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曾华燊 《计算机应用》2012,32(4):893-899
从Internet发展历史及应用环境变化的角度讨论IoT(Internet of Things)提出背景、内涵、组成结构和体系结构等关键问题。在分析对IoT的典型定义的基础上,笔者认为“ITU把IoT作为Internet平台在应用领域实现人、机、和智能化物理对象(SPO)信息全方位互通和实践普适计算理念的下一代Internet及其应用系统的概括”是对IoT更为合理的广义定义。以该定义为基础,全面地分析了“由多个用户域网(CPN)通过骨干通信子网互联”的基本组成结构,讨论了两类SPO CPN的基本组成结构及其支撑技术;指出SPO的引入主要影响CPN资源网络中的接入部分,属于应用系统的范畴,对Internet基本技术影响甚微。笔者不赞同以欧盟为代表的把IoT定义为联物专用网的狭义定义,指出其IoT模型和体系结构研究混淆了网络平台与应用系统,实质上是网络应用系统模型和体系结构。  相似文献   

"2002年,物联网的概念由AUTO-ID中国实验室引入中国,当时知道这个概念的人局限在为数不多的业内专家。在物联网广受大众追捧的今天,闵昊教授对物联网却持有理性而冷静的态度:同其他产业一样,物联网要在明晰的商业模式下,由市场驱动要在应用中体现出其价值进而获得发展。同时,闵昊教授还对物联网和RFID产业的发展给出了中肯客观的建议。  相似文献   

Internet of things extends the capabilities to identify products with new technologies such as near field communication, radio-frequency identification, quick response code and with existing identification technologies such as barcode. Identification allows to retrieve extended information and knowledge of the products. Thereby, customers are able to retrieve and share knowledge among the different products. This work presents the participative marketing as the evolution from the social media marketing toward the active participation from the prosumers and the empowerment of the marketing with the collective intelligence. Thereby, participative marketing enables new interaction and participation models based on the ubiquitous identification. This has been evaluated in a social platform, which integrates the knowledge and experiences from the customers, and in a mobile platform, which interacts with the products through the mentioned identification technologies.  相似文献   

The Internet of things (IoT) is intended for ubiquitous connectivity among different entities or “things”. While it provides effective and efficient solutions to many real world challenges, the security aspect of it has always been questioned. The situation is further exacerbated by the number of connected devices growing exponentially. As a result, security and privacy has emerged as a significant challenge for the IoT. In this paper, we aim to provide a thorough survey on IoT security and privacy challenges from the perspective of technologies and architecture used. This work focuses on IoT intrinsic vulnerabilities and their implications to the fundamental information security challenges in confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The approach of this survey is to summarize and synthesize published work in IoT; relate it to the security conjuncture of the field; and project future research directions.  相似文献   

Given a real world graph, how can we find a large subgraph whose partition quality is much better than the original? How can we use a partition of that subgraph to discover a high quality global partition? Although graph partitioning especially with balanced sizes has received attentions in various applications, it is known NP-hard, and also known that there is no good cut at a large scale for real graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for graph partitioning. Our first focus is on finding a large subgraph with high quality partitions, in terms of conductance. Despite the difficulty of the task for the whole graph, we observe that there is a large connected subgraph whose partition quality is much better than the original. Our proposed method MTP finds such a subgraph by removing “hub” nodes with large degrees, and taking the remaining giant connected component. Further, we extend MTP to gb MTP (Global Balanced MTP) for discovering a global balanced partition. gb MTP attaches the excluded nodes in MTP to the partition found by MTP in a greedy way. In experiments, we demonstrate that MTP finds a subgraph of a large size with low conductance graph partitions, compared with competing methods. We also show that the competitors cannot find connected subgraphs while our method does, by construction. This improvement in partition quality for the subgraph is especially noticeable for large scale cuts—for a balanced partition, down to 14 % of the original conductance with the subgraph size 70 % of the total. As a result, the found subgraph has clear partitions at almost all scales compared with the original. Moreover, gb MTP generally discovers global balanced partitions whose conductance are lower than those found by METIS, the state-of-the-art graph partitioning method.  相似文献   

移动中间件:移动无线Internet的将来   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
移动计算正成为一个迅速发展的领域。然而由于移动环境的种种限制,为开发移动应用带来巨大的挑战。文章讨论解决此问题的一种新兴技术:移动中间件技术,并提出一个移动中间件的实际应用体系结构,为移动终端设备提供一种简单、安全的方法访问已存在的分布式对象系统。  相似文献   

Technological convergence has led to the ability to access the internet from a variety of mobile devices. Drawing on the Mobile Phone Appropriation Model (Wirth, von Pape & Karnowski, 2008), we sought to understand how people conceptualize and use the mobile internet by conducting semistructured interviews with 21 mobile internet users, half American and half German in order to explore cross-cultural differences. Findings suggest little cross-cultural difference in use and understanding of the mobile Internet. Users do not perceive the act of “going online” as a significant step, even if it is on a mobile device. They do, however, distinguish between different ways of consuming information online (extractive and immersive), relating them to different situations and devices.  相似文献   

This paper describes strategic community management that can be implemented by large established companies through the creation of a variety of strategic business communities. The paper focuses in particular on the case of NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Japan’s largest mobile telecommunications carrier, which has utilized strategic community management principles in their efforts to cultivate and expand the mobile Internet market in Japan over roughly the past two years. This paper also deals with the development of an emerging mobile Internet market spawned by the creation of strategic communities supported by strategic communities which consist of informal in‐house organizations and diverse strategic heterogeneous alliances with outside firms including customers, and elucidates strategic community management as an effective methodology aimed at strategic innovation conducted by major enterprises.  相似文献   

基于物联网技术的太湖蓝藻水华预警平台   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨宏伟  吴挺峰  张唯易  李未 《计算机应用》2011,31(10):2841-2843
针对以往藻类水华预测系统在数据源方面存在的不足,采用物联网技术,实现基于三层网络传输结构的监测体系,保证了数据的时间连续性;并对遥感水质参数定量反演方法、中程无线传感网络技术和藻类水华预测预警模型方面进行了改进。在此基础上,开发了太湖蓝藻预测预警平台,运行结果表明蓝藻水华未来3天的平均预测精度达到了80%以上。  相似文献   

介绍了物联网的内涵、发展及用途,并以图的形式形象地比较了物联网与其他网络的关系。以美军为例,阐述了物联网给军事应用所带来的变革,即实现战场感知的实时化、精确化,武器装备智能化、网络化,综合保障灵敏化、可视化,网络战由虚拟步入现实。同时,简要介绍了美军正在开发的两个物联网军事应用系统,最后提出了对我军应用物联网技术的建议。  相似文献   

从信息安全的机密性、完整性和可用性等三个基本属性出发,分析了物联网安全需求和面临的安全问题,提出了物联网安全的系统架构,并对一些安全关键技术进行了深入研究,希望为建立物联网可靠的信息安全体系提供参考依据。  相似文献   

交通物联网的发展现状及趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对交通物联网(即物联网在交通运输行业中的应用)发展的现状和趋势进行了研究, 在分析了国外IntelliDrive、eSafety和Smartway等项目以及国内主要交通物联网系统的基础上, 从安全性、环保型、移动性三个方面讨论了国内外交通物联网发展的异同点, 并进一步探讨了交通物联网未来的发展和应用前景, 即在充分利用车路协同技术来提高交通安全水平的同时, 加快交通物联网与云计算的结合, 构建交通运输云, 在统一的交通物联网标准体系和适宜的交通物联网运营模式下, 建立起综合开放的交通运输信息系统。  相似文献   

物联网技术的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志杰 《软件》2013,34(5):164-168
物联网打破了将物理基础设施和IT基础设施分开的传统思维,是信息领域一次重大的发展和变革机遇。物联网涉及众多领域,当前国内外的研究和开发都还处于起步阶段。对物联网研究的现实基础以及关键问题展开了讨论,介绍了物联网的四种具有代表性的定义和三种关键性的基本特征;分析了基于RFID的物联网应用架构、基于泛在传感网的物联网应用架构和基于M2M的物联网应用架构;给出了大致被公认为的四个层次的物联网关键技术框架;最后描述了物联网的典型应用领域。  相似文献   

物联网及其应用剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
物联网被称为是继计算机和互联网之后的第三次信息技术革命,物联网应用无处不在。提出了物联网的技术层次结构和关键技术,描绘了物联网的应用愿景,认为形成行业标准是我国发展物联网的重要举措。  相似文献   

The mobile Internet, which gives access to the World Wide Web through a mobile device, has been gaining in popularity. The mobile Internet differs from the traditional stationary Internet in that it can be used in a wider variety of contexts. However, no studies have identified the contexts in which mobile Internet services are used most frequently, or determined which contexts exert significant influence on a user's choice of mobile service. This article proposes a framework of use contexts that reflects the characteristics of the mobile Internet. To explore these contexts, a research method was devised and a longitudinal monitoring study was conducted. The results indicate that mobile Internet use is heavily clustered around a few key contexts, rather than dispersed widely over diverse contexts. Further, participants in the monitoring study were found to concentrate their use on a few mobile services, rather than on exploring diverse services. Perhaps most interestingly, some contextual factors were found to correlate closely with the selection of specific mobile Internet services. On the basis of these results, the article concludes with implications for developers of mobile Internet services.  相似文献   

程玉 《软件》2011,32(5):109-111
继计算机、互联网之后,物联网技术带来了第三次世界范围内的信息产业浪潮,越来越成为全球关注的焦点,将给人们的生产和生活方式带来深刻的变革。物联网在带来诸多便利的同时,也给信息技术领域带来新的挑战。本文介绍了物联网的概念、基本特征、关键技术,并讨论了物联网技术在应用的过程中必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

何清 《智能系统学报》2012,7(3):189-194
物联网与云计算是目前信息技术的研究热点,探讨数据挖掘在其中扮演的角色,以及与这2项技术相结合的方式.分析了数据挖掘在物联网中的地位和作用,指出了云计算是物联网的基石,剖析了分布式数据挖掘与并行数据挖掘的异同,说明了物联网中数据挖掘服务的提供方式.  相似文献   

随着通信应用网络的不断发展,物联网成为了新兴的应用网络,其核心技术主要是分布到RFID、嵌入式软件以及传榆数据和传感器的计算领域上.其中嵌入式技术属于关键部分,相当于人的大脑和中枢神经,直接对物联网中的信息进行传输与处理.本文分别对物联网和嵌入式技术进行阐述,并分析了两者的区别与联系.  相似文献   

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