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Proper interpretation of the thyroid gland functional data is an important issue in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. The primary role of the thyroid gland is to help regulation of the body’s metabolism. Thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland provides this. Production of too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or production of too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) defines the type of thyroid disease. Artificial immune systems (AISs) is a new but effective branch of artificial intelligence. Among the systems proposed in this field so far, artificial immune recognition system (AIRS), which was proposed by A. Watkins, has shown an effective and intriguing performance on the problems it was applied. This study aims at diagnosing thyroid disease with a new hybrid machine learning method including this classification system. By hybridizing AIRS with a developed Fuzzy weighted pre-processing, a method is obtained to solve this diagnosis problem via classifying. The robustness of this method with regard to sampling variations is examined using a cross-validation method. We used thyroid disease dataset which is taken from UCI machine learning respiratory. We obtained a classification accuracy of 85%, which is the highest one reached so far. The classification accuracy was obtained via a 10-fold cross-validation.  相似文献   

The goal of feature selection (FS) is to find the minimal subset (MS) R of condition feature set C such that R has the same classification power as C and then reduce the dataset by discarding from it all features not contained in R. Usually one dataset may have a lot of MSs and finding all of them is known as an NP-hard problem. Therefore, when only one MS is required, some heuristic for finding only one or a small number of possible MSs is used. But in this case there is a risk that the best MSs would be overlooked. When the best solution of an FS task is required, the discernibility matrix (DM)-based approach, generating all MSs, is used. There are basically two factors that often cause to overflow the computer’s memory due to which the DM-based FS programs fail. One of them is the largeness of sizes of discernibility functions (DFs) for large data sets; the other is the intractable space complexity of the conversion of a DF to disjunctive normal form (DNF). But usually most of the terms of DF and temporary results generated during DF to DNF conversion process are redundant ones. Therefore, usually the minimized DF (DFmin) and the final DNF is to be much simpler than the original DF and temporary results mentioned, respectively. Based on these facts, we developed a logic function-based feature selection method that derives DFmin from the truth table image of a dataset and converts it to DNF with preventing the occurrences of redundant terms. The proposed method requires no more amount of memory than that is required for constructing DFmin and final DNF separately. Due to this property, it can process most of datasets that can not be processed by DM-based programs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new feature selection method called class dependency based feature selection for dimensionality reduction of the macular disease dataset from pattern electroretinography (PERG) signals. In order to diagnosis of macular disease, we have used class dependency based feature selection as feature selection process, fuzzy weighted pre-processing as weighted process and decision tree classifier as decision making. The proposed system consists of three parts. First, we have reduced to 9 features number of features of macular disease dataset that has 63 features using class dependency based feature selection, which is first developed by ours. Second, the macular disease dataset that has 9 features is weighted by using fuzzy weighted pre-processing. And finally, decision tree classifier was applied to PERG signals to distinguish between healthy eye and diseased eye (macula diseases). The employed class dependency based feature selection, fuzzy weighted pre-processing and decision tree classifier have reached to 96.22%, 96.27% and 96.30% classification accuracies using 5–10–15-fold cross-validation, respectively. The results confirmed that the medical decision making system based on the class dependency based feature selection, fuzzy weighted pre-processing and decision tree classifier has potential in detecting the macular disease. The stated results show that the proposed method could point out the ability of design of a new intelligent assistance diagnosis system.  相似文献   

Classification is one of the key issues in medical diagnosis. In this paper, a novel approach to perform pattern classification tasks is presented. This model is called Associative Memory based Classifier (AMBC). Throughout the experimental phase, the proposed algorithm is applied to help diagnose diseases; particularly, it is applied in the diagnosis of seven different problems in the medical field. The performance of the proposed model is validated by comparing classification accuracy of AMBC against the performance achieved by other twenty well known algorithms. Experimental results have shown that AMBC achieved the best performance in three of the seven pattern classification problems in the medical field. Similarly, it should be noted that our proposal achieved the best classification accuracy averaged over all datasets.  相似文献   

In this research, a hybrid model is developed by integrating a case-based data clustering method and a fuzzy decision tree for medical data classification. Two datasets from UCI Machine Learning Repository, i.e., liver disorders dataset and Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnosis), are employed for benchmark test. Initially a case-based clustering method is applied to preprocess the dataset thus a more homogeneous data within each cluster will be attainted. A fuzzy decision tree is then applied to the data in each cluster and genetic algorithms (GAs) are further applied to construct a decision-making system based on the selected features and diseases identified. Finally, a set of fuzzy decision rules is generated for each cluster. As a result, the FDT model can accurately react to the test data by the inductions derived from the case-based fuzzy decision tree. The average forecasting accuracy for breast cancer of CBFDT model is 98.4% and for liver disorders is 81.6%. The accuracy of the hybrid model is the highest among those models compared. The hybrid model can produce accurate but also comprehensible decision rules that could potentially help medical doctors to extract effective conclusions in medical diagnosis.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new hybrid fuzzy multiple criteria group decision making (FMCGDM) approach has been proposed for sustainable project selection. First, a comprehensive framework, including economic, social, and environmental effects of an investment, strategic alliance, organizational readiness, and risk of investment has been proposed for sustainable project selection. As the relative importance of the criteria of the proposed framework are hard to find through several conflictive preferences of a group of Decision Makers (DMs) so, a goal programming (GP) has been supplied to this aim considering multiplicative and fuzzy preference relation. Then, a fuzzy TOPSIS method has been developed to assess the fitness of investment chances. It is based on Preference Ratio (PR), which is known as an efficient ranking method for fuzzy numbers, and a fuzzy distance measurement. The properties of proposed hybrid approach make it robust for modeling real case of uncertain group decision making problems. The FMCGDM has been developed through a linkage between Lingo 11.0, MS-Excel 12.0, and Visual Basic 6.0. The proposed hybrid approach has been applied in a real case study called Iranian financial and credit institute for sustainable project selection.  相似文献   

A hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach to machine tool selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The selection of the appropriate machine tools for a manufacturing company is one of the important points to achieving high competitiveness in the market. Besides, an appropriate choice of machine tools is very important as it helps to realize full production quickly. Today’s market offers many more choices for machine tool alternatives. There are also many factors one should consider as part of the appropriate machine tool selection process, including productivity, flexibility, compatibility, safety, cost, etc. Consequently evaluation procedures involve several objectives and it is often necessary to compromise among possibly conflicting tangible and intangible factors. For these reasons, multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) has been found to be a useful approach to solve this kind of problem. Most of the MCDM models are basically mathematical and ignore qualitative and often subjective considerations. The use of fuzzy set theory allows incorporating qualitative and partially known information into the decision model. This paper describes a fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) based methodology for evaluation and selection of vertical CNC machining centers for a manufacturing company in Istanbul, Turkey. The criteria weights are calculated by using the fuzzy AHP (analytical hierarchy process).  相似文献   

Proper interpretation of the thyroid gland functional data is an important issue in diagnosis of thyroid disease. The primary role of the thyroid gland is to help regulation of the body's metabolism. Thyroid hormone produced by thyroid gland provides this. Production of too little thyroid hormone (hypo-thyroidism) or production of too much thyroid hormone (hyper-thyroidism) defines the types of thyroid disease. It is evident that usage of machine learning methods in disease diagnosis has been increasing gradually. In this study, diagnosis of thyroid disease, which is a very common and important disease, was conducted with such a machine learning system. In this study, we have detected on thyroid disease using principles component analysis (PCA), k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) based weighted pre-processing and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The proposed system has three stages. In the first stage, dimension of thyroid disease dataset that has 5 features is reduced to 2 features using principles component analysis. In the second stage, a new weighting scheme based on k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method was utilized as a pre-processing step before the main classifier. Then, in the third stage, we have used adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system to diagnosis of thyroid disease. We took the thyroid disease dataset used in our study from the UCI machine learning database. The obtained classification accuracy of our system was 100% and it was very promising with regard to the other classification applications in literature for this problem.  相似文献   

The selection process of a suitable machine tool among the increased number of alternatives has been an important issue for manufacturing companies for years. This is because the improper selection of a machine tool may cause many problems that will affect the overall performance. In this paper, a decision support system (DSS) is presented to select the best alternative machine using a hybrid approach of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP) and preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE). A MATLAB- based fuzzy AHP is used to determine the weights of the criteria and it is called program for Priority Weights of the Evaluation Criteria (PWEC), and the PROMETHEE method is applied for the final ranking. The proposed model is structured to select the most suitable computer numerical controlled (CNC) turning centre machine for a flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) among the alternatives which are assigned from a database (DB) created for this purpose. A numerical example is presented to show the applicability of the model. It is concluded that the proposed model has the capability of dealing with a wide range of desired criteria and to select any type of machine tool required for building an FMC.  相似文献   

This study presents a strategy-aligned fuzzy simple multiattribute rating technique (SMART) approach for solving the supplier/vendor selection problem from the perspective of strategic management of the supply chain (SC). The majority of supplier rating systems obtained their optimal solutions without considering firm operations management (OM)/SC strategy. The proposed system utilizes OM/SC strategy to identify supplier selection criteria. A fuzzy SMART is applied to evaluate the alternative suppliers, and deals with the ratings of both qualitative and quantitative criteria. The final decision-maker incorporates the supply risks of individual suppliers into final decision making. Finally, an empirical study is conducted to demonstrate the procedure of the proposed system and identify the suitable supplier(s).  相似文献   

An efficient procedure which integrates feature selection and binary decision tree construction is presented. The nonparametric approach is based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion which yields an optimal classification decision at each node. By combining the feature selection with the design of the classifier, only the most informative features are retained for classification.  相似文献   

Evaluating conceptual design alternatives in a new product development (NPD) environment has been one of the most critical issues for many companies which try to survive in the fast-growing world markets. Therefore, most companies have used various methods to successfully carry out this difficult and time-consuming evaluation process. Of these methods, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been widely used in multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. But, in this study, we used analytical network process (ANP), a more general form of AHP, instead of AHP due to the fact that AHP cannot accommodate the variety of interactions, dependencies and feedback between higher and lower level elements. Furthermore, in some cases, due to the vagueness and uncertainty on the judgments of a decision-maker, the crisp pairwise comparison in the conventional ANP is insufficient and imprecise to capture the right judgments of the decision-maker. Therefore, a fuzzy logic is introduced in the pairwise comparison of ANP to make up for this deficiency in the conventional ANP, and is called as fuzzy ANP. In short, in this paper, a fuzzy ANP-based approach is proposed to evaluate a set of conceptual design alternatives developed in a NPD environment in order to reach to the best one satisfying both the needs and expectations of customers, and the engineering specifications of company. In addition, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Decision making is a complex process, particularly when it is carried out by multidisciplinary team. Methods based on the analytical hierarchy process have been widely employed because they provide solid mathematical background. Nevertheless, solutions such as the Aggregation of Individual Judgements (AIJ) and the Aggregation of Individual Priorities (AIP) do not offer sufficient explanatory data in regards with the final decision. We developed an agent-based decision support system (DSS) that employs fuzzy clustering to group individual evaluations and the AHP to reach a final decision. Fuzzy clustering is adequate to determine important pieces of data such as the largest group of evaluations that exist around a centroid value. On the other hand, the MAS paradigm offers capabilities for achieving distributed and asynchronous processing of data. The AHP is used after the individual evaluations are clustered, as if the group were a single evaluator. Altogether, the proposed solution enhances the quality of multi-criteria group decision making.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Decision Support System (DSS) is developed to solve sustainable Multi-Objective Project Selection problem with Multi-Period Planning Horizon (MOPS-MPPH). First, a TOPSIS based fuzzy goal programming (FGP) is proposed which considered uncertain DM preferences on priority of achievement level of fuzzy goals. The FGP essentially considers economic factors like cost, profit, and budget. The output of FGP and other affecting factors (i.e. social and environmental effects, risk of investment, strategic alliance, and organizational readiness) are treated as inputs of a fuzzy rule based system to estimate fitness value of an investment. Properties of the proposed DSS are discussed. It also is compared with an existing procedure on historical data of a financial and credit institute.  相似文献   

Wear and corrosion are the most important factors that the surface of the engineering parts must confront. The need for protection and improvement of the mechanical characteristics of the surface of engineering parts can be to some extent satisfied by coatings. Coatings are considered as an excellent solution when resistance to corrosion, oxidation or low friction is demanded, but due the complexity of selecting the appropriate one, engineers often avoid them. The need for simultaneous consideration of qualitative and quantitative properties, render the use of classic material selection theories inadequate. An expert system for coating selection is presented in this paper, which can handle both qualitative and quantitative variables. The mathematical model used combines the multi-criteria decision making theories (MCDM) together with the fuzzy sets theory. The “Max-Min set” method is applied to calculate the ordering value of the alternatives while the TOPSIS method is used to rank them. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the method. Finally, the process presented can be easily computerized, to create the relative software.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper is to introduce the notions of operation and mapping between general fuzzy decision systems (GFDS) over some decision space (𝕍, ℂ), where 𝕍 is a set of variants and ℂ is a set of criteria. The operations between two decision systems make possible to combine several decision system of different experts and the mappings between two decision systems enable to study structural properties of such systems. Relations between utility function h:𝕍→[0,1] and operations, and further, mappings between GFDS are investigated, too.  相似文献   

Qiu  Zeyu  Zhao  Hong 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(10):11089-11102
Applied Intelligence - With increases in feature dimensions and the emergence of hierarchical class structures, hierarchical feature selection has become an important data preprocessing step in...  相似文献   

The concepts and technology of environmental decision support systems (EDSS) have developed considerably over recent decades, although core concepts such as flexibility and adaptability within a changing decision environment remain paramount. Much recent EDSS theory has focussed on model integration and re-use in decision support system (DSS) tools and for design and construction of ‘DSS generators’. Many current specific DSS have architectures, tools, models and operational characteristics that are either fixed or difficult to change in the face of changing management needs. This paper reports on development and deployment of an EDSS that encompasses a new approach to DSS tools, generators and specific DSS applications. The system, named E2, is built upon a conceptualisation of terrestrial and aquatic environmental systems that has resulted in a robust and flexible system architecture. The architecture provides a set of base classes to represent fundamental concepts, and which can be instantiated and combined to form DSS generators of varying complexity. A DSS generator is described within which system users are able to select and link models, data, analysis tools and reporting tools to create specific DSS for particular problems, and for which new models and tools can be created and, through software reflection (introspection), discovered to provide expanded capability where required. This system offers a new approach within which environmental systems can be described in the form of specific DSS at a scale and level of complexity suited to the problems and needs of decision makers.  相似文献   

The prioritization of advanced-technology projects at the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) is a difficult task. This difficulty is due to the multiple and often conflicting objectives in addition to the inherent technical complexities and valuation uncertainties involved in the assessment process. As such, a systematic and transparent decision support framework is needed to guide the assessment process, shape the decision outcomes and enable confident choices to be made. Methods for solving Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problems have been widely used to select a finite number of alternatives generally characterized by multiple conflicting criteria. However, applying these methods is becoming increasingly difficult for technology assessment in the space industry because there are many emerging risks for which information is not available and decisions are made under significant uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a hybrid fuzzy group decision support framework for technology assessment at NASA. The proposed objective framework is comprised of two modules. In the first module, the complicated structure of the assessment criteria and alternatives are represented and evaluated with the Analytic Network Process (ANP). In the second module, the alternative advanced-technology projects are ranked using a customized fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework through a case study at the Kennedy Space Center.  相似文献   

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