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新村空间设计语汇模块化是村落景观设计较为普遍的现象,也是地域特征弱化和空间不契合空间行为等问题的主要原因之一。古村落宅间元素是村民日常生活与村落环境在相互影响下长期适应性发展的结果,宅间元素模式研究可促进丰富新村空间设计语汇。以徽州地区古村落为例,从宅间元素的分类、图示、与空间行为的关联3个方面论述了古村落宅间元素模式研究方法论。通过徽州茆田新村景观设计阐述了宅间元素模式的应用,论述了基于古村落宅间元素模式的村落景观设计优化策略,有益于形成并推广地方空间设计语汇,避免过度依赖和使用既有的、来自城市的广场、草坪、树池等元素造成的全国村落的无差别设计。 相似文献
多层住宅区宅间宅旁绿地的植物景观营造——以杭州市优秀多层住宅区为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章选取杭州市优秀多层住宅区的案例进行提炼、总结,从植物空间营造、植物与建筑的关系、人性化设计等角度深入研究了多层住宅区宅间宅旁绿地植物景观的营造手法,倡导以人为本的个性化居住区植物景观设计,从而提高居住区植物景观设计水平,营造优美和谐的人居环境. 相似文献
刘晓 《中国建筑装饰装修》2021,(1):58-59
本文主要阐述庐陵古村落景观特点,探讨对庐陵古村落民居建筑景观进行保护的意义,并提出保护与发展庐陵古村落民居建筑景观的策略,以期进一步保护和发展古村落民居建筑景观,促进古村落发展. 相似文献
我国实施的大规模既有住区环境更新效果明显,但仍存在手法粗放单一的问题,特别是老年人群健康诉求尚需进一步回应。后疫情时期,既有住区宅间空间作用凸显,如何通过优化宅间环境设计,满足老年人日常活动,促进健康生活,已引起多方关注。研究从大连典型既有住区中筛选出18个宅间样本,对老年人群宅间评价及宅间活动偏好以及行为方式等内容,采用实地调查,结合模拟、行为标注、统计等工具方法进行分析归纳,探索宅间环境品质要素对老年人群活动类型、频率、时长的影响关系,并提出相关环境品质提升建议。 相似文献
肇庆广府古村落景观格局特点及其保护研究——以蕉园村为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
肇庆市古村落景观既具有广府古村落的特点,又有自身的特色,即不似岭南水乡的村落处于纵横水网之中,而是山环水绕,呈现圈式布局的特点。那些处于城市化快速发展地区的古村落面临着被边缘化的威胁。以蕉园村为例,详细分析了这种威胁,并针对其景观格局保护从政策和技术层面进行了研究。在技术层面,应用了图层分析法。 相似文献
本文选取典型的内蒙古中部传统村落凉城县园子沟村作为研究目标,研究其空间形态的适应性与演变机制.依据该村落区位、地貌及气候等,对其整体空间形态、道路空间形态、公共活动空间形态进行分析,获取其扩张和失调阶段、空心和蜕变阶段的空间形态及交替演变的轨迹.通过空间形态区位条件的更改、思想观念的转变、交通方式的变化等演变机制,创建村落空间形态适应性发展的目标体系,进而构建社会和谐的社会主义新村落. 相似文献
Urban public green spaces significantly impact public health level, where physical, social, and recreational outdoor activities play an important role in improving people’s physical and mental health. In this paper, a total of 35 samples of small public green spaces were selected, and the data of built environment factors and healthy activities of each sample were collocted through ArcGIS analysis, field survey, and mapping. This paper then analyzes the impact of built environment factors on public healthy activities from a planning and design perspective by establishing a ridge regression model, which adopts location factors and functional / spatial factors in small public green spaces as independent variables, and the frequency density of healthy activities as dependent variables. The research reveals that: To location factors, the small public green spaces located near dense residential areas have a much greater impact on promoting public health activities than the ones sitting in dense mixed land use areas; To functional / spatial factors, facilities are the dominant factor that positively impacts users’ healthy activities, particularly the seating density; Reasonably designed small public green spaces or the ones with more open interfaces can effectively encourage people’s healthy activities, while which would be significantly decreased when the green space rate or the path density is excessively high. Finally, the paper proposes suggestions on the planning and design of small public green spaces. 相似文献
社区的空间结构与职能组织 --以上海市江宁路街道社区规划为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着我国社会经济体制改革的不断推进,无论在城市物质空间还是在社会组织管理方面,社区规划都得到越来越高度的重视.但是由于在许多实践工作中,包含于社区概念中的多重含义常常被从不同角度区别看待,社区的空间结构及其职能组织得不到综合考虑,致使社区工作仍然停留于旧有模式,体现不出社会发展的需求.以上海市江宁路街道社区规划为例,研究如何在社区规划中,更好地将地域空间构成与社区职能组织梳理并整合在一起,综合考虑物质空间、社会发展及行政管理等各方面因素,探讨在我国当前形势下,有效进行社区规划的方法与途径. 相似文献
整村统筹土地整备是深圳目前正在探索的一种土地二次开发模式,其目的是在"整村统筹"发展理念的指引下,全面解决土地历史遗留问题、推动社区综合发展。本文从深圳整村统筹土地整备中规划土地政策互动的现实需求出发,深入分析了现有专项规划编制和实施方案编制的内容和特点,聚焦土地整备实践中利益平衡的关键内容即社区留用土地的面积、用途及开发强度等方面,探讨了如何在专项规划编制和实施方案编制中实现规划土地政策的互动,从而促进有效实现土地整备的利益平衡目标。深圳在整村统筹土地整备规划土地政策互动方面的探索实践实际提供了在城乡统筹背景下如何通过规划和土地政策的协同来解决问题的一种路径,这种路径的探索将为城市地区解决农村城市化的后遗症带来全新的理念思潮和技术方案。 相似文献
Introducing the case of the Kids’ Gardens in Yucai No. 3 Primary School in Changsha City, Hunan Province, this study established sociograms upon the contact-frequency-based network with UCINET to systematically analyze the characteristics of different participants in the process of the childfriendly community building and the varying pattern of all social relations, aiming at addressing problems emerging in public participation and multi-stakeholder collaboration in Chinese mainland. It was found that by bonding stakeholders including citizens, the government and party organizations, universities, and public institutions and enterprises, this practice encouraged the school — as a community — to leverage its internal resources. The school finally overcame the organizational inertia and achieved independent operation and growth during the process of community building. The study also demonstrated that the social network of participants was developed and defined with both independent and dependent modes from an overall perspective, of which the former characterized for its dominant internal ties and a dense tree-like hierarchical management structure might be more efficient. From a participant perspective, the brokerage roles in key nodes were critical to the community building. Finally, spatial design strategies, including enhancing the spatial affordance to serve diverse activities, space zoning and allocation, offering “half-done” spaces, and phased development, were provided for similar community building practice. 相似文献