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膜蒸馏的发展状况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王默晗  田瑞  杨晓宏 《节能》2006,25(2):35-37
膜蒸馏是一种可以利用低品位能源作为分离驱动力的新型膜分离技术。该技术利用高分子疏水性微孔膜提供较大的传质表面来实现水溶液汽化和传质的分离过程,从而达到蒸馏的目的。  相似文献   

太阳能膜蒸馏淡化水是新型的水处理技术。通过太阳辐射量、水箱温度、膜通量等参数对系统运行影响的试验研究表明,即使在较寒冷的11月份,自然循环条件下水箱的温度也可维持在40℃以上,最高温度可达65℃,可以满足膜蒸馏系统运行的热源条件;在夏季,注入新水的太阳能膜蒸馏实验系统12 h的产水量为4.98kg,可为3口之家提供一天的健康饮用水。文章根据系统的热平衡条件,给出了太阳能膜蒸馏系统产水量的计算公式。  相似文献   

提出一种新的液膜蒸发强化换热表面-波纹丝网换热表面,在丝网结构尺寸进行6种改变后,通过对其传热和流动表面规律的研究,发现合适的优化结构可广泛应用于蒸发冷却系统中。  相似文献   

建立了一套采光面积为1.07m∧2、主动回收蒸汽潜热及浓海不余热降膜蒸发-凝结型闭式循环太阳能蒸馏系统,4盏卤素灯作为太阳能模拟器,对该系统进行了模拟实验研究。实验结果表明,由于在本蒸馏系统中采用了强迫降膜蒸发及降膜凝结技术,使其中大部分的蒸汽潜热以及浓盐水的显热都得到了重复利用,单位采光面积的产量相对于传统的盘式(单级)太阳能蒸馏器提高了2-3倍。  相似文献   

剪切层流蒸发液膜的传热特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为克服理论分析中气液界面对流换热难以计算的问题,基于气相传热模型,建立了在同向或反向切应力作用下层流饱和蒸发液膜的传热模型,推导出无量纲液膜厚度和壁面对流换热系数与流动长度、界面切应力和初始雷诺数间的理论关系式.研究表明,受液膜蒸发的影响,液膜厚度沿流动长度不断减小,换热传热系数不断增加;同向切应力具有减薄液膜厚度和增大传热系数的作用;反向切应力则具有相反的作用,其影响更为明显.这一理论模型可以反映层流饱和蒸发液膜的传热特性.  相似文献   

讨论了地源热泵的地热换热器的三种传热模型,给出了各自的解析式,并进行了比较,指明了各自的适用范围与条件,指出准三维模型能够提供更准确的数据。  相似文献   

采用真空膜蒸馏技术浓缩半纤维素水解液,考察了料液的流速、温度、浓度等对膜通量和挥发性发酵抑制物的影响,并进行浓缩试验。结果表明,膜蒸馏对木糖的截留率在99.99%。随着进料流速、进料温度、抑制物浓度和真空度的增加,膜通量增大;糠醛的分离因子随料液温度、真空度、抑制物浓度增加而减少,随流速的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,而这些操作参数对甲酸、乙酸的分离因子影响不大。在进料温度65℃,料液流速1.5 L/min,真空度0.095 MPa的条件下进行连续浓缩试验,初始膜通量为11.9 kg/(m2.h),随着浓缩的进行,8 h后,膜通量仍维持在9.5 kg/(m2.h),糠醛浓度从0.46 g/L降低到0.23 g/L。  相似文献   

为了深入探究水平管降膜蒸发的微观传热特性,采用基于VOF法的计算流体模型对水平管外降膜蒸发进行数值模拟,通过求解控制方程得到液膜内的温度场和速度场。分析了不同入口边界温度和Re数下管外薄液膜内热边界层、无量纲温度和局部传热系数的微观传热特性变化规律,定量给出了热发展区与充分热发展区的边界位置。模拟结果表明:液膜入口温度越高,液膜热发展区覆盖的圆周角度越小;液膜内的热发展区覆盖的角度随Re数的增大而增加是平均传热系数随Re数增大的原因;管外圆周方向无量纲温度分布证明了液膜中的传热包含导热和对流传热;管外液膜内纯导热系数与局部传热系数的差值随倾斜角的增加而减少是由于对流效应沿管圆周方向减弱引起的。  相似文献   

建立了新型板式省煤器的传热模型,计算了新型板式省煤器的火积耗散热阻以及空气侧压降,分析了新型板式省煤器结构参数及空气流速变化时,火积耗散热阻及空气侧压降的变化情况。研究结果表明:增大长轴可以减小火积耗散热阻,有利于提高板式省煤器的传热性能,并且空气侧压降变化幅度不大;增大短轴可以减小火积耗散热阻,有利于提高板式省煤器的传热性能,但空气侧压降增大;减小板束间距可以减小火积耗散热阻,有利于提高板式省煤器的传热性能,但空气侧压降增大,尤其是在板束间距小于20 mm时,继续减小板束间距会造成空气侧压降急剧增大;增大空气进口流速可以减小火积耗散热阻,有利于提高板式省煤器的传热性能,但空气侧压降增大,对换热器的磨损也会增加。  相似文献   

板壳式换热器敝开的板外侧通道可以实现多种板式换热器所不能实现的传热过程,特别是液膜传热伟质过程。针对不同过程的特点设计波纹的波型是板壳式换热器推广应用的关键,文章介绍了适合于凝结过程的同向双尺度波纹板片和适合于吸收,蒸发等液膜传热传质过程的交叉双尺度波纹板片方案。  相似文献   

Heat and mass transfer in vacuum membrane distillation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the membrane distillation (MD) literature, the heat transfer coefficients of the boundary layers are usually estimated from well known heat transfer empirical correlations developed for non-porous and rigid heat exchangers. A difference between the mechanism of heat transfer in MD systems, which is coupled with transmembrane mass transfer, and the mechanism of heat transfer in “pure” heat exchangers is expected to exist. Vacuum membrane distillation has been experimentally studied in a capillary membrane module and the heat transfer coefficients have been evaluated in both the lumen and the shell side of the membrane module. A critical review of the most frequently used heat transfer empirical correlations in MD systems is presented. Finally, the experimental results obtained in this paper are compared to those of literature, in order to test their applicability in membrane distillation systems.  相似文献   

膜加湿器是保证质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)正常高效运行的重要组成部分.以燃料电池的板式膜加湿器为研究对象,根据热质交换原理对膜加湿器的传热传质过程进行了理论计算,分析了空气质量流量、膜内加湿侧进口温度和膜内加湿侧进口湿度对传热传质过程的影响.在传热方面:当空气质量流量不同时,随着膜内加湿侧进口温度的变化,膜内的热流量变化趋势不一致;当膜内加湿侧进口相对湿度为95%时,随着空气质量流量的变化,膜内热流量变化不大.在传质方面:当加湿侧进口相对湿度不变时,膜中水传输速率随着空气质量流量的增大而减小;当空气质量流量不变时,膜中水传输速率随着加湿侧进口相对湿度的增大而增大.  相似文献   

The internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC) is a complex column configuration which is more energy efficient than the equivalent conventional column or the distillation column with direct vapor recompression scheme (VRC). Exploiting the heat integration between two diabatic sections operating at different pressures of the HIDiC can greatly enhance the energy performance of the system. On the other hand, the design and optimization of HIDiC is more difficult than those of the conventional distillation column or the column with VRC. The former involves many design parameters, and the most critical one is the pressure ratio between both diabatic sections. However, the heat distribution along the diabatic sections is also another significant factor not yet thoroughly investigated. In this work, two typical distribution schemes, i.e. uniform heat transfer area and uniform heat distribution, are studied by applying a novel approach to solve the simulation problem in Aspen Plus 2004.1. The comparison of both distributing schemes is discussed via two widely-used case studies, namely benzene-toluene separation and propylene-propane splitter.  相似文献   

尚鑫  白忠权  高治国 《节能》2012,31(5):25-27
为了克服利用冷却除湿的风冷热泵空调系统机器露点过低、需要再冷和过热、难以适应显热潜热比例的变化、不能蓄能等缺点,提出基于集热再生器溶液除湿的热泵空调系统。通过济南某工程实例研究表明,与冷却除湿空调系统相比较耗电量减少12.3%,利用太阳能加热溶液除湿具有降低空调除湿能耗、利用可再生能源、减少高品位能源消耗等优势。证明太阳能溶液除湿在空调系统中是处理潜热负荷的理想选择,具有较好的节能性。  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was carried out to study the effects of operating parameters on the local suspension-to-wall heat transfer in the combustor of a 12-MWth circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) boiler. The heat transfer coefficients were measured with a conduction-type heat flux meter at five different vertical levels. The measurements covered a range of superficial gas velocities from 4 to 6 m/s, a bulk bed temperature from 800 to 850 °C and a suspension density from 6 to 70 kg/m3 for 270-μm silica sand particles. The heat transfer coefficient for the membrane wall in the combustion chamber of the CFB boiler was in the range of 100 to 180 W/m2 K for the range of operating conditions employed in this work. The heat transfer coefficient decreased with increasing height and increased with increasing bulk bed temperature, superficial gas velocity and suspension density. Based on the experimental data, a simple correlation is proposed for predicting the suspension-to-membrane wall heat transfer coefficient. The results were analysed and compared with the experimental data of other workers.  相似文献   

The examination of exergy transfer characteristics caused by forced convective heat transfer through a duct with constant wall heat flux for thermally and hydrodynamic fully developed laminar and turbulent flows has been presented. The exergy transfer Nusselt number is put forward and the dependence relationships of the exergy transfer Nusselt number on the heat transfer Nusselt number, Reynolds number and Prandtl number are obtained. Expressions involving relevant variables for the local and mean convective exergy transfer coefficient, non-dimensional exergy flux and exergy transfer rate, etc. have been derived. By reference to a smooth duct, the numerical results of exergy transfer characteristics for fluids with different Prandtl number are obtained and the effect of the Reynolds number and non-dimensional cross-sectional position on exergy transfer characteristics is analyzed. In addition, the results corresponding to the exergy transfer and energy transfer are compared.  相似文献   

通过对管内对流换热过程的灯用传递分析,提出用强化前后的传灯用Nu或传灯用量差ΔNue或ΔE作为强化传热性能评价指标。以工程上常用的螺旋槽管为例,讨论了Re、量纲1热通量、不同结构参数等对强化管传灯用性能的影响。分析结果表明,对于所选螺纹管结构参数,ΔNue随Re增加而增大;随量纲1热通量、量纲1长度的增加而递减。算式可有效评价强化管传灯用效果,以便选取最佳结构参数。  相似文献   

SurfacesInvestigationofEnhancedBoilingHeatTransferfromPorousSurfaces¥LinZhiping;MaTongze;ZhangZhengfang(InstituteofEngineerin...  相似文献   

The experimental study was performed on five eccentric radial heat pipes with two outer-tube diameters.The test range can be given as follows,working fluid filling ratio Ω=44%~83%,heat flux q=10000W/m2~32000W/m2,and working temperature tv=50 ℃~120 ℃.The correlations between radial heat pipe heat transfer performance and filling ratio,heat flux,working temperature were studied in the experiment.Based on linear regression of experimental data,the relationship between heat pipe equivalent heat resistance R and working temperature tv,heat flux q and filling ratio Ω was obtained.  相似文献   

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