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曝气生物滤池污水处理工艺中的自控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文介绍了MODICON PLC和WonderWare INTOUCH监控软件在曝气生物滤池污水处理工艺中的应用,主要阐述了曝气生物滤池污水处理工艺自控系统的系统配置方案和功能设计。  相似文献   

随着网络技术和多媒体技术的不断发展,传统的工业控制模式也需要不断引入新技术来满足当今社会对控制和管理的新要求.文中着重介绍了对新疆新港公司油田污水处理站监控系统的优化升级.其中采用了一体化控制理念,选用了将PLC控制、网络通讯、视频监控、数据存贮集成于一体的控制器,使控制系统的功能得到了增强.该系统已投入运行两年多,稳定可靠,具有良好的应用和推广价值.  相似文献   

福清融元污水处理工程采用先进的百乐卡活性污泥处理工艺,控制系统采用三层结构:  相似文献   

简要阐述了污水处理工程中鼓风机的作用,并在此基础上论述了污水处理过程中鼓风机的应用。期望通过相关研究,对降低污水处理厂的运行能耗有所帮助。  相似文献   

污水净化是进一步改善城镇居民生活环境、提高人民健康水平的重要手段之一。一个中等污水处理厂的设备控制点有300~500个,若靠人工操作,每个工作段位都要配备数名工人,而且段位之间要能相互协调,才能保证污水处理系统的正常运行。这样,不仅劳动强度大,工作效率低,而且容易造成配合失误,对于扩大污水处理规模将有很大影响。 利用GE-FANUC90-30型PLC实现污水处理过程控制,包括流量瞬时值及累计值的数据采集,溶解氧的检测及控制,进水泵、鼓风机、回流泵、搅拌器、潜水泵、变频器等的监测、自动启/停控制,…  相似文献   

以上海市某污水处理厂扩建工程项目为背景,分析了该污水处理厂的工艺流程并重点阐述了生物反应池这一核心工艺环节,开发了一套倒置A2O工艺的污水处理SCADA系统,在传统厌氧-缺氧-好氧(A2O)工艺的基础上设立预缺氧池并加置两个缺氧-好氧(AO)池。SCADA系统的下位机选用Rockwell Control Logix系列以及Siemens S7-1200的PLC,人机界面采用组态软件KingSCADA3.7进行开发。整个自控系统通过工艺流程模块进行画面实时监控,可以实时记录运行参数、显示参数趋势曲线等。运行结果表明,该污水处理自控系统实现了污水处理厂的集散控制,满足工艺要求,提升了脱氮除磷效率和出水水质。  相似文献   

污水,通常指受一定污染的、来自生活和生产的废弃水.污水主要有生活污水,工业废水和初期雨水.污水的主要污染物有病原体污染物,耗氧污染物,植物营养物,有毒污染物等.  相似文献   

张龙  刘新天 《自动化博览》2007,24(Z1):42-44
文章主要介绍了IEC61158国际标准之一的INTERBUS现场总线,以及基于INTERBUS总线的自动化控制系统在工业厂房楼宇自控系统的实际应用和优点.  相似文献   

忻州污水处理项目是一项属于五湖治理的重点工程,该污水处理厂的日处理污水能力为6.5万吨。为了实现“现场无人值守,总站少人值班”的目的,忻州污水处理厂选用和利时公司的HOLLiAS-PLC系统在该污水处理厂建立一个先进、可靠、高效且便于进一步扩充的集过程控制、监视和计算机管理于一体并且具备良好开放性的监控系统,完成对整个污水处理工艺过程及全部生产设备的监测与自动控制。  相似文献   

模糊控制在污水处理中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
针对污水处理的复杂性、不确定性和难以建立准确的数学模型的特点,提出用模糊控制的方法实现污水处理SBR法的自动控制,为污水处理的COD值自动控制提供了一条切实可行的途径。  相似文献   

针对国内大多数污水处理厂曝气量的分配、供应效果很不理想,溶解氧浓度控制滞后、精度低、波动大、能耗高以及直接影响处理效果。本文叙述了已成功开发并应用的污水处理生化池曝气量的智能控制系统。该系统能在水质水量不变时和变化时,采用串级、前馈、反馈控制和智能模型,保证曝气平衡,并根据阀门的开度大小,调节鼓风机的操作压力,达到节能的目的。本文对控制系统的设计思想、系统配置、控制算法、软件设计作了重点介绍,并给出了实际使用效果。  相似文献   

Activated sludge systems are commonly used for robust and efficient treatment of municipal wastewater. However, these systems cannot achieve their maximum potential to recover valuable resources from wastewater. This study demonstrates a procedure to design a feasible novel configuration for maximizing energy and nutrient recovery. A simulation model was developed based on literature data and recent experimental research using steady-state energy and mass balances with conversions. The analysis showed that in the Netherlands, proposed configuration consists of four technologies: bioflocculation, cold partial nitritation/Anammox, P recovery, and anaerobic digestion. Results indicate the possibility to increase net energy yield up to 0.24 kWh/m3 of wastewater, while reducing carbon emissions by 35%. Moreover, sensitivity analysis points out the dominant influence of wastewater organic matter on energy production and consumption. This study provides a good starting point for the design of promising layouts that will improve sustainability of municipal wastewater management in the future.  相似文献   

The work presented herein illustrates the use of computational intelligence and optimization approaches for improving the fuzzy controller׳s performance in architectural heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC). The primary purpose of the performed research is to find a method to moderate the energy use without compromising the comforts of the inhabitants. The control design used to meet this purpose includes the predicted mean vote (PMV) and predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) indices. The software of choice for evaluating PMV and PPD is EnergyPlus. Whereas, for the fuzzy controller and the evolutionary optimization framework, the co-simulation tool with building controls virtual test bed (BCVTB) is used in conjunction with Simulink. The ensuing comparison between EnergyPlus׳s thermal control of HVAC and our fuzzy approach is the outcome of the present research.  相似文献   

The increasing number of alternative wastewater treatment technologies and stricter effluent requirements make the optimal treatment process selection for wastewater treatment plant design a complicated problem. This task, defined as wastewater treatment process synthesis, is currently based on expert decisions and previous experiences. This paper proposes a new approach based on mathematical programming to manage the complexity of the problem. The approach generates/identifies novel and optimal wastewater treatment process selection, and the interconnection between unit operations to create a process flow diagram. Towards this end, a superstructure approach is used to represent the treatment alternatives for reaction and separation. A generic process interval model is used to describe each alternative in terms of input–output mass balances including conversion and separation factors. Next the design problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer (Non)linear Programming problem – MI(N)LP – and solved. A case study is formulated and solved to highlight the application of the framework.  相似文献   

介绍了生物流化床新型污水处理技术,分析了生物流化床污水生物处理工艺难于控制的原因,以及模糊控制系统的结构和特点。根据生物流化床污水处理工艺特点,提出用模糊控制的方法实现生物流化床污水处理的自动控制。实验结果表明,将模糊控制应用于生物流化床污水处理技术可以在出水稳定达标的前提下达到节能降耗、避免过量曝气的目标。  相似文献   

Mobile and wireless devices with limited energy are now of interest for the grid community. Reducing the related energy consumption is very important for wireless devices. Compared to conventional grid systems, energy aware grids need to support application quality of service (QoS) with limited energy. There is an inherent conflict in the design goals for high grid application QoS and low energy consumption. To address this challenging problem, this article considers joint optimisation of application QoS and energy conservation in grid environment. Joint optimisation of application QoS and energy conservation is targeted to maximise the system utility without exceeding the deadline and the total energy available, which can be provided by an exhaustible source such as a battery. This article formulates joint optimisation of application QoS and energy conservation as constrained maximisation problem; the constraints include energy budget and application QoS requirements. This article also presents a QoS and energy aware scheduling algorithm (QESA) which balances application QoS and energy conservation to improve system performance. In the simulation, the performance evaluation of QESA is conducted.  相似文献   

A data-mining approach is proposed to model a pumping system in a wastewater treatment plant. Two parameters, energy consumption and wastewater flow rate after the pumping system, are used to evaluate the performance of 27 scenarios while the pump was operating. Five data-mining algorithms are applied to identify the relationships between the outputs (energy consumption and wastewater flow rate) and the inputs (elevation level of the wet well and the speed of the pumps). The accuracy of the flow rate and energy consumption models exceeded 90%. The derived models are deployed to optimize the pump system. The computational results obtained with the proposed models are discussed.  相似文献   

SBR工艺是污水处理广泛采用的方法,针对曝气过程难于控制,探讨了粒子群改进算法在过程参数优化控制中的应用。文中剖析了曝气过程的控制论特性、控制难点,研究了控制策略,探讨了改进的PSO算法,基于仿人智能控制,构造了优化控制算法。借助仿真实验,对曝气过程控制作了对比研究,过程响应验证了基于粒子群改进控制算法的良好控制品质。仿真实验结果表明,基于粒子群改进控制算法在曝气过程控制中的应用是可行、合理与有效的。  相似文献   

This paper treats the problem of estimating simultaneously the state and the unknown inputs of a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems. An observer design method for nonlinear Lipschitz discrete-time systems is proposed. By assuming that the linear part of this class of systems is time-varying, the state estimation problem of nonlinear system is transformed into a state estimation problem for LPV system. The stability analysis is performed using a Lyapunov function that leads to the solvability of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Performances of the proposed observer are shown through the application to an activated sludge process model.  相似文献   

介绍了嵌入式监控系统的相关实现技术,通过对嵌入式监控系统可重配置要求的分析,设计了嵌入式监控系统各功能模块。并以二次纤维造纸废水处理的中试系统为对象,采用Windows CE.NET操作系统验证了所设计的嵌入式监控系统的可行性。  相似文献   

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