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An intimate Ba-Al-Al2 O3 -SiO2 powder mixture, produced by high-energy milling, was pressed to 3 mm thick cylinders (10 mm diameter) and hexagonal plates (6 mm edge-to-edge width). Heat treatments conducted from 300° to 1650°C in pure oxygen or air were used to transform these solid-metal/oxide precursors into BaAl2 Si2 O8 . Barium oxidation was completed, and a binary silicate compound, Ba2 SiO4 , had formed within 24 h at 300°C. After 72 h at 650°C, aluminum oxidation was completed, and an appreciable amount of BaAl2 O4 had formed. Diffraction peaks consistent with hexagonal BaAl2 Si2 O8 , BaAl2 O4 , β-BaSiO3 , and possibly β-BaSi2 O5 were detected after 24 h at 900°C. Diffraction peaks for BaAl2 O4 and BaAl2 Si2 O8 were observed after 35 h at 1200°C, although SEM analyses also revealed fine silicate particles. Further reaction of this silicate with BaAl2 O4 at 1350° to 1650°C yielded a mixture of hexagonal and monoclinic BaAl2 Si2 O8 . The observed reaction path was compared to prior work with other inorganic precursors to BaAl2 Si2 O8 . 相似文献
Chunling Liu Sridhar Komarneni Rustum Roy 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1995,78(9):2521-2526
Two sol-gel routes have been used to prepare celsian (BaAl2 Si2 O8 ) precursors. The crystallization behaviors of unseeded gels and the gels seeded with 5 wt% feldspar, rutile, LiAISi2 O2 , and ZrO2 crystals as well as SrAl2 Si2 O8 gel have been studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermal gravimetric and differential thermal analyses (TGA and DTA). It was found that metastable hexacelsian, rather than the preferred monoclinic celsian, was the major crystallization product in the two unseeded gels. Seeding largely enhanced the crystallization of monoclinic celsian, but the mechanisms involved were different for seeding with different crystals. SrAl2 Si2 O8 gel and ZrO2 crystals acted as normal heterogeneous centers and had little catalytic effect on monoclinic celsian crystallization. Feldspar and rutile crystals worked as epitaxial substrates for monoclinic celsian and produced pure monoclinic celsian in some temperature regions. LiAISi3 O8 seeds lowered the glass transition temperature of the immediately adjacent gel matrix and led to the crystallization of pure monoclinic celsian. 相似文献
William E. Lee Makan Chen Peter F. James 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1995,78(8):2180-2186
The fabrication and crystallization of stoichiometric and near-stoichiometric celsian, BaAl2 Si2 O8 (BAS), glass made via melt and sol-gel routes is reviewed. After considering celsian polymorphism and methods of stabilizing monoclinic celsian, some new experimental results are presented which show that melt glass crystallizes predominantly via surface nucleation, but sol-gel glass via volume nucleation. Possible reasons for this behavior and the kinetics of the crystallization process are examined. 相似文献
Ramazan Citak Kirk A. Rogers Ken H. Sandhage 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1999,82(1):237-240
BaAl2 O4 /aluminum-bearing composites have been synthesized via the low-temperature oxidation of Ba-Al precursors. Ba-Al powder mixtures that were prepared via high-energy vibratory milling were uniaxially pressed into bar-shaped specimens that were then exposed to a series of heat treatments in pure, flowing oxygen at temperatures up to 640°C. Oxidation at a temperature of 300°C resulted in the formation of barium peroxide (BaO2 ). Additional heat treatment at a temperature of 550°C resulted in the consumption of BaO2 and some aluminum to yield BaAl2 O4 and Al4 Ba. The oxidation of Al4 Ba at a temperature of 640°C yielded additional BaAl2 O4 . Microstructural analyses revealed that a well-dispersed, co-continuous mixture of Al2 O3 -excess BaAl2 O4 and 99.5% pure aluminum was produced. 相似文献
Kaustav Sinha Brett Pearson Said R. Casolco Javier E. Garay Olivia A. Graeve 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2009,92(11):2504-2511
A novel, integrated, fast, and inexpensive process for the preparation of dense Ba(1− x ) Eu x Al2 Si2 O8 thin ceramic specimens for damage sensor applications is reported. The processing approach involves a combination of combustion synthesis for the preparation of the powders and spark plasma sintering (SPS) for the consolidation of the specimens to densities close to 100% of relative density. The synthesis of the porous powders by combustion resulted in particle (agglomerate) sizes that were on average 421 nm, as determined from dynamic light scattering, and in the almost complete reduction of the initial Eu3+ activators to Eu2+ . The powders densified to grain sizes of around 250 nm due to a collapse of the porous powder structure and minimal grain growth during SPS. Thermal treatment of the powders and sintered specimens improved the intensity of the emissions at 373 and 745 nm and diminished the emission at 485 nm. The luminescence phenomena from the specimens were a result of two mechanisms: (1) the removal of strain in the lattice due to thermal treatment, and (2) a charge transfer mechanism between Eu2+ and Eu3+ . 相似文献
Narottam P. Bansal Charles H. Drummond III 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1993,76(5):1321-1324
The kinetics of hexacelsian-to-celsian phase transformation in SrAl2 Si2 O8 have been investigated. Phase-pure hexacelsian was prepared by heat treatment of glass flakes at 990°C for 10 h. Hexacelsian flakes were isothermally heat-treated at 1026°, 1050°, 1100°, 1152°, and 1200°C for various times. The amounts of monoclinic celsian formed were determined using quantitative X-ray diffraction. Values of reaction rate constant, k , at various temperatures were evaluated from the Avrami equation. The Avrami parameter was determined to be 1.1, suggesting one-dimensional growth with the interface rather than a diffusion-controlled transformation mechanism. From the temperature dependence of k , the apparent activation energy for this reaction was evaluated to be 527 ± 50 kj/mol (126 ± 12 kcal/mol). This value is consistent with a mechanism involving the transformation of the layered hexacelsian structure to a three-dimensional network celsian structure which necessitates breaking of the strongest bonds, the Si─O bonds. 相似文献
The subsolidus compatibility relations in the system SrO-B2 O3 - SiO2 were determined by solid-state reaction techniques and X-ray powder diffraction methods. The system was found to contain 11 subsolidus compatibility relations, one stable ternary compound (Sr3 B2 SiO8 ), and one metastable ternary compound with a probable composition SrB2 Si2 O8 . 相似文献
Results are presented of a study in air of mixtures in the system CaO-Cr2 O3 -SiO2 . The phase equilibrium diagram shows relations at liquidus temperatures for all but the high-lime part of the system. In this omitted part chromium in the mixtures oxidizes in air to higher valence forms. The compound Ca3 Cr2 Si3 O12 (uvarovite) occurs at subsolidus temperatures, decomposing at 1370°C. to α-CaSiO3 and Cr2 O3 . The inhibiting action of chromium oxide on the inversion of high-temperature forms of Ca2 SiO4 to the low-temperature γ-Ca2 SiO4 is discussed in the light of new data. Evidence is presented for the existence of a pentavalent chromium compound, Ca3 (CrO4 )2 , having solid-solution relations with Ca3 SiO4 . 相似文献
The binary isopleth Na2 O.B2 O3 -SiO2 of the Na2 O-B2 O3 SiO2 ternary system has been investigated. A phase diagram is presented based upon data from differential thermal analysis studies of prepared glasses and direct observation of the melting behavior using solid-state video imaging. Phase equilibria relations in the Na2 O-B2 O3 -SiO2 ternary system have been reassessed by combining information from this study with existing data from the literature. A revised liquidus surface for the ternary is presented in which the form of the isotherms is updated. 相似文献
Takeshi Takamori 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(1):158-160
The Bi2 O3 -rich side of the system Bi2 O3 -SiO2 was studied with powder X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis. In the composition 6Bi2 O3 . x SiO2 , the metastable γ phase (bcc) was observed to exist over the range of 0 < x ≤ 1. In most of the compositions studied, metastable phases of water-quenched melts transformed into another metastable phase before reaching stable phases. A modification of the phase diagram is proposed. 相似文献
The region of stable liquid-phase separation in the system SrO-B2 O3 SiO2 was found to extend from the SrO-SiO2 binary join, across the ternary region, to the SrO-B2 O3 join. The boundary of the region rich in network-forming oxides lies between the SiO2 -B2 O3 boundary and the 2.5-mol% SrO isopleth, whereas the maximum SrO content is between 30.3 and 35.2 mol% (42 to 48 wt%) SrO at an SiO2 : B2 O3 ratio of 4:1. The microstructures of glasses quenched from the immiscibility region were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Evidence is presented of both stable and metastable phase separation and of microseparation and coring in disperse-phase spheres rich in network-forming oxides. 相似文献
Immiscibility temperatures of Na2 O-B2 O3 -SiO glasses, with andwithout 1 mol% MoO3 , additions, were determined and the effect of MoO3 additions on the 65O°C immiscibility isotherms was established. In addition, immiscibility temperature and phase-separation morphology of an Na2 O-B2 O3 -SiO2 glass with progressive additions of MoO3 , were investigated. It was found that the addition of small amounts of MoO3 extends the immiscibility boundary of the system and raises the immiscibility temperature by ∼l8°C for each mol % MoO3 , addition. Analysis of phase-separation morphology suggests that the MoO3 , additions do not significantly alter the tie lines of phase separation in the system, although such additions cause a lowering of the viscosities and the glass-transition temperatures of these glasses. 相似文献
A novel process has been used to fabricate refractory aluminosilicate bodies of near net shape: the oxidation of machinable, alkaline-earth-metal-bearing precursors. Ba–Sr–Al–Al2 O3 –SiO2 precursors of similar molar volume as strontium-doped celsian, (Ba,Sr)Al2 Si2 O8 , were prepared by powder metallurgical processing. Precursor powder mixtures, obtained by high-energy vibratory ball milling, were compacted and formed into bars or disks by uniaxial pressing. The bar-shaped precursors were machined on a metal-working lathe using hardened steel tooling. The shaped precursors were oxidized and converted into celsian. The resulting celsian bodies retained the shapes, and fine machined features, of the precursors. The measured changes in dimensions were small and in good agreement with calculated values. 相似文献
T. S. JONES SHIGEYUKI KIMURA ARNULF MUAN 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1967,50(3):137-142
Phase equilibrium relations in the liquidus-temperature region of the system iron oxide-ZrO2 -SiO2 in air were delineated by the quenching technique. Additional equilibration runs were made at other controlled oxygen pressures as well as in sealed containers. The results of all runs have been combined with literature data for the system in contact with metallic iron to locate approximately the quaternary liquidus invariant points within the system FeO-Fe2 O3 -ZrO2 -SiO2 . 相似文献
The system Li2 O-Cr2 O3 –SiO2 contains one previously reported ternary compound, LiCrSi2 O6 . Six subsolidus compatibility triangles and six ternary invariant points were located. The highest solidus, temperature is 1283°C, but liquidus temperatures are much higher for many compositions. 相似文献
Liquidus and subsolidus relationships were determined for compositions lying on the 65 and 75% SiO2 planes in the quaternary tetrahedron. From these data and from additional data on several compositions not lying on these two planes, a picture of the probable positions of the phase volumes and quaternary invariant points was formulated. Solid solution effects in quartz and in β-spodumene, the polymorphism of MgSiO3 , the phase relationships along the join Li2 O -MgO ° SiO2 -Li2 O. Al2 O3 .2SiO2 , and the location of the β-spodumene-mullite boundary were briefly investigated as subsidiary problems during the course of the work. The significance of the data with respect to ceramic bodies and glazes is discussed. 相似文献
The system CaO-Ta2 O3 -SiO2 was studied using a combination of hot-stage microscopy and the quenching technique. Primary crystallization fields were defined for the various calcium silicates, and for the calcium tantalates: CaO·2Ta2 O5 , CaO·Ta2 O5 , 2CaO·Ta2 O5 , and 4CaO·Ta2 O5 . A congruently melting ternary compound 10CaO·Ta2 O5 ·6SiO2 , isostructural with the mineral niocalite, is the only ternary phase in the system. A large twoliquid region extends across the system from the CaO-SiO2 binary to within 1 wt% of the Ta2 O3 -SiO2 binary but does not cut it, in marked contrast to the analogous CaO-Nb2 O5 -SiO2 system. Other somewhat unexpected differences were noted between these systems. 相似文献
Liquidus temperatures are presented for mixtures in the system MgO-FeO-Fe2 O3 -SiO2 . The standard quenching technique was modified for work under controlled atmospheres of varying O2 pressures. Data were obtained for the temperature range 1159° to 1775°C., and with O2 pressures ranging from 1 to 10-8 .9 atm. Approximate compositions of crystalline phases were determined, and paths of equilibrium crystallization were derived for selected mixtures under idealized conditions. Application of the phase diagrams to steel-plant refractories problems is indicated. 相似文献