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本文主要通过变温穆斯堡尔谱等手段研究金属间化物(Sm(1-x)Dyx)2Fe(17)Ny(x=0.4;2<y<3)的自旋重取向现象,进而对其中的各向异性产生机制进行分析。由实验结果得出Dy次格子的单轴各向异性较强,导致在150K~100K较低温度下出现自旋重取向现象。 相似文献
Sm_2 Fe_(17) prepared by reduction-diffusion method needs to be washed with water to remove calcium oxide. Electrochemical corrosion occurs when Sm_2 Fe_(17) powder is in contact with liquid water. Corrosion mechanism of H_2 O on Sm_2 Fe_(17) powder and nitrogenation process of corroded Sm_2 Fe_(17) were studied by analyzing the structure and morphology. It is indicated that the metallic hydroxide forms and deposits on the Sm_2 Fe_(17) powder surfaces during water corrosion. At the same time, oxygen and hydrogen enter the unit cell of Sm2 Fe_(17), causing a slight increase in Curie temperature. In the subsequent nitriding process,the hydroxide is dehydrated and hydrogen is desorbed. The resulting oxide reacts with Sm_2 Fe_(17)N_x to form a-Fe and Sm_2 O_3. Thermodynamic calculations using the HSC Chemistry 6.0 software indicate that the reaction can occur spontaneously. The effect of water corrosion on the magnetic properties of the nitride can be eliminated by hydrogen reduction prior to nitriding. 相似文献
刘安生 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》1996,(4)
HREMStudyonSm(Co,Fe,Cu,Ti)_7AlloyAgedunderDifferentConditionsLiuAnsheng(刘安生)(GeneralResearchinstituteforNon-ferrousMetals,Bei?.. 相似文献
阐述了Sm_2Co_(17)型永磁材料的高温磁性能和应用前景。从温度内补偿的角度出发,用重稀土金属Er部分地取代Sm_2(Co,Cu,Fe,Zr)_(7.22)中的Sm,可以有效地降低材料的温度系数,获得在高温下使用的高性能永磁材料。讨论了磁体在高温老化处理后回复到室温的磁性能变化及磁体长径比与温度稳定性的关系。 相似文献
Behavior of the coercivity of the high-temperature Sm(Co_(0.88-x)Fe_xCu_(0.09)Zr_(0.03))_7 magnets depending on the temperature and time of annealing with the temperature decreasing stepwise from 700 to 400℃ was investigated.It is shown that the growth rate of coercivity abruptly increases at the initial stage of annealing in the vicinity of the Curie temperature of the SmCo_5 phase.The origin of the effect is the counter diffusion of Cu and Co atoms through dislocation tubes,which form because of enhanced stresses and a partial breakage of coherent coupling at the interface of the Sm_2 Co_(17) and SmCo_5 phases.Diffusive enrichment of the SmCo_5 phase in Cu close to the interface with Sm_2 Co_(17) leads to relaxation of stresses and increases in the gradient of the magnetic domain-wall energy and coercivity. 相似文献
In the present work, anisotropic Nd_2 Fe_(14) B/Sm_2 Co_(17) hybrid-bonded magnets were prepared with different Nd-Fe-B contents. It is found that the particle distributions and ratios between the two magnetic phases have important roles in the magnetic properties, microstructures and thermal stability of the magnets. With increase of Nd-Fe-B content, the saturation magnetization of the anisotropic hybrid magnet increases significantly, however, coercivity decreases, and the demagnetization curves show magnetically single-phase behavior. The anisotropic Nd_2 Fe_(14) B/Sm_2 Co_(17) hybrid-bonded magnets exhibit a maximum energy product and remanence of 14.15 MGOe and 99.53 A·m~2/kg, respectively, when the NdFe-B content is 70 wt% at room temperature. Furthermore, the hybrid magnets also have better thermal stability at elevated temperatures due to the interaction between the two magnetic particles. 相似文献
为深入了解高矫顽力Sm2(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)17永磁体烧结温度与磁体磁性能的关系,设计了6种不同烧结温度,分别测试了各温度下烧结试样的密度和磁性能。试验结果表明:高矫顽力Sm2(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)17磁体的密度随着烧结温度的升高而升高,在1210-1220℃达到最大值;磁体在1205-1210℃烧结时有较高的磁性能,内禀矫顽力超过1910kA/m,最大磁能积达到210kJ/m^3,温度过高或过低都使磁本性能下降;剩磁Br随磁体密度的升高而上升,矫顽力Hci的变化是密度和晶粒大小及胞状尺寸综合作用的结果。 相似文献
金贵铸 《有色金属材料与工程》1989,(6)
本文回顾了上海稀土工业的建立和发展,特别是近十年来的进展情况。对萃取和离子交换等现代分离技术,和稀土金属冶炼、稀土永磁材料、稀土发光材料等以及稀土在玻陶工业的应用均有所叙述。对上海稀土工业的未来亦进行了讨论。 相似文献
Bulk Sm2Fe17Nx sintering magnet was fabricated by spark plasma sintering(SPS) technique. The effects of sintering pressure and sintering temperature on the magnetic properties of the Sm2Fe17Nx magnet were investigated. As a result, the density of the magnet is obviously improved with the increase of sintering pressure, but the coercivity drops since Sm2Fe17Nx has decomposed into SmN, α-Fe and N2. When sintering temperature was only above 200 ℃ under 1 GPa sintering pressure, the coercivity even begins to decrease, which indicates that high pressure promotes the decomposition of the Sm2Fe17Nx at lower temperature. The decomposition is also proved by the decrease of nitrogen and increase of α-Fe in the magnets. 相似文献
2∶17型Sm-Co高温永磁体的研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
用粉末冶金工艺制备了Sm(CobalFevCu0 .0 88Zr0 .0 2 5) 7.5(v =0~ 0 .3 0 )烧结磁体 ,通过系统研究Fe含量对磁体的室温及高温磁性的影响 ,制备出了具有很好的高温稳定性的永磁材料Sm(CobalFe0 .0 7Cu0 .0 88Zr0 .0 2 5) 7.5,在 5 0 0℃时其磁性能为 :Br=0 .687T ,bHC=42 9.7kA·m- 1 ,iHC=63 7 4kA·m- 1 ,(BH) max=83 .7kA·m- 1 。比较了该材料与商业用高矫顽力Nd Fe B和高矫顽力 2∶17型Sm Co磁体的高温磁性。 相似文献
轻稀土镧取代M型钡铁氧体超微粉末的合成与表征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用溶胶-凝胶自蔓延高温合成法制备了稀土镧掺杂钡铁氧体BaLaxFe12-xO19超微粉末。讨论了起始溶液pH值、柠檬酸配比、煅烧温度等对粉末性能参数的影响。用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜和振动样品磁强计等对粉末的结构、形貌和磁学性能进行了研究。 相似文献
通过实验研究了Nd2Fe14B/Fe3B双相纳米复合磁粉分别与几种不同性能的磁粉复合成粘结磁体后磁性能的变化。通过对复合磁体的理论分析得知,由Nd2Fe14B/Fe3B与RE2Fe14B或铁氧体磁粉复合成的粘结磁体中,成分间并未发生化学反应。以Nd2Fe14B/Fe3B铁氧体复合粘结磁体为例,根据理论分析推出的剩磁Br-成分含量关系曲线与实际曲线吻合得很好,表明剩磁与成分含量间存在着近似的线性关系,从而可通过数学手段建立磁性能参数与成分含量的函数关系式,用于简化混粉工艺。另外,添加铁氧体可对该复合磁体较差的热稳定性起到补偿作用,并减少了磁不可逆损失。 相似文献
Sintered Sm(CobalFexCu0.1Zr0.03)7.5 (x=0.09-0.21) permanent magnets with higher Fe content were found to have higher remanence Br and maximum energy product (BH)max at room temperature. Br and (BH)max reached maximum of 0.96 T and 176.7 kJ/m3, respectively at room temperature when the Fe content x reached 0.21. However, the intrinsic coercivity Hci at room temperature increased gradually when the Fe content x increased from 0.09 to 0.15, but when x further increased to 0.21, Hci decreased. Hci attained its peak value of 2276.6 kA/m with Fe content x=0.15 at room temperature. For magnets with x=0.15, Br, (BH)max and Hci reached 0.67 T, 81.2 kJ/m3 and 509.4 kA/m at 500℃, respectively, showing good high temperature stability, which could be used in high temperature applications. 相似文献
Magnetic Microstructures of 2:17 Type Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)z Magnets Detected by Magnetic Force Microscopy
The magnetic microstructures of 2:17 type Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)z magnets were detected by magnetic force microscopy.Comparing the microstructures of the specimens coated with and without Ta thin film before and after heat-treatment, it is found that: (a) as a protection layer, Ta coating layer about 20 nm thick can effectively restrain Sm volatilization under high temperature;(b) the stress built in the 2:17 type Sm-Co magnets during specimen preparation only affects some local parts of the domain structures;(c) the magnetic microstructures vary largely for specimens heat-treated at high temperature without Ta film coating due to Sm volatilization.In addition, by comparing with high coercivity Fe-Pt point tips, it is found that the Co-Cr thin-film tips are not suitable for detecting the magnetic microstructures of strong permanent magnets. 相似文献
张思远 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》1995,(2)
ChemicalBondsandDielectricConstantsofREM(RE=RareEarth,M=N,P,As,Sb)CrystalsZhangSiyuan(张思远)(ChangchunInstituteofAppliedChemist... 相似文献
Sm2Fe17Nx稀土永磁材料的研究现状及进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
简要分析了Sm2Fe17Nx的晶体结构、内禀磁特性和N原子与磁性能的关系。着重介绍了Sm2Fe17Nx永磁材料的制备方法以及目前制备工艺存在的问题,并指出了其研究和发展趋势。 相似文献
The crystals of NaLn(WO4)_2(Ln=La,Pr,Nd)are grown from a melt of LiCl-Na_2WO_4 flux by slowcooling method.The chemical analysis data show that the crystals are NaLa(WO_4)_2,NaPr(WO4)_2 andNaNd(WO_4)_2 respectively.The structures of the crystals are ascertained that they belong to scheelite structureof the tetragonal system with a space group of 14_1/a.The lattice parameters of the crystals have beencalculated.It is found that the cell volume of NaLn(WO_4)_2 crystals decrease with a decrease of Ln~(3 )radius.The bond distances and their angles in NaLa(WO_4)_2 and NaNd(WO_4)_2 are given.It is found that inaccordance with the decrease of ionic radii of Ln~(3 )due to increase of atomic number,the bond distances betweenLn-O,Ln-Ln and W-O decrease regularly.The infrared spectra of NaLn(WO_4)_2 are measured.Thetetrahedra characteristic absorptions of WO_4~(2-)are shown.The sensitization of host lattice is observed from theexcitation and fluorescent spectra of NaLa(WO_4)_2 and NaPr(WO_4)_2. 相似文献