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Anoxic degradation of sedimentary biogenic debris using closed incubation experiments was studied at two sampling stations in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic). Production rates of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), NH4+, PO(4)3- and dissolved Si (dSi), and reduction rates of SO(4)2- were measured and anoxic mineralization rates were modeled using a first order G-model and multi-G approach. The depth profiles of these rates revealed an exponential decrease indicating that the largest fraction of mineralization of biogenic debris and SO(4)2- reduction occurs in the surficial sediment layer and on the sediment surface. Comparing the depth-integrated anoxic mineralization rates at both stations with benthic fluxes of DIC, NH4+, PO(4)3- and dSi measured at the in situ temperature in the dark, it appears that the DIC and PO(4)3- fluxes are higher because the mineralization mostly occurs at the sediment-water interface, and that besides SO(4)2- reduction, other electron acceptors are involved in the organic matter decomposition pathway in these surficial sediments. The NH4+ production was higher than the benthic fluxes because of NH4+ oxidation. The production of dSi was in good agreement with benthic fluxes implying that temperature is the main factor of dSi production and benthic fluxes in these sediments.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics of microphytoplankton, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton were monitored over 37 months in the Adriatic Sea in order to identify alterations in the plankton structures, which can lead to, or enhance the production of macro-aggregates, that affected the entire northern basin in summers 2000 and 2002, and to assess any negative effects of mucilage on plankton temporal patterns. Samples were collected monthly, from June 1999 to July 2002, on three transects at 9 stations across the northern and central Adriatic Sea. Besides the high year-to-year variations in abundances and taxonomical composition, plankton communities only showed a clear seasonal succession during 2001, when since April a grazing food web developed and was able to control large sized phytoplankton increase. In spring-summer 2000 and 2002 consumer abundances remained quite low and the dominant mesozooplankton summer species (Penilia avirostris) did not reach its usual summer maximum. The lack of an efficient top control was more evident on the northernmost transect, where generally grazing food web prevails over the microbial one. A large part of the microphytoplankton blooms, although not particularly intense, was exported to the bottom in the particulate phase, where it was processed by bacteria, enhancing the production of refractory dissolved material.  相似文献   

A long term analysis (1865-2002) of meteorological data collected in the Po Valley and Northern Adriatic Basin have been analysed to find possible links between variability in the climatic parameters and the phenomenon of mucilage. Seasonal anomalies of temperature, calculated as spatial mean over the Po Valley area, and anomalies of North Atlantic Oscillation were compared with the historical record of mucilage episodes. Both climatic indices were found to be positively correlated with mucilage events, suggesting a possible relationship between climatic variability and the increased appearance of mucilage aggregates.  相似文献   

Mercury species in the highly stratified water column of the Isonzo River mouth (northern Adriatic Sea) were investigated in February, May and August 2002 (low-normal fluvial discharge). Total, dissolved and particulate mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) were measured and their concentrations were related to physico-chemical parameters in terms of temperature, salinity, turbidity, O(2) concentrations and total suspended matter (TSM) as well as particulate organic carbon (POC) content. Particulate Hg and MeHg are well correlated to medium-fine silty suspended sediment and organic matter, respectively. Desorption of Hg from particles in the brackish layer was observed. Due to the presence of a saltwedge, the lower river course seems to be a trap for Hg carried by fluvial waters. MeHg normally decreases approaching the sea but the local increase in the inner zone of the saltwedge could be related to methylation processes in the bottom water layer. Hg export is effective only during medium and high riverine flows acting as an important source of Hg into the northern Adriatic and the adjacent lagoon system.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations of pico-, nano- and microphytoplankton abundance and composition were investigated over a 37 month period, focusing on the ecological role of different size classes of phytoplankton, and on the changes of the community structure that might occur during periods when large mucilage macroaggregates appear. Samples were collected monthly from June 1999 to July 2002 at 11 stations, along three transects covering the northern Adriatic basin. Highest abundances were observed in late-winter/spring for microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms), in spring-summer for nanophytoplankton, and in summer for picophytoplankton. The autotrophic component was more abundant in the summers of 2000 and 2002 (when large mucilage aggregates occurred) than in the summers of 1999 and 2001 (when a massive phenomenon was not observed). This increase was statistically significant for pico-, nano- and, among microphytoplankton, only for dinoflagellates. Blooms of picophytoplankton were often observed at the bottom layer during mucilage summers. The microphytoplankton community during mucilage phenomena was characterized by a species composition (Chaetoceros spp., Cerataulina pelagica, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, P. pseudodelicatissima, Cylindrotheca closterium, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus) comparable to that observed in summers without extensive mucilage occurrence. However, some species appeared with significantly higher densities in the summers of 2000 and 2002: Ceratium furca, C. closterium, Oxytoxum spp., Hemiaulus hauckii and Gonyaulax fragilis. Microscopic observation of aggregates revealed that the microphytoplankton species composition inside the aggregates was comparable to that observed in the water column, with an enrichment of opportunistic species such as C. closterium and P. delicatissima. The presence of mucilage aggregates affects the phytoplankton populations in the water column, even when aggregates are at early stages. It seems that there is a mutual relationship between phytoplankton and aggregates, i.e., several diatom and dinoflagellate species may contribute to the aggregate formation and enlargement, but mucilage aggregates themselves may also affect the phytoplankton populations, allowing the development of a rich diatom community and in general enhancing nanophytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional modelling of mercury cycling in the Gulf of Trieste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic) is subject to mercury pollution from a former mercury mine in Idrija, located along a river which transports mercury-contaminated sediments into the Gulf. Concentrations in suspended and bottom sediments are up to two orders of magnitude higher than in the central and southern Adriatic. Extensive research has been carried out on measurements and modelling of the transport and fate of mercury in the Gulf. Two- and three-dimensional models have been developed to include the influence of the significant advective transport due to currents. Wind, thermohaline forcing, and the Soca river momentum are the most important forcing factors. A two-dimensional model simulated the transport of non-methylated and methylated mercury in dissolved, particulate and plankton fractions. Mercury processes included the input of atmospheric mercury, sedimentation, reduction, methylation and demethylation. The model simulations gave basically what were proper trends of the phenomena; quantitatively the measured and computed results are mainly within a factor of three. To simulate the non-uniform distribution of parameters over the depth, an existing three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic and transport-dispersion (TD) model, PCFLOW3D, was adapted and applied. As it was found that most mercury transport is related to suspended sediment particles, a new 3D sediment transport module was also developed and included in the model. Three cases are presented: one describing the simulation of TD of dissolved total mercury; another the simulation of the TD of particulate mercury in the Gulf during a river flood; and the third simulating sediment transport in the Gulf during a period of strong ENE wind. Comparison with measurements was only partly possible, but mainly the computed and measured results were within a factor of two and proper trends of the phenomena were obtained by the simulations. The combination of modelling and measurements has resulted in some interesting conclusions about the phenomenon of the transport and fate of mercury in a coastal sea.  相似文献   

Bacterial degradation of mucilaginous aggregates (creamy layers, stringers and macroflocs) collected during two summer events (2001-2002) was tested. The objective was to describe the temporal trend of the bacterial activity, abundance and composition in the aggregated and dissolved organic matter under different trophic conditions. In the native aggregates proteins and organic phosphorous were actively hydrolyzed as aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase activities represented up to 87% and 25% of total activity, respectively; polysaccharides were less hydrolyzed and the highest activities were observed for beta-glucosidase (5% of the total). This hydrolysation pattern tends to a progressive accumulation of long persistent polysaccharides. During short term incubations nutrient addition (P, N and Glucose) differently stimulated bacterial growth in the seawater: P played the main role in stimulating bacterial production from 3 to 6 folds higher than in the control, whereas a secondary C-limitation was observed only for bacteria growing on seawater from macroflocs. This scarce dissolved organic carbon (DOC) bioavailability was confirmed by the lower DOC removal (13% macroflocs, 36% stringers). The total amount of carbon incorporated by bacteria living on aggregates was similar (0.58 mg C L(-1)) both in the control and under P enrichments showing a more balanced condition with respect to the seawater. Hence the well-known P limitation in the Northern Adriatic Sea affects only dissolved organic carbon uptake without influencing the uptake of aggregated organic matter. Organic matter limitation was observed only on stringers--total C incorporated raised to 0.96 mg C L(-1) after PNG addition. Macroflocs release of refractory compounds leads to DOC accumulation (73 microM DOC) contributing to inflate the pool of refractory DOC in the surrounding waters. Several evidences, including different monosaccharide composition of stringers and macroflocs (glucose 15% and 56% on stringers and macroflocs, respectively), bring to the conclusion that stringers are in an older stage in comparison with macroflocs. Community composition described by fluorescence in situ hybridization did not show significant differences between free-living and attached bacteria but it was modified by the different enrichment conditions: Cytophaga-Flavobacteria increased after inorganic nutrients enrichments while organics advantaged gamma-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

The accumulation of dissolved and particulate organic matter may play an important role in mucilage formation in the northern Adriatic. Distributions of dissolved and particulate organic carbon were therefore investigated during the period June 1999-July 2002, when massive mucilage events occurred: in the summer of 2000 and, to a greater extent, of 2002. The seasonal variations in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were significant, doubling in summer (up to 150 micromol L(-1)) with respect to winter. The particulate organic carbon (POC) variations were also very large, with a less pronounced seasonal pattern compared to DOC, because the POC changes are much more dependent both on river discharges and on phytoplankton blooms. The comparison of the concentrations between the period before (March-May) and after the onset of mucilage events (June-August) showed that DOC, but particularly POC, were higher in the period before the event of 2002, more markedly in the surface waters of low salinity. The POC increased, reaching mean concentrations of up to 36 micromol L(-1) in March 2002 before the outbreak of the massive mucilage formation in June. This suggests that POC may have a more important role in the mucilage formation than DOC. The highest seasonal variations of organic matter concentrations took place in the upper layer of lower salinity, stressing the importance of stratification and pycnoclines for accumulation and aggregation of the organic matter in the northern Adriatic. The POC contribution to the total organic carbon was low in the oligotrophic waters (DOC/POC ratio >15) and increased with the phytoplankton biomass in the productive waters (DOC/POC ratio <10). Particulate organic carbon predominated over the dissolved inside the mucilage aggregate (DOC/POC ratio <1), probably because aggregation processes, in which colloidal organic carbon is involved, are important. The organic carbon within the aggregates reached a concentration of 13.6 mmol L(-1) which was about 100 times more than in the surrounding waters or in the waters when the mucilages were absent. This indicates that distributions of organic carbon in the northern Adriatic can be extremely patchy during mucilage events.  相似文献   

A free-surface, three-dimensional finite-difference numerical model based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been implemented in order to simulate the interannual variability of the Adriatic Sea circulation. The implementation makes use of an interactive surface momentum and heat flux computation that utilizes the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 6-h analyses and the model predicted sea surface temperatures. The model is also nested at its open boundary with a coarse-resolution Mediterranean general circulation model, utilizing the same surface forcing functions. The simulation and analysis period spans 3 years (1 Jan 2000 to 31 Dec 2002) coinciding with the "Mucilage in the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian" (MAT) Project monitoring activities. Model results for the simulated years show a strong interannual variability of the basin averaged proprieties and circulation patterns, linked to the atmospheric forcing variability and the Po river runoff. In particular, the years 2000 and 2002 are characterized by a weak surface cooling (with respect to the climatological value) and well-marked spring and autumn river runoff maxima. Conversely, 2001 is characterized by stronger wind and heat (autumn cooling) forcings but no river runoff autumn peak, even though the total amount of water inflow during winter and spring is sustained. The circulation is characterized by similar patterns in 2000 and 2002 but very different structures in 2001. During the latter, deep water is not formed in the northern Adriatic. A comparison with the observed data shows that the major model deficiencies are connected to the low salinity of the waters, probably connected to the missed inflow of salty Ionian waters of Aegean origin and to the numerical overestimation of the vertical mixing processes.  相似文献   

Concentrations and loads of total mercury and methylmercury were measured in streams draining abandoned mercury mines and in the proximity of geothermal discharge in the Cache Creek watershed of California during a 17-month period from January 2000 through May 2001. Rainfall and runoff were lower than long-term averages during the study period. The greatest loading of mercury and methylmercury from upstream sources to downstream receiving waters, such as San Francisco Bay, generally occurred during or after winter rainfall events. During the study period, loads of mercury and methylmercury from geothermal sources tended to be greater than those from abandoned mining areas, a pattern attributable to the lack of large precipitation events capable of mobilizing significant amounts of either mercury-laden sediment or dissolved mercury and methylmercury from mine waste. Streambed sediments of Cache Creek are a significant source of mercury and methylmercury to downstream receiving bodies of water. Much of the mercury in these sediments is the result of deposition over the last 100-150 years by either storm-water runoff, from abandoned mines, or continuous discharges from geothermal areas. Several geochemical constituents were useful as natural tracers for mining and geothermal areas, including the aqueous concentrations of boron, chloride, lithium and sulfate, and the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water. Stable isotopes of water in areas draining geothermal discharges showed a distinct trend toward enrichment of (18)O compared with meteoric waters, whereas much of the runoff from abandoned mines indicated a stable isotopic pattern more consistent with local meteoric water.  相似文献   

Mucilage events (formation of very large organic aggregates and gelatinous surface layers) have been documented several times during the past two centuries in the northern Adriatic Sea (NA), while their frequency has significantly increased since 1988. In this work, meteorological and oceanographic conditions in the NA during the period June 1999-July 2002 are described and their relation to the outbreak and fate of the mucilage phenomenon was investigated. Salinity and temperature data were collected during approximately monthly cruises along three transects in the NA. Relevant meteorological situations (air temperature, rainfall, wind) were selected from large-scale ECMWF analyses and from the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS; Emilia Romagna Meteorological Service), while sea conditions (waves) were analysed by means of the Wave Adriatic Model (WAM). Data for air temperature, rainfall, and wind from several meteorological stations in the region were used. Average seasonal cycles of sea temperature and salinity simulated with statistical models, based on historical data collected in the NA since 1972, were used to determine thermal and haline anomalies. The monthly anomaly variability of maximum and minimum air temperatures, rainfall amount and number of rainy days did not appear to be relevant for the mucilage phenomenon outbreak. In contrast, both vertical and horizontal thermohaline gradients in the region were more developed during late spring and summer of 2000 and particularly of 2002, when the mucilage events were of greatest extent in space and time, compared to 2001 (short-lived event) and 1999 (no event). These more pronounced gradients were due to a combination of several unusual conditions: sharp heating of the sea surface in May-June, domination of eastwards transport of freshened waters formed in the Po Delta area, and intrusion of very high salinity intermediate waters originating in the eastern Mediterranean. Moreover, in winter of both 2000 and 2002 very dense and cold water formed and remained in the bottom layer until spring, contributing to increase the stratification degree of the water column. The duration of the mucilage events and their spatial distribution in the region depend strongly on meteorological changes. Recurrent anticyclonic conditions, characterized by low wind and calm sea, favour extended events in time (up 2 months in 2002). In contrast, highly perturbed weather, particularly due to strong "bora" wind, can be determined in sharp decay of the event (e.g. in July 2000).  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations (orthophosphate, orthosilicate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen-DIN) were measured on three transects in the northern Adriatic approximately monthly in the period June 1999-July 2002. The net nutrient transports across the three transects were estimated from these concentration values and calculated water fluxes [Grilli F, Paschini E, Russo A, Precali R, Supi? N. Circulation and horizontal fluxes in the Northern Adriatic Sea in the period June 1999_July 2002. Part I: geostrophic circulation and current measurement. Sci Total Environ 2005-this issue], with the aim to verify their possible role in the mucilage phenomenon. The nutrient transports in the northern Adriatic were very variable, seasonally and from year to year, both in intensity and direction. Some differences were noticed also among the nutrient species. At the northernmost transect Po Delta-Rovinj minimal values and variable directions were recorded, probably due to the prevailing of eastward transversal transports, observed already in late winter, and generally dominant in spring and summer. Northward transport was often measured at the central transect Cesenatico-Cape Kamenjak, particularly in spring 2000 and 2002, and summer 2001, as well as for only DIN in summer 1999. In contrast, southward directions prevailed at the southernmost transect Senigallia-Susak Island. In October significant southward transports occurred at all transects and for all nutrients, particularly strong in 2000, when exceptionally high Po River discharges occurred, and the Western Adriatic Current (WAC) was well developed. However, the nutrient transports in the upper water column were low or northwards at both transect Cesenatico-Cape Kamenjak and Senigallia-Susak Island in June and July 2000, 2001, and 2002, when the mucilage phenomenon developed, but were opposite in 1999, a year without events. The results suggest that high variations of nutrient fluxes and their ratios, in conditions of reduced water dynamics, are essential for the development of the phenomenon, rather than the absolute amounts of the nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations were measured in the muscle of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and in the water column of 4 lakes that are located in the French Alps. Watershed characteristics were determined (6 coverage classes) for each lake in order to evaluate the influence of watershed composition on mercury and methylmercury concentrations in fish muscle and in the water column. THg and MeHg concentrations in surface water were relatively low and similar among lakes and watershed characteristics play a major role in determining water column Hg and MeHg levels. THg muscle concentrations for fish with either a standardized length of 220 mm, a standardized age of 5 years or for individualuals did not exceed the 0.5 mg kg− 1 fish consumption advisory limit established for Hg by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1990). These relatively low THg concentrations can be explained by watershed characteristics, which lead to short Hg residence time in the water column, and also by the short trophic chain that is characteristic of mountain lakes. Growth rate did not seem to influence THg concentrations in fish muscles of these lakes and we observed no relationship between fish Hg concentrations and altitude. This study shows that in the French Alps, high altitude lakes have relatively low THg and MeHg concentrations in both the water column and in Arctic charr populations. Therefore, Hg does not appear to present a danger for local populations and the fishermen of these lakes.  相似文献   

The consolidation properties of clay samples from a marine environment were examined. Index, triaxial and odeometer tests were performed on the undisturbed/disturbed clay samples from 13 boreholes in the Gemlik Gulf (Bursa-Turkey). Laboratory tests indicated that the clays are soft and have a high moisture content and hence are highly compressible. The majority of the clays are unconsolidated due to the accretion rate being faster than the dissipation of pore water.  相似文献   

Trace heavy metal (Cd, Pb and Cu) and nitrogen species (N-NO3, N-NO2 and N-NH4) fluxes between sediment and water were examined for approximately 4 days, in a coastal marine station located in the northern Adriatic Sea in front of the River Po outflow. An in situ benthic chamber, equipped with electronic devices for monitoring and adjustment of oxygen and pH and with a temperature detector, was used. The benthic chamber experiment enabled study of the temporal trend of metals and nutrients when oxygen concentration varied in a controlled environment. Although particular care was devoted to chamber deposition and parameter control, sediment resuspension occurred at the beginning of the experiment and O2 fluctuations were observed during the course of the experiment. Pb concentration was affected by both resuspension and oxic conditions in bottom water, which prevented determination of any reasonable Pb flux value. Cd and Cu, not influenced by oxygen fluctuations, reached an equilibrium phase in a short period with initial positive fluxes from sediment of 0.68 (S.D. = 0.07) and 6.9 (S.D. = 5.6) pmol cm(-2) h(-1), respectively. With regard to nitrogen species, the highest positive flux was that of N-NH4 (10.5, S.D. = 2.4, nmol cm(-2) h(-1)) whose concentration increased in the chamber, while nitrate concentration (initial flux of -5.7, S.D. = 1.5, nmol cm(-2) h(-1)) immediately decreased after the beginning of the experiment. Nitrite concentration was almost constant throughout the experiment and its flux was generally low (initial flux 0.1, S.D. = 0.9, nmol cm(-2) h(-1)).  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in the occurrence of massive mucilage events in the northern Adriatic (NA) since their recent conspicuous reappearance in the late 1980s prompted a study of circulation and horizontal fluxes. Three transects with equidistant stations (10 km) were thus monitored monthly between June 1999 and July 2002. The geostrophic method was used to compute currents across the three transects from the CTD data, and dynamic heights provided a picture of the horizontal surface circulation. Currentmeter data records were used to adjust the reference surface and to validate the results for the southernmost and deeper (up to 70 m) transect (Senigallia-Susak Island). Geostrophic currents allowed estimation of monthly water fluxes across the transect. Different circulation regimes in the NA were observed, which may have affected mucilage events. When mucilage was absent (1999) or reduced (2001) in the western sector, the Western Adriatic Current (WAC, carrying water out of the NA) was found to be active, whilst the WAC was very weak or reversed when massive mucilage events occurred (2000 and 2002). Opposite behaviour has been observed for the Istrian Coastal Counter-Current (ICCC, retaining freshwater water in the NA) which was more intense during or after massive mucilage events and did not appear when mucilage was absent. Both WAC weakening and ICCC strengthening indicate a longer residence time of riverine waters in the NA, which favours mucilage development. Conclusively, WAC and ICCC result as key elements in controlling massive mucilage phenomena in the NA.  相似文献   

In January 2006 it was reported that Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) caught in the Barents Sea contained mercury levels that exceeded the EU's upper limit of 0.5 mg/kg wet weight for this species. To further investigate this finding, the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) in Norway recently undertook a study to quantify the levels of mercury in Greenland halibut caught in the same area of the Barents Sea. A total of 120 Greenland halibut were caught in this area between the 28th and the 30th of January 2006. The fish were immediately frozen and shipped to the laboratory; individual fish were coded, weighed, defrosted, filleted and skinned before their mercury content was determined. Analyses were carried out on 65 individuals of Greenland halibut weighing from 0.81 kg to 7.1 kg, and 40 fish weighing more than 3 kg. The lowest mercury concentration found in muscle tissue (skinless and boneless fillet) was 0.019 mg/kg wet weight, in a fish that weighed 0.81 kg. The highest mercury concentration measured in muscle tissue was 1.1 mg/kg wet weight, from a fish that weighed 4.2 kg. Of the 65 fish analysed, 15 individuals with weight exceeding 3 kg had mercury concentrations in their muscle tissue exceeded the EU's upper limit.  相似文献   

Oceanographic cruises were carried out monthly from June 1999 to July 2002 to follow the mucilage formation process in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Results show that in correspondence with these events the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax fragilis (Schütt) Kofoid was observed both in the water column and within mucilage aggregates. In the water column, increasing abundances were observed from May until July, with values never exceeding 8500 cells l(-1). Much higher densities were observed within superficial gelatinous aggregates (22800-3400000 cells l(-1)). In mucilage samples, a large number of decomposing cells were present, together with abundant alive cells, enveloped in exudates. G. fragilis isolated from mucilage samples was cultured in three different culture media; it was characterized by a low growth rate but it produced a high amount of polysaccharides. The highest yield both in terms of cell number and carbohydrate production was observed in the medium having the highest nitrogen and phosphorus content and the lowest N/P ratio. The monomeric composition of G. fragilis carbohydrates, compared with that of mucilage samples, showed that in both natural and cultured samples galactose was the most abundant sugar; in addition, an overall good correlation, especially between the monomeric carbohydrate composition of G. fragilis grown in f/2 medium and that of a mucilage sample in which this species was present in high density, was observed.  相似文献   

Vibrational Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and UV-Visible spectroscopies coupled to thermogravimetry were used to characterise the gelatinous aggregates as well as the humin and humic fractions extracted from the aggregates. Spectroscopic analysis made it possible to identify the main classes of compounds present in the samples. The FTIR spectra of the aggregates showed the presence of carbohydrates, saturated aliphatic compounds, aminic, esteric, amidic (proteins) and ketonic compounds, organic and inorganic phosphates, silica and, in some cases, carbonates. The FTIR spectra of humin and humic acids showed functional groups similar to those found in the spectra of the aggregates. The high aliphatic character and the absence of aromatic compounds observed in many aggregates sampled far from estuarine areas suggest the marine origin of mucilages. These results were also confirmed by the 270/407 nm (A2/A4) and 465/665 nm (E4/E6) absorbance ratio in humic acids.  相似文献   

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