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A true three-dimensional display   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new three-dimensional (3D) display concept is described that employs a random accessed flying spot in a transparent volume of material viewable from any position outside the volume. Arbitrary, true 3D figures may be presented ranging from line to full surface drawings and including alphanumerics. The display has a multicolor capability, continuously variable intensity, and can exhibit fixed or moving objects with good resolution. Display volumes of several cubic feet with high information capacity seem feasible.  相似文献   

描述了一种针对三维体扫描显示系统设计、基于Flash型FPGA的LED显示屏控制器,该控制器充分考虑三维体扫描成像原理及其应用场景,在硬件架构以及数据、信号处理上做出独特的设计。着重介绍了控制器硬件设计、LED显示屏驱动方式、LED屏色彩校正等一系列问题,最后明确了下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

A unique alphanumeric display has been developed which utilizes several digitally addressed electron beams to write characters on a conventional phosphor target. The electron beams are generated by an areal electron source, followed by a series of thin dynode plates containing any array of holes. The plates act collectively to control the flow of electrons spatially, so that several electron beams from certain holes in the last plate at discrete positions determined by the digital addressing signals. This device incorporates the features of flat-panel construction, digital address, simplified electronics, multibeam operation, and low power. In addition, the concept is applicable to multicolor operation, gray scale modulation, and graphics presentations. The principles of operation of a 64-character display (8 rows of 8 characters per row) are discussed in detail. In addition, the actual operational characteristics of a 176-character DIGISPLAY® are given, along with an analysis of the power requirements of this display.  相似文献   

全息真三维显示系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜杭  王惠南 《激光杂志》2009,30(5):9-11
电脑屏显实际上是平面显示,尽管其有“立体”的视感,然而那只是一种具有心理景深的“伪三维”平面显示。真三维显示技术是在三维立体空间对物体成像,具有真正的物理景深。本文研究的是真三维的全息显示系统,分别介绍了五种真三维显示系统,对真三维全息显示中关键技术问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

The electrostatic storage display tube is a special vacuum tube which combines the intrinsic charge-storage property of a dielectric membrane with the high-speed high-resolution capability of a newly developed electron gun and an independent optical system to provide bright high-contrast large-screen displays. Writing and recording functions have been completely separated from the actual display function, thus providing several advantages over conventional storage display tubes. The same tube may be used for either theater-size displays or hard-copy outputs on photosensitive media. Four phases of the tube are covered in this paper: its basic characterstics, construction, applications, and preliminary speculations on reliability.  相似文献   

介绍两种不同偏振片的反射型直观式PDLC显示器;一种是内反射内散射模式(IRIS),采用这种模式可制成掌上型设备用高亮度器件;另一种是将PDLC层与介质反射镜组合成的一种反射型直观式显示器结构,采用这种结构可制成高漫反射率的反射型显示器,同时还可消除重影缺陷。这两种反射型PDLC显示器均属于在镜面反射和漫反射之间进行切换,这就意味着在不同偏振片的反射型LCD中,它们在有方向性照明环境中其性能是最佳的。  相似文献   

The display of three-dimensional video images   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-dimensional images can be pixellated in three distinct ways: volumetric, holographic, and autostereoscopic. The latter excels if images of opaque objects are to be displayed with wide fields of view, and the quality of view-sequential displays with 1° per view now appears adequate for general applications. Although in principle autostereoscopic pixellation gives a true three-dimensional image, 1/10° per view is needed to avoid flaws in a typical display. This approximately equals the diffraction limit, and the information content is no less than that of a hologram. A hybrid of holographic views and view-sequential multiplexing promises images with the field of view of autostereoscopic images but the significantly greater resolution and depth of holograms. Light valves and high-frame-rate arrays already have the space-bandwidth product needed to display such images, and further advances in photonic switches and gigahertz telecommunications look set to promote the display of such high-quality three-dimensional video images  相似文献   

A concept for a holographic display system that can accept data in coordinate form and synthesize a three-dimensional scene in real time has been reported. Recent progress on this system centers around the recording medium and compensation of the frequency shift introduced by the deflection system. The need for a holographic recording medium that can be exposed, developed, and viewed in about 1 s is being met by a thermoplastic-photoconductor (TP-PC) film. The reusable TP-PC film has photographic characteristics comparable to standard holographic films. Improved TP-PC films having greater spatial frequency bandwidths, higher sensitivities, less background noise, and increased sequential recording capacity have been developed. The use of acousto-optic beam deflectors in the object and reference beams causes these beams to have different frequencies. In order to record holographic fringes of sufficient visibility, some frequency compensation scheme is therefore required. Several methods for achieving this compensation are discussed.  相似文献   

计算全息三维显示的数据压缩编码技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
顾华荣 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(6):603006-0603006(6)
全息三维显示能够重建真实场景的光场,提供全部的深度感,成为真三维显示的最佳解决方案之一。计算全息三维显示只需要知道物光波的数学描述,可以灵活地控制波前,显示出虚拟的三维物体。但是,巨大的数据量和计算量阻碍了计算全息三维显示的实用化。文中提出了计算全息三维显示中多个环节的数据压缩编码技术,包括三维物体的稀疏采样、全息三维视频压缩编码的优选和参数优化、全息图分形压缩算法,有效地压缩了数据量,并利用GPU的并行运算能力实现了全息图的快速计算。  相似文献   

To evaluate the light field display system with a liquid crystal display (LCD) and a holographic functional screen (HFS), the voxel theory based on the ray tracing is used. By analyzing the voxels defined by the cases of corresponding pixels overlapping completely and partially in the image space, the resolution characteristics of the system are discussed. The theoretical model is verified in the reconstruction experiment of a resolution target and compared with the calculation result of the presented system. Finally, we give an optimization method for the display image quality.  相似文献   

The DSR (dynamic spatial reconstructor), a multiple X-ray source scanner that generates stop action three-dimensional (3-D) images of a cylindrical volume, was used for quantitative imaging of left ventricular 3-D wall geometry and function in experimentally induced canine left ventricular myocardial infarction. Impaired regional myocardial function was induced by myocardial ischemia or infarction in four mongrel dogs by closed-chest occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. At intervals of 6-14 weeks post occlusion, the dogs were scanned with the DSR during biatrial contrast injection. The 3-D shape, extent, and function of hypokinetic myocardium was measured from the DSR images utilizing measurement of the rate of local systolic wall thickening to detect regions of normal, ischemic, or scarred myocardium. The results were compared to scar size and anatomic distribution measured at postmortem examination. The anatomic extent and relationship of hypocontractile to normally contracting muscle was visualized by computer generated, pseudo 3-D shaded surface displays of the left ventricular chamber and by topographic projections of regional wall thickening rates onto a map of the left ventricular endocardial surface. The location of myocardial infarction and the surrounding zone of impaired function is clearly defined by this 3-D CT scanning procedure. The display method presented here provides both localization and quantification of the volume of ischemic and infarcted myocardium.  相似文献   

利用冷冻电镜显微技术和单颗粒三维重建方法获得BmCPV(家蚕质多角体);CSBV(中蜂囊状幼虫病病毒);C6/36DNV(C6/36浓核病毒)的三维结构体数据,用空间低通滤波对体数据矢量场进行处理并进行三维显示,较原来的显示,提高了信噪比,增强了显示稳定性与显示质量。病毒每个表面细节和轴上突起更加清晰可见。  相似文献   

通过应用线性八叉树将心脏三维模型离散成体素以快速提取并显示局部任意感兴趣血管,把三维模型离散成体素后,利用多边形交互区域选择感兴趣体积内部体素。根据26-邻接体素的拓扑关系和体素互信息相似度比较结果,最终确定最佳深度和最佳互信息阈值分别为14和-1.375,以此来寻找感兴趣体积中同一组织的体素集合。最终实现了三维医学影像中任意感兴趣血管的精确显示,该技术可被视为用一个提取工具将任意局部三维模型进行提取并进行四维动态显示的过程。实验结果表明:与C-V三维分割算法精度90.1%相比,本分割算法平均精确度达到96.02%;运行时间从13.8s缩短为10.7s;四维播放帧数最大40FPS,基本满足了血管三维分割的临床需求。该算法不仅可以快速地分析局部病灶的生理学特点和病理特征,而且让医生更加直观、便利地观察病人心脏任意局部血管的实际运动状况,以便做出临床决策。  相似文献   

顾莉婷  唐敏学  张敏  陈林森 《激光杂志》2000,21(5):36-37,39
基于部分像素衍射屏的原理,提出一种结构更为简单,更易实现的新型衍射元件(DOE0。给出这种衍射元件的设计方法,与以往的衍射屏进行了比较。并用人工拍摄和机器光刻两种制作出演示DOE。给出了验证其有效性的设计实例。  相似文献   

为了降低农业博览园在展示过程中容易出现图像数据晃动的情况发生,设计一款农业博览园虚拟实现三维视觉展示系统。硬件系统使用了三维视觉质交器进行三维展示,引入计算展示边缘算子,对虚拟展示进行三维构建完成视觉三维体验,建立视觉展示模型,对农业博览园进行三维虚拟构建,提升视觉的感官效果以及3D效果。实验结果证明,设计的农业博览园虚拟实现三维视觉展示系统能够进行高仿真的三维视觉展示,展示过程没有图像晃动以及数据跃迁,能够增加真实的三维体验感觉。  相似文献   

应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜技术,研究并同时定位了Ca2+及分泌囊泡在青杄花粉管内的空间分布模式与对应关系。利用钙离子特异性荧光探针Fluo-3及分泌囊泡动态变化的指示性染料FM4-64对正在生长的花粉管进行的双重标记显示,青杄花粉管细胞质内Ca2+从距顶端40~50μm处呈现典型梯度分布,花粉管顶端浓度最高;FM4-64荧光染料主要分布在花粉管质膜周围及花粉管顶端大约15~20μm的地方,而亚顶端区荧光较弱;在正在改变生长方向的花粉管中,FM4-64荧光主要集中在弯曲部位。对二者及与Rop GTPases在花粉管内的空间分布及与功能的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

孟军红 《激光杂志》2021,42(2):130-133
传统的数码管显示驱动电路控制方法电路控制有效度低,控制强度差,为了解决上述问题,基于激光传感器设计了一种新的数码管显示驱动电路的控制方法,首先利用激光传感器定位系统对驱动电路进行初步定位与分析,选择相应的操作系统进行数据筛选,过滤无关数据信息,减少系统操作步骤,提升系统工作效率,并采用OCR技术扫描仪对驱动电路进行数据...  相似文献   

Ink display     
《Spectrum, IEEE》2009,46(6):13-13

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