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学习型组织这一当今世界上前沿的管理理论,西方国家已经进行了大量研究和应用,同时也引起我国管理界尤其是企业界的高度重视。在此对学习型组织的内涵、创建学习型组织的原则及创建学习型组织的对策问题进行了探讨,希望对中国学习型企业的创建起到抛砖引玉的作用。 相似文献
沈静楠 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,24(1)
传统的英语教育多局限于单纯的词句教学,而忽视了人的内在学习潜力的挖掘.在提倡"自主学习"、"终身学习"的教育理念背景下,在大学阶段,应结合大学生心理特点把教学管理融入教学技能当中,从心理学、组织学的角度积极引导学生进行自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、进行团队学习、提高系统思考的能力,建立高效、自主、开放的学习型英语学习组织. 相似文献
未来最成功的企业将是一种学习型组织——能够使各阶层所有成员全心投入,并持续不断学习的企业。通过对学习型组织概念和特征的阐述,论述了学习型企业是最具竞争力的企业以及要成为学习型企业应具备的条件。 相似文献
本文认为理念创新是企业持续发展的灵魂,要着重抓好经营理念、体制和组织创新;管理创新是企业必由之路,应立足建立现代管理模式,抓好技术、文化创新,建立学习型组织:并指出了创新应遵循的原则。 相似文献
信息技术引发企业组织结构和管理模式的变革 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业创造性的利用信息技术,可以提高信息处理速度和准确性,辅助管理决策,减少组织层次,变集权式管理为分权式管理,使管理体制更为合理。建立现代企业制度一方面需要信息技术的支持,另一方面信息技术的应用推动了企业组织结构和管理模式的变革。 相似文献
提倡团体学习,加强企业学习的制度化建设,建立和完善员工自主管理机制、激励机制和培训机制。从而提升企业的核心竞争力,促进企业和整个社会的可持续发展。 相似文献
本文结合四川省工业环境监测研究院的实际,在学习价值观、组建学习团队、形成共同愿景等方面讨论了构建学习型组织,加强人才资源开发若干问题,并提出了一些建议. 相似文献
李奔 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(4)
本文通过对企业文化和学习型组织相关概念的简要介绍,阐述了企业文化与学习型组织建设是未来企业可持续发展的重要保障,并浅谈了企业文化与学习型组织之间的互进关系. 相似文献
杭州钢铁集团公司是一家具有多元产业的大型现代企业,涉及钢铁、房地产、贸易流通、环境保护、宾馆餐饮等多种产业。近年来,集团公司致力于建设学习型组织,建立融学习、吸收、应用、创新为一体的学习创新机制,充分发挥员工的积极性和创造性,使企业得以快速发展。一、确立新型学 相似文献
Wastewater Management in the 21st Century 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Glen T. Daigger 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,133(7):671-680
A dialogue concerning potential future directions for the wastewater profession is initiated by identifying four principal challenges. The first is the perception by many (at least in the United States) that water pollution and water quality problems have largely been solved. Dramatic improvements during the 20th century (by the founders of our profession, not by us!) have eliminated many of the obvious public health and environmental issues associated with wastewater management. The second is population growth and the associated added stress on water resources. The third is the potential (at least perceived) conflict between providing improved water and wastewater service to the poor (especially in developing countries) and reducing the environmental impacts of our systems. The fourth is to determine whether we are wastewater managers, or more broadly water managers. These challenges can be addressed by adopting a broader, more holistic view of urban water management incorporating water supply, wastewater management, and storm water. A toolkit of existing and evolving technologies could be assembled and grouped into example systems. Improved methods for evaluating alternate urban water management systems based on sustainable development principles need to be developed. Achieving the vision of more sustainable urban water management systems requires that our professional organizations speak with one voice. Our profession must also reach out and engage a wide range of interests in defining and implementing dramatically improved solutions. 相似文献
浅谈学习型组织中的知识管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
创建学习型组织和培育学习型人才,其本质都在于实施有效的知识管理。发现、搜集、过滤并呈现对企业有用的知识.其中的知识库有企业的基本信息、组织结构信息和服务信息等,知识库中的知识必须是开放型的且要随时更新。知识管理中的组织学习包括显性知识、隐性知识及过程的学习。通过建立能为公开组织学习和交流提供完好设施的网络、有利于组织成员进行合作和参与知识共享等方式构建知识管理体系。 相似文献
提出了新的形势下人力资源管理面临的诸多的现实挑战和人力资源管理再造的主要十个发展方向.同时对人力资源规划的定义、动态性、意义和目标以及基本的操作步骤进行了详细的论述. 相似文献
加快机构改革、合理设置岗位、做好定员工作、合理开发和使用劳动力资源是搞好劳动组织管理工作,提高企业劳动生产率,促进企业快速发展的重要内容和途径. 相似文献
A simple model of an implementation strategy for cultivating a Learning Organization culture is “Transformational Leadership + Group Process = Learning Organization.” This article presents the four key dimensions of Partnering, the Partnering Effectiveness Model, and Principles of Productive Partnering as the basis, or foundation, for following this implementation strategy. Honoring the structure and operating principles of this scientific understanding of Partnering creates a cultural orientation that fosters individual and team learning. Many organizations and their leaders are well intended, yet lack an understanding of the unconscious beliefs, behaviors, and cultural influences that impede learning. Using the implementation process presented, we take a step-by-step approach to systematically exploring what is actually going on now, and how we want things to be. Then, recognizing the need for developing new skills, and change processes, it is a straightforward approach to execute an improvement plan that ensures success. 相似文献
A simple approach to implementing a measurement process is presented. In addition to providing a complete, systematic way to collect information about any business function, the model provides a vehicle to practice learning every time it is used. Unity is described in the context of harmonious function, and the Kentrel model is shown to be a tool for measuring the level of unity operating. There is a universal set of nine principles of work that cover three major areas: The individual (I); the social group (we); and the business function (it). In addition to the Kentrel model, there is a metric scale that recognizes the possibility of pathology, or dysfunction, in any of the principles. Wrong, or bad, behavior or function can be acknowledged and measured in this process. By using Kentrel surveys, any organization can measure its relative health and target weak areas in its capacity to operate as a learning organization. 相似文献
1999年以来 ,济钢通过强化生产经营组织系统模式的创立与优化工作 ,不断完善生产经营计划、检修技改计划与能源平衡计划的三位一体结合 ,优化了产品结构、资源能源结构和生产设备结构 ,企业效益显著。 相似文献
Herman Bouwer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,128(4):193-202
Most of the projected global population increases will take place in third world countries that already suffer from water, food, and health problems. Increasingly, the various water uses (municipal, industrial, and agricultural) must be coordinated with, and integrated into, the overall water management of the region. Sustainability, public health, environmental protection, and economics are key factors. More storage of water behind dams and especially in aquifers via artificial recharge is necessary to save water in times of water surplus for use in times of water shortage. Municipal wastewater can be an important water resource but its use must be carefully planned and regulated to prevent adverse health effects and, in the case of irrigation, undue contamination of groundwater. While almost all liquid fresh water of the planet occurs underground as groundwater, its long-term suitability as a source of water is threatened by nonpoint source pollution from agriculture and other sources and by aquifer depletion due to groundwater withdrawals in excess of groundwater recharge. In irrigated areas, groundwater levels may have to be controlled with drainage or pumped well systems to prevent waterlogging and salinization of soil. Salty drainage waters must then be handled in an ecologically responsible way. Water short countries can save water by importing most of their food and electric power from other countries with more water, so that in essence they also get the water that was necessary to produce these commodities and, hence, is virtually embedded in the commodities. This “virtual” water tends to be a lot cheaper for the receiving country than developing its own water resources. Local water can then be used for purposes with higher social, ecological, or economic returns or saved for the future. Climate changes in response to global warming caused by carbon dioxide emission are difficult to predict in space and time. Resulting uncertainties require flexible and integrated water management to handle water surpluses, water shortages, and weather extremes. Long-term storage behind dams and in aquifers may be required. Rising sea levels will present problems in coastal areas. 相似文献