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A circuit-switched network with two types of traffic is modeled as a finite two-dimensional Markov chain. The problem of trunk congestion under different routing schemes is analyzed. It is shown that the trunk reservation technique can be used to alleviate trunk congestion in this heterogeneous traffic environment. It is also shown that two control schemes, namely, the restricted access and preemption, when properly applied, may minimize the blocking of one type of traffic while keeping that of the other at a certain level. Some numerical examples are presented  相似文献   

In the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) and wireless local area network (WLAN) interworking networks, 3GPP authentication, authorization, accounting (AAA) server located in 3GPP core network will be responsible for the AAA request from WLAN access network (AN). However, centralized AAA deployment is bound to give rise to the single point failure, resulting in system congestion. In order to solve this problem, this paper presents a novel congestion control model for AAA. In addition, through analyzing the model, the conclusion can be drawn that the average congestion rate of extensible authentication protocol (EAP) user request is related with factors, such as the arrival rate of EAP request, the number of EAP re-authentication, and the system buffer queue length. Finally, the simulation results show that EAP request arrival rate is directly proportional to the congestion rate, and when the number of EAP re-authentication and system buffer queue length are fixed, the number of corresponding user authentication vectors should be directly proportional to the EAP request arrival rate, so as to ensure the average congestion rate of EAP request is less than 0.005.  相似文献   

The authors describe a simple adaptive routing scheme for datagram (connectionless) and virtual circuit (connection-oriented) transmission that relieves congestion resulting from nonuniform traffic patterns and network failures. The authors describe a fixed-routing algorithm for dedicated channel ShuffleNets. Based on the fixed routing algorithm, an adaptive routing scheme for datagram transmission is presented followed by performance results for uniform and nonuniform traffic patterns and fault tolerance. The adaptive routing of datagrams uses only the local queue size information available at the network interface units (NIUs) and redistributes the load as congestion develops. Since datagrams are individually routed through the network, they may not arrive at their destination in the order they were generated and may need to be resequenced. The authors compute an upper estimate on the resequencing buffer size for stream traffic. A virtual circuit version of the adaptive routing algorithm eliminates the need for resequencing buffers  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop, analyze and implement a congestion control scheme in a noncooperative game framework, where each user's cost function is composed of a pricing function proportional to the queueing delay experienced by the user, and a fairly general utility function which captures the user demand for bandwidth. Using a network model based on fluid approximations and through a realistic modeling of queues, we establish the existence of a unique equilibrium as well as its global asymptotic stability for a general network topology, where boundary effects are also taken into account. We also provide sufficient conditions for system stability when there is a bottleneck link shared by multiple users experiencing nonnegligible communication delays. In addition, we study an adaptive pricing scheme using hybrid systems concepts. Based on these theoretical foundations, we implement a window-based, end-to-end congestion control scheme, and simulate it in ns-2 network simulator on various network topologies with sizable propagation delays.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of the stability of congestion control for networks with heterogeneous round-trip communication delays. We present a frequency-domain approach to this problem. The approach is based on the analysis of the clockwise property of system transfer functions, generalized Nyquist stability criterion, and a recent lemma of Vinnicombe. We point out that a prerequisite for establishing decentralized stability criteria for distributed congestion control is that the Nyquist plots of time-delayed transfer functions corresponding to price (rate) dynamics at links (sources) satisfy clockwise property in certain frequency intervals. Based on the detailed investigation of global geometric properties of the frequency response of price dynamics at links, we derive sufficient conditions for the local asymptotic stability of a kind of the second-order active queue management algorithm-REM algorithm. A simple design procedure is also proposed for guaranteeing the asymptotic stability of the control algorithm.  相似文献   

This work establishes a QoS-driven adaptive congestion control framework that provides QoS guarantees to VoIP service flows in mixed traffic scenarios for wireless cellular networks. The framework is composed of three radio resource management algorithms: admission control, packet scheduling, and load control. The proposed framework is scalable to several services and can be applied in any current or future packet-switched wireless system. By means of dynamic system-level simulations carried out in a specific case study where VoIP and Web service flows compete for shared access in an HSDPA wireless network, the proposed framework is able to increase the overall system capacity twofold depending on the traffic mix, while keeping the system operating optimally in its target QoS profile.  相似文献   

An efficient call admission control scheme for handling heterogeneous services in wireless ATM networks is proposed. Quality-of-service provisioning of jitter bounds for constant bit rate traffic and delay bounds for variable bit rate traffic is used in the CAC scheme to guarantee predefined QoS levels for all traffic classes. To reduce the forced handoff call dropping rate, the CAC scheme gives handoff calls a higher priority than new calls by reserving an appropriate amount of resources for potential handoff calls. Resource reservation in the CAC scheme makes use of user mobility information to ensure efficient resource utilization. Simulation results show that the proposed CAC scheme can achieve both low handoff call dropping rate and high resource utilization  相似文献   

In delay-tolerant mobile ad hoc networks, motion of network nodes, network sparsity and sporadic density can cause a lack of guaranteed connectivity. These networks experience significant link delay and their routing protocols must take a store-and-forward approach. In this paper, an opportunistic routing protocol is proposed, along with its compatible media access control, for non-real-time services in delay-tolerant networks. The scheme is mobility-aware such that each network node needs to know its own position and velocity. The media access control employs a four-fold handshake procedure to probe the wireless channel and cooperatively prioritize candidate nodes for packet replication. It exploits the broadcast characteristic of the wireless medium to utilize long-range but unreliable links. The routing process seizes opportunities of node contacts for data delivery. It takes a multiple-copy approach that is adaptive with node movements. Numerical results in mobile ad hoc networks and vehicular ad hoc networks show superior performance of the proposed protocol compared with other routing protocols. The mobility-aware media access control and routing scheme exhibits relatively small packet delivery delay and requires a modest amount of total packet replications/transmissions.  相似文献   

The authors propose a congestion control framework for ATM networks that requires simple protocols and that provides guaranteed grade of service The authors suggest that the network provides two different services: express service and first-class service. Express service is appropriate for real-time applications, whereas first-class service is appropriate for nonreal-time applications. To provide such services, the proposed congestion control scheme prevents congestion inside the network by controlling the congestion at two levels: VC (virtual circuit) level and cell level. The VC-level control takes place during the call setup in the form of (logical) bandwidth reservation for individual VCs. The cell-level control is exercised across the network interface in the form of the choking/relieving of only first-class VC traffic in case of congestion. The authors analyze the performance of the proposed scheme, and show how to engineer various parameters to satisfy cell-level performance requirements (e.g., cell delay and loss)  相似文献   

Dedicated short range communications (DSRC) was proposed for collaborative safety applications (CSA) in vehicle communications. In this article we propose two adaptive congestion control schemes for DSRC-based CSA. A cross-layer design approach is used with congestion detection at the MAC layer and traffic rate control at the application layer. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed rate control scheme for adapting to dynamic traffic loads.  相似文献   

Congestion control is considered one of the most challenging issues of ATM. Simulation results are presented which show the performance superiority of the proposed scheme as compared to the conventional leaky bucket scheme. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

NASA Lewis Research Center is currently investigating a satellite architecture that incorporates an on-board packet-switching capability. Because of the statistical nature of packet switching, arrival traffic may fluctuate, and thus it is necessary to integrate the congestion control mechanism as part of the on-board processing unit. This study focuses on the closed-loop reactive control. We investigate the impact of the long propagation delay on the performance, and propose a scheme to overcome the problem. The scheme uses a global feedback signal to regulate the packet arrival rate of the ground stations. In this scheme, the satellite continuously broadcasts the status of its output buffer and the ground stations respond by selectively discarding packets or by tagging the excessive packets as low-priority. The two methods are evaluated by theoretical queueing analysis and simulation. The former is used to analyse the simplified model and to determine the basic trends and bounds, and the latter is used to assess the performance of a more realistic system and to evaluate the effectiveness of more sophisticated control schemes. The results show that the long propagation delay makes the closed-loop congestion control less responsive. The broadcast information can only be used to extract statistical information. The discarding method needs carefully-chosen status information and a reduction function, and normally requires a significant amount of ground discarding to reduce the on-board packet loss probability. The tagging method is more effective since it tolerates more uncertainties and allows a larger margin of error in status information. It can protect the high-priority packets from excessive loss and fully use the down-link bandwidth at the same time.  相似文献   

针对有线网络中的拥塞控制机制ECN进行改进,引入网络负荷因子的概念来更准确、有效的更新发送方的窗口大小,并将它和无线网络中的WELN机制相结合,提出了ECLN机制来提高在混合网络下的网络性能,并用NS2仿真工具在物理层引入无线信道错误模型来模拟无线链路上的丢包现象.仿真结果表明,该算法能够有效降低丢包数,明显提高网络的吞吐量.  相似文献   

MaxNet is a distributed congestion control architecture. This paper analyzes the stability properties of MaxNet. We show that MaxNet is stable for networks with arbitrary delays, numbers of sources, capacities, and topologies. Unlike existing proposals, MaxNet does not need to estimate the number of bottleneck links on the end-to-end path to achieve these scaling properties.  相似文献   

基于专家控制的无线网络拥塞控制机制的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
夏巍  林亚平  李超 《通信学报》2004,25(1):164-173
由于无线网络中存在高误码、信号衰落、切换等原因,使得传统TCP的应用受到了挑战。本文提出了将专家控制用于无线网络的拥塞控制方案,它通过推理判断,确定当前的TCP连接状况,进而区分网络拥塞和无线链路差错,然后再针对不同的原因,选取正确的控制策略实施拥塞控制。仿真结果表明,该方法增强了网络对拥塞以及随机差错的实时处理能力,提高了网络的吞吐量,算法本身具有较强的顽健性。  相似文献   

We show that modulating the source rate of a video encoder based on congestion signals from the network has two major benefits: the quality of the video transmission degrades gracefully when the network is congested and the transmission capacity is used efficiently. Source rate modulation techniques have been used in the past in designing fixed rate video encoders used over telephone networks. In such constant bit rate encoders, the source rate modulation is done using feedback information about the occupancy of a local buffer. Thus, the feedback information is available instantaneously to the encoder. In the scheme proposed, the feedback may be delayed by several frames because it comes from an intermediate switching node of a packet switched network. The paper shows the proposed scheme performs quite well despite this delay in feedback. We believe the use of such schemes will simplify the architecture used for supporting real time video services in future nationwide gigabit networks  相似文献   

Zhang  Jingxia  Chen  Junjie 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(1):455-470
Wireless Networks - In the heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, most algorithms assume that nodes are heterogeneous in terms of their initial energy (we refer to as static energy heterogeneity)....  相似文献   

One of the basic problems faced in the design of efficient traffic and congestion control schemes is related to the wide variety of services with different traffic characteristics and quality of service (QoS) requirements supported by ATM networks. The authors propose a new way of organizing the control system so that complexity is easier to manage. The multi-agent system approach, which provides the use of adaptative and intelligent agents, is investigated. The authors show, through the two congestion control schemes proposed, how to take advantage of using intelligent agents to increase the efficiency of the control scheme. First, TRAC (threshold based algorithm for control) is proposed, which is based on the use of fixed thresholds which enables the anticipation of congestion. This mechanism is compared with the push-out algorithm and it is shown that the authors' proposal improves the network performance. Also discussed is the necessity of taking into account the network dynamics. In TRAC, adaptative agents with learning capabilities are used to tune the values of the thresholds according to the status of the system. However, in this scheme, when congestion occurs, the actions we perform are independent of the nature of the traffic. Subsequently, we propose PATRAC (predictive agents in a threshold based algorithm for control) in which different actions are achieved according to the QoS requirements and to the prediction of traffic made by the agents. Specifically, re-routing is performed when congestion is heavy or is expected to be heavy and the traffic is cell loss sensitive. This re-routing has to deflect the traffic away from the congestion point. In this scheme, we propose a cooperative and predictive control scheme provided by a multi-agent system that is built in to each node  相似文献   

Neural networks for adaptive traffic control in ATM networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neural networks (NNs) have several valuable properties for implementing ATM traffic control. The authors present NN-based solutions for two problems arising in connection admission control, affecting the grade of service (GOS) at both the cell and call levels, and propose that neural networks may increase the network throughput and revenue  相似文献   

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