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基于光学鼠标传感器的转速测量方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于光学鼠标传感器的转速测量方法.分析了转速测量原理,解决了光学鼠标传感器ADNS-3080的软件初始化和镜头对焦等关键问题,设计了基于光学鼠标传感器的转速测量试验系统.试验结果表明:这种方法能准确判别转向,对于本试验系统,在1 000 r/min范围内具有良好的线性度和快速响应性.该方法适用于低速转动部件的转速测量与转向判别.  相似文献   

1999年,微软率先发布首款光学传感器IntelliEye,以此推出IntelliMouse with IntelliEye和IntelliMouse Explorer两款光学鼠标,彻底改变了鼠标的历史。  相似文献   

针对现有点对点数字通信系统传输距离近、成本高等问题,采用白光LED设计并实现了基于可见光传输的多路数字音频通信系统。该系统结合音频编解码芯片TP3067实现多路音频信号的复用传输,采用FPGA作为主控制器控制编码信号的时隙。实验结果表明,该系统可实现最高2.048 Mbit/s的传输速率,最多可传输32路音频信号,且传输稳定。  相似文献   

笑笑 《现代计算机》2007,(2):106-106
鼠标,作为CUI电脑操作系统中最简单、最常见的电脑基本输入设备,经过了四十多年的发展与积累,走过了机械时代、传统光学时代,发展到目前的激光时代。现在,我们使用的大多是光电和激光鼠标,而两者有哪些不同呢?  相似文献   

刘东 《微型计算机》2012,(13):89-89
这是Zowie联合SpawN(CS游戏传奇巨星)开发的光学游戏鼠标AM。它有两个版本,带GS后缀和不带的。AM-GS使用了类肤上盖+烤漆侧裙.而AM为纯类肤表面.两种材质的表面触感都很细腻.但控油能力较弱。  相似文献   

介绍一种利于书写、绘画的笔形无线鼠标的设计。该笔形无线鼠标不仅具有传统无线鼠标的所有功能,还在外形结构及定位方式上有了人性化的改进。首先将传统鼠标形状改为笔形设计更利于书写、绘画时使用,其次将光学定位改用加速度传感器定位设计,使其可以脱离桌面悬空使用。调查表明,笔形无线鼠标具有广泛的应用领域。  相似文献   

论述了一种基于混沌映射的图像保密通信系统。加解密算法应用了4个一维混沌映射,采用了图像置乱和混沌掩盖同时进行的方法,并使用了扩散机制。该算法具有加解密效果良好、适应性强、鲁棒性强、加解密速度快等特点。该软件系统可以处理多种格式和类型的图像,并实现了将其在因特网上以点对点方式进行传输。  相似文献   

针对将图像传感器用于可见光MIMO通信时存在的图像矫正、收发通道对准及时钟同步问题,分析了影响数 据帧有效性的因素,提出了一种发射端图形结构与通道分布规则,给出了基于图像传感器的可见光MIMO通信系统时钟同步 方法,并以三星S24D590PL 液晶显示器作为光学MIMO发射端,IPHONE 6S 手机后摄像头传感器作为接收端搭建了实验系 统。实验结果表明,本方案能够实现接收图像的定位和矫正,并自适应计算出MIMO通道数量和各通道坐标,在发射帧率小 于接收帧率的条件下,能够恢复同步时钟和解码数据。  相似文献   

随着节能环保型LED的发明及大量应用,可见光通信技术已成为一种新兴的无线光通信技术。通过阐述可见光通信技术的发展、研究过程、系统组成及原理,重点探索了可见光通信系统在无线宽带接入、特殊场所无线接入、物联网应用、室内购物导航的案例,并对可见光通信的局限性提出了设计解决方案,最后研究和分析了可见光通信的无线传输技术。  相似文献   

黄绪发 《软件》2020,(4):106-110
在可见光通信系统中,由于电子放大器和光学器件的非线性会降低系统的性能。为解决可见光通信系统的非线性问题,本文提出一种基于密度和距离(Densityanddistance-basedclustering,DDC)的算法,该算法利用调制星座点间的密度和不同簇间的距离,能准确地聚类出接收端非线性失真后的星座点位置。实验结果表明,相比传统的K-均值(K-means)算法,在可见光通信系统非线性较大时,本文提出DDC算法能更有效的解决可见光通信的非线性问题,具有更好的误码率性能。  相似文献   

描述了一个利用LED实现的星内光无线CAN通信系统.通过光收发电路代替有线CAN通信的收发器部分,实现了基于LED的光无线CAN通信.所实现系统在器件选用、功耗等方面尽可能考虑了在轨应用可行性.实验结果表明,所实现基于LED的星内光无线CAN通信系统在漫反射通信状态设备间距离为0.5m时,通信速率最高可达100 kb/s,可应用于卫星内部特定载荷之间的CAN通信.  相似文献   

李蔚  李源  刘洋 《计算机应用》2008,28(4):837-840
提出了一种新型移动IP漫游切换过程中链路建立方法,通过在移动主机中集成移动代理,并结合MPLS来完成链路建立时的自动信令和自主建立过程,可以改变目前移动IP网络中树状的网络体系结构,使得切换时建立新链路的信令过程大大简化,显著减小切换时延。给出了链路建立过程和性能分析,通过仿真模拟可以减少时延27%~41%。  相似文献   

Short-reach optical interconnects among servers in data centers have attracted extensive studies recently. High capacity and low cost are two key problems for optical link. In this paper, we demonstrate a band-limited 850 nm vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) based optical transmission system. The optical link realizes 70 Gb/s (65 Gb/s net rate) non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signal transmission over 11 m and 20 m OM4 multimode fiber (MMF), with the help of equalization for time domain interference elimination. The utilized VCSEL has a bandwidth of only 18 GHz, meeting the principle of low cost. The data baud rate in this paper reaches the highest value for an 18-GHz-class 850 nm VCSEL based optical link, to our best knowledge.  相似文献   

DVI接口的TMDS链路通讯中抖动问题研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
DVI接口的数据传输信号频率已接近微波波段,在如此高速串行数据通讯中会表现出典型的抖动效应。DVI接口电路设计中抖动是DVI接口的TMDS链路通讯的最为关心的问题之一,本文从TMDS连路结构及时钟同步与数据恢复两个方面对链路的抖动问题进行研究,并给出一些解决方案。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an optical wireless communication service for indoor environment. To seamlessly cover the target area and keep the received signal power strength at an acceptable level, we send the signal from multiple diffused optical emitters and achieve possible transmit diversity. With the proposed diversity scheme, the effective coverage range of the proposed system can be significantly enlarged with a guaranteed BER performance. Simulation results show a 13.4 m2 area can be effectively covered by two optical emitters with optical emitter spacing of 3 m and average transmit optical power of 28 dBm.  相似文献   

Speech is the most natural form of communication for human beings. However, in situations where audio speech is not available because of disability or adverse environmental condition, people may resort to alternative methods such as augmented speech, that is, audio speech supplemented or replaced by other modalities, such as audiovisual speech, or Cued Speech. This article introduces augmented speech communication based on Electro-Magnetic Articulography (EMA). Movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw are tracked by EMA and are used as features to create hidden Markov models (HMMs). In addition, automatic phoneme recognition experiments are conducted to examine the possibility of recognizing speech only from articulation, that is, without any audio information. The results obtained are promising, which confirm that phonetic features characterizing articulation are as discriminating as those characterizing acoustics (except for voicing). This article also describes experiments conducted in noisy environments using fused audio and EMA parameters. It has been observed that when EMA parameters are fused with noisy audio speech, the recognition rate increases significantly as compared with using noisy audio speech only.  相似文献   

We have fabricated sub-millimeter-sized quad corner-cube retroreflectors (CCRs) for free-space optical communication. Each quad CCR structure comprises three mirrors micromachined from silicon-on-insulator wafers, and is designed to facilitate manual assembly with accurate angular alignment. Assembled CCRs exhibit mirror nonflatness less than 50 nm, mirror roughness less than 2 nm, and mirror misalignment less than 1 mrad, leading to near-ideal optical performance. The quad CCR incorporates a gap-closing actuator to deflect a base mirror common to the four CCRs, allowing their reflectivity to be modulated up to 7 kb/s by a drive voltage less than 5 V. We have demonstrated a 180-m free-space optical communication link using a CCR as a passive optical transmitter. Quad CCRs have been integrated into miniature, autonomous nodes that constitute a distributed wireless sensor network. We present an analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio of CCR-based links, considering the impact of CCR dimensions, ambient light noise, and other factors.  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW开发环境,研究了MGCplus数据采集系统通信方法。根据液压泵-马达测试系统需求,运用Catman自带的ActiveX以及LabVIEW分析包,开发了LabVIEW环境下MGCplus数据采集系统的以太网通信软件。测试表明,通信系统运行稳定,满足测试系统的各项要求,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

基于通信链路质量的无线HART图路由算法实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
图路由是无线HART提出的路由机制,目前对图路由算法的研究较少.提出了一种基于通信链路质量的无线HART图路由算法,引入路径稳定度作为判断链路质量的机制.采用基于路径稳定度的分层算法,保证跳数最少和通信可靠性;依据层间节点的路径稳定度选择层间路由,保证层间路由冗余性和可靠性,实现了无线HART的图路由算法,并应用到无线HART网络管理者中.  相似文献   

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