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Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been widely used for flow design optimization problems for their well-known robustness and derivative-free property as well as their advantages in dealing with multi-objective optimization problems and providing global optimal solutions. However, EAs usually involve a large number of function evaluations that are sometimes quite time consuming. In this article a reduced order modelling technique that combines proper orthogonal decomposition and radial basis function interpolation is developed to reduce the computational cost. These models provide an efficient way to simulate the whole flow region with varied geometry parameters instead of solving partial differential equations. As a test case, the design optimization of a heat exchanger is considered. Shape variation is conducted through a free form deformation technique, which deforms the computational grid employed by the flow solver. A comparison between the optimization results when using reduced order models and the exact flow solver is presented.  相似文献   

For multiple-objective optimization problems, a common solution methodology is to determine a Pareto optimal set. Unfortunately, these sets are often large and can become difficult to comprehend and consider. Two methods are presented as practical approaches to reduce the size of the Pareto optimal set for multiple-objective system reliability design problems. The first method is a pseudo-ranking scheme that helps the decision maker select solutions that reflect his/her objective function priorities. In the second approach, we used data mining clustering techniques to group the data by using the k-means algorithm to find clusters of similar solutions. This provides the decision maker with just k general solutions to choose from. With this second method, from the clustered Pareto optimal set, we attempted to find solutions which are likely to be more relevant to the decision maker. These are solutions where a small improvement in one objective would lead to a large deterioration in at least one other objective. To demonstrate how these methods work, the well-known redundancy allocation problem was solved as a multiple objective problem by using the NSGA genetic algorithm to initially find the Pareto optimal solutions, and then, the two proposed methods are applied to prune the Pareto set.  相似文献   

A concurrent-hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (hybrid NSGA-II) has been developed and applied to the simultaneous optimization of the annual energy production, flapwise root-bending moment and mass of the NREL 5 MW wind-turbine blade. By hybridizing a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) with gradient-based local search, it is believed that the optimal set of blade designs could be achieved in lower computational cost than for a conventional MOEA. To measure the convergence between the hybrid and non-hybrid NSGA-II on a wind-turbine blade optimization problem, a computationally intensive case was performed using the non-hybrid NSGA-II. From this particular case, a three-dimensional surface representing the optimal trade-off between the annual energy production, flapwise root-bending moment and blade mass was achieved. The inclusion of local gradients in the blade optimization, however, shows no improvement in the convergence for this three-objective problem.  相似文献   

针对实践中多目标优化问题(MOPs)的Pareto解集(PS)未知且比较复杂的特性,提出了一种基于"探测"(Exploration)与"开采"(Exploitation)的多目标进化算法(MOEA)——MOEA/2E。该算法在进化过程中采用"探测"与"开采"相结合的方法,用进化操作不断地探测新的搜索区域,用局部搜索充分开采优秀的解区域,并用隐最优个体保留机制保存每一代的最优个体。与目前最流行且有效的多目标进化算法NSGA-Ⅱ及SPEA-Ⅱ进行的比较实验结果表明,MOEA/2E获得的Pareto最优解集具有更好的收敛性与分布性。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the optimal use of metamodels in the context of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms which are based on computationally expensive function evaluations. The goal is to capture Pareto fronts of optimal solutions with the minimum computational cost. In each generation during the evolution, the metamodels act as filters that distinguish the most promising individuals, which will solely undergo exact and costly evaluations. By means of the so-called inexact pre-evaluation phase, based on continuously updated local metamodels, most of the non-promising individuals are put aside without aggravating the overall cost. The gain achieved through this technique is amazing in single-objective problems. However, with more than one objective, noticeable performance degradation occurs. This article scrutinizes the role of metamodels in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and proposes ways to overcome expected weaknesses and improve their performance. Minimization of mathematical functions as well as aerodynamic shape optimization problems are used for demonstration purposes.  相似文献   

In this article, a new proposal of using particle swarm optimization algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems is presented. The algorithm is constructed based on the concept of Pareto dominance, as well as a state-of-the-art ‘parallel’ computing technique that intends to improve algorithmic effectiveness and efficiency simultaneously. The proposed parallel particle swarm multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (PPS-MOEA) is tested through a variety of standard test functions taken from the literature; its performance is compared with six noted multi-objective algorithms. The computational experience gained from the first two experiments indicates that the algorithm proposed in this article is extremely competitive when compared with other MOEAs, being able to accurately, reliably and robustly approximate the true Pareto front in almost every tested case. To justify the motivation behind the research of the parallel swarm structure, the computational results of the third experiment confirm the PPS-MOEA's merit in solving really high-dimensional multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

A number of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms have been proposed in recent years and many of them have been used to solve engineering design optimization problems. However, designs need to be robust for real-life implementation, i.e. performance should not degrade substantially under expected variations in the variable values or operating conditions. Solutions of constrained robust design optimization problems should not be too close to the constraint boundaries so that they remain feasible under expected variations. A robust design optimization problem is far more computationally expensive than a design optimization problem as neighbourhood assessments of every solution are required to compute the performance variance and to ensure neighbourhood feasibility. A framework for robust design optimization using a surrogate model for neighbourhood assessments is introduced in this article. The robust design optimization problem is modelled as a multi-objective optimization problem with the aim of simultaneously maximizing performance and minimizing performance variance. A modified constraint-handling scheme is implemented to deal with neighbourhood feasibility. A radial basis function (RBF) network is used as a surrogate model and the accuracy of this model is maintained via periodic retraining. In addition to using surrogates to reduce computational time, the algorithm has been implemented on multiple processors using a master–slave topology. The preliminary results of two constrained robust design optimization problems indicate that substantial savings in the actual number of function evaluations are possible while maintaining an acceptable level of solution quality.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multiobjective optimization methodology for composite stiffened panels. The purpose is to improve the performances of an existing design of stiffened composite panels in terms of both its first buckling load and ultimate collapse or failure loads. The design variables are the stacking sequences of the skin and of the stiffeners of the panel. The optimization is performed using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm specifically developed for the design of laminated parts. The algorithm takes into account the industrial design guidelines for stacking sequence design. An original method is proposed for the initialization of the optimization that significantly accelerates the search for the Pareto front. In order to reduce the calculation time, Radial Basis Functions under Tension are used to approximate the objective functions. Special attention is paid to generalization errors around the optimum. The multiobjective optimization results in a wide set of trade-offs, offering important improvements for both considered objectives, among which the designer can make a choice.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm for generic multiobjective design optimization problems. The algorithm is based on nondominance of solutions in the objective and constraint space and uses effective mating strategies to improve solutions that are weak in either. Since the methodology is based on nondominance, scaling and aggregation affecting conventional penalty function methods for constraint handling does not arise. The algorithm incorporates intelligent partner selection for cooperative mating. The diversification strategy is based on niching which results in a wide spread of solutions in the parametric space. Results of the algorithm for the design examples clearly illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm in solving multidisciplinary design optimization problems.  相似文献   

The design process of complex systems often resorts to solving an optimization problem, which involves different disciplines and where all design criteria have to be optimized simultaneously. Mathematically, this problem can be reduced to a vector optimization problem. The solution of this problem is not unique and is represented by a Pareto surface in the objective function space. Once a Pareto solution is obtained, it may be very useful for the decision-maker to be able to perform a quick local approximation in the vicinity of this Pareto solution for sensitivity analysis. In this article, new linear and quadratic local approximations of the Pareto surface are derived and compared to existing formulas. The case of non-differentiable Pareto points (solutions) in the objective space is also analysed. The concept of a local quick Pareto analyser based on local sensitivity analysis is proposed. This Pareto analysis provides a quantitative insight into the relation between variations of the different objective functions under constraints. A few examples are considered to illustrate the concept and its advantages.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-agent search technique to design an optimal composite box-beam helicopter rotor blade. The search technique is called particle swarm optimization (‘inspired by the choreography of a bird flock’). The continuous geometry parameters (cross-sectional dimensions) and discrete ply angles of the box-beams are considered as design variables. The objective of the design problem is to achieve (a) specified stiffness value and (b) maximum elastic coupling. The presence of maximum elastic coupling in the composite box-beam increases the aero-elastic stability of the helicopter rotor blade. The multi-objective design problem is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem and solved collectively using particle swarm optimization technique. The optimal geometry and ply angles are obtained for a composite box-beam design with ply angle discretizations of 10°, 15° and 45°. The performance and computational efficiency of the proposed particle swarm optimization approach is compared with various genetic algorithm based design approaches. The simulation results clearly show that the particle swarm optimization algorithm provides better solutions in terms of performance and computational time than the genetic algorithm based approaches.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimization problems are often subject to the presence of objectives that require expensive resampling for their computation. This is the case for many robustness metrics, which are frequently used as an additional objective that accounts for the reliability of specific sections of the solution space. Typical robustness measurements use resampling, but the number of samples that constitute a precise dispersion measure has a potentially large impact on the computational cost of an algorithm. This article proposes the integration of dominance based statistical testing methods as part of the selection mechanism of evolutionary multi-objective genetic algorithms with the aim of reducing the number of fitness evaluations. The performance of the approach is tested on five classical benchmark functions integrating it into two well-known algorithms, NSGA-II and SPEA2. The experimental results show a significant reduction in the number of fitness evaluations while, at the same time, maintaining the quality of the solutions.  相似文献   

为提高机械零部件的安全性和稳健性,应用可靠性稳健优化设计理论和多目标决策方法,建立了适合结构可靠性稳健优化设计的多目标优化模型.为能迅速准确地对具有约束条件的多目标优化模型进行求解,提出一种利用模糊理论对约束条件进行处理的方法,然后应用灰色粒子群算法对多目标优化模型进行求解.通过对正态分布参数和任意分布参数的扭杆可靠性稳健优化设计,表明该方法行之有效.  相似文献   

Constrained multi-objective optimization problems (cMOPs) are complex because the optimizer should balance not only between exploration and exploitation, but also between feasibility and optimality. This article suggests a parameter-free constraint handling approach called constrained non-dominated sorting (CNS). In CNS, each solution in a population is assigned a constrained non-dominated rank based on its constraint violation degree and Pareto rank. An improved hybrid multi-objective optimization algorithm called cMOEA/H for solving cMOPs is proposed. Additionally, a dynamic resource allocation mechanism is adopted by cMOEA/H to spare more computational efforts for those relatively hard sub-problems. cMOEA/H is first compared with the baseline algorithm using an existing constraint handling mechanism, verifying the advantages of the proposed constraint handling mechanism. Then cMOEA/H is compared with some classic constrained multi-objective optimizers, experimental results indicating that cMOEA/H could be a competitive alternative for solving cMOPs. Finally, the characteristics of cMOEA/H are studied.  相似文献   

As process plants become more complex, the notion of reliability per se is insufficient to measure stable and cost-effective operations. Recently, the idea of resilience has been put forward as a means to quantify the amount of systemic failures a process plant can handle before its operations become significantly affected. This work proposes a framework for resilience-centered plant design. By this consideration, a triple-objective optimization problem (cost-reliability-resilience) was modeled. The problem was then solved using three metaheuristic strategies via the weighted-sum approach. The computational results reflecting the effectiveness of the proposed framework are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodology to solve the integrated problems of selection and scheduling of the exclusive bus lane. The selection problem intends to determine which roads (links) should have a lane reserved for buses while the scheduling problem intends to find the time period of the application. It is formulated as a bi-objective optimization model that aims to minimize the total travel time of non-bus traffic and buses simultaneously. The proposed model formulation is solved by the hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with Paramics. The results show that the proposed methodology is workable. Sets of Pareto solutions are obtained indicating that a trade-off between buses and non-bus traffic for the improvement of the bus transit system is necessary when the exclusive bus lane is applied. This allows the engineer to choose the best solutions that could balance the performance of both modes in a multimode transport system environment to achieve a sustainable transport system.  相似文献   

This article examines multi-objective problems where a solution (product) is related to a cluster of performance vectors within a multi-objective space. Here the origin of such a cluster is not uncertainty, as is typical, but rather the range of performances attainable by the product. It is shown that, in such cases, comparison of a solution to other solutions should be based on its best performance vectors, which are extracted from the cluster. The result of solving the introduced problem is a set of Pareto optimal solutions and their representation in the objective space, which is referred to here as the Pareto layer. The authors claim that the introduced Pareto layer is a previously unattended novel representation. In order to search for these optimal solutions, an evolutionary multi-objective algorithm is suggested. The article also treats the selection of a solution from the obtained optimal set.  相似文献   

Xiaogang Fu 《工程优选》2018,50(9):1434-1452
It is reasonable to assume that the changing of the optimization environment is smooth when considering a dynamic multi-objective optimization problem. Learning techniques are widely used to explore the dependence structure to facilitate population re-initialization in evolutionary search paradigms. The aim of the learning techniques is to discover knowledge from history information, thereby to track the movement of the optimal front quickly through good initialization when a change occurs. In this article, a new learning strategy is proposed, where the main ideas are (1) to use mutual information to identify the relationship between previously found approximated solutions; (2) to use a stable matching mechanism strategy to associate previously found optimal solutions bijectively; and (3) to re-initialize the new population based on a kinematics model. Controlled experiments were carried out systematically on some widely used test problems. Comparison against several state-of-the-art dynamic multi-objective evolutionary algorithms showed comparable performance in favour of the developed algorithm.  相似文献   

结构主动控制的一体化多目标优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Pareto多目标遗传算法提出了结构主动控制系统的一体化多目标优化设计方法,对作动器位置与主动控制器进行同步优化设计.外界激励采用平稳过滤白噪声来模拟,在状态空间下通过求解Lyapunov方程,得到结构响应和主动控制力的均方值.主动控制器采用LQG控制算法来进行设计.以结构位移和加速度均方值最大值与相应无控响应均方值的最大值之比,以及所需控制力均方值之和作为多目标同步优化的目标函数.优化过程还考虑了结构与激励参数对优化结果的影响.最后以某6层平面框架有限元模型为例进行了计算机仿真分析,结果表明所提出的主动控制系统多目标一体化优化方法简单,高效,实用,具有较好的普适性.  相似文献   

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