改变使得赣江水环境和航行条件恶化,拟封堵赣江入鄱阳湖北支以改善水流条件,而对河道的封堵会改变其它支流的水流条件。所以基于物理模型试验,通过分析北支封堵后赣江下游尾闾河网水位、流速、分流比等水流特性的变化,探讨入鄱阳湖北支封堵对尾闾河网水流特性的影响,为赣江尾闾河道整治提供技术依据。试验结果表明:封堵入鄱阳湖北支后,西河分流比减小,东河分流比增大,西支、中支、南支分流比增大,且水位都有所抬高,此外,由于分流比增大,西支、中支、南支部分断面流速增大。  相似文献   

Predictions of habitat‐based assessment methods that are used to determine instream flow requirements for aquatic biota are uncertain, but instream flow practitioners and managers often ignore those uncertainties. Two commonly recognized uncertainties arise from (i) estimating the way in which physical habitat within a river changes with discharge and (ii) the suitability of certain types of physical habitat for organisms. We explored how these sources of uncertainty affect confidence in the results of the British Columbia Instream Flow Methodology (BCIFM), which is a commonly used transect‐based habitat assessment tool for small‐scale water diversions. We calculated the chance of different magnitudes of habitat loss resulting from water diversion using a high‐gradient reach of the North Alouette River, BC, as a case study. We found that uncertainty in habitat suitability indices for juvenile rainbow trout generally dominated uncertainty in the results of the BCIFM when large (>15) numbers of transects were used. In contrast, with small numbers of transects, variation in physical habitat among sampled transects was the major source of uncertainty in the results of the BCIFM. Presentations of results of the BCIFM in terms of probabilities of different amounts of habitat loss for a given flow can help managers prescribe instream flow requirements based on their risk tolerance for fish habitat loss. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

赣江尾闾为冲积性多级分汊型河道,分为西河、东河。西河在裘家洲头,分西支和北支;东河在杨子洲头,分中支和南支。近年来人类各类活动使得赣江尾闾水文情势发生根本变化,对下游水资源利用、水生态环境等带来一系列影响。为了研究赣江尾闾综合整治工程对河段水流特性的影响,采用物理模型试验,重点分析了赣江尾闾河道在不同整治方案下的洪水位、分流比、流速分布等对河网河势的影响。试验结果表明:赣江尾闾北支控堵整治方案对各支沿程洪水位、分流比、流速分布影响较大;而南支疏浚、四支建闸的影响较小,南支疏浚后对工程河段内流速分布的影响主要在于主流线向左岸偏移,而对断面最大流速的影响较小。试验成果对优化整治工程方案具有重要参考作用。  相似文献   

Non‐uniform groundwater discharge into streams influences temperature, a vital stream physical property recognized for its dominant controls on biological processes in lotic habitats at multiple scales. Understanding such spatially heterogeneous processes and their effects is difficult on the basis of stream temperature models often calibrated with discrete temperature measurements. This study focused on examining the effect of groundwater discharge on stream temperature using a physically based stream temperature model calibrated on spatially rich high‐resolution temperature measurements. A distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system with a 1.8‐km fibre optic cable was used to collect temperature measurements for every 1 m of the reach length at 3‐min temporal resolution in the stream Elverdamsåen. The groundwater inflow locations identified using DTS data and 24‐h temperature measurements (14:00 h 6 May 2011 to 14:00 h 7 May 2011) were used for further calibration of the stream temperature model. With 19 inflow locations, the model simulated temperature trends closely mirroring the observed DTS profile with a root mean square error of 0.85 °C. The aggregation of inflows at specific locations forced the model to simulate stepwise inflow signals and small change in downstream temperature. In turn, the DTS data exemplified spiked signals with no change in downstream temperature, a typical characteristic of lowland streams. In spite of the difference in modelled and measured inflow signals, the results indicate that the represented groundwater inflows imperatively controlled the spatial variations of temperature within the study reach, creating three unique thermal zones. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

关于缓解黄河下游断流问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来黄河下游断流现象愈演愈烈。除已分析的流域干旱,降雨偏少,工农业用水剧增以及管理工作跟不上等原因外,笔者认为地上河的自然因素,也是一个带有决定性的成因。目前,在平水年份,黄河的水量除工农业用水及输沙入海用水外,每年尚有约100亿^3弃水,在工农业用水中,有100多亿立方米的水量是动摇流域以外的,评估其为水资源贫乏,值得商榷。  相似文献   

通过长江中游沙市站的实测水沙、断面资料的分析表明,沙市站河槽形态的调整对水沙变异存在一定滞后性。为了研究沙市河段河床演变的滞后响应规律,从3个方面对适用于黄河流域的河床演变滞后响应模型进行改进:①以沙市站多年平均枯水位下的断面面积作为滞后响应模型的特征变量;②引入“年组合流量”概念;③在模型迭代公式中使用分段函数,从而得到适用于沙市河段的河床演变滞后响应模型。利用模型迭代公式进行计算,结果表明改进后的河床演变滞后响应模型计算精度R2处于0.7~0.8之间,可以很好地描述沙市站河槽形态的调整规律。  相似文献   

River regulation can alter the frequency and magnitude of subdaily flow variations causing major impacts on ecological structure and function. We developed an approach to quantify subdaily flow variation for multiple sites across a large watershed to assess the potential impacts of different dam operations (flood control, run‐of‐river hydropower and peaking hydropower) on natural communities. We used hourly flow data over a 9‐year period from 30 stream gages throughout the Connecticut River basin to calculate four metrics of subdaily flow variation and to compare sites downstream of dams with unregulated sites. Our objectives were to (1) determine the temporal scale of data needed to characterize subdaily variability; (2) compare the frequency of days with high subdaily flow variation downstream of dams and unregulated sites; (3) analyse the magnitude of subdaily variation at all sites and (4) identify individual sites that had subdaily variation significantly higher than unregulated locations. We found that estimates of flow variability based on daily mean flow data were not sufficient to characterize subdaily flow patterns. Alteration of subdaily flows was evident in the number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded, rather than in the magnitude of subdaily variation, suggesting that all rivers may exhibit highly variable subdaily flows, but altered rivers exhibit this variability more frequently. Peaking hydropower facilities had the most highly altered subdaily flows; however, we observed significantly altered ranges of subdaily variability downstream of some flood‐control and run‐of‐river hydropower dams. Our analysis can be used to identify situations where dam operating procedures could be modified to reduce the level of hydrologic alteration. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Species distribution models have become widespread in benthic ecology; however, they have mostly been applied to marine and lentic systems. In this study, we applied a maximum entropy model by using remote sensing‐derived environmental variables to predict the distribution of 4 major benthic communities dominated by Tubificidae, Naididae, Echinogammarus ischnus, and Dreissena spp, respectively, in the lower Niagara River, NY, USA. The model showed very good accuracy for benthic communities with a narrow distribution range (Tubificidae and Naididae) indicated by the area under the curve test values of 0.906 and 0.987, respectively. In contrast, the model showed poor performance for E. ischnus and Dreissena indicated by the low area under the curve values of 0.615 and 0.618, respectively. Both communities are known to cope with a wide variety of environmental factors and habitats, making their accurate predictions difficult using presence‐only data. Our results can further be used to locate important feeding grounds for higher trophic levels, to assess the potential spread of exotic species, and to identify areas for restoration.  相似文献   

下荆江尾闾的熊家洲河段自1950年斜槽裁弯形成新生汊道分流,使得下游七弓岭弯道水动力发生调整,进而加剧河道崩岸,影响河势稳定。采用水文资料和地形数据,基于MIKE21软件建立熊家洲弯道上下游河段(监利—螺山)的二维水动力数值模型,设置不同来流量和新汊道尺寸,模拟新汊道条件改变对七弓岭弯道水动力调整的影响。研究表明:汊道展宽至分流明显后,主流水动力轴线沿七弓岭弯道的凸岸偏转;当汊道尺寸较大时,汊道出流近似垂直于七弓岭弯道颈口上游河岸,加剧颈口上游未守护河段的崩岸,这为原型观测所证实。  相似文献   

山区卵砾石河流在西部山区广泛分布,其阻力关系是认识水流泥沙输移规律、模拟山洪演进过程的制约因素。通过在四川龙溪河的现场观测,获得了水力学、泥沙、地貌等要素的数据,分析了阻力系数与卵砾石特征粒径、坡降、流量、河床结构强度等参数的关系,检验了已发表的多个山区河流阻力公式的适用性。结果表明,由于山区卵砾石河流存在不同发育程度的河床结构以及卵砾石的部分可动性,阻力系数与山区河流的流量、坡降、河床结构发育程度参数等有密切关系;Rickenmann (1994)及Ferguson (2007)阻力公式在龙溪河具有较好的适用性。本文仅仅是山区河流阻力的初步成果,今后将进一步开展阻力关系的深入研究。  相似文献   

Over the past century, flow regulation and vegetation encroachment have reduced active channel widths along the central Platte River, Nebraska. During the last two decades, an annual program of in‐channel vegetation management has been implemented to stabilize or expand active channel widths. Vegetation management practices are intended to enhance riverine habitats which include nocturnal roosting habitat for sandhill cranes. Evaluating the success of other management treatments such as streamflow modification requires an understanding of how flow shapes the sandbars in the river and how sandbar morphology interacts with flow to create crane habitat. These linkages were investigated along a 1‐km managed river reach by comparing the spatial pattern of riverine roosts and emergent sandbars identified with aerial infrared imagery to variables computed with a two‐dimensional hydraulic model. Nocturnal observations made multiple years showed that the area and patterns of riverine roosts and emergent sandbars and the densities of cranes within roosts changed with stage. Despite sandbar vegetation management, low flows were concentrated into incised channels rather than spread out over broad sandbars. The flow model was used to compute hydraulic variables for identical streamflows through two sandbar morphologies; one following a period of relatively high flow and the other following the low‐flow period. Compared with the simulation using the morphology from the antecedent high flow, the simulation using the morphology from the antecedent low flow produced a smaller quantity of available wetted area. These remote‐sensing observations and hydraulic simulations illustrate the importance of considering flow history when designing streamflows to manage in‐channel habitat for cranes. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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