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We present the design and analysis of a nearly-linear work parallel algorithm for solving symmetric diagonally dominant (SDD) linear systems. On input an SDD n-by-n matrix A with m nonzero entries and a vector b, our algorithm computes a vector \(\tilde{x}\) such that \(\|\tilde{x} - A^{+}b\|_{A} \leq\varepsilon\cdot\|{A^{+}b}\|_{A}\) in \(O(m\log^{O(1)}{n}\log {\frac{1}{\varepsilon}})\) work and \(O(m^{1/3+\theta}\log\frac{1}{\varepsilon})\) depth for any θ>0, where A + denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of A. The algorithm relies on a parallel algorithm for generating low-stretch spanning trees or spanning subgraphs. To this end, we first develop a parallel decomposition algorithm that in O(mlog O(1) n) work and polylogarithmic depth, partitions a graph with n nodes and m edges into components with polylogarithmic diameter such that only a small fraction of the original edges are between the components. This can be used to generate low-stretch spanning trees with average stretch O(n α ) in O(mlog O(1) n) work and O(n α ) depth for any α>0. Alternatively, it can be used to generate spanning subgraphs with polylogarithmic average stretch in O(mlog O(1) n) work and polylogarithmic depth. We apply this subgraph construction to derive a parallel linear solver. By using this solver in known applications, our results imply improved parallel randomized algorithms for several problems, including single-source shortest paths, maximum flow, minimum-cost flow, and approximate maximum flow.  相似文献   

We study the Cutwidth problem, where the input is a graph G, and the objective is find a linear layout of the vertices that minimizes the maximum number of edges intersected by any vertical line inserted between two consecutive vertices. We give an algorithm for Cutwidth with running time O(2 k n O(1)). Here k is the size of a minimum vertex cover of the input graph G, and n is the number of vertices in G. Our algorithm gives an O(2 n/2 n O(1)) time algorithm for Cutwidth on bipartite graphs as a corollary. This is the first non-trivial exact exponential time algorithm for Cutwidth on a graph class where the problem remains NP-complete. Additionally, we show that Cutwidth parameterized by the size of the minimum vertex cover of the input graph does not admit a polynomial kernel unless NP?coNP/poly. Our kernelization lower bound contrasts with the recent results of Bodlaender et al. (ICALP, Springer, Berlin, 2011; SWAT, Springer, Berlin, 2012) that both Treewidth and Pathwidth parameterized by vertex cover do admit polynomial kernels.  相似文献   

We explore relationships between circuit complexity, the complexity of generating circuits, and algorithms for analyzing circuits. Our results can be divided into two parts:
  1. Lower bounds against medium-uniform circuits. Informally, a circuit class is “medium uniform” if it can be generated by an algorithmic process that is somewhat complex (stronger than LOGTIME) but not infeasible. Using a new kind of indirect diagonalization argument, we prove several new unconditional lower bounds against medium-uniform circuit classes, including: ? For all k, P is not contained in P-uniform SIZE(n k ). That is, for all k, there is a language \({L_k \in {\textsf P}}\) that does not have O(n k )-size circuits constructible in polynomial time. This improves Kannan’s lower bound from 1982 that NP is not in P-uniform SIZE(n k ) for any fixed k. ? For all k, NP is not in \({{\textsf P}^{\textsf NP}_{||}-{\textsf {uniform SIZE}}(n^k)}\) .This also improves Kannan’s theorem, but in a different way: the uniformity condition on the circuits is stronger than that on the language itself. ? For all k, LOGSPACE does not have LOGSPACE-uniform branching programs of size n k .
  2. Eliminating non-uniformity and (non-uniform) circuit lower bounds. We complement these results by showing how to convert any potential simulation of LOGTIME-uniform NC 1 in ACC 0/poly or TC 0/poly into a medium-uniform simulation using small advice. This lemma can be used to simplify the proof that faster SAT algorithms imply NEXP circuit lower bounds and leads to the following new connection: ? Consider the following task: given a TC 0 circuit C of n O(1) size, output yes when C is unsatisfiable, and output no when C has at least 2 n-2 satisfying assignments. (Behavior on other inputs can be arbitrary.) Clearly, this problem can be solved efficiently using randomness. If this problem can be solved deterministically in 2 n-ω(log n) time, then \({{\textsf{NEXP}} \not \subset {\textsf{TC}}^0/{\rm poly}}\) .
Another application is to derandomize randomized TC 0 simulations of NC 1 on almost all inputs: ?Suppose \({{\textsf{NC}}^1 \subseteq {\textsf{BPTC}}^0}\) . Then, for every ε > 0 and every language L in NC 1, there is a LOGTIME?uniform TC 0 circuit family of polynomial size recognizing a language L′ such that L and L′ differ on at most \({2^{n^{\epsilon}}}\) inputs of length n, for all n.  相似文献   

Zeev Nutov 《Algorithmica》2012,63(1-2):398-410
We consider the (undirected) Node Connectivity Augmentation (NCA) problem: given a graph J=(V,E J ) and connectivity requirements $\{r(u,v): u,v \in V\}$ , find a minimum size set I of new edges (any edge is allowed) such that the graph JI contains r(u,v) internally-disjoint uv-paths, for all u,vV. In Rooted NCA there is sV such that r(u,v)>0 implies u=s or v=s. For large values of k=max? u,vV r(u,v), NCA is at least as hard to approximate as Label-Cover and thus it is unlikely to admit an approximation ratio polylogarithmic in k. Rooted NCA is at least as hard to approximate as Hitting-Set. The previously best approximation ratios for the problem were O(kln?n) for NCA and O(ln?n) for Rooted NCA. In this paper we give an approximation algorithm with ratios O(kln?2 k) for NCA and O(ln?2 k) for Rooted NCA. This is the first approximation algorithm with ratio independent of?n, and thus is a constant for any fixed k. Our algorithm is based on the following new structural result which is of independent interest. If $\mathcal{D}$ is a set of node pairs in a graph?J, then the maximum degree in the hypergraph formed by the inclusion minimal tight sets separating at least one pair in $\mathcal{D}$ is O(? 2), where ? is the maximum connectivity in J of a pair in $\mathcal{D}$ .  相似文献   

Suffix tree, suffix array, and directed acyclic word graph (DAWG) are data-structures for indexing a text. Although they enable efficient pattern matching, their data-structures require O(nlogn) bits, which make them impractical to index long text like human genome. Recently, the development of compressed data-structures allow us to simulate suffix tree and suffix array using O(n) bits. However, there is still no O(n)-bit data-structure for DAWG with full functionality. This work introduces an $n(H_{k}(\overline{S})+ 2 H_{0}^{*}(\mathcal {T}_{\overline{S}}))+o(n)$ -bit compressed data-structure for simulating DAWG (where $H_{k}(\overline{S})$ and $H_{0}^{*}(\mathcal{T}_{\overline{S}})$ are the empirical entropies of the reversed sequence and the reversed suffix tree topology, respectively.) Besides, we also propose an application of DAWG to improve the time complexity for the local alignment problem. In this application, the previously proposed solutions using BWT (a version of compressed suffix array) run in O(n 2 m) worst case time and O(n 0.628 m) average case time where n and m are the lengths of the database and the query, respectively. Using compressed DAWG proposed in this paper, the problem can be solved in O(nm) worst case time and the same average case time.  相似文献   

Vertex deletion and edge deletion problems play a central role in parameterized complexity. Examples include classical problems like Feedback Vertex Set, Odd Cycle Transversal, and Chordal Deletion. The study of analogous edge contraction problems has so far been left largely unexplored from a parameterized perspective. We consider two basic problems of this type: Tree Contraction and Path Contraction. These two problems take as input an undirected graph G on n vertices and an integer k, and the task is to determine whether we can obtain a tree or a path, respectively, by a sequence of at most k edge contractions in G. For Tree Contraction, we present a randomized 4 k ? n O(1) time polynomial-space algorithm, as well as a deterministic 4.98 k ? n O(1) time algorithm, based on a variant of the color coding technique of Alon, Yuster and Zwick. We also present a deterministic 2 k+o(k)+n O(1) time algorithm for Path Contraction. Furthermore, we show that Path Contraction has a kernel with at most 5k+3 vertices, while Tree Contraction does not have a polynomial kernel unless NP ? coNP/poly. We find the latter result surprising because of the connection between Tree Contraction and Feedback Vertex Set, which is known to have a kernel with 4k 2 vertices.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a weighted undirected graph, with non-negative edge weights. We consider the problem of efficiently computing approximate distances between all pairs of vertices in?G. While many efficient algorithms are known for this problem in unweighted graphs, not many results are known for this problem in weighted graphs. Zwick?(J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 49:289–317, 2002) showed that for any fixed ε>0, stretch 1+ε distances (a path in G between u,vV is said to be of stretch t if its length is at most t times the distance between u and v in G) between all pairs of vertices in a weighted directed graph on n vertices can be computed in $\tilde{O}(n^{\omega})$ time, where ω<2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication and n is the number of vertices. It is known that finding distances of stretch less than 2 between all pairs of vertices in G is at least as hard as Boolean matrix multiplication of two n×n matrices. Here we show that all pairs stretch 2+ε distances for any fixed ε>0 in G can be computed in expected time O(n 9/4). This algorithm uses a fast rectangular matrix multiplication subroutine. We also present a combinatorial algorithm (that is, it does not use fast matrix multiplication) with expected running time O(n 9/4) for computing all-pairs stretch 5/2 distances in?G. This combinatorial algorithm will serve as a key step in our all-pairs stretch 2+ε distances algorithm.  相似文献   

We relate the exponential complexities 2 s(k)n of $\textsc {$k$-sat}$ and the exponential complexity $2^{s(\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf}))n}$ of $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ (the problem of evaluating quantified formulas of the form $\forall\vec{x} \exists\vec{y} \textsc {F}(\vec {x},\vec{y})$ where F is a 3-cnf in $\vec{x}$ variables and $\vec{y}$ variables) and show that s(∞) (the limit of s(k) as k→∞) is at most $s(\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf}))$ . Therefore, if we assume the Strong Exponential-Time Hypothesis, then there is no algorithm for $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ running in time 2 cn with c<1. On the other hand, a nontrivial exponential-time algorithm for $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ would provide a $\textsc {$k$-sat}$ solver with better exponent than all current algorithms for sufficiently large k. We also show several syntactic restrictions of the evaluation problem $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ have nontrivial algorithms, and provide strong evidence that the hardest cases of $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ must have a mixture of clauses of two types: one universally quantified literal and two existentially quantified literals, or only existentially quantified literals. Moreover, the hardest cases must have at least n?o(n) universally quantified variables, and hence only o(n) existentially quantified variables. Our proofs involve the construction of efficient minimally unsatisfiable $\textsc {$k$-cnf}$ s and the application of the Sparsification lemma.  相似文献   

A mode of a multiset S is an element aS of maximum multiplicity; that is, a occurs at least as frequently as any other element in S. Given an array A[1:n] of n elements, we consider a basic problem: constructing a static data structure that efficiently answers range mode queries on A. Each query consists of an input pair of indices (i,j) for which a mode of A[i:j] must be returned. The best previous data structure with linear space, by Krizanc, Morin, and Smid (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), pp. 517–526, 2003), requires \(\varTheta (\sqrt{n}\log\log n)\) query time in the worst case. We improve their result and present an O(n)-space data structure that supports range mode queries in \(O(\sqrt{n/\log n})\) worst-case time. In the external memory model, we give a linear-space data structure that requires \(O(\sqrt{n/B})\) I/Os per query, where B denotes the block size. Furthermore, we present strong evidence that a query time significantly below \(\sqrt{n}\) cannot be achieved by purely combinatorial techniques; we show that boolean matrix multiplication of two \(\sqrt{n} \times \sqrt{n}\) matrices reduces to n range mode queries in an array of size O(n). Additionally, we give linear-space data structures for the dynamic problem (queries and updates in near O(n 3/4) time), for orthogonal range mode in d dimensions (queries in near O(n 1?1/2d ) time) and for half-space range mode in d dimensions (queries in \(O(n^{1-1/d^{2}})\) time). Finally, we complement our dynamic data structure with a reduction from the multiphase problem, again supporting that we cannot hope for much more efficient data structures.  相似文献   

Zeev Nutov 《Algorithmica》2014,70(2):340-364
We consider Degree Constrained Survivable Network problems. For the directed Degree Constrained k -Edge-Outconnected Subgraph problem, we slightly improve the best known approximation ratio, by a simple proof. Our main contribution is giving a framework to handle node-connectivity degree constrained problems with the iterative rounding method. In particular, for the degree constrained versions of the Element-Connectivity Survivable Network problem on undirected graphs, and of the k -Outconnected Subgraph problem on both directed and undirected graphs, our algorithm computes a solution J of cost O(logk) times the optimal, with degrees O(2 k )?b(v). Similar result are obtained for the k -Connected Subgraph problem. The latter improves on the only degree approximation O(klogn)?b(v) in O(n k ) time on undirected graphs by Feder, Motwani, and Zhu.  相似文献   

Approximation Algorithms for the Directed k-Tour and k-Stroll Problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider two natural generalizations of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman problem: the k-Stroll and the k-Tour problems. The input to the k-Stroll problem is a directed n-vertex graph with nonnegative edge lengths, an integer k, as well as two special vertices s and t. The goal is to find a minimum-length s-t walk, containing at least k distinct vertices (including the endpoints s,t). The k-Tour problem can be viewed as a special case of k-Stroll, where s=t. That is, the walk is required to be a tour, containing some pre-specified vertex s. When k=n, the k-Stroll problem becomes equivalent to Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Path, and k-Tour to Asymmetric Traveling Salesman. Our main result is a polylogarithmic approximation algorithm for the k-Stroll problem. Prior to our work, only bicriteria (O(log2 k),3)-approximation algorithms have been known, producing walks whose length is bounded by 3OPT, while the number of vertices visited is Ω(k/log2 k). We also show a simple O(log2 n/loglogn)-approximation algorithm for the k-Tour problem. The best previously known approximation algorithms achieved min(O(log3 k),O(log2 n?logk/loglogn)) approximation in polynomial time, and O(log2 k) approximation in quasipolynomial time.  相似文献   

Distance transforms are an important computational tool for the processing of binary images. For ann ×n image, distance transforms can be computed in time \(\mathcal{O}\) (n) on a mesh-connected computer and in polylogarithmic time on hypercube related structures. We investigate the possibilities of computing distance transforms in polylogarithmic time on the pyramid computer and the mesh of trees. For the pyramid, we obtain a polynomial lower bound using a result by Miller and Stout, so we turn our attention to the mesh of trees. We give a very simple \(\mathcal{O}\) (logn) algorithm for the distance transform with respect to theL 1-metric, an \(\mathcal{O}\) (log2 n) algorithm for the transform with respect to theL -metric, and find that the Euclidean metric is much more difficult. Based on evidence from number theory, we conjecture the impossibility of computing the Euclidean distance transform in polylogarithmic time on a mesh of trees. Instead, we approximate the distance transform up to a given error. This works for anyL k -metric and takes time \(\mathcal{O}\) (log3 n).  相似文献   

Here we show that, given a set of clusters ${\mathcal{C}}$ on a set of taxa ${\mathcal{X}}$ , where $|{\mathcal{X}}|=n$ , it is possible to determine in time f(k)?poly(n) whether there exists a level-≤k network (i.e. a network where each biconnected component has reticulation number at most k) that represents all the clusters in ${\mathcal{C}}$ in the softwired sense, and if so to construct such a network. This extends a result from Kelk et al. (in IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 9:517–534, 2012) which showed that the problem is polynomial-time solvable for fixed k. By defining “k-reticulation generators” analogous to “level-k generators”, we then extend this fixed parameter tractability result to the problem where k refers not to the level but to the reticulation number of the whole network.  相似文献   

We present a data structure for maintaining the geodesic hull of a set of points (sites) in the presence of pairwise noncrossing line segments (barriers) that subdivide a bounding box into simply connected faces. For m barriers and n sites, our data structure has O((m+n)logn) size. It supports a mixed sequence of O(m) barrier insertions and O(n) site deletions in $O((m+n) \operatorname{polylog}(mn))$ total time, and answers analogues of standard convex hull queries in $O(\operatorname{polylog}(mn))$ time. Our data structure supports a generalization of the sweep line technique, in which the sweep wavefront is a simple closed polygonal curve, and it sweeps a set of n points in the plane by simple moves. We reduce the total time of supporting m online moves of a polygonal wavefront sweep algorithm from the naïve $O(m\sqrt{n} \operatorname{polylog}n)$ to $O((m+n) \operatorname{polylog}(mn))$ .  相似文献   

We study the edge-coloring problem in the message-passing model of distributed computing. This is one of the most fundamental problems in this area. Currently, the best-known deterministic algorithms for (2Δ ?1)-edge-coloring requires O(Δ) +  log* n time (Panconesi and Rizzi in Distrib Comput 14(2):97–100, 2001), where Δ is the maximum degree of the input graph. Also, recent results of Barenboim and Elkin (2010) for vertex-coloring imply that one can get an O(Δ)-edge-coloring in ${O(\Delta^{\epsilon}\cdot \log n)}$ time, and an ${O(\Delta^{1 + \epsilon})}$ -edge-coloring in O(log Δ log n) time, for an arbitrarily small constant ${\epsilon > 0}$ . In this paper we devise a significantly faster deterministic edge-coloring algorithm. Specifically, our algorithm computes an O(Δ)-edge-coloring in ${O(\Delta^{\epsilon}) + \log* n}$ time, and an ${O(\Delta^{1 + \epsilon})}$ -edge-coloring in O(log Δ) +  log* n time. This result improves the state-of-the-art running time for deterministic edge-coloring with this number of colors in almost the entire range of maximum degree Δ. Moreover, it improves it exponentially in a wide range of Δ, specifically, for 2 Ω(log*n) ≤ Δ ≤ polylog(n). In addition, for small values of Δ (up to log1 - δ n, for some fixed δ > 0) our deterministic algorithm outperforms all the existing randomized algorithms for this problem. Also, our algorithm is the first O(Δ)-edge-coloring algorithm that has running time o(Δ) + log* n, for the entire range of Δ. All previous (deterministic and randomized) O(Δ)-edge-coloring algorithms require ${\Omega(\min \{\Delta, \sqrt{\log n}\ \})}$ time. On our way to these results we study the vertex-coloring problem on graphs with bounded neighborhood independence. This is a large family of graphs, which strictly includes line graphs of r-hypergraphs (i.e., hypergraphs in which each hyperedge contains r or less vertices) for rO(1), and graphs of bounded growth. We devise a very fast deterministic algorithm for vertex-coloring graphs with bounded neighborhood independence. This algorithm directly gives rise to our edge-coloring algorithms, which apply to general graphs. Our main technical contribution is a subroutine that computes an O(Δ/p)-defective p-vertex coloring of graphs with bounded neighborhood independence in O(p 2) + log* n time, for a parameter p, 1 ≤ pΔ. In all previous efficient distributed routines for m-defective p-coloring the product m· p is super-linear in Δ. In our routine this product is linear in Δ, and this enables us to speed up the algorithm drastically.  相似文献   

Given a set of points \(P \subset\mathbb{R}^{d}\) , the k-means clustering problem is to find a set of k centers \(C = \{ c_{1},\ldots,c_{k}\}, c_{i} \in\mathbb{R}^{d}\) , such that the objective function ∑ xP e(x,C)2, where e(x,C) denotes the Euclidean distance between x and the closest center in C, is minimized. This is one of the most prominent objective functions that has been studied with respect to clustering. D 2-sampling (Arthur and Vassilvitskii, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA’07, pp. 1027–1035, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2007) is a simple non-uniform sampling technique for choosing points from a set of points. It works as follows: given a set of points \(P \subset\mathbb{R}^{d}\) , the first point is chosen uniformly at random from P. Subsequently, a point from P is chosen as the next sample with probability proportional to the square of the distance of this point to the nearest previously sampled point. D 2-sampling has been shown to have nice properties with respect to the k-means clustering problem. Arthur and Vassilvitskii (Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA’07, pp. 1027–1035, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2007) show that k points chosen as centers from P using D 2-sampling give an O(logk) approximation in expectation. Ailon et al. (NIPS, pp. 10–18, 2009) and Aggarwal et al. (Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques, pp. 15–28, Springer, Berlin, 2009) extended results of Arthur and Vassilvitskii (Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA’07, pp. 1027–1035, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2007) to show that O(k) points chosen as centers using D 2-sampling give an O(1) approximation to the k-means objective function with high probability. In this paper, we further demonstrate the power of D 2-sampling by giving a simple randomized (1+?)-approximation algorithm that uses the D 2-sampling in its core.  相似文献   

Hierarchical hypercubes (HHC), also known as cube-connected cubes, have been introduced in the literature as an interconnection network for massively parallel systems. Effectively, they can connect a large number of nodes while retaining a small diameter and a low degree compared to a hypercube of the same size. Especially (2 m +m)-dimensional hierarchical hypercubes ( $\mathit {HHC}_{2^{m}+m}$ ), called perfect HHCs, are popular as they are symmetrical, which is a critical property when designing routing algorithms. In this paper, we describe an algorithm finding, in an $\mathit{HHC}_{2^{m}+m}$ , mutually node-disjoint paths connecting k=?(m+1)/2? pairs of distinct nodes. This problem is known as the k-pairwise disjoint-path routing problem and is one of the important routing problems when dealing with interconnection networks. In an $\mathit{HHC}_{2^{m}+m}$ , our algorithm finds paths of lengths at most 2 m+1+m(2 m+1+1)+4 in O(25m ) time, where 2 m+1 is the diameter of an $\mathit{HHC}_{2^{m}+m}$ . Also, we have shown through an experiment that, in practice, the lengths of the generated paths are significantly lower than the worst-case theoretical estimations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the notion of distributed verification without preprocessing. It focuses on the Minimum-weight Spanning Tree (MST) verification problem and establishes tight upper and lower bounds for the time and message complexities of this problem. Specifically, we provide an MST verification algorithm that achieves simultaneously $\tilde{O}(m)$ messages and $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} + D)$ time, where m is the number of edges in the given graph G, n is the number of nodes, and D is G’s diameter. On the other hand, we show that any MST verification algorithm must send $\tilde{\varOmega}(m)$ messages and incur $\tilde{\varOmega}(\sqrt{n} + D)$ time in worst case. Our upper bound result appears to indicate that the verification of an MST may be easier than its construction, since for MST construction, both lower bounds of $\tilde{\varOmega}(m)$ messages and $\tilde{\varOmega}(\sqrt{n} + D)$ time hold, but at the moment there is no known distributed algorithm that constructs an MST and achieves simultaneously $\tilde{O}(m)$ messages and $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} + D)$ time. Specifically, the best known time-optimal algorithm (using ${\tilde{O}}(\sqrt {n} + D)$ time) requires O(m+n 3/2) messages, and the best known message-optimal algorithm (using ${\tilde{O}}(m)$ messages) requires O(n) time. On the other hand, our lower bound results indicate that the verification of an MST is not significantly easier than its construction.  相似文献   

For a finite alphabet ∑ we define a binary relation on \(2^{\Sigma *} \times 2^{2^{\Sigma ^* } } \) , called balanced immunity. A setB ? ∑* is said to be balancedC-immune (with respect to a classC ? 2Σ* of sets) iff, for all infiniteL εC, $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \left| {L^{ \leqslant n} \cap B} \right|/\left| {L^{ \leqslant n} } \right| = \tfrac{1}{2}$$ Balanced immunity implies bi-immunity and in natural cases randomness. We give a general method to find a balanced immune set'B for any countable classC and prove that, fors(n) =o(t(n)) andt(n) >n, there is aB εSPACE(t(n)), which is balanced immune forSPACE(s(n)), both in the deterministic and nondeterministic case.  相似文献   

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