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Motivated by certain coding techniques for reliable DNA computing, we consider the problem of characterizing nontrivial languages D that are maximal with the property that D * is contained in the subword closure of a given set S of words of some fixed length k. This closure is simply the set of all words whose subwords of length k must be in S. We provide a deep structural characterization of these languages D, which leads to polynomial time algorithms for computing such languages.  相似文献   

While the theory of languages of words is very mature, our understanding of relations on words is still lagging behind. And yet such relations appear in many new applications such as verification of parameterized systems, querying graph-structured data, and information extraction, for instance. Classes of well-behaved relations typically used in such applications are obtained by adapting some of the equivalent definitions of regularity of words for relations, leading to non-equivalent notions of recognizable, regular, and rational relations. The goal of this paper is to propose a systematic way of defining classes of relations on words, of which these three classes are just natural examples, and to demonstrate its advantages compared to some of the standard techniques for studying word relations. The key idea is that of a synchronization of a pair of words, which is a word over an extended alphabet. Using it, we define classes of relations via classes of regular languages over a fixed alphabet, just {1,2} for binary relations. We characterize some of the standard classes of relations on words via finiteness of parameters of synchronization languages, called shift, lag, and shiftlag. We describe these conditions in terms of the structure of cycles of graphs underlying automata, thereby showing their decidability. We show that for these classes there exist canonical synchronization languages, and every class of relations can be effectively re-synchronized using those canonical representatives. We also give sufficient conditions on synchronization languages, defined in terms of injectivity and surjectivity of their Parikh images, that guarantee closure under intersection and complement of the classes of relations they define.  相似文献   

Recently, some studies linked the computational power of abstract computing systems based on multiset rewriting to models of Petri nets and the computation power of these nets to their topology. In turn, the computational power of these abstract computing devices can be understood by just looking at their topology, that is, information flow.Here we continue this line of research by introducing J languages and proving that they can be accepted by place/transition systems whose underlying net is composed only by join. Moreover, we study how J languages relate to other families of formal languages.  相似文献   

Circular splicing systems are a formal model of a generative mechanism of circular words, inspired by a recombinant behaviour of circular DNA. Some unanswered questions are related to the computational power of such systems, and finding a characterization of the class of circular languages generated by circular splicing systems is still an open problem. In this paper we solve this problem for monotone complete systems, which are finite circular splicing systems with rules of a simpler form. We show that a circular language L is generated by a monotone complete system if and only if the set Lin(L) of all words corresponding to L is a pure unitary language generated by a set closed under the conjugacy relation. The class of pure unitary languages was introduced by A. Ehrenfeucht, D. Haussler, G. Rozenberg in 1983, as a subclass of the class of context-free languages, together with a characterization of regular pure unitary languages by means of a decidable property. As a direct consequence, we characterize (regular) circular languages generated by monotone complete systems. We can also decide whether the language generated by a monotone complete system is regular. Finally, we point out that monotone complete systems have the same computational power as finite simple systems, an easy type of circular splicing system defined in the literature from the very beginning, when only one rule of a specific type is allowed. From our results on monotone complete systems, it follows that finite simple systems generate a class of languages containing non-regular languages, showing the incorrectness of a longstanding result on simple systems.  相似文献   

Counting the number of distinct factors in the words of a language gives a measure of complexity for that language similar to the factor-complexity of infinite words. Similarly as for infinite words, we prove that this complexity function f(n) is either bounded or f(n)?n+1. We call languages with bounded complexity periodic and languages with complexity f(n)=n+1Sturmian. We describe the structure of periodic languages and characterize the Sturmian languages as the sets of factors of (one- or two-way) infinite Sturmian words.  相似文献   

We consider some Riordan arrays related to binary words avoiding a pattern p, which can be easily studied by means of an A-matrix rather than their A-sequence. Both concepts allow us to define every element as a linear combination of other elements in the array; the A-sequence is unique and corresponds to a linear dependence from the previous row. The A-matrix is not unique and corresponds to a linear dependence from several previous rows. However, for the problems considered in the present paper, we show that the A-matrix approach is more convenient. We provide explicit algebraic generating functions for these Riordan arrays and obtain many statistics on the corresponding languages. We thus obtain a deeper insight of the languages L[p] of binary words avoiding p having a number of 0s less or equal to the number of 1s.  相似文献   

Residual languages are important and natural components of regular languages and several grammatical inference algorithms naturally rely on this notion. In order to identify a given target language L, classical inference algorithms try to identify words which define identical residual languages of L. Here, we study whether it could be interesting to perform a tighter analysis by identifying inclusion relations between the residual languages of L. We consider the class of Residual Finite State Automata (RFSAs). An RFSA A is a NonDeterministic Automaton whose states corresponds to residual languages of the language LA it recognizes. The inclusion relations between residual languages of LA can be naturally materialized on A. We prove that the class of RFSAs is not polynomially characterizable. We lead some experiments which show that when a regular language is randomly drawn by using a nondeterministic representation, the number of inclusion relations between its residual languages is very important. Moreover, its minimal RFSA representation is much smaller than its minimal DFA representation. Finally, we design a new learning algorithm, DeLeTe2, based on the search for the inclusion relations between the residual languages of the target language. We give sufficient conditions for the identifiability of the target language. We experimentally compare the performance of DeLeTe2 to those of classical inference algorithms.  相似文献   

We examine decision problems for various classes of convex languages, previously studied by Ang and Brzozowski, originally under the name “continuous languages”. We can decide whether a language L is prefix-, suffix-, factor-, or subword-convex in polynomial time if L is represented by a DFA, but these problems become PSPACE-complete if L is represented by an NFA. If a regular language is not convex, we find tight upper bounds on the length of the shortest words demonstrating this fact, in terms of the number of states of an accepting DFA. Similar results are proved for some subclasses of convex languages: the prefix-, suffix-, factor-, and subword-closed languages, and the prefix-, suffix-, factor-, and subword-free languages. Finally, we briefly examine these questions where L is represented by a context-free grammar.  相似文献   

Given a language L and a non-deterministic finite automaton M, we consider whether we can determine efficiently (in the size of M) if M accepts at least one word in L, or infinitely many words. Given that M accepts at least one word in L, we consider how long a shortest word can be. The languages L that we examine include the palindromes, the non-palindromes, the k-powers, the non-k-powers, the powers, the non-powers (also called primitive words), the words matching a general pattern, the bordered words, and the unbordered words.  相似文献   

A de Bruijn sequence over a finite alphabet of span n is a cyclic string such that all words of length n appear exactly once as factors of this sequence. We extend this definition to a subset of words of length n, characterizing for which subsets exists a de Bruijn sequence. We also study some symbolic dynamical properties of these subsets extending the definition to a language defined by forbidden factors. For these kinds of languages we present an algorithm to produce a de Bruijn sequence. In this work we use graph-theoretic and combinatorial concepts to prove these results.  相似文献   

Fundamental properties of infinite trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Infinite trees naturally arise in the formalization and the study of the semantics of programming languages. This paper investigates some of their combinatorial and algebraic properties that are especially relevant to semantics.This paper is concerned in particular with regular and algebraic infinite trees, not with regular or algebraic sets of infinite trees. For this reason most of the properties stated in this work become trivial when restricted either to finite trees or to infinite words.It presents a synthesis of various aspects of infinite trees, investigated by different authors in different contexts and hopes to be a unifying step towards a theory of infinite trees that could take place near the theory of formal languages and the combinatorics of thefree monoid.  相似文献   

The large volume and nature of data available to the casual users and programs motivate the increasing interest of the database community in studying flexible and efficient techniques for extracting and querying semistructured data. On the other hand, efficient methods have been discovered for solving the so-called model-checking problem for some modal logics. The aim of this paper is to show how some of these methods can be used for querying semistructured data. For doing that we show that semistructured data can be naturally seen as Kripke Transition Systems. To keep the presentation independent of a specific language, we introduce a graphical query language that includes some of the features of the query languages based on graphs and patterns. We show how to associate CTL formulas to queries of this language. This allows us to see the problems of solving a query as an instance of the model-checking problem for CTL that can be solved in polynomial time. We have tested the method by using a model-checker, and have studied the applicability of the method to some existing languages for semistructured databases.  相似文献   

Identifying and interpreting user intent are fundamental to semantic search. In this paper, we investigate the association of intent with individual words of a search query. We propose that words in queries can be classified as either content or intent, where content words represent the central topic of the query, while users add intent words to make their requirements more explicit. We argue that intelligent processing of intent words can be vital to improving the result quality, and in this work we focus on intent word discovery and understanding. Our approach towards intent word detection is motivated by the hypotheses that query intent words satisfy certain distributional properties in large query logs similar to function words in natural language corpora. Following this idea, we first prove the effectiveness of our corpus distributional features, namely, word co-occurrence counts and entropies, towards function word detection for five natural languages. Next, we show that reliable detection of intent words in queries is possible using these same features computed from query logs. To make the distinction between content and intent words more tangible, we additionally provide operational definitions of content and intent words as those words that should match, and those that need not match, respectively, in the text of relevant documents. In addition to a standard evaluation against human annotations, we also provide an alternative validation of our ideas using clickthrough data. Concordance of the two orthogonal evaluation approaches provide further support to our original hypothesis of the existence of two distinct word classes in search queries. Finally, we provide a taxonomy of intent words derived through rigorous manual analysis of large query logs.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Bouajjani, Muscholl and Touili shows that the class of languages accepted by partially ordered word automata (or equivalently accepted by Σ2-formulae) is closed under semi-commutation and it suggested the following open question: can we extend this result to tree languages? This problem can be addressed by proving (1) that the class of tree regular languages accepted by Σ2 formulae is strictly included in the class of languages accepted by partially ordered automata, and (2) that Bouajjani and the others results cannot be extended to tree.  相似文献   

The wavelength-based machine, or simply w-machine, is an optical computational model, which is designed based on simultaneous movement of several wavelengths in a single light ray, and simultaneous effect of simple optical devices on them. In this paper, we investigate nonuniform complexity classes of w-machine, based on three complexity measures, namely, size, time, and word length. We show that the class of languages which can be generated by constant size nonuniform w-machines contain infinitely many Turing undecidable languages. Also, we show that polynomial size nonuniform w-machines generate all NP languages, and every NP-hard language requires at least polynomial time and polynomial size nonuniform w-machines to be generated. We prove that the class of languages which can be generated by polynomial size nonuniform w-machines is equal to NP/poly, and almost all languages require exponential size and polynomial time nonuniform w-machines to be generated.  相似文献   

A language L is closed if L=L?. We consider an operation on closed languages, L−?, that is an inverse to Kleene closure. It is known that if L is closed and regular, then L−? is also regular. We show that the analogous result fails to hold for the context-free languages. Along the way we find a new relationship between the unbordered words and the prime palstars of Knuth, Morris, and Pratt. We use this relationship to enumerate the prime palstars, and we prove that neither the language of all unbordered words nor the language of all prime palstars is context-free.  相似文献   

Extending Zipf’s law to n-grams for large corpora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments show that for a large corpus, Zipf’s law does not hold for all ranks of words: the frequencies fall below those predicted by Zipf’s law for ranks greater than about 5,000 word types in the English language and about 30,000 word types in the inflected languages Irish and Latin. It also does not hold for syllables or words in the syllable-based languages, Chinese or Vietnamese. However, when single words are combined together with word n-grams in one list and put in rank order, the frequency of tokens in the combined list extends Zipf’s law with a slope close to ?1 on a log-log plot in all five languages. Further experiments have demonstrated the validity of this extension of Zipf’s law to n-grams of letters, phonemes or binary bits in English. It is shown theoretically that probability theory alone can predict this behavior in randomly created n-grams of binary bits.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》2014,40(3-4):1-33
There has been a renewed interest in dataflow computing models in recent years of technology scaling. Potentiality of exploiting huge parallelism, with the expense of low power, simpler circuit, less silicon area, is the main characteristic of a dataflow model. Growing trends in housing large number of functional units in a single chip, making use of local clocks, reducing energy consumptions, avoiding global wires are the main reasons behind the resurgence of dataflow models. To program a dataflow machine, new architectures suggest imperative languages rather than functional type dataflow languages or parallel languages because this is the right way to make the new architectures popular among the general community. Although for several decades scientists have been working on how imperative languages can be used in dataflow models efficiently, there is no systematic review on those works. Existing reviews on dataflow paradigm mainly focus on the architectures. Although few papers review programming languages of dataflow architectures, their discussions are limited to only dataflow languages and visual programming languages which are fundamentally different from imperative languages. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review on those works that attempt to provide a way to use imperative languages in any type of dataflow architectures. Our survey of compilers and related architectures cover the aspects like translation mechanisms of program construct, their optimization techniques, memory ordering methods, program allocation and scheduling and special architectural features. We also present some of our observations and future research directions obtained by exploring the literature.  相似文献   

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