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为了研究旋转磁场激励下焊接裂纹磁光成像规律,采用工频旋转磁场对焊接裂纹激励并由磁光传感器获取裂纹磁光图像的方法,进行了理论分析和实验验证,取得了工频旋转磁场不同励磁强度下的动态磁光图像。结合磁光成像原理和旋转磁场理论,对所获数据的灰度值进行了对比分析。结果表明,旋转磁场工频励磁下任意1帧磁光图随励磁时间的推移都会发生变化,并以初始3帧磁光图为一个循环周期依次向下一帧磁光图转换,经过885帧磁光图后回到初始状态。该规律的发现有利于减少有效励磁时间,提高焊接缺陷无损检测效果。  相似文献   

陈红  高原  谢勤岚 《激光杂志》2022,43(1):139-143
非扫描激光主动成像过程中的局部频域特征会出现噪声,为了提高非扫描激光主动成像的频域特征质量,提出了非扫描激光主动成像的频域特征分析.基于非扫描激光主动成像原理,引入神经网络—极限学习机,消除非扫描激光主动成像的频域特征样本训练误差,使得神经网络—极限学习机与最小二乘解的问题相同,识别出非扫描激光主动成像的频域特征,通过...  相似文献   

为了研究磁场激励下焊接缺陷磁光成像特征,以激光焊低碳钢板为试验对象,采用恒定磁场和50Hz交变磁场对焊接缺陷进行励磁,并由磁光成像传感器实时获取焊接缺陷区域磁场分布,进行了理论分析和实验验证。取得了恒定磁场和交变磁场励磁下厚度分别为1mm,2mm和3mm低碳钢(Q235)焊接缺陷的磁光图像,并与COMSOL模拟结果进行对比;通过加权平均图像融合技术将交变磁场中获得的焊接缺陷磁光图像进行融合。结果表明,与恒定磁场励磁相比,采用交变励磁获得的焊接缺陷信息更加准确、快速和完整,并且有效避免了焊接缺陷信息的遗漏。此研究为提高焊接缺陷检测效率提供了依据。  相似文献   

为了研究交叉焊缝缺陷的磁光图像特征,对中碳钢板进行十字对接激光焊,获得同时具有横向和纵向焊后裂纹的试验样本,同时采用恒定磁场和交变磁场对试验样本进行多角度励磁,用磁光成像传感器采集不同角度磁场激励下焊接缺陷处的磁光图像,并对磁光图像的缺陷特征进行分析。结果表明,多向磁场激励下的磁光成像技术能明显检测出多角度的焊接缺陷,且能有效避免曲线裂纹在焊接缺陷检测中的漏检现象;同时,交变磁场激励下,同一裂纹成像的分辨率提高了40pixel~50pixel,能更精确地定位缺陷位置。此研究为提高焊接缺陷的检出率提供了依据。  相似文献   

从磁光调制器在激光腔内的基本特性出发,系统地分析了带负反馈装置的腔内磁光调制激光系统的输出特性,得到了输出具有多稳态的结论,并讨论了腔内存在激活介质时系统的多稳态输出特性。此外,还给出了激光系统的控制参数对输出特性影响的数值计算结果。  相似文献   

磁-光显微成像检测由于受到光强的变化、磁-光薄膜磁畴的变化等外界因素影响,检测系统获取的磁-光图像的分辨率不高.文章从涡流激励装置的设计、磁-光薄膜的选择及制备和图像处理的设计出发,分析了影响磁-光图像分辨率的因素,提出了相应的改善办法,并进行了大量的试验验证,实验结果验证了该设计方法的可靠性.  相似文献   

刘艳涛 《激光与红外》2022,52(3):368-374
为了提高磁光成像增强的效果,提出动态宇宙算法.首先建立宇宙空间模型,宇宙连接距离随着层的变化而动态改变;接着宇宙间信息交流、位置更新涉及到不同层、相同层;然后基于灰度因子对磁光成像对比度提高,通过灰度积分投影定位获得磁畴位置,总变差模型对磁畴纹理去除;最后给出了算法流程.实验仿真显示交变电压越大产生的磁感应强度越强,漏...  相似文献   

卢慧 《激光与红外》2022,52(12):1787-1795
为了提高磁光成像增强效果,采用量子多元宇宙算法。首先铁磁材料施加磁场时,磁场的N、S级产生的光强差别性使得磁光成像区域的亮度由暗到明逐渐变化,焊缝磁光成像的像素灰度值与焊缝亮度成正比;接着引导滤波减少磁畴区域对磁光成像的影响,atctan函数对磁光成像区域增强;最后给出了算法流程。实验显示磁感应强度变化随着交变电压的增加而变大,霍尔探头离焊缝中心越远,则磁感应强度越小,磁感应强度在焊缝中心呈现对称分布,最小值在焊缝中心处,即磁场N级、S级交接处;磁畴特性随低频交流电压增加表现越明显;本文算法使得磁光成像增强效果清晰,评价指标较优。  相似文献   

为了探测来袭激光光谱信息,设计了一种激光探测与光谱实时测量装置,以相干探测技术和傅里叶光学与光信号处理为基础,进行激光光谱测量.使用实心小型静态马赫-泽德干涉具作为分光元件,有效地抑制背景光,且能探测纳秒级窄脉冲激光信号;用高速DSP芯片和多通道帧减技术实现实时信息处理,达到背景噪声去除、激光探测和光谱测量.测试结果表明,可探测激光脉冲宽度为10 ns,波长测量误差小于10 nm.  相似文献   

Optical frequency spectra of directly frequency modulated AlGaAs semiconductor laser in the 0?5.2 GHz range were measured by using a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a birefringent optical filter. The frequency deviation is linearly proportional to the RF modulation current. The measured modulation frequency characteristics for the frequency deviation show that the thermal effect is predominant in the frequency below 10 MHz. It has a resonance peak which behaves just like the peak observed in the modulation. Experimental results agreed well with theoretical values calculated by considering thermal effect and carrier-dependent refractive index variation.  相似文献   

A diode-pumped single-frequency piezoelectrically tuned fiber laser with narrow spectral linewidth has been used as a light source in applications for long-range coherent frequency-domain reflectometry. Frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) measurements of Rayleigh back-scattering and Fresnel reflection from a 95-km-long fiber have been demonstrated without the use of an optical amplifier. This is, to our knowledge, the longest distance measurement with FMCW. The high sensitivity and dynamic range of the long-range backscattering measurements benefit from the extremely long coherence length of the narrow linewidth fiber laser, which has been estimated to be 210 km in air.  相似文献   

针对激光器频率漂移对相位敏感光时域反射计(-OTDR)的性能影响,文中采用后向瑞利散射的一维脉冲响应模型对其进行了理论分析。在实验室测试中,搭建了臂长差为100 m 的非平衡MZ干涉仪来实时监测激光器的频率漂移;并通过测试三种不同频率漂移的激光器下的 -OTDR 系统性能验证了理论分析的正确性。理论分析及实验结果表明,激光器的频率漂移是引起 -OTDR 曲线波动的重要因素,频率漂移越大,其引起的 -OTDR 曲线波动就越大;当频率漂移高达几百MHz/min时,在时域上已难以区分出是频率漂移引起的扰动还是入侵事件引起的扰动,但仍能在频域中将频率漂移噪声分辨出来。  相似文献   

An optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) system containing a narrow linewidth fiber grating external cavity laser is demonstrated to have 62-dB of sensitivity when detecting Fresnel backreflection and 2 m of resolution at a 115 m range in optical fiber. With this system we were able to detect Rayleigh backscattering in optical fiber with 20-dB signal-to-noise ratio. The phase noise limitation on the distance range for the OFDR was investigated, and the measured signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data followed the theoretical simulation over the ranges measured. This technique has potential to be applied to the OFDR at 1550 mm with very high dynamic range by using an erbium doped fiber laser  相似文献   

激光焊接ZL114A铝合金凝固裂纹研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究合金元素对ZL114A铝合金凝固裂纹的影响,采用3种不同成分的铝合金焊丝,向焊缝中添加合金元素。分析各种合金元素对焊接ZL114A薄板所产生的凝固裂纹的敏感性的影响,并进行了理论分析和实验验证。试验结果表明,焊后产生的凝固裂纹附近主要含Al,Mg以及Si这3种合金元素。Mg和Si元素的富集导致在凝固结晶时,在柱状晶边界形成了低熔点共晶Al-Si或Mg-Si,Al-Mg2Si,这些低熔共晶与ZL114A铝合金凝固裂纹产生紧密相关。这一结果对研究激光焊接ZL114A凝固裂纹冶金因素的研究是有帮助的。  相似文献   

This paper describes the experimental and analytical investigations performed on another backscattering technique named "Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry" (OFDR). In this approach the temporal signatures of graded-index multimode fibers are obtained as the inverse Fourier transform of the OFDR data. In the employed OFDR system the entire process is automated, and the modulation frequency is changed stepwise to obtain an exact inverse Fourier transform. The effects of starting frequency, frequency increment, and highest modulation frequency on OFDR temporal response are considered. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained by computer simulations. Also, a synchronous detection type of filtering process is suggested for signal-to-noise ratio improvement in OFDR technique.  相似文献   

The optical frequency of an external double cavity coupled laser diode was controlled via the phase of the feedback light. Strong linewidth and mode hopping reductions were obtained, extending coherent reflectometry with semiconductor sources to the range of hundreds of meters  相似文献   

提出一种基于频域数据取样和时域信号同步的超宽带(Ultrawideband,UWB)时间反转(Time-Reversal,TR)成像方法.单个发射机发射UWB脉冲信号到探测区域,时间反转镜(Time Reversal Mirror,TRM)的每个天线单元对散射信号进行细频和粗频数据采样,得到各自单元的频率-频率-多站数据矩阵(individual-FF-MDM).把所有单元的该矩阵堆砌起来,形成一个全体单元的频率-频率-多站数据矩阵(full-FF-MDM),并对full-FF-MDM进行奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD),得到耦合了目标位置信息的左奇异值向量.将每一个左奇异值向量变换成时域脉冲回传辐射,则来自TRM各单元的回传辐射信号在相应目标处同时到达波形的最大值,而在非该目标处则不能同时达到最大值.于是,定义各单元的回传信号乘积作为目标成像函数,可获得良好的横向和纵向分辨率.  相似文献   

卢卓  陆叶  李传起  周鹏 《光电子快报》2020,16(5):384-389
In this paper, a new two-dimensional variable weight optical orthogonal code (2D-VWOOC) for optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) system is constructed. It takes the C as the frequency hopping sequence and the strict variable weight optical orthogonal code (SVWOOC) as the time spreading sequence. The code can meet the different quality of service (QoS) requirements of different users. Under the same time spread sequence, the bit error rate (BER) of QCHC/SVWOOC is 3~9 orders of magnitude lower than that of other similar 2D-VWOOCs. In Optisystem simulation, when the transmission rate of the system is 14 Gbits/s, the BER of users with code weight 4 is 7 orders of magnitude lower than that of users with code weight 2, and a clear and correct eye diagram can be obtained.  相似文献   

Hodgkinson  T.G. Coppin  P. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(16):1262-1264
It is demonstrated that a frequency translating recirculating optical loop can be used as a means of frequency translating a digitally modulated optical carrier from one frequency to another without the need for the modulated carrier to exit the optical domain.<>  相似文献   

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