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许多消费者怎么也想不到,从市场上买的“飘柔”、“潘婷”洗发水,竟是从台湾流入祖国大陆的假货。目前,对这起涉及“两岸三地”的制假售假大案的查处取得突破性进展,已找到幕后主使。  相似文献   

2011年3月31日,上海市公安局经济犯罪侦查总队召开新闻发布会,通报上海市深入推进亮剑专项行动,取得了阶段性成效。据统计,自2010年10月19日至2011年3月24日,全市公安机关共破获侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品犯罪刑事案件356起,同比增长3.35倍;抓获犯罪嫌疑人777人,同比增长4.76倍;追缴涉案资金7.73亿元,同比增长3.68倍;摧毁制假售假团伙150余个,捣毁制假、囤假、售假窝点600余处,侵权  相似文献   

经过3个月的缜密侦查,山东省公安机关成功破获全国涉案价值最大的涉嫌制售侵犯品牌箱包商标专用权案。其间,公安部调动4省警力发起猎鲨行动,共查获假冒LV、GUCCI、CHANEL、HERMES等皮包3万多件,估价7.4亿元。一个活跃于中、日、韩三国的专业制售假冒名牌箱包的团伙被打掉,其顽固的网络被  相似文献   

自2010年11月公安部部署开展打击侵犯知识产权和制售伪劣商品犯罪"亮剑"行动以来,全国公安机关高擎"为国打假、为民打假"旗帜,将制售假冒伪劣农资、食品、药品、名牌商品等事关国计民生的犯罪作为打击重点,全力"挖源头、捣窝点、摧网络、追逃犯",创新专案集群战役等专业化打击手段,对职业化、产业化和集团化的犯罪开展持续、不间断猛烈打击,对侵权假冒犯罪发起全面围剿。行动中,各地公安机关按照"打大、打多、打深、打精"的思路,坚持创新战法,强化情报信息搜集、研判,对侵权假冒犯罪实施精确、合成、严厉打击,取得了阶段性成果。  相似文献   

正北京市公安局近日通报,在2013年打假专项行动中,侦破制假售假类违法犯罪案件5400余起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人2700余名,捣毁产供销窝点1400余处,发起跨省市全国集群战役87起,办结重点督办案件18起,查扣大量假冒伪劣食品、药品、汽车配件、名优产品等,涉案总价值4亿余元。2013年,在北京市委市政府、公安部的统一  相似文献   

"猎手"行动打击制售假酒案涉及地域广调动警力最多收缴假酒、包装材料数量最大【主要战果】14个地方公安机关出动警力2500余名,抓获犯罪嫌疑人483名,缴获假酒13.4万瓶、包装材料1350万件(套)。【案件情况】2011年1月,浙江公安机关从一名消费者在高档酒店用餐时购买到假酒的线索入手,逐步深挖,发  相似文献   

2012年12月28日,公安部召开全国公安机关2013年打击经济犯罪工作暨打假专项行动部署电视电话会议,明确了打假专项行动为全国公安机关经侦部门2013年的中心工作,贯穿全年。随后,江西省公安机关打假专项行动正式启动。目前江西公安机关打假专项行  相似文献   

正近日,广东省广州市自云警方成功捣毁2个制造假冒品牌化妆品窝点、3个制售假冒品牌皮具窝点,缴获假冒品牌化妆品、假冒品牌皮具、生产机器、原料及半成品一大批,16名嫌疑人落网。"名牌"面膜=劣质纸+"精华液"白云警方根据前期侦破的一宗案件,循线追查后发现白云区太和镇谢家庄辖区内存在一个制造假冒品牌化妆品的加工厂。经过连日的摸查,民警最终确定该窝点的位置。6月25日上午11时许,警方对该厂房进行突击检查,当场抓获涉嫌制假的涂  相似文献   

随着银行卡使用的频度和广度不断增强,各类银行卡犯罪层出不穷,花样不断翻新,为保护人民群众的财产不受侵害,维护金融行业安全与秩序,坚决遏制银行卡犯罪的嚣张气焰,自2011年1月至10月,公安部在全国范围内部署开展打击银行卡犯罪天网行动。天网行动的实施,加大了打击伪卡诈骗犯罪力度,继续挤压非法套现、恶意透支犯罪空间,清除摧毁  相似文献   

日前,吉林省公安厅联合吉林省食品药品监督管理局深入开展了打假“风雷一号”行动。截至目前,公安机关共破获假冒伪劣食品、药品犯罪案件134起,涉案金额4000余万元,抓获犯罪嫌疑人170名,打掉犯罪团伙11个。  相似文献   

An empirical model-based framework for monitoring and diagnosing batch processes is proposed. With the input of past successful and unsuccessful batches, the off-line portion of the framework constructs empirical models. Using online process data of a new batch, the online portion of the framework makes monitoring and diagnostic decisions in a real-time basis. The proposed framework consists of three phases: monitoring, diagnostic screening, and diagnosis. For monitoring and diagnosis purposes, the multiway principal-component analysis (MPCA) model and discriminant model are adopted as reference models. As an intermediate step, the diagnostic screening phase narrows down the possible cause candidates of the fault in question. By analysing the MPCA monitoring model, the diagnostic screening phase constructs a variable influence model to screen out unlikely cause candidates. The performance of the proposed framework is tested using a real dataset from a PVC batch process. It has been shown that the proposed framework produces reliable diagnosis results. Moreover, the inclusion of the diagnostic screening phase as a pre-diagnostic step has improved the diagnosis performance of the proposed framework, especially in the early time intervals.  相似文献   

Large-scale scientific projects have become a major impetus of scientific advances. But few studies have specifically analyzed how those projects bolster scientific research. We address this question from a scientometrics perspective. By analyzing the bibliographic records of papers relevant to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we found that the SDSS helped scientists from many countries further develop their own research; investigators initially formed large research groups to tackle key problems, while later papers involved fewer authors; and the number of research topics increased but the diversity of topics remains stable. Furthermore, the entropy analysis method has proven valuable in terms of analyzing patterns of research topics at a macroscopic level.  相似文献   

B 6675- 1986《玩具安全标准》是在 80年代大规模采用国际标准的状况下出台的。其等同采用国际玩具工业委员会 1980年3月制定的玩具安全自愿性标准 (ICTI - 80 ) ,这个国际标准是在欧洲标准 (EN71)的基础上制定出来的。而EN71的出台 ,是欧洲共同体 (现为欧盟 )国家为了避免其内部产生贸易壁垒和不公平竞争而订立的玩具安全法律趋向的指令。其中有些测试项目 ,采用了美国材料与试验协会 (ASTM )标准 (F963)的一些条款。在当时的情况下 ,GB 6675是与欧洲玩具安全标准接轨的 ,同美国的F963标准也是相似的。可以说 ,是一份非常…  相似文献   

When manufacturing processes have a tendency to deteriorate over time and begin producing defective products, there is always a trade-off between the cost and/or rework time that is associated with such defectives and the amount of time that is spent inspecting and restoring the process. Although a considerable amount of attention has been devoted to this trade-off as it is found in high-volume, repetitive manufacturing, we study it in a job shop environment. In particular, we study the way in which inter-job setups affect the inspection policy. After modeling the problem as one of maximizing the throughput of defective-free jobs, we describe a simple algorithm which identifies optimal inspection intervals.  相似文献   

CsI:Tl scintillators were hindered from computer tomography and high-speed imaging applications by a serious afterglow problem. In this study, the effects of ultralow-concentration Sm codoping on the scintillation characteristics of CsI:Tl were investigated. Pulsed X-ray excited afterglow after 50 ms in 0.005 mol% Sm-codoped CsI:Tl was lowered by over one order of magnitude in comparison with Sm-free one. The beneficial effects of ultralow-concentration Sm codoping also appeared to be maintaining the light yield and energy resolution. The light yield and energy resolution after 0.005 mol% Sm codoping were 71,700 ± 6000 photons/MeV and 6.9% at 662 keV, respectively.  相似文献   

This work reports the feasibility of silicon and silicon germanium epitaxy using an ASM A412(TMa) LPCVD all quartz, hot wall, vertical batch furnace reactor using 100 wafer product loads. The very same furnace can be used for 25 wafer and 200 wafer load size, without any hardware changes, dependant on production needs. Following this approach a significant cost reduction for epitaxy in 300 mm high volume manufacturing is possible and enables new applications. The native oxide of the substrate was removed by wet chemical cleaning with time coupling of less than 1 h and subsequent in-situ low pressure hydrogen anneal prior to Si or SiGe deposition. The epitaxial layers were grown using silane and germane. The Si and SiGe layers have been characterized with ToFSIMS, XRD, Raman, AFM and TEM confirming excellent crystalline quality, layer thickness and within wafer SiGe stoichiometry uniformity.  相似文献   

英国四大著名展会经过多时磋商,日前实现大联合。联合后的展会全称为“TOTAL P&P加工与包装综合展”,将包括:PPMA设备展(加工与包装机械)、PAKEX包装展(包装设备及包装材料)、EUROCHEM欧洲化工技术展(化工加工技术)以及INTERPHEX国际医药技术展(生物、医药  相似文献   

We consider a batch production process that can be either stable or unstable, in which inspection is performed offline after production of the batch is completed. The quality of a batch can be estimated with a desired level of certainty by inspecting only a sample of its units. In order to minimise the expected total cost per batch, which includes the costs of inspection, of false acceptance and of false rejection, we propose an economic inspection plan in which only a fraction of the batches, rather than each batch, is inspected. We prove that the expected total cost is a strictly quasiconvex function of the inspection interval. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimal inspection interval to be finite and propose an efficient algorithm to obtain its value. We demonstrate for the case of a single-sampling plan where the proposed economic approach outperforms the common procedure of inspecting every batch, and the proposed algorithm is very efficient.  相似文献   

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