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通过对上海三个不同特性的公园和广场历时性与共时性变化情况进行分析,考察公园与广场随时代社会变迁而发生的形态、性质、地位的新变化,并上升地到城市公共空间的高度探讨这些变化共性。  相似文献   

城市广场是人们集会、聚集和社会交流的重要社会公共空间,承载了一个地域的文化内涵,反映了一个城市的特色风貌。文中以长春市文化广场为例,分析城市广场景观发展中存在的问题,并深入研究混凝土问题的策略,从景观生态学理论和方法入手,为城市广场设计中起参考作用。  相似文献   

深圳市南山中心区的规划定位是融商业、文化、娱乐、办公和配套居住设施为一体的城市副中心。为了成功地开发建设这一城市新区,当地政府组织专业力量进行了深入策划和规划,并做出整体城市设  相似文献   

闫芳  韩先亮  郭洁 《山西建筑》2008,34(3):46-47
通过对美国景观设计师玛莎.施沃兹广场景观设计的分析,浅论现代城市广场设计,从借鉴国际经验结合本土历史文化的角度,对现代城市广场景观给出明确的思路和定位,探讨合乎"宜人所用"和"宜人所感"、合乎现代城市广场"以人为本"的人文理念与方法。  相似文献   

口袋公园是满足公众就近运动和休憩的重要公共活动场所.随着国家对全民健身的号召及人们锻炼身体的需求不断提高,口袋体育公园的建设显得越发迫切.文章对国内外口袋公园的发展历程及研究现状进行归纳,并根据使用者需求,对口袋体育公园进行分类研究,探讨各类型口袋体育公园的发展与设计策略.  相似文献   

城市设计所涉及的领域很广泛,从整体城市到局部的地域、到细部处理都包含着城市设计的内容,如城市空间设计、文化广场设计、公园设计、建筑设计、细部设计、社区中心设计等等。不同的设计对象有着不同的设计要求及内容,但有一点是相同的:即注重城市整体性环境,优化城市环境质量。本文正是从这一点出发,介绍城市中文化广场的环境设计。[第一段]  相似文献   

秦莉雯 《城市建筑》2021,(15):173-177
随着城市微更新的推进及人们对高品质公共活动空间需求的增加,社区口袋体育公园作为城市改造的重要组成部分,将对城市片区活力的提升起到重要作用.本文对上海城市微更新的发展研究现状及口袋体育公园的定义进行归纳,并选取四平路街道的社区口袋体育公园作为研究对象,从规划布点、规模、边界及出入口等4个方面对公园进行分析,并总结出4种对...  相似文献   

刘婷  温暖 《中外建筑》2024,(2):77-82
城市微更新理念是一种以小规模、低成本、快速、灵活、渐进的方式实现城市更新的方法,近年来,城市更新受到越来越多的关注。针对老城区公共空间进行的微更新是激发城市空间活力的有效途径,以浙江省丽水市中心城区(城西区块)绿地提升改造项目的 6个口袋公园为研究对象,以口袋公园与城市微更新理念作为切入点,采用现场调研、行为观察、现场拍摄记录等方法,探讨城市微更新理念在口袋公园中的应用,以探索城市老旧街区空间改造的可行路径。  相似文献   

地形设计是城市广场设计中的重要因素,应从不同角度出发,做好城市广场的地形设计。本文借鉴深圳凤岗市政广场地形设计的成功经验,阐述城市广场地形设计应考虑的因素。  相似文献   

Observation and representation are the fundamental and core processes and methods in landscape design. By transforming a historical industrial site into an urban cultural park for citizens’ recreational needs, the Jinhua Memorial Park in the Suining City demonstrates how landscape designers observe and represent in post-industrial renewal practice. Designers continuously deepen their understanding of the site through a process from site observation and perception, research and exploration to systematic analyses. During this process, designers were inspired by the industrial production process and textile products, and then applied such concepts in spatial arrangement and prototype for physical renovation. As the skeleton of spatial arrangement, the main road of the campus connects various functional spaces and landscape nodes of the park. Five design strategies, including in-situ preservation, transposition retention, material reuse, appearance protection, and spiritual revitalization, are applied to protect and reorganize the industrial heritages to recall the past prosperous scenes. Landscape design approaches, intuitive or implicit, are adopted to tie up the past, present, and future of the site while making a park that meets the needs of all kinds of users.  相似文献   

Tetris Square is a commercial plaza located in a corner of a large mixed-use development in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. Designers treated the site as an urban public space rather than a commercial place simply for children play, with focus on younger users and core families. Landscape architects attempt to respond to a series of community demands with a smarter proposal. Instead of a direct use of finished play equipment, designers create many flexible spaces for diverse play experience, and “hide” a grove by integrating it into the play facilities, which introduces an urban oasis attracting more visitors to the square. This does not follow the conventional design principle of commercial spaces which is to plant as few trees as possible for a maximum storefront display. The grid modules of squares make facility fabrication and installation much easier, helping save the costs and ensure the construction quality. Assembled precast concrete outdoor furniture was used extensively in the whole complex. Landscape architects designed only two basic precast concrete modules, which could be assembled into more than twenty combinations. Now Tetris Square is an urban playground for children and their parents, as well as a public space for other residents in adjacent communities. The project provides children with fun and happiness through user-friendly and naturalized design, encouraging children’s cognitive learning from the external world, and simulating their imagination and creativity in play.  相似文献   

纽约时报广场的都市更新历时10多年,几经周折,现在终于基本完成,今日的时报广场恢复了昔日的辉煌,又注入了时代的勃勃生机,再次成为都市交响乐中一个最高潮 的乐章。本文简要回溯了时报广场近几十年里兴衰的历史背景,以及失败的都市更新的尝试,郑重分析了被完成的都市更新计划中所采用的一些重要原则,参照建成现实,对比设计者的提案,希望能够从中得出在都市更新中,尤其是如何对待城市历史,如何融入时代精神方面,值得借鉴的点滴经验。  相似文献   

基于场所理论的重庆三峡广场景观设计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈代松  叶雁冰 《工业建筑》2006,36(Z1):36-39
通过对重庆沙坪坝三峡广场进行实地调研,结合罗格.特兰西克的城市设计场所理论,对三峡广场景观设计的成功与不足之处进行了分析。  相似文献   

With the nationwide trend of shifting from industrialization to post-industrialization, Shanghai is one of the first cities stepping into the post-industrialization stage. The large amount of industrial landscapes left over from this transition requires heritage preservation, industrial transformation, and environmental conservation. This paper reviewed the long-term modern industry development of Shanghai and divided its various industrial landscapes into three categories of regeneration: heritage revitalization, site transformation, and environmental optimization. After summarizing the existing constructive guidelines and standards, five sample areas of typical industrial landscapes in Shanghai were surveyed in terms of construction control, supporting service improvement, and industrial structure upgrading, with regeneration strategies suggested for each of them. The results show that the sample area for heritage revitalization needs to prioritize heritage reuse and ecological restoration; sample areas for site transformation should reinforce the improvement of service facilities and public spaces together with establishing the recycling industry chain; and sample areas for environmental optimization have to enhance the ecological performance of green spaces by introducing vertical greening along with energy saving and emission reduction for an environmental quality improvement. In conclusion, strategies for each type of regeneration should vary on a case-by-case basis so as to improve its environment and achieve sustainable development with a synergy in environment, society, and economy.  相似文献   

徐强 《世界建筑》2006,(5):40-43
玻璃作为一种常见的建筑树料因其特殊的光学性质及鲜明的时代感在旧建筑改造和更新中应用广泛。本文试从形态、空间、表皮、技术等方面切入,分析玻璃在旧建筑改造和更新中的应用策略,  相似文献   

自动化监测在商业广场改造工程的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自动化监测系统的主要功能是采集、交换、处理和反馈数据,整体系统是由现场采集系统、计算机系统以及应用终端系统组成,基本工作原理是利用安装在结构上的传感器测量有关的物理量,通过数据采集装置组成现场采集网络,按照设定的方式自动采集上述传感器测量的数据,再通过通讯设备将所得到的数据传输到管理控制中心,中心根据数据分析计算、评估安全情况。对于已建建筑的加固改造,自动化监测技术可以应用于实时监测建筑结构的变形情况,可以保障了建筑改造的正常进行。  相似文献   

Afterschool is an important time period for children to improve their weekday physical activity. This study aimed at filling a gap in people’s knowledge of middle school children’s afterschool activity in China. In order to study afterschool activity of children living in urban villages and planned communities in Shenzhen, a questionnaire was applied in three schools located in the typical school districts in Shenzhen, aimed at a 100% sample of randomly selected classrooms. Complete data for moderate-to-vigorous physical activities (MVPA), cram schools, sedentary activities, and the itineraries of their school-to-home commutes were obtained for 5 weekdays in one week in an in-class survey, for a total of 366 complete surveys. It was found that a greater active commuting distance from school generated more MVPA, and there was a distance threshold for active commutes. Children residing in urban villages travelled farther and engaged in more MVPA than did children in planned residential areas. MVPA varied greatly among children but was unrelated to the number of cram schools or transport mode to school. Although these results showed greater levels of afterschool activity than that have been found generally in surveys in Western contexts, such active activity terminates in the final year of middle school when students devote nearly all available time to study for high school entrance exams. This study revealed the importance of social context and distance to school for children’s MVPA in China, and pointed out that the current urban planning contributes to active travel of children but needs further adjustment to mitigate the effects of increasing motorization, bigger roads, and physical barriers to movement.  相似文献   

结合西安大华纱厂改造项目,对废旧工业区景观的规划改造手段和方法进行探索。废旧工业区景观规划主要以传承工业文脉、体现工业文化为切入点,尊重场所原貌历史,继而用现代的设计手法提取原工业景观符号与元素,从单纯的形式保护升华到场所精神的表达,塑造全新的景观功能与空间秩序,赋予废旧工业区以新的生命。  相似文献   

北京旧城保护矛盾分析及对策建议   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
李东 《城市规划》1999,(2):23-28
文中论述北京旧城危改的得与失,同时分析其中的矛盾,并对今后的改革方向提出参考性意见,同时提出建立保障北京旧城保护和发展进行良性循环的法规、政策和组织框架原则设想,以期北京旧城的保护和发展能够走向成熟。  相似文献   

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