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The influence that rifle carriage has on human gait has received little attention in the published literature. Rifle carriage has two main effects, to add load to the anterior of the body and to restrict natural arm swing patterns. Kinetic data were collected from 15 male participants, with 10 trials in each of four experimental conditions. The conditions were: walking without a load (used as a control condition); carrying a lightweight rifle simulator, which restricted arm movements but applied no additional load; wearing a 4.4 kg diving belt, which allowed arms to move freely; carrying a weighted (4.4 kg) replica SA80 rifle. Walking speed was fixed at 1.5 m/s (±5%) and data were sampled at 400 Hz. Results showed that rifle carriage significantly alters the ground reaction forces produced during walking, the most important effects being an increase in the impact peak and mediolateral forces. This study suggests that these effects are due to the increased range of motion of the body's centre of mass caused by the impeding of natural arm swing patterns. The subsequent effect on the potential development of injuries in rifle carriers is unknown.  相似文献   

Military personnel carry their equipment in load carriage systems (LCS) which consists of webbing and a Bergen (aka backpack). In scientific terms it is most efficient to carry load as close to the body's centre of mass (CoM) as possible, this has been shown extensively with physiological studies. However, less is known regarding the kinetic effects of load distribution. Twelve experienced load carriers carried four different loads (8, 16, 24 and 32 kg) in three LCS (backpack, standard and AirMesh). The three LCS represented a gradual shift to a more even load distribution around the CoM. Results from the study suggest that shifting the CoM posteriorly by carrying load solely in a backpack significantly reduced the force produced at toe-off, whilst also decreasing stance time at the heavier loads. Conversely, distributing load evenly on the trunk significantly decreased the maximum braking force by 10%. No other interactions between LCS and kinetic parameters were observed. Despite this important findings were established, in particular the effect of heavy load carriage on maximum braking force. Although the total load carried is the major cause of changes to gait patterns, the scientific testing of, and development of, future LCS can modify these risks.  相似文献   

Cikajlo I  Matjacić Z 《Ergonomics》2007,50(12):2171-2182
In the study, the influence of different boot prototype stiffness on gait kinematics and kinetics was investigated. The boot stiffness was determined by force-deformation measurement while pressing the foot model inserted into the boot by a custom-made robot. Gait analysis was carried out in nine neurologically intact subjects during walking while wearing two different boots with and without carrying a backpack, and differences were statistically tested using ANOVA. The results indicated distinctions in the boot shaft and vamp stiffness. The boot with a softer boot shaft enabled a wider range of motion in the ankle joint leading to more power generation in the ankle joint during the push-off, increased step length and gait velocity. The backpack mostly influenced the pelvis and trunk kinematics. The study has demonstrated the influence of boot shaft stiffness on biomechanical gait parameters and its importance for push-off that manufacturers should take into consideration when optimizing the footwear performance.  相似文献   

In the study, the influence of different boot prototype stiffness on gait kinematics and kinetics was investigated. The boot stiffness was determined by force-deformation measurement while pressing the foot model inserted into the boot by a custom-made robot. Gait analysis was carried out in nine neurologically intact subjects during walking while wearing two different boots with and without carrying a backpack, and differences were statistically tested using ANOVA.

The results indicated distinctions in the boot shaft and vamp stiffness. The boot with a softer boot shaft enabled a wider range of motion in the ankle joint leading to more power generation in the ankle joint during the push-off, increased step length and gait velocity. The backpack mostly influenced the pelvis and trunk kinematics.

The study has demonstrated the influence of boot shaft stiffness on biomechanical gait parameters and its importance for push-off that manufacturers should take into consideration when optimizing the footwear performance.  相似文献   

Manual load carriage is a universal activity and an inevitable part of the daily schedule of a soldier. Indian Infantry soldiers carry loads on the waist, back, shoulders and in the hands for a marching order. There is no reported study on the effects of load on gait in this population. It is important to evaluate their kinematic responses to existing load carriage operations and to provide guidelines towards the future design of heavy military backpacks (BPs) for optimising soldiers' performance. Kinematic changes of gait parameters in healthy male infantry soldiers whilst carrying no load (NL) and military loads of 4.2–17.5 kg (6.5–27.2% body weight) were investigated. All comparisons were conducted at a self-selected speed. Soldier characteristics were: mean (SD) age 23.3 (2.6) years; height 172.0 (3.8) cm; weight 64.3 (7.4) kg. Walk trials were collected using a 3-D Motion Analysis System. Results were subjected to one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett post hoc test. There were increases in step length, stride length, cadence and midstance with the addition of a load compared to NL. These findings were resultant of an adaptive phenomenon within the individual to counterbalance load effect along with changes in speed. Ankle and hip ranges of motion (ROM) were significant. The ankle was more dorsiflexed, the knee and hip were more flexed during foot strike and helped in absorption of the load. The trunk showed more forward leaning with the addition of a load to adjust the centre of mass of the body and BP system back to the NL condition. Significant increases in ankle and hip ROM and trunk forward inclination (≥10°) with lighter loads, such as a BP (10.7 kg), BP with rifle (14.9 kg) and BP with a light machine gun (17.5 kg), may cause joint injuries. It is concluded that the existing BP needs design improvisation specifically for use in low intensity conflict environments.

Statement of Relevance:The present study evaluates spatial, temporal and angular changes at trunk and limb joints during military load carriage of relatively lighter magnitude. Studies on similar aspects on the specific population are limited. These data can be used for optimising load carriage and designing ensembles, especially a heavy BP, for military operations.  相似文献   

The existence of a range of optimal coefficient of friction that encompasses safety and comfort has not been addressed before. This paper assesses the existence of such a range and its relationship with the variability of human gait. Six women walked for 15 min over five ceramic tile floorings with friction coefficients (DCOF) ranging from 0.19 to 0.63. Subjective opinions (pain, comfort, etc.) and biomechanical parameters including sagittal plane knee angle, tibia acceleration, and ground reaction forces were gathered. The required coefficient of friction (RCOF) was calculated from ground reaction forces. The results show that as DCOF increases so do reports of pain in the knees and under the metatarsal heads and toes; whereas a low DCOF relates to pain in the thighs and perception of low friction. RCOF showed a quadratic relationship with DCOF indicating the existence of a range of optimal coefficient of friction outside of which walking strategy is modified either to avoid slipping (DCOF < 0.25) or reduce pain (DCOF > 0.55). This result is supported by the results of the analysis of gait variability using non-linear methods. Floors inside the optimal range of friction yielded statistically significant higher entropy for tibia acceleration and knee angle, confirming the hypothesis that gait is more constrained outside that range (i.e. natural variability is reduced).Relevance to the industry: Floor friction is one of the main concerns for the floor industry and for decision makers when choosing public space paving (indoor and outdoor). The false concept ‘the more friction the better’ can induce manufacturers and technicians to make wrong decisions. This paper can assist the industry produce and select solutions encompassing safety and comfort.  相似文献   

The two horizontal orthogonal ground reaction forces, mediolateral (Fx) and antero-posterior (Fy), together with limb segment displacements, were recorded simultaneously during gait from 24 female subjects aged 18–29 years. Recordings were made for each subject barefoot and when wearing each of four different pairs of shoes: soft-soled, rigid-soled, medium- and high-heeled. The results showed a trend for increasing lateral stability with increasing heel height and decreasing ground contact area. This.was reflected in decreasing mean values for defined ground reaction force peaks in the medio-lateral direction at heel strike and at toe off. Limb segments displacements tended to increase with decreasing heel height and increasing shoe-ground contact area, being greatest when subjects were wearing pumps, i.e. flexible-soled, no-heeled shoes.  相似文献   

Fluctuations occur in the labeling index (LI) of mouse epidermis over the first two days after application of tritiated thymidine (3HTdR) for which there has in the past been no explanation. Similarly, there has been no adequate explanation for the fluctuations in the percent labelled mitoses (PLM) data seen immediately after the first peak. Here we propose a model which provides an explanation for both these features. The hypothesis suggested is that some cells are killed by the 3HTdR either immediately when they are still in the S phase or later when they have reached G1. In both cases the labelled precursor is released from the cell and may be incorporated into other S phase cells after an appropriate delay. The model has been formulated into a computer programme which can derive the appropriate LI or PLM curves and fit curves to the relevant data. The resulting curves fit the data well suggesting that such cytotoxic and reutilization processes may in fact occur.  相似文献   

Thirteen healthy and rifle-trained male military reservists performed shooting sessions on two separate occasions 1 h following the ingestion of placebo or 300 mg of caffeine. Shooting included both friend-foe (FF) and vigilance (VIG) tasks, and were performed in the following order: two FF sequences (4 min each), four VIG sequences (30 min each), and two additional FF sequences. The shooting sessions lasted approximately 2.5 h under outdoor conditions (air temperature range from - 3 to 14 degrees C) and were held 48 h apart in a counter-balanced order. Performance measures during the shooting session included engagement time, friend-foe discrimination, and marksmanship accuracy and precision. Assessments of thermal comfort, tiredness, and debilitating symptoms preceded and followed the shooting session, while a self-assessment on performance was administered post-shooting only. Blood was sampled immediately prior to the beginning of the shooting session and was used to determine plasma caffeine, cortisol, and testosterone levels. Engagement times were faster and certain measures of accuracy and precision were impaired during the later FF and VIG sequences. However, caffeine ingestion had no affect upon any of the marksmanship measures, although it did alleviate cold stress and tiredness. That caffeine ingestion did not affect target detection and rifle marksmanship is a finding that differs from other studies, and is explained by a beneficial arousal caused by the mild level of cold stress experienced by the participants.  相似文献   

针对下肢负重外骨骼机器人与其穿戴者运动协调的问题,设计一种人体步态感知系统,对人体下肢关键部位的运动状态采集和预测。用6个MTI—30姿态传感器采集人体下肢的姿态数据;以ARM微处理器STM32F407为计算单元,对采集的步态数据解算、预测和传输;用非线性时间序列分析Takens算法预测人体下肢关键部位的旋转运动。实验结果表明:该系统功能稳定,能准确对人体下肢的步态数据采集和预测,预测结果稳定可靠,为外骨骼控制器提供可靠的参考信息。  相似文献   

Thirteen healthy and rifle-trained male military reservists performed shooting sessions on two separate occasions 1?h following the ingestion of placebo or 300?mg of caffeine. Shooting included both friend–foe (FF) and vigilance (VIG) tasks, and were performed in the following order: two FF sequences (4?min each), four VIG sequences (30?min each), and two additional FF sequences. The shooting sessions lasted approximately 2.5?h under outdoor conditions (air temperature range from ??3 to 14°C) and were held 48?h apart in a counter-balanced order. Performance measures during the shooting session included engagement time, friend–foe discrimination, and marksmanship accuracy and precision. Assessments of thermal comfort, tiredness, and debilitating symptoms preceded and followed the shooting session, while a self-assessment on performance was administered post-shooting only. Blood was sampled immediately prior to the beginning of the shooting session and was used to determine plasma caffeine, cortisol, and testosterone levels. Engagement times were faster and certain measures of accuracy and precision were impaired during the later FF and VIG sequences. However, caffeine ingestion had no affect upon any of the marksmanship measures, although it did alleviate cold stress and tiredness. That caffeine ingestion did not affect target detection and rifle marksmanship is a finding that differs from other studies, and is explained by a beneficial arousal caused by the mild level of cold stress experienced by the participants.  相似文献   

使用福坦莫大学无线数据挖掘实验室(WISDM)利用手机采集的人体步态数据集,以支持向量机(SVM)、K最近邻(KNN)和随机森林算法实现对人体步态的识别.对加速度的时间序列进行分窗和均值平滑处理.以2s作为窗口大小,提取三轴加速数据的均值、方差和协方差作为样本特征.采用以上算法对样本的六种类别(步行、慢跑、上楼梯、下楼...  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in predicting the gait motion of real subjects under virtual conditions, e.g., to anticipate the result of surgery or to help in the design of prosthetic/orthotic devices. To this end, the motion parameters can be considered as the design parameters of an optimization problem. In this context, determination of the joint efforts for a given motion is a required step for the subsequent evaluation of cost function and constraints. In the double-support phase of gait, the ground reaction forces include twelve unknowns, rendering the inverse dynamics problem indeterminate if no force plate data are available. In this paper, several methods for solving the inverse dynamics problem of the human gait during the double-support phase, using force plates or not, are presented and compared.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was developed for use with a large sample of passengers travelling in British Rail stock on a cross-section of main line routes serviced by London Midland Region. The questionnaire was distributed to a stratified random sample of 1500 passengers—covering both male and female travellers in five different carriage types. The aim of the study was to determine the improvements passengers would most like to see in existing carriage design, and generally what they felt about the quality of their environment. The questionnaire included sections covering personal and travel details, a check list of conceivable improvements, and the use of the semantic differential technique for obtaining passengers' impressions and perceptions. The findings allowed comparisons to be made between the different carriage interiors and resulted in recommendations for the possible modification of certain carriage designs.  相似文献   

基于脸部和步态特征融合的身份识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种将脸部和步态特征相结合,应用于智能监控系统进行远距离视频流中身份识别的新方法.该方法首先分别采用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)和Fisherfaces方法进行步态和脸部的识别,之后将这两个分类器得到的结果进行匹配级的融合.对从不同方向采集的31个人的视频序列进行分析实验,结果表明将脸部和步态特征相结合进行身份识别具有很好的鲁棒性,其识别性能也优于只采用脸部或步态单一特征的识别方法.  相似文献   

Chiou SS  Pan CS  Bhattacharya A 《Ergonomics》2008,51(12):1814-1829
This study investigated kinematics and kinetic strategies and identified risk factors associated with gait on stilts. A six-camera motion-analysis system and two force platforms were used to test 20 construction workers for straight walking or turning, with or without carrying tools while wearing safety shoes or stilts at different heights. The results indicated that gait on stilts is characterised by increases in stride length, step width and the percentage of double support period, decreases in cadence, minimum foot clearance and a weaker heel-strike and push-off. Stilts place greater joint loadings on lower extremities to compensate for the added weight and limitation in joint mobility. Smaller foot clearances found for gait on stilts constitute an increased risk for tripping over obstacles. Workers may need to avoid prolonged use of stilts to alleviate stresses on the joints. This study was conducted to determine to what extent stilts alter the gait strategies and to explain the compensatory movements. Prior to this study, there has been little substantive research to evaluate the stresses and potential injuries associated with stilts.  相似文献   

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