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There is recent evidence that deprenyl may have anticonvulsant action in a rat kindling model of epilepsy as well as in a maximal electroshock model. We therefore investigated the effect of deprenyl on the brain sensitivity threshold to pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced maximal seizures in Lewis rats, in a model that provides pharmacodynamic information free of pharmacokinetic interference. The novel finding of this investigation was the anticonvulsant effect of deprenyl following repetitive administration whereas a single deprenyl dose did not affect the PTZ concentrations required to induce maximal seizures. The data suggests that the mechanism of this effect is not associated with the dopaminergic activity of deprenyl since pretreatment with both bromocriptine (a dopamine D2 agonist) and haloperidol (dopamine antagonist) did not affect the seizure threshold, whereas levodopa caused a proconvulsant effect. It was also concluded that the mechanism is not related to changes in acetylcholine levels since prolonged pretreatment with deprenyl did not attenuate the brain sensitivity to pilocarpine-induced seizures. The fact that long term administration of deprenyl was needed to produce its anticonvulsant effect may indicate that the anticonvulsant effect of deprenyl may be due to changes in levels of certain endogenous compounds or down or up-regulation of relevant receptor/effector units.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, the yeast Endomyces fibuliger LU677 was found to degrade amygdalin in bitter apricot seeds. The present investigation shows that E. fibuliger LU677 produces extracellular beta-glycosidase activity when grown in malt extract broth (MEB). Growth was very good at 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C and slightly less at 35 degrees C. When grown in MEB of pH 5 and pH 6 with addition of 0, 10 or 100 ppm amygdalin, E. fibuliger produced only slightly more biomass at pH 5, and was only slightly inhibited in the presence of amygdalin. Approximately, 60% of the added amygdalin was degraded (fastest at 35 degrees C) during an incubation period of 5 days. Supernatants of cultures grown at 25 degrees C and pH 6 for 5 days were tested for the effects of pH and temperature on activity (using amygdalin, linamarin and prunasin as substrates). Prunase activity had two pH optima (pH 4 and pH 6), amygdalase and linamarase only one each at pH 6 and pH 4-5 respectively. The linamarase activity evolved earlier than amygdalase (2 days and 4 days respectively). The data thus indicate the presence of at least two different glycosidases having different pH optima and kinetics of excretion. In the presence of amygdalin, lower glycosidase activities were generally produced. However, the amygdalin was degraded from the start of the growth, strongly indicating an uptake of amygdalin by the cells. The temperature optimum for all activities was at 40 degrees C. Activities of amygdalase (assayed at pH 4) and linamarase (at pH 6) evolving during the growth of E. fibuliger were generally higher in cultures grown at 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C. TLC analysis of amygdalin degradation products show a two-stage sequential mechanism as follows: (1) amygdalin to prunasin and (2) prunasin to cyanohydrin.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have indicated that interference with somatosensory feedback from convulsive movements may lessen the severity of audiogenic seizures in susceptible rodents. For further investigation of this phenomenon, mice were partially immobilized with tubocurarine chloride to attenuate convulsive movements and somatosensory input associated with such movements. In Experiment 1, seizures of mice injected with .15 mg/kg were evaluated behaviorally and compared with seizures of saline-injected litter-mates. The likelihood of clonic-tonic seizures in curarized mice was as high as that of control mice, although convulsive movements were somewhat less violent and seizure fatalities were markedly reduced. In Experiment 2, seizures of mice given .25 mg/kg were evaluated with electroencephalography, and records were compared with those of controls. Despite the near absence of behavioral signs of convulsions, electroencephalograms of curarized mice showed that audiogenic seizures readily occurred. The findings suggest that audiogenic seizures are centrally "programmed" and do not require feedback from convulsive movements. However, it may be possible to disrupt the central "program" by introducing appropriate somatosensory input not normally encountered during audiogenic seizures.  相似文献   

Audiogenic seizure (AGS) susceptibility in mice is a multifactorial behavioral disorder that involves severe generalized convulsions in response to loud, high-frequency sound. The inheritance of AGS susceptibility was examined in crosses between AGS-susceptible DBA/2J (D2) mice and epilepsy-prone (EP) mice. The EP mice were selected for high AGS susceptibility in a BALB/c-derived line. The AGS phenotype was similar in the EP and D2 mice at 30 days of age. The frequency of generalized clonic-tonic AGS was high in both the D2 and the EP mice (53 and 83%, respectively) but was low in the reciprocal EPD2F1 and D2EPF1 hybrids (14 and 19%, respectively). In the backcross to the EP parent, no significant associations were found between AGS susceptibility and microsatellite markers linked to Asp1 or Asp2, AGS genes located on Chromosomes 12 and 4, respectively. Significant associations were found for markers linked to Asp3, which is located in the proximal region of Chromosome 7. The influence of Asp3 on AGS susceptibility was seen in the EP x EPD2F1 backcross but not in the reciprocal EPD2F1 x EP backcross, suggesting that Asp3 expression is influenced by genomic imprinting. A model is proposed where genomic imprinting represses the maternal Asp3 allele, providing an influence largely from the paternal allele.  相似文献   

The effects of ethanol on the development of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-kindling as well as on fully PTZ-kindled convulsions in rats were investigated. Ethanol (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg i.p.) administered 15 min prior to each PTZ-injection (35 mg/kg i.p.; 3 times/week) significantly inhibited the progressive seizure development compared to saline-treated controls. For the higher doses of ethanol the kindling process was restricted to seizure stages of 1 or 2. Tolerance to this antiepileptogenic action did not occur even after 20 PTZ-stimulations. In a second series of experiments, 0.5 g/kg ethanol administered 10h before each PTZ-injection facilitated the rate of kindling development after 7 to 10 PTZ-injections, while the higher doses of ethanol did not modulate or even slightly reduced the seizure development. In a third test, intermittent administration of a high dose of ethanol (2 g/kg p.o.; twice daily for 6 days) before the kindling procedure (0.5 g/kg i.p. ethanol 10h prior to each PTZ-injection), significantly intensified the kindling development. In addition, studies with fully PTZ-kindled rats demonstrated that ethanol (0.1 to 1.5 g/kg i.p.), given 15 min prior or 2 min after PTZ, reduced the seizure severity in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, the present findings provide evidence for pronounced antiepileptogenic and anticonvulsant effects of ethanol after acute application, whereas repeated administration of high doses with longer withdrawal periods leads to proconvulsant actions, possible mediated via neuroadaptive changes in NMDA and/or GABA(A) receptor-related mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of some noradrenergic agents, phenobarbitone, diazepam and phenytoin on seizures produced by propranolol were investigated in mice. Isoprenaline and DL-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS) effectively antagonized the seizures elicited by propranolol. Pargyline and imipramine significantly attenuated propranolol-induced seizures and also significantly potentiated the protecting effect of DOPS against the seizures. alpha-Methyl-p-tyrosine, disulfiram and reserpine significantly potentiated propranolol-elicited seizures. However, DOPS significantly antagonized the seizure-potentiating effects of alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, disulfiram and reserpine. Phenylephrine, clonidine, prazosin, idazoxan, phenobarbitone, diazepam and phenytoin did not significantly alter propranolol-induced seizures. These results suggest that propranolol-induced seizures in mice may involve a noradrenergic mechanism mediated via central beta-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the immune system and convulsions in an animal model, we examined the effects of repeated administration with the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A on pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced convulsions and the changes in the mRNA expression of its binding protein cyclophilin in the rat brain. The consecutive administration of cyclosporin A (5 mg/kg, s.c., 14 days) significantly aggravated the severity of convulsions induced with PTZ 75 mg/kg, i.p. Furthermore, it down-regulated the levels of cyclophilin mRNA in several brain regions and inhibited the PTZ-induced increase of hippocampal cyclophilin mRNA. Compared with the group without PTZ pretreatment or the group treated with chronic vehicle administration after the PTZ-preinjection, chronic cyclosporin A administration after the initial injection of PTZ apparently aggravated convulsions after the second PTZ injection. Interestingly, the increase in hippocampal cyclophilin mRNA observed after a single PTZ injection was not found after the second PTZ injection in the group with PTZ pretreatment. Therefore, these findings suggest that cyclosporin A administered peripherally can affect the central nervous system, and that an immune response associated with the first convulsive episode plays a key role in severity during subsequent attacks.  相似文献   

Studied the effects of sound-intensity levels and genotypes on priming for audiogenic seizures in 367 mice of the BALB/c, C57BL/J Rubbo, and C57BL/K Bradley strains and their F1 hybrids. Significant main effects for Strain, Sound Intensity, and Genotype * Treatment interaction, and a variability of mode of inheritance, depending upon particular genotypes and treatments, were observed. A 96-db sound was not effective in inducing seizure susceptibility in all genotypes; a 101-db sound induced moderate seizure rate in BALB/c and K Bradley Ss but not in the other strains; a 104-db sound induced a high seizure rate in BALB/c, but a moderate rate in K Bradley and BALB/c * J Rubbo Ss; at 109-db level, a high seizure rate was induced in BALB/c and BALB/c * J Rubbo Ss and a moderate rate in K Bradley. (23 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Morphine administration can lead to a variety of side-effects, including myoclonus. In an animal model, high morphine doses given intrathecally elicit hindlimb myoclonic seizures which are not influenced by traditional opioid receptor antagonists, such as naloxone. Ketamine prevents this seizure-like activity in a dose-dependent manner. The response is stereoselective, with S-ketamine far more potent than R-ketamine. A competitive NMDA antagonist, NPC17742, also prevents the seizures, although less potently than ketamine. Dextromethorphan has limited activity in this model, while haloperidol and pentothal are without any effect.  相似文献   

C57BL/6Bg mice had silver bead electrodes chronically implanted on the surface of the cortex and had their cortical EEG recorded during audiogenic seizures following ethanol withdrawal. For 7 days, the experimental groups were fed a liquid diet containing 6% v/v ethanol ad lib as the only source of food and water. The control group was fed a similar diet containing an isocaloric amount of sucrose. The cortical EEG's of experimental and control groups before, during, and after treatment were virtually identical. Only the experimental group was susceptible to audiogenic seizures. During audiogenic seizures, the cortical EEG showed no sign of spike waves or paroxysmal activity. This is in contrast to picrotoxin convulsions with these same mice as well as to spontaneous convulsions in animals following ethanol withdrawal. Similar EEG observations have been reported on audiogenic seizures from genetic and acoustically primed susceptibilities. Consequently, we suggest that all audiogenic seizure responses, including those during ethanol withdrawal, are a type of subcortical epilepsy.  相似文献   

To clarify the influence of the head-up position on cerebral oxygen metabolism during laparoscopy with CO2 insufflation in 12 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, changes in the concentrations of cerebral oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (Hb), total hemoglobin (total Hb) and oxidized cytochrome aa3 (Cyt aa3) were measured by use of near-infrared laser spectroscopy. Anesthesia was maintained with nitrous oxide (66%), oxygen, and sevoflurane. Pneumoperitoneum was maintained at an intraabdominal pressure of 10-12 mm Hg by use of CO2. Minute ventilation was adjusted to maintain end-tidal CO2 tension (P(ET)CO2) between 35 and 40 mm Hg during the procedure. Patients were moved from supine to the head-up (20 degree) position before intraabdominal manipulation. The concentration of HbO2 decreased significantly when patients were moved to the head-up position and 30 min thereafter. It remained significantly low after they were returned to the supine position and at the end of surgery. The concentration of Hb was unchanged during the study. Therefore, the concentration of total Hb decreased significantly when patients were moved to the head-up position, as well as 30 min thereafter. It remained significantly low after they were returned to the supine position and at the end of surgery. The concentration of Cyt aa3, however, did not change significantly during the study. These results suggest that the head-up position during laparoscopic cholecystectomy decreases cerebral HbO2 and total Hb.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In previous University of California, San Diego (UCSD) studies, nocturnal illumination shortened menstrual cycles that were longer than 33 days. The studies reported here extend the previous findings, confining the illumination to the sleep period. DESIGN: Two light levels (235 to 250 lux and less than 1 lux) and 2 modes of light delivery (lighted sleep mask and bedside lamp) were tested. RESULTS: 235 to 250 lux treatment cycle lengths were significantly shorter than baseline, but not significantly shorter than the less than 1 lux treatment cycle lengths. Subjective reports of sleep disturbance were greater with the 235 to 250 lux treatment, but there was no significant difference in overall quality of sleep between the two light levels. CONCLUSIONS: The current data alone do not exclude spontaneous remission or suggestion, but our previous studies demonstrated significant contrasts between 235 to 250 lux and less than 1 lux light levels. This study suggests that treatment may be effective when confined to the sleep period, and that light masks, which do not disturb bed partners, may be used in place of bedside lamps.  相似文献   

Investigated the absolute threshold of the auditory evoked potential (AEP) at the level of the inferior colliculus in 30 C57BL/6J mice. In Exp I, acoustic priming at 16 days of age, which induces susceptibility to audiogenic seizures, elevated this threshold for individual frequencies from 5 kHz to 25 kHz in 21-day-old mice by 5-11 db. In Exp II, the amplitude of the AEP was examined in response to a flat 10-20 kHz noise band. At low intensities, the AEP amplitude was considerably higher for nonprimed Ss, but at high sound levels this relationship reversed. Results indicate that primed mice show recruitment deafness and offer a method of investigating recruitment deafness in humans. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Calcium influx through the TRP and TRPL light-activated channels triggers a complex regulatory hierarchy resulting in positive and negative feedback regulation of the phototransduction cascade. Recent studies have begun to elucidate the function of TRP and TRPL in vivo, and to examine their relationship to intracellular calcium changes during the light response.  相似文献   

Environmental poisoning is most commonly associated with chronic long-term exposure to toxins rather than to acute exposure. Such repeated exposure to sublethal doses of compounds and elements presents problems in risk assessment. This is primarily because the data are unavailable to describe relationships between dose and effect at lower levels of exposure to toxins. Bioavailability of toxins also presents a problem because the data on bioavailability are sparse and seldom as high as the default of 100% bioavailability commonly used in risk assessment. Examples are presented of two toxins: arsenic as an elemental anthropogenic and geologic poison and ciguatoxin, a polyether ladder compound, as a toxin produced naturally by dinoflagellates. Bioavailability drives the toxicity of arsenic from contaminated sites, whereas tissue accumulation drives the toxicity of ciguatoxin. Considerable benefit is derived from the harmonization of regulatory processes where there is linkage of health and environmental factors in the derivation of credible risk assessment.  相似文献   

The influence of some noradrenergic, 5-hydroxytryptaminergic and cholinergic agents on imipramine-induced seizures were investigated in mice. DL-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS) and pargyline significantly potentiated imipramine-induced seizures. Phentolamine and prazosin significantly attenuated seizures elicited by imipramine and significantly attenuated the seizure-enhancing effect of DOPs. alpha-Methyl-p-tyrosine and reserpine significantly attenuated seizures induced by imipramine. Disulfiram significantly protected mice against imipramine-induced seizures. However, DOPS significantly potentiated seizures induced by imipramine in disulfiram-pretreated animals. Clonidine effectively protected mice against imipramine-induced seizures. Idazoxan, on the other hand, significantly potentiated seizures induced by imipramine and significantly antagonised the protective effect of clonidine against the seizures. 5-HTP, PCPA, cyproheptadine, mianserin, ketanserin and trazodone did not affect imipramine-induced seizures to any significant extent. Physostigmine antagonised seizures induced by imipramine while atropine significantly potentiated the seizures, and significantly attenuated the protective effect of physostigmine against the seizures. These data suggest that enhancement and attenuation of central noradrenergic and cholinergic neurotransmissions respectively, and not 5-HT mechanisms, may underlie imipramine-induced seizures in mice.  相似文献   

A dense AChE-positive network was visualized by light microscopy in the thoracic spinal cord of grown-up guinea pigs of both sexes (bodyweight 250-300 g). This network connects in a horizontal and vertical direction the preganglionic sympathetic nuclei (n. intermediolateralis pars principalis (ILp), n. intermediolateralis pars funicularis (ILf), n intercalatus spinals (IC), n. intercalatus pars paraependymalis (ICpe), (Petras and Cummings, 1972) all along the thoracic spinal cord. In addition to AChE activity, the bundles of fibers of this network also show a strong formaldehyde-induced NA fluorescence. Electron microscopy demonstrated granular vesicles in the cytoplasm of ILp cells. The surface of the ILp and IC neurons is almost entirely covered with synaptic bottons which have clear and granulated synaptic vesicles. The bundles of fibers consists of parallel myelin-free axones and dendrites. On their cource the axones form varicosities. In the varicosities and in the synaptic enlargements there are also clear and granulated (40-100 nm) vesicles. The probable origin of the vegetative network fibers of guinea pig thoracic spinal cord is discussed.  相似文献   

A computer aided monitor-data processing system (CAMP-System) was developed in order to get a consistent and comprehensive database which can very precisely reflect intra-operative haemodynamic courses. The goal of the present study was to introduce a new method to scan and to gauge haemodynamic courses and to demonstrate its superiority over the traditional way of data processing based on a handwritten anaesthesia protocol. METHODS: The computerized system was applied to a study which was designed to investigate the influence of ketanserin (K) vs. urapidil (U) on haemodynamic stability during cardiac operations. Twenty male patients scheduled for myocardial revascularization received either 20 mg K or 30 mg U. Heart rate, central venous, arterial and pulmonary artery pressures were measured and on-line recorded every 20 seconds by the computer record system. In the handwritten protocol these variables were registered at eight pre-defined time points. Computerized data processing (including artifact depletion and data condensation) was compared to the results evaluated from the handwritten protocol. RESULTS: While the only significant differences in the handwritten protocol were slightly higher values of pulmonary artery pressures in group K, the computer analysis revealed a number of further differences. Higher maximum and a less stable time course of HR in group K in the pre-bypass phase and lower mean and standard deviation of MAP during cardiopulmonary bypass. CONCLUSION: Computerized data processing including automatic artifact suppression and data condensation was able to reveal differences in the course of haemodynamic variables that cannot be detected in a conventional handwritten protocol.  相似文献   

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