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Fei Gao Bin Liu Wei-Wei Zhang Qiao-Yan Wen Hui Chen 《Quantum Information Processing》2013,12(1):625-630
Recently a quantum steganographic communication protocol based on quantum key distribution (QKD) was proposed, where it is believed that QKD is a kind of suitable cover of a steganographic communication because QKD itself is not deterministic communication. Here we find that, as a special cryptographic application, the procedure of QKD can be used for deterministic secure communication, and consequently it is not suitable for steganography. Due to similar reasons, other quantum cryptographic schemes, including quantum secret sharing and quantum secure direct communication, are not suitable for steganography either. 相似文献
Kawazoe Y Ohno K Esfarjani K Maruyama Y Shiga K Farajian A 《Journal of molecular graphics & modelling》2001,19(2):270-274
Already 30 years have passed since the first prediction of C60 by Professor Osawa. A family of cage-type fullerenes and carbon nanotubes were experimentally found as the third form of carbon molecules in the 1980s. After this discovery, much research has been conducted experimentally and theoretically on these new materials. The all-electron full-potential approach is important for fully understanding the quantum mechanical behavior of the fullerenes and related molecules. We show some results of band calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics. 相似文献
Shoji Ezaki Hiroaki Shimizu Shoji Yamamoto Toshiya Nakaguchi Norimichi Tsumura 《Artificial Life and Robotics》2013,18(3-4):161-164
In this paper, we propose using earth mover’s distance (EMD) to obtain the appropriate similarity between each histogram for segmentation of abnormal liver regions with mapping of the distances by multidimensional scaling. Conventionally, the similarity between each histogram is calculated by integrating the difference between each bin of the histograms. However, this similarity is unsuitable for appropriate comparison of the histograms because the number of bins for calculating the local histograms of computed tomography images varies. We used EMD to resolve this problem regarding the difference in bin numbers, and the obtained distances are used for mapping the local histograms by multidimensional scaling to low-dimensional space. In the low-dimensional space, the abnormal liver region was well segmented by support vector machine in the test datasets. 相似文献
Digital elevation models (DEMs) have been found to be an effective data source for automated mapping of wetlands. However, it is unclear whether high spatial resolution DEMs, which tend to be more expensive to acquire and process, are necessary for mapping wetlands such as those in the US National Wetland Inventory (NWI). Therefore, we compared predictions of the probability of palustrine wetland occurrence with a random forests (RF) algorithm using DEMs generated from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) at 1 m, 3 m, and 10 m raster cell sizes; and photogrammetrically-derived DEMs at 3 m and 10 m. For each classification, a wide range of terrain derivatives were generated and used as the input data for the classification. Comparisons between the wetland predictions were made using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) measure, the Kappa statistic, overall accuracy, class user’s and producer’s accuracy, and the out of bag (OOB) error rate. For two different study sites, irrespective of the source of the digital terrain data, palustrine wetland occurrence was predicted with AUC values greater than 0.95, overall accuracies greater than 88%, Kappa greater than 0.77, and wetland user’s and producer’s accuracies above 0.85 when using a large training data set derived from the NWI or a small separate data set of non-NWI data derived from field samples. We therefore conclude that the source (LiDAR vs photogrammetric) and spatial scale (1 m, 3 m, or 10 m) of the DEM data does not have a large impact on the accuracy of the prediction of wetlands such as those in the NWI. However, for small wetlands, or more generally for wetlands unlike those in the NWI, finer scale data (e.g. 1 m) derived from LiDAR may be preferable. 相似文献
P. S. A. Beck P. Jönsson K.‐A. Høgda S. R. Karlsen L. Eklundh A. K. Skidmore 《International journal of remote sensing》2013,34(19):4311-4330
An NDVI dataset covering Fennoscandia and the Kola peninsula was created for vegetation and climate studies, using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer 16‐day maximum value composite data from 2000 to 2005. To create the dataset, (1) the influence of the polar night and snow on the NDVI values was removed by replacing NDVI values in winter with a pixel‐specific NDVI value representing the NDVI outside the growing season when the pixel is free of snow; and (2) yearly NDVI time series were modelled for each pixel using a double logistic function defined by six parameters. Estimates of the onset of spring and the end of autumn were then mapped using the modelled dataset and compared with ground observations of the onset of leafing and the end of leaf fall in birch, respectively. Missing and poor‐quality data prevented estimates from being produced for all pixels in the study area. Applying a 5 km×5 km mean filter increased the number of modelled pixels without decreasing the accuracy of the predictions. The comparison shows good agreement between the modelled and observed dates (root mean square error = 12 days, n = 108 for spring; root mean square error = 10 days, n = 26, for autumn). Fennoscandia shows a range in the onset of spring of more than 2 months within a single year and locally the onset of spring varies with up to one month between years. The end of autumn varies by one and a half months across the region. While continued validation with ground data is needed, this new dataset facilitates the detailed monitoring of vegetation activity in Fennoscandia and the Kola peninsula. 相似文献
Mark A. Bedau 《Minds and Machines》2008,18(4):443-459
Weak emergence is the view that a system’s macro properties can be explained by its micro properties but only in an especially
complicated way. This paper explains a version of weak emergence based on the notion of explanatory incompressibility and
“crawling the causal web.” Then it examines three reasons why weak emergence might be thought to be just in the mind. The
first reason is based on contrasting mere epistemological emergence with a form of ontological emergence that involves irreducible
downward causation. The second reason is based on the idea that attributions of emergence are always a reflection of our ignorance
of non-emergent explanations. The third reason is based on the charge that complex explanations are anthropocentric. Rather
than being just in the mind, weak emergence is seen to involve a distinctive kind of complex, macro-pattern in the mind-independent
objective micro-causal structure that exists in nature. The paper ends by addressing two further questions. One concerns whether
weak emergence applies only or mainly to computer simulations and computational systems. The other concerns the respect in
which weak emergence is dynamic rather than static.
Mark A. BedauEmail: |
3D content still is not widely found on the Web. Now, though, several new technologies may widen 3D's presence on the Web by transforming browsers into computing platforms powerful enough to play the content. 相似文献
In this viewpoint article, the importance of renal tissue proteomics in health and disease is explored. The analysis of the urinary proteome and the potential clinical application of these findings are progressing. However, additional benefit would be gained from a detailed parallel exploration of the proteome of the renal parenchyma, both in models and clinical samples. With this aim, we will briefly summarize the existing literature, compare the findings and propose future tasks. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of studying specific cellular compartments and cell types within the kidney. Recent technical advances are also discussed. It is anticipated that the combination of such technologies, especially proteomic analysis of material extracted by laser capture microdissection from paraffin embedded tissue or direct mass spectrometrical tissue imaging, will revolutionize the field. 相似文献
The typical MEMS fabrication of micro evaporators ensures the perfect smooth wall surface that is lack of nucleation sites,
significantly decreasing the heat transfer coefficients compared with miniature evaporators fabricated using copper or stainless
steel. In the present paper, we performed the boiling heat transfer experiment in silicon triangular microchannel heat sink
over a wide parameter range for 102 runs. Acetone was used as the working fluid. The measured boiling heat transfer coefficients
versus the local vapor mass qualities are compared with the classical Chen’s correlation and other correlations for macro
and miniature capillary tubes. It is found that most of these correlations significantly over-predict the measured heat transfer
coefficients. New correlations are given. There are many reasons for such deviations. The major reason is coming from the
perfect smooth silicon surface that lowers the heat transfer performances. New theory is recommended for the silicon microchannel
heat sink that should be different from metallic capillary tubes. 相似文献
《Computer Fraud & Security》2020,2020(12):15-17
《Card Technology Today》2008,20(11-12):10-11
Maria Koutantji Peter McCulloch Shabnam Undre Sanjay Gautama Simon Cunniffe Nick Sevdalis Rachel Davis Piers Thomas Charles Vincent Ara Darzi 《Cognition, Technology & Work》2008,10(4):275-285
We developed a module for surgical team training using briefings in simulated crisis scenarios and here we report preliminary
findings. Nine surgical teams (34 trainees) participated in a pre-training simulation, followed by an interactive workshop
on briefing and checklists, and then a post-training simulation. Both technical and non-technical skills were assessed via
observation during simulations by expert trainers who provided feedback on performances at the end of simulation. Trainees
also reported their attitudes to briefings and evaluated the training. Pre-training attitudes to briefing were positive, some
of which improved post-training and trainees’ evaluation of the training was positive. Surgeons’ technical skill improved
significantly post-training, but their decision-making skill was rated lower than other non-technical skills, compared to
other trainees. The training did not appear to greatly improve non-technical skill performance. Training surgical teams in
simulation is feasible but much more work is needed on measurement development and training strategy to confirm its efficacy
and utility. 相似文献
This article analyzes the relationships among online trust and two of its most important antecedents, namely privacy and security, and explains how consumers’ characteristics (gender, age, education and extraversion), moderate the influence of both privacy and security in online trust. This study expands previous literature by identifying the conditions under which perceived privacy and security are likely to have the greatest positive effects on consumer trust in the online retailer. Based on data from 398 online consumers, the results revealed that the influence of both privacy and security on online trust was stronger for male, younger, more educated, and less extraverted consumers. Implications for theory and management are discussed. 相似文献
To twist,roll, stroke or poke? A study of input devices for menu navigation in the cockpit 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Modern interfaces within the aircraft cockpit integrate many flight management system (FMS) functions into a single system. The success of a user's interaction with an interface depends upon the optimisation between the input device, tasks and environment within which the system is used. In this study, four input devices were evaluated using a range of Human Factors methods, in order to assess aspects of usability including task interaction times, error rates, workload, subjective usability and physical discomfort. The performance of the four input devices was compared using a holistic approach and the findings showed that no single input device produced consistently high performance scores across all of the variables evaluated. The touch screen produced the highest number of ‘best’ scores; however, discomfort ratings for this device were high, suggesting that it is not an ideal solution as both physical and cognitive aspects of performance must be accounted for in design. Practitioner summary: This study evaluated four input devices for control of a screen-based flight management system. A holistic approach was used to evaluate both cognitive and physical performance. Performance varied across the dependent variables and between the devices; however, the touch screen produced the largest number of ‘best’ scores. 相似文献
Brian Cook 《New Review of Information Networking》2013,18(1):41-53
This paper provides an outline of a proposed system that would enable a person to gain electronic access to sources of information, then download, manipulate and present the material found in a range of ways. The paper then outlines the development of the Joint Electronic Document Delivery (JEDDS) project involving higher education in Australia and the United Kingdom, the Australian and New Zealand National Libraries and the Research Libraries Group in North America. When completed in late 1997, this project will have contributed to a significant part of the proposed system outlined in part one of the paper. 相似文献
It has been found that proportional-integral-anti-wind-up regulators may produce unacceptable sluggish start-up in a large class of industrial plants, such as DC drives and temperature- or pressure-control systems. In this paper the effect is clarified, better-suited regulator structures are discussed in both continuous and discrete forms, and stability test are outlined. 相似文献