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通过MBE外延系统生长了1.3 μm的GaAs基InAs量子点激光器.为了获得更好的器件性能,InAs量子点的最优生长温度被标定为520 ℃,并且在有源区中引入Be掺杂.制备了脊宽100 μm,腔长2 mm的激光器单管器件,在未镀膜的情况下,达到了峰值功率1.008 W的室温连续工作,阈值电流密度为110 A/cm-2,在80℃下仍然可以实现连续工作,在50 ℃以下范围内,特征温度达到405 K.  相似文献   

We present a study on the effects of quantum dot coverage on the properties of InAs dots embedded in GaAs and in metamorphic In0.15Ga0.85As confining layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. We show that redshifted emission wavelengths exceeding 1.3 μm at room temperature were obtained by the combined use of InGaAs confining layers and high quantum dot coverage. The use of high InAs coverage, however, leads to detrimental effects on the optical and electrical properties of the structures. We relate such behaviour to the formation of extended structural defects originating from relaxed large-sized quantum dots that nucleate in accordance to thermodynamic equilibrium theories predicting the quantum dot ripening. The effect of the reduced lattice-mismatch of InGaAs metamorphic layers on quantum dot ripening is discussed in comparison with the InAs/GaAs system.  相似文献   

The effect of pulsed laser annealing (PLA), using an excimer laser, on the luminescence efficiency of self-organized InAs/GaAs and In0.4Ga0.6As/GaAs quantum dots has been investigated. It is found that such annealing can enhance both the peak and integrated photoluminescence (PL) efficiency of the dots, up to a factor of 5–10 compared to as-grown samples, without any spectral shift of the luminescence spectrum. The improved luminescence is attributed to the annealing of nonradiative point and extended defects in and around the dots.  相似文献   

InGaAs/GaAs量子点红外探测器   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
与量子阱红外探测器相比,量子点红外探测器具有不制作表面光栅就能在垂直入射红外光照射下工作以及工作温度更高等优势。然而,目前阻碍量子点红外探测器性能提高的技术瓶颈主要来自组装量子点较差的大小均匀性、较低的量子点密度以及垂直入射下子带跃迁吸收效率低等原因。利用分子束外延技术研究了如何从量子点材料生长和器件设计两方面来克服这些困难,并且制作了几种不同结构的InGaAs/GaAs量子点红外探测器。 在77 K时,这些器件在垂直入射条件下观察到了很强的光电流信号。  相似文献   

GaAs selective epitaxial growth by conventional molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) was studied while varying its growth conditions, such as substrate temperature. As pressure, growth rate, and Si or Be doping. Selectivity is improved with the increase in substrate temperature, and with the decrease in As pressure or growth rate. Si and Be were doped up to 3 x 1018 and 3 × 1019 cm−3, respectively. While no Si doping influence was observed, Be doping degraded the surface morphology. Selective epitaxial growth by conventional MBE with appropriate growth conditions will be applicable to device fabrication.  相似文献   

We have investigated the self-assembled InAs dot growth on patterned (100), (111)B, and (311)A GaAs substrates in order to obtain facet preferential characteristics among various facets for the purpose of better position control of the dots for possible applications to the electronic and photonic devices. The self-assembled InAs dots were found to grow selectively in the bottom of the tetrahedral etch-pits or on certain ridges or valleys or slopes of grooved surfaces in a regular fashion. Some common preference relationships among different original orientation of the substrate were consistent with each other. The physical origin of the preference is explained by the combination of difference in number of bonds on different surfaces and the accommodation of strains by surface misfit dislocations.  相似文献   

We propose the growth of thick ‘spacer’ layers (d) for high-quality 10-stack InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) emitting at 1.23 μm without the use of strain reduction layers (SRLs). All samples were grown using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and extensively characterised using X-ray diffraction, optical spectroscopy and microscopy techniques. We demonstrate that for d<50 nm, large ‘volcano-like’ defects are formed at the top of the stacked structure, while for d=50 nm, these features were not observed. The process of suppressing these abnormal defects has resulted in significant photoluminescence (PL) enhancement, paving the way for the realisation of defect-free QD laser devices.  相似文献   

The growth of InAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaAs (0 0 1) substrates by selective area molecular beam epitaxy (SA-MBE) with dielectric mask is investigated. The GaAs polycrystals on the mask, which is formed during growth due to low GaAs selectivity between dielectric mask and epitaxial region in MBE, strongly affect the distribution of InAs QDs on the neighbouring epitaxial regions. It is found that the GaAs polycrystalline regions strongly absorb indium during QD growth, confirmed by microscopic and optical studies. GaAs polycrystalline deposit can be reduced under low growth rate and high-temperature growth conditions. Almost no reduction in QD areal density is observed when there is minimal polycrystalline coverage of the mask.  相似文献   

BxGa1−xAs ternary compounds with boron compositions varying up to x=1% have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Reflection high energy electron diffraction and double crystal x-ray diffraction measurements show that grown layers are single crystal with boron composition up to 0.25% and exhibit specular surface morphology. Photoluminescence measurements indicated a monotonic increase in energy bandgap with boron composition up to 0.25%. The layers showed p-type conductivity with hole concentration reaching the low 1019 cm−3 range. Increasing boron concentrations leads to rough surface morphology and reduction in photoluminescence intensity. Initial results indicate that lower growth temperature may be useful for increasing boron incorporation in BGaAs compounds.  相似文献   

Two kinds of superlattices (i) with and (ii) without growth interrupt (GI) after deposition of 1.77 monolayers (ML) of InAs on GaAs (0 0 1) were grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques, double crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements in order to gain an understanding of the structural and compositional properties. In case (i) formation of coherent dislocation free self-organized quantum dots (SOQDs) with 2.8-3.2 nm height and 13-16 nm lateral size was observed, whereas in case (ii) no quantum dots had formed. In order to better understand the implication of growth interruption for the formation mechanism, highly localised assessment of the composition of the QD was carried out via atomic resolution Z-contrast imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) epitaxial films with various thicknesses are grown on sapphire substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The nucleation evolution of surface morphology and structural property during the growth of Al epitaxial films on sapphire substrates are investigated in detail. It is found that the 10 nm-thick Al epitaxial films grown on the sapphire substrates show the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) for Al(111) of 0.35° and the root-mean square (RMS) surface roughness of 2.4 nm. When the thickness increases, the surface initially starts to roughen and then becomes smoother. At the same time, the crystal quality of the Al epitaxial films becomes better thanks to the annihilation of dislocations. As the thickness of Al epitaxial films reaches 800 nm, the FWHM for Al(111) is 0.04° and the RMS surface roughness is 0.14 nm, indicating the high crystal quality and flat surface morphology of Al epitaxial films. The corresponding nucleation mechanism of Al epitaxial films grown on sapphire substrates is hence proposed. This work is of great significance for the fabrication of Al-based devices.  相似文献   

Molecular beam epitaxy growth of a bilayer stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot structure on a pure GaAs matrix has been systemically investigated.The influence of growth temperature and the InAs deposition of both layers on the optical properties and morphologies of the bilayer quantum dot(BQD) structures is discussed.By optimizing the growth parameters,InAs BQD emission at 1.436μm at room temperature with a narrower FWHM of 27 meV was demonstrated.The density of QDs in the second layer is around 9×109 to 1.4×1010 cm-2. The BQD structure provides a useful way to extend the emission wavelength of GaAs-based material for quantum functional devices.  相似文献   

系统介绍了利用分子束外延方法在纯GaAs材料上生长InAs/GaAs耦合量子点结构。讨论了生长温度和上下两层量子点中InAs的淀积量对于材料发光性质和表面形貌的影响。通过优化生长参数,得到了室温发光波长在1.436μm,FWHM为27meV的耦合量子点材料。第二层量子点的密度在9109到1.41010cm-2之间。耦合量子点结构为拓展GaAs基材料在量子功能器件应用中的发光波长提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

Recently, the growth of patterned surfaces is being used to demonstrate the site control of the three-dimensional nanostructures, and in particular quantum dots. Nevertheless the pre-patterning techniques show some disadvantages. In this work, we report a novel in situ hole-patterning technique which consists of growing by molecular beam epitaxy a dilute nitride GaAsN layer on 1° and 2° towards [2¯ 1 1] misoriented GaAs(1 1 1)B substrates. Later, we carry out a regrowth of GaAs layers on this patterned surfaces in order to improve the surface quality and the homogeneity of the characteristics of holes (size, depth, etc.). Consecutively, we use these patterned surfaces to grow InAs quantum dots, whose growth on these misorientations results in a greater difficulty. A structural characterization of the resulting samples, both hole-patterns and quantum dots, has been performed. Besides, we have realized studies of the dependence of the surface morphology on some important parameters (including substrate misorientation, thicknesses of the GaAsN and GaAs layers grown and growth conditions).  相似文献   

Wide-gap II-VI MgZnCdSe quaternary compounds were grown on InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy, for the first time. Changing the Mg composition (x = 0 to 0.63), various Mgx(ZnyCd1_y)1_xSe lattice-matched to InP were grown. Mirror-like surface morphologies and streaky reflection high energy electron diffraction patterns of MgZnCdSe were obtained. With increased Mg compositions, the band-edge emissions wavelength in photoluminescence spectra was shifted from 572 nm (2.17 eV) to 398 nm (3.12 eV) at 15K. Furthermore, the absolute PL peak intensity increased drastically with increased band-edge emission, being accompanied by a relative decrement in the deep level emission intensities were also observed.  相似文献   

We have studied the p-type doping in ZnSe molecular beam epitaxial growth using a novel high-power (5 kW) radio frequency (rf) plasma source. The effect of growth conditions such as the rf power, the Se/Zn flux ratio and the growth temperature on p-ZnSe:N was investigated. The net acceptor concentration (NA—ND) of around 1 × 1018 cm−3 was reproducibly achieved. The activation ratio ((NA—ND)/[N]) of p-ZnSe:N with NA—ND of 1.2 × 1018 cm−3 was found to be as high as 60%, which is the highest value so far obtained for NA—ND ∼ 1018 cm−3. The 4.2K photoluminescence spectra of p-ZnSe:N grown under the optimized growth condition showed well-resolved deep donor-acceptor pair emissions even with high NA—ND. On leave from Sumitomo Electric Industry Ltd. On leave from Sony Corp.  相似文献   

Single-crystal GaAs has been grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Gd3Ga5012 (GGG) using an InAs buffer layer and an InAs/GaAs multilayer structure between the GGG and the GaAs. The x-ray diffraction spectrum shows that both the InAs and GaAs epitaxial layers are oriented in the (111) direction when grown on a (100) GGG substrate. The unintentionally doped InAs layers aren-type and have donor concentrations in the range of 7 × 1016 to 2 × 1018 cm-3 which vary inversely with growth temperature. The corresponding carrier mobilities vary from 3.5 × 103 to 1 × 103 cm2/V s. The GaAs was also found to be conducting. The 77-K photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the GaAs grown on the GGG differs from that of homoepitaxial GaAs in that the heteroepitaxial GaAs PL intensity is approximately 50 times lower, its linewidth is five times broader, and its peak energy is blue shifted by 10 meV.  相似文献   

The growth of InAs on GaAs(0 0 1) is of great interest primarily due to the self-assembly of arrays of quantum dots (QDs) with excellent opto-electronic properties. However, a basic understanding of their spontaneous formation is lacking. Advanced experimental methods are required to probe these nanostructures dynamically in order to elucidate their growth mechanism. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been successfully applied to many GaAs-based materials grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Typical STM–MBE experiments involve quenching the sample and transferring it to a remote STM chamber under arsenic-free ultra-high vacuum. In the case of GaAs-based materials grown at substrate temperatures of 400–600 °C, operating the STM at room temperature ensures that the surface is essentially static on the time scale of STM imaging. To attempt dynamic experiments requires a system in which STM and MBE are incorporated into one unit in order to scan in situ during growth. Here, we discuss in situ STM results from just such a system, covering both QDs and the dynamics of the wetting layer.  相似文献   

Self-assembled InAs islands were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on InP(001) and characterized by atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The growth temperature (450–600°C), the InAs deposition time (3–12 s, using a growth rate of ~2.3Å/s), and the growth interruption time (8–240 s) were varied systematically in order to investigate the effect of thermodynamic and kinetic factors on the structural properties of InAs/InP and InP/InAs/InP structures. It is found that the structural properties of islands vary widely with the growth conditions, ranging from very small (4–5 nm height, ~30–60 nm in diameter) coherent islands at low temperature (450–500°C) to large (~350 nm wide) plastically relaxed islands at high temperature (600°C). For a given deposition time, the height of the coherent islands increases markedly with the growth temperature while their diameter shows only a moderate increase. The growth interruption time also affects the formation and the evolution of islands, which clearly shows that these processes are kinetically limited. Coherent islands with structural properties suitable for use in optoelectronic devices are obtained from ~2.4–4.8 monolayer thick InAs layers using a growth temperature of 500°C and a 30 s interruption time.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence spectra in an external magnetic field of an ensemble of InAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a (001) GaAs substrate with a disorientation in the [010] direction are studied. A redistribution of the photoexcited carriers among different groups of dots under the influence of the magnetic field is observed. The concentration of quantum dots is determined by analyzing the data. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 1084–1087 (September 1999)  相似文献   

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