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美国风景园林基金会(LAF)发起的景观绩效评估研究已经成为风景园林学的重要的研究领域和前沿。案例研究调查(CSI) 是景观绩效系列研究项目(LPS)实施的基础,案例研究法是景观绩效评估研究开展的根本性方法,但是当前研究文献中鲜有对案 例研究法与景观绩效系列研究之间的关联性进行详细的解析。为了明确案例研究法对于景观绩效研究的重要作用和研究价值,将介 绍案例研究法的核心思想以及代表人物马克·弗朗西斯对风景园林案例研究法的推动;梳理他提出的风景园林案例研究法的关键思 想对 LAF 启动的一系列研究项目产生的重要影响;最后,指出未来景观绩效研究需加强基于议题的多案例分析,以产出更多有助于 循证设计的科学知识。  相似文献   

美国风景园林基金会在 2010 年发起的景观绩效系列研究计划掀起了景观绩效评估的热潮,致力于通过科学 量化的方法验证可持续风景园林设计在环境、社会和经济方面的综合价值。介绍了该研究项目的兴起背景、评估框 架和实施框架,然后深入剖析了综合效益评估、设计策略有效性的循证和知识库平台作为该项目的主要特点的同 时存在的研究困难,最后总结了景观绩效系列研究计划的重要贡献,并针对其目前实施的状态从研究路径、评估指 标和知识服务三方面提出改善建议。以期为我国可持续景观设计价值评估的相关研究提供理论参考和探讨方向。  相似文献   

孙楠  孙国瑜 《园林》2019,(7):14-19
随着风景园林学科的发展和人类认知水平的不断提升,可持续性已经逐渐成为衡量风景园林项目是否优秀的重要标准。针对风景园林可持续性的评估对于提升行业地位和指导未来的规划设计具有实质意义。我国在风景园林可持续性评估领域的研究尚处起步阶段,尚未建立符合我国风景园林项目特征的可持续评估体系。本文以景观绩效、SITES、LEED-ND和Star-Communities以及BREEAM-Communities的指标和评估系统为研究对象,分析和研究不同指标体系和评估系统在评估框架和评估方法方面的构建经验,并尝试从指标体系框架完善、指标可获取性、衡量标准的匹配与编制等方面探讨创建适用于我国风景园林项目可持续性评估体系。  相似文献   

景观绩效 多功能景观的度量和评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景观绩效以量化的方式衡量了景观设计的效益。每一个景观都是独一无二的,因此需要用截然不同的方式来度量绩效。在确定绩效类别时,景观的多功能性就会显现出来。通过对这些问题的讨论以及2个景观绩效案例的研究得出结论。其中一个案例研究探讨了一个旨在促进可持续和健康生活的非盈利性组织总部设计的环境、社会和经济的效益。另一个案例研究揭示了市中心的交通环岛同时也是当地社区中心的聚集空间的环境、社会和经济效益。虽然这2个景观都提供了可持续性的重要度量方式,但是它们各自的度量方式都是根据其独特的问题和解决方式而专门制定的。  相似文献   

简述和讨论以美国为主的景观绩效研究与实践,并探讨以景观绩效为工具来创造可持续性、高效益以及具有弹性景观的未来展望。自20世纪40年代以来,绩效评价(Performance evaluation)就被运用于诸多领域。在风景园林与景观规划学科中,"景观绩效"一词被定义为"景观解决方案在实现其预设目标的同时满足可持续性方面的效率的度量"。定义中,可持续性是设计和规划的主要目标之一。景观绩效基于可测量结果,对景观的环境、社会与经济效益进行评价。阐述了绩效评价系统的必要性及其形成。绩效评价系统力求提供可信的证据(数据及信息)支持,并指导和评价设计的决策。文章特别介绍了美国风景园林基金会(LAF)的景观绩效系列(Landscape Performance Series)。就景观绩效未来的发展而言,一是要将景观绩效理论应用于创造可持续性、高绩效的景观,二是要规定和规范能提升景观绩效研究与实践品质的景观特征。审视了这2个层面上的机遇与挑战。最后总结当对于有关景观绩效的生态会计学了解越多,将可以精准设定对于设计与规划干预的期望,包括制定有效的公共政策,降低投资风险,提高投资回馈,通过实现可持续性与弹性来扩大影响。  相似文献   

张炜  杨梦琪  周昱杏 《风景园林》2019,26(S2):78-83
景观绩效的研究和实践是当前风景园林专业关注的热点。美国风景园林基金会倡导的景观绩效系列(LPS)研究,促使美国高校风景园林课程将景观绩效评估课程纳入课程体系之中。通过分析和借鉴美国高校的景观绩效课程建设概况,为国内景观绩效评估课程的建设提供参考。基于美国高校目前所开设的19门景观绩效系列课程,分析课程的设立目标、开设概况和关注的景观绩效类型,并从课程的理论研究、案例分析、工具使用和项目实践4个方面,探讨其与景观绩效评估的结合情况。景观绩效系列课程教学特点体现在通过绩效价值评估项目成效,基于实践研究进行循证设计,以及绩效评估与参数化设计结合3个方面。课程尚存在的问题则反映在部分评估数据获取存在难度、评估指标和工具的应用限制,以及评估过程与项目设计结合不足。  相似文献   

通过研究德克萨斯州5个项目/案例的经济绩效成果,评估了风景园林与经济活动之间的关系。5个项目/案例分别为:克莱德沃伦公园(Klyde Warren Park)、凯蒂步道(Katy Trail)、德州大学达拉斯分校校园特色景观概念性规划(UT Dallas Campus Identity and Landscape Framework Plan)、阿狄森公园(Addison Circle)和布法罗河湾散步道(Buffalo Bayou Promenade)。研究采用了定量和定性相结合的实证调查法,首先评价了风景园林设计及相关设计领域的经济评估和绩效研究情况。之后重点研究了所选项目的景观类型、过程和结果,以突出在经济绩效研究中,确定统一标准和全面框架的重要性。最后,讨论了通过实证证据和系统性调查对经济活动进行研究的价值,并将经济活动作为景观绩效的一部分。总之,综合标准、方法与案例研究的结果来说明不同城市风景园林设计类型项目的经济影响,还讨论了通过统一标准方法来获得可靠实证结果的价值。结果表明,从案例中可以看到,经济绩效并不总是容易被量化的,同样也并非所有的设计改进均与经济活动直接相关。因此,这项研究强调了记录指定的景观项目中所有直接、间接和连锁的经济效应,并突出其经济价值的重要性。这也表明,未来的风景园林设计将对社会产生更大的经济影响和价值。  相似文献   

风景园林学是一门循证的(evidence-based)专业和学科,因而需要充足的依据来指导未来的设计。为了推进可持续的设计实践,收集科学证据来支撑设计并体现绩效至关重要。美国风景园林基金会的景观绩效系列(Landscape Performance Series,简称LPS)是收集这类证据的一种尝试。LPS建立在可持续三角(sustainability triad)架构上,通过研究者与从业者的合作,对在环境、经济、社会层面上景观方法运用的成果进行量化。景观绩效的研究尚不成熟,在评价指标和方法上还存在着许多空白。本研究有两项主要任务:一是将现行的景观绩效指标与其他度量系统进行对比,找出差别,为完善将来的景观绩效的指标提出建议;二是检验和探讨景观绩效量化通用方法的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   

文章从深圳文化中心建成10余年后的回访入手,通过建筑后评估式的调研,实现了对该建筑作品的再认识。即,经历过使用考验、对民众生活和建筑学仍具有贡献意义的优秀设计策略的验证与再确认。文章对上述优秀设计策略以循证设计模式的报告格式加以整理、提炼,包括:大型公建的标志性入口模式、大型公建的观景模式、开放阅览的环境氛围模式、梯田式观众席空间模式等。同时,文章也针对当前使用中的一些情况,提出了可持续使用改进建议。  相似文献   

光通过视觉与非视觉生物作用,对人的视力健康、生物节律、情绪认知、代谢与免疫等方面产生广泛影响,是建筑、光学、生命科学、环境工程等学科前沿领域共同聚焦的人居健康关键技术。文章分析了光在人居空间中的疗愈作用,阐述了循证研究与设计在营造人居健康光环境中的价值与必要性,并展示了作者团队基于循证理论,以问题为导向、建成环境为载体、实现人居健康为目标,面向全龄人群和各类人居空间,在南极科考站及医养建筑中开展的一系列光与健康的探索与实践。  相似文献   

As a design method supported by scientific knowledge and findings, evidence-based design now is widely applied in the field of architectural and landscape design. This design process makes architects and landscape designers’ decisions about built environment sound and reliable. Combining two practice cases — the Urban Ecological Corridor Planning of College Station of Texas, a regional planning project, and Landscape Design of the Yangpu Bridge Park in Shanghai, an urban public space project — this article illustrates the concept and process of key issue identification and response, a pivotal step in evidence-based design, and points out the challenges in related applications of this method.  相似文献   

Most of the pressing challenges in the Anthropocene era are ecological, such as climate change and environmental degradation, all with profound impacts on socio-economics and equity. While ecology and resilience are among the most salient topics in contemporary landscape architecture, their inherent relationship and differences have deep implications on practice. The authors argue that ecology is all-encompassing and has a strong focus on system complexity without biasing or favoring any specific species or parts of the ecosystem. Resilience, when discussed in the context of planning and design, however, embodies a strong human-centric element. Ecocentric vs. anthropocentric perspectives provoke further discussion around an evolving relationship between ecological function and aesthetic forms that have been heavily informed by cultural and societal contexts. By translating environmental policies and social preferences, landscape architects command tremendous power to connect with the primary users of the built environment — the general public. Collaboration and integrated research are required to make significant progress on the complex environmental challenges the world faces today.  相似文献   

Practitioners in the fields of landscape planning and design seem less taking advantage of, or even paying no attention to, existing findings of scientific research in other disciplines; and, they often conduct so-called “transdisciplinary” study on their own, but most of the outcomes are uncompetitive with those proven research findings in relevant fields. The author believed that it is essentially resulted from several dislocations between landscape practice and modern scientific research, that are, the gaps between holism and deconstruction, elements and functions, as well as graphics and texts. To bridge such gaps, this article puts forward two solutions: one is problem-finding and-addressing, and the other is synthesizing and visualization of research results, particularly through graphical interpretation.  相似文献   

Contemporary landscape is an important medium that resists the environmental homogeneity and diversifies the cultural imagery. The neglect of physical experience would intensify the perception contradiction and separation between people and the site. This paper proposes to use the prototype of the interactions between the body, time, and space to build an abstract discourse to study the design dimensions of site, sight, and insight based on different elements—the three dimensions are represented as perception, conception, and live. It then focuses on how to employ design methods (including the arrangement of spatial sequence and direction, the design of thresholds in the space, the creation of texts and syntaxes, and the stimulation of events and social imagery) to form the push-pull movement in the material space, the abschattung and gestalt of ideographic texts in the meaning space, and the apperception of the social field, so as to enhance people’s perception of the landscape. This paper studies physical experience and spacetime imagery to extract and deduce the thinking of landscape design within varied dimensions, and argues that a profound and intimate relationship between man and the site can be established by organizing different elements under the ternary system of site, sight, and insight.  相似文献   

The current rapid urbanization leads to a degeneration in natural ecosystems whose regulating, purification, and production services have been seriously damaged. Landscape architecture focusing more on landscape functions and processes in this context is significant to urban environment improvement, by creating more urban parks and green spaces to provide ecological services as benefits rather than cities' burdens. Therefore, Yu Kongjian defined Designed Ecology as a constructed ecosystem or a system of interactions between living creatures (including human beings) and nature by human design, also ecological processes formed by landscape architecture and planning, and an interdisciplinary, cross-scale, and empirical research in a form of landscape. This research examined the landscape performance of saline-alkali soil amelioration in Qiaoyuan Park designed with the Designed Ecology principles by ecological experiments. The results prove that through micro-topography design, the park's constructed ecosystem significantly drains away salt and alkali to the lower areas of the site, both within the pond and across the whole pond system, achieving its design goal. This case study provides models for similar ecological landscape design of urban parks and green spaces.  相似文献   

By reviewing the structure of the book Illustrated Principles of Landscape Ecological Planning and Design, this article reexamines the relationship between theoretical study, teaching, and practice in landscape ecological planning and design. It first explores how to apply the principles of ecological sciences (and other relevant disciplines) into related research, teaching, and practice of landscape ecological planning and design. The authors put forward a multi-level research system that integrates fundamental theories, application bases, and practice, in order to bridge ecological principles with planning and design practice. In addition, based on this landscape ecological planning and design system, the authors developed a T-P-C Approach, a universal operating procedure that links up Theories, Patterns or Principles, and Practice Cases and centers in spatial principles. Through a reader sampling survey, the research system of landscape ecological planning and design is refined and improved based on audience’s comments.  相似文献   

In this article, the author concluded the patterns and challenges of practice research by Peking University-Turenscape into the answers to three questions: 1) By conducting practice research, people can gain the knowledge and methodologies to address authentic practice issues with constant attempts; 2) College faculties and students, researchers, and planners / designers are the agencies of practice research, but they are in dilemma because of the over pursuit for paper publication and citation in academic performance assessment, and the insufficient time and budget for research leading a fact that generic planning schemes and stereotypes are popularly employed; And 3) the healthy development and long-term promotion of practice research relies on the growth of the market-oriented industry. As one type of the practice research, “prototype study” offers a paradigm for the innovation of knowledge and methodology. Oriented to future challenges and uncertainties, it would help extend the horizon of Landscape Architecture, providing designers and scholars with prospective design insights and flexible working methods.  相似文献   

Since 1997, LA PKU has conducted a series of studies on China’s traditional ecological wisdom and related application in contemporary landscape planning and design. This paper first reviews the background and the course of LA PKU’s research: In early years, they studied on Feng-shui and vernacular landscapes that stemmed from their understanding and response to local natural and human processes in planning and design practice; In 2006, Kongjian Yu proposed the concept that Landscape Architecture is a discipline concentrating on the art of survival, which has greatly promoted the study and revival of traditional eco-wisdom, not only providing a historical base for the modern development of Landscape Architecture, but also applying the research results in responding to contemporary environmental and ecological problems; In 2014, developed upon the achievement on the art of survival, LA PKU further explored the deep form of China’s traditional landscapes by studying local spatial forms and design strategies on micro- and site-scales and translating such ecological solutions into China’s contemporary landscape design. The paper also reviews on LA PKU’s important research results over the past two decades, including traditional agricultural landscapes, vernacular settlements, and traditional water-adaptive landscapes.  相似文献   

墙梁结构在工程中被广泛应用,但是由于其材料及受力的复杂性,长期以来没有统一、合理的设计方法。通过对国内外墙梁结构的设计计算方法回顾,阐述了我国规范对墙梁结构设计计算方法的逐步完善,展望了墙梁结构研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文重点论述城市信真系统在中心区规划设计实践中的探索应用,并简要介绍中心区仿真系统的建立和开发。文章认为中心区仿真系统为中心区的规划做出重要贡献,并相信城市仿真系统会推广普及为城市设计研究的重要平台。  相似文献   

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