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An intravaginal progesterone insert (CIDR insert; 1.38 g of progesterone) was evaluated for synchronization of returns to estrus (SR), conception rate (CR), and pregnancy rate (PR) in dairy cows previously artificially inseminated (AI). Healthy, nonpregnant, lactating Holstein cows, > or = 40 and < or = 150 d postpartum at eight commercial farms were used. Cows detected in estrus and receiving AI 2, 3, or 4 d after one injection of PGF2alpha (25 mg) were assigned as either controls (n = 945), or to receive a CIDR insert (n = 948) for 7 d (14 to 21 +/- 1 d after AI). Cows were observed for returns to estrus from 18 to 26 +/- 1 d after initial AI (resynchrony period) and were reinseminated if in estrus. Vaginal mucus on CIDR inserts (97.3% retention) at removal was scored: 1 = no mucus; 2 = clear; 3 = cloudy; 4 = yellow; and 5 = red or brown. Percentage of cows in estrus (SR) during the 3 d after CIDR insert removal was contrasted to the highest 3-d cumulative percentage in estrus for controls. Cows conceiving to initial AI were omitted in calculations of SR, CR, and PR during resynchrony. Mucous scores of 3 or 4 (mild irritation) were observed in 65% of cows and a score of 5 (more severe irritation) was observed in 2%; otherwise, health was unaffected. The PR to initial AI was lower for cows subsequently receiving CIDR inserts than for controls (32.7 vs. 36.7%). The CIDR insert increased SR (34.1 vs. 19.3% in 3 d) and overall estrus detection (43% in 4 d vs. 36% in 9 d) compared with controls. For the 9-d resynchrony period, CR and PR for CIDR-treated (26.7, 12.2%) and control (30.9, 11.1%) cows did not differ significantly. The CIDR inserts improved synchrony of returns to estrus, slightly reduced PR to initial AI, but did not affect CR or PR to AI during the resynchrony period.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of an intravaginal insert containing progesterone (CIDR, controlled internal drug releasing) administered in presynchronization and resynchronization protocols on cyclicity, detection of estrus, pregnancy rate, and pregnancy loss to first AI; reinsemination patterns; and pregnancy rates to second postpartum AI before and after the time of first-service pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows. Holstein cows (n = 1,052) were blocked by parity and BCS at 3 ± 3 d in milk (study d 0 = day of calving) and assigned randomly to 1 of 3 presynchronization treatments. During the presynchronization programs, all cows received 2 injections of PGF2α, on study d 35 and 49. Cows enrolled in the control presynchronization treatment received AI after detected estrus from study d 49 to 62. Cows enrolled in the CIDR estrus-detection (CED) presynchronization treatment received a CIDR insert from study d 42 to 49 and AI on detection of estrus from d 49 to 62. Cows enrolled in the CIDR timed AI (CTAI) presynchronization treatment received the same treatment as CED, but were subjected to timed AI on study d 72 after the Ovsynch (GnRH, 7 d PGF2α, 2 d GnRH, 24 h timed AI) protocol. The control and CED cows not inseminated by study d 62 were enrolled in the Ovsynch protocol on the same day and received timed AI on study d 72. After first AI, cows were assigned to no resynchronization (RCON) or resynchronization with a CIDR insert (RCIDR) between 14 and 21 d after AI. Blood samples collected on study d 35, 49, and 62 were analyzed for concentrations of progesterone and cows were classified as anestrous when progesterone was <1.0 ng/mL in the first 2 samples. On study d 62, anestrous cows with progesterone ≥ 1.0 ng/mL were classified as having resumed cyclicity. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 31 and 60 d after first AI and at 42 d after second AI. A greater proportion of anestrous cows in CED and CTAI became cyclic by d 62 postpartum than control cows. Resynchronization with the CIDR insert increased the pregnancy rate at 31 d after first AI in CED and CTAI, and at 60 d after AI in all cows because of reduced pregnancy loss. These results indicate that presynchronization with the CIDR insert increased induction of cyclicity in anestrous cows and that resynchronization with the CIDR insert did not affect the reinsemination rate but did reduce pregnancy loss and increased the pregnancy rate at 60 d after first AI.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance of dairy heifers was compared for each of 2 synchronization protocols: The first group of 54 heifers was synchronized using intravaginal progesterone inserts (CIDR) plus estradiol cypionate (ECP) on d 0, PGF(2alpha) on d 7, and ECP again on d 8 (CIDR-ECP); a second group of 56 heifers was synchronized using CIDR and ECP on d 0, PGF(2alpha) on d 7, and GnRH on d 9 (CIDR-GnRH). All heifers received timed artificial insemination (TAI) at 48, 56, or 72 h after CIDR removal on d 7. Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted by ultrasonography 32 +/- 1 d post AI to confirm pregnancy and at 60 +/- 1 d post AI to determine embryo survival. Ovaries were monitored by ultrasonography daily from d 0 to 7 and twice daily from d 8 to ovulation to examine emergence of a new wave of follicles, size of the ovulatory follicle, and timing of ovulation on 15 heifers per protocol. New follicular development was detected 3.7 +/- 0.2 d after CIDR insertion. Heifers receiving CIDR-ECP had a shorter interval from CIDR removal to ovulation than heifers receiving CIDR-GnRH (63.8 +/- 3.0 vs. 71.6 +/- 2.3 h, respectively); however, ovulation occurred 39.8 +/- 3.0 h after ECP or 23.6 +/- 2.3 h after GnRH. Diameters of ovulatory follicles did not differ between treatments. Overall pregnancy rate for synchronized heifers was 60.1%, and embryo survival was 98%. Pregnancy rate for heifers synchronized with CIDR-ECP was 63.0% and similar to that in heifers synchronized with CIDR-GnRH (57.1%). Pregnancy rate was affected by time of AI for heifers synchronized using CIDR-ECP but not for those synchronized with CIDR-GnRH. Heifers in the CIDR-ECP group that were inseminated 56 h after CIDR removal had a higher pregnancy rate (81.0%) compared with heifers inseminated 48 (66.7%) or 72 h (50.0%) after CIDR removal. Either ECP or GnRH used in a CIDR-based TAI program in dairy heifers can achieve acceptable reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare pregnancy rates in nulliparous Holstein heifers given PGF 24 h before, or concurrent with, removal of an intravaginal progesterone-releasing (CIDR) insert in 3 timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocols. Heifers (from 2 herds) were assigned randomly, over 11 mo, to 1 of 3 modified Ovsynch protocols. On d 0 (without reference to the stage of the estrous cycle), all heifers were given 100 μg of GnRH i.m. and a CIDR insert (containing 1.9 g of progesterone). In the PG-7/P4-8 protocol (n = 99), PGF was given on d 7, and CIDR inserts were removed on d 8. In the PG-7/P4-7 (n = 98) and PG-8/P4-8 (n = 102) protocols, PGF administration and CIDR removal occurred concurrently, on d 7 or 8, respectively. In all 3 protocols, a second GnRH treatment (100 μg) was given 48 h after PGF with TAI 16 to 20 h later. Blood samples were collected (subset of 124 heifers) on d 0, 7, 10 or 11 (i.e., at TAI), and 17. Pregnancy rates (32 d after TAI) for protocols PG-7/P4-8, PG-7/P4-7, and PG-8/P4-8 were 61.8, 55.6, and 54.1%, respectively. Pregnancy rate was higher when synchronization was initiated during diestrus than when initiated at other stages (57.0 versus 34.8%). Although pregnancy rates were not affected by season, there was an interaction between protocol and season; pregnancy rates were significantly lower in summer in heifers subjected to PG-7/P4-7 and PG-8/P4-8, but season did not affect pregnancy rates in heifers subjected to PG-7/P4-8. In summary, giving PGF 24 h before CIDR removal, followed by TAI (PG-7/P4-8 protocol), resulted in consistent pregnancy rates, regardless of season, relative to protocols involving PGF treatment concurrent with CIDR removal.  相似文献   

Relationships among body condition score (BCS), milk constituents, and resumption of postpartum luteal function were studied in 162 lactations of first- and second-parity Norwegian dairy cows. Milk components included acetone, lactose, fat, protein, urea, and ratios of fat to protein and fat to lactose. Milk progesterone concentrations were used to determine intervals from calving to first luteal response (> 5 ng/ml). Intervals to first luteal response were divided into categories of early (< or = 24 d) or late (> 24 d) responses. Higher BCS were observed during wk 4 and 5 postpartum among both first- and second-parity cows with early compared with delayed luteal responses. Second-parity cows with early onset of luteal function also had higher BCS from wk 6 through 12, whereas first-parity cows with early onset of luteal function had higher BCS from wk 13 through 15. Higher acetone levels from wk 2 through 4 postpartum were associated with late luteal response in second-parity cows. Greater milk lactose content during wk 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 postpartum and higher fat fractions during wk 4 postpartum were related to early luteal response in second-parity cows. Relationships between milk constituents and onset of luteal function were less evident and occurred later postpartum among first-parity cows than among second-parity cows. Measures of weekly milk composites obtained during the early postpartum period and BCS were closely associated with postpartum resumption of luteal function. Acetone and lactose values in milk from the first 4 wk postpartum predicted postpartum luteal function in second-parity cows at a sensitivity of 0.84 and specificity of 0.86.  相似文献   

The incidence of normal and atypical progesterone profiles in Swedish dairy cows was studied. Data were collected from an experimental herd over 15 yr, and included 1,049 postpartum periods from 183 Swedish Holstein and 326 Swedish Red and White dairy cows. Milk progesterone samples were taken twice weekly until initiation of cyclical ovarian activity and less frequently thereafter. Progesterone profiles were 1) normal profile: first rise in milk progesterone above the threshold value before d 56 postpartum, followed by regular cyclical ovarian activity (70.4%); 2) delayed onset of cyclical ovarian activity: low milk progesterone the first 56 d postpartum (15.6%); 3) cessation of cyclical ovarian activity: ovarian activity resumed within 56 d postpartum, but ceased for a period of 14 d or more (6.6%); and 4) prolonged luteal phase: ovarian activity resumed within 56 d postpartum, but milk progesterone remained elevated in the nonpregnant cow for a period of 20 d or more (7.3%). Swedish Holsteins had 1.5 times higher risk of atypical profile than Swedish Red and Whites. Risk of atypical profiles was 0.5 and 0.7 times lower for older cows compared with first-parity cows; 2.3 times higher for cows in tie-stalls compared with those in loose housing; 2.6 times higher for cows calving during winter compared with summer; 0.5 times lower for cows in earlier (1994-1999) calving-year groups compared with the most recent (2000-2002); 2.5 times higher for cows with planned extended calving interval compared with conventional calving interval; and 2.2 times higher for an atypical profile in previous lactation compared with a normal profile. Cows with atypical profiles had a 15-d increase in interval from calving to first artificial insemination and an 18-d increase in interval from calving to conception. Progesterone samples taken within the first 60 d postpartum were used to calculate the percentage of samples above the threshold value of luteal activity. This measure had a significantly different mean in profiles and can be used to separate delayed onset of cyclical ovarian activity profiles and prolonged luteal phase profiles from normal. Thereby, it may be a more effective tool than measurements based only on the onset of ovarian cyclical activity in genetic evaluation of early postpartum fertility in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Progesterone profiles in Norwegian Red cows were categorized, and associations between the occurrence of irregularities in the profiles and the commencement of luteal activity were investigated. The cows were managed in 3 feeding trials from 1994 to 2001 and from 2005 to 2008 at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The cows were followed from calving, and the milk samples collected represented 502 lactations from 302 cows. Milk samples for progesterone analysis were taken 3 times weekly from 1994 throughout 1998 and from 2005 to 2008 and 2 times weekly from 1999 to 2001. Commencement of luteal activity was defined as the first day of 2 consecutive measurements of progesterone concentration ≥3 ng/mL not earlier than 10 d after calving. Delayed ovulation type I was defined as consistently low progesterone concentration, <3 ng/mL for ≥50 d postpartum. Delayed ovulation type II was defined as prolonged interluteal interval with milk progesterone measurements <3 ng/mL for ≥12 d between 2 luteal phases. Persistent corpus luteum (PCL) type I was defined as delayed luteolysis with milk progesterone ≥3 ng/mL for ≥19 d during the first estrous cycle postpartum. Persistent corpus luteum type II was defined as delayed luteolysis with milk progesterone ≥3 ng/mL for ≥19 d during subsequent estrous cycles before first artificial insemination. Delayed ovulation type I was present in 14.7%, delayed ovulation type II in 2.8%, PCL type I in 6.7%, and PCL type II in 3.3% of the profiles. Commencement of luteal activity was related to milk yield, parity, PCL type I, and the summated occurrence of PCL type I and II. The least squares means for the interval to commencement of luteal activity were 24.2 d when PCL type I and II were present and 29.5 d when PCL type I and II were absent. The likelihood of pregnancy to first service was not affected in cows with a history of PCL when artificial insemination was carried out at progesterone concentrations <3 ng/mL (i.e., during estrus); however, cows that had experienced PCL were more likely to be inseminated during a luteal phase. The occurrence of delayed ovulation and PCL in Norwegian Red cows was less than that reported in most other dairy populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of progesterone profile features and other cow-level factors on insemination success to provide a real-time predictor equation of probability of insemination success. Progesterone profiles from 26 dairy herds were analyzed and the effects of profile features (progesterone slope, cycle length, and cycle height) and cow traits (milk yield, parity, insemination during the previous estrus) on likelihood of artificial insemination success were estimated. The equation was fitted on a training data set containing data from 16 herds (6,246 estrous cycles from 3,404 lactations). The equation was tested on a testing data set containing data from 10 herds (8,105 estrous cycles from 3,038 lactations). Predictors were selected to be implemented in the final equation if adding them to a base model correcting for timing of insemination and parity decreased the overall likelihood distance of the model. Selected variables (cycle length, milk yield, cycle height, and insemination during the previous estrus) were used to build the final model using a stepwise approach. Predictors were added 1 by 1 in different order, and the model that had the smallest likelihood distance was selected. The final equation included the variables timing of insemination, parity, milk yield, cycle length, cycle height, and insemination during the previous estrus, respectively. The final model was applied to the testing data set and area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. On the testing data set, the final model had an AUC of 58%. When the farm effect was taken into account, the AUC increased to 63%. This equation can be implemented on farms that monitor progesterone and can support the farmer in deciding when to inseminate a cow. This can be the first step in moving the focus away from the current paradigm associated with poorer estrus detection, where each detected estrus is automatically inseminated, to near perfect estrus detection, where the question is which estrous cycle is worth inseminating?  相似文献   

A simple extraction-free or direct quantitative ELISA for progesterone in bovine milk whey was developed. Whey samples are easy to collect, transport, and store. This method also allows for monitoring progesterone levels in cattle, which is important in reproductive management. The assay was designed to cover the concentration range 0.05 to 2 ng/mL, and the sensitivity of the method was 1.5 pg/mL. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were 8 and 12%, respectively. A high correlation (r = 0.90) between ELISA and radioimmunoassay measurements of progesterone in the same milk whey samples was obtained. The method can be easily applied in practice because samples can be stored at room temperature (22 to 26°C) for 4 d. Moreover, because analysis requires milk coagulation, that process can be initiated during transport by standard mail services to the laboratory. Upon arrival at the laboratory, whey can be kept refrigerated for 1 wk before analysis. This tool is useful for monitoring luteal activity of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Five Holstein lactating dairy cows fed 5 total mixed rations (TMR) with different forage combinations were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to investigate diurnal variations of progesterone (P4), testosterone, and androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (ADD) concentrations in the rumen. Meanwhile, different P4 inclusion levels [0 (control), 2, 20, 40, 80, and 100 ng/mL in culture fluids] were incubated in vitro for 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h together with rumen mixed microorganisms grown on a maize-rich feed mixture (maize meal:Chinese ryegrass hay = :1) with an aim to determine microbial P4 transformation into testosterone and ADD. Ruminal P4, testosterone, and ADD concentrations of lactating dairy cows were greater in the TMR with forage combination of corn silage plus alfalfa hay or Chinese wild ryegrass hay than the TMR with the corn stover-based forage combination. The diurnal fluctuation pattern showed that P4, testosterone, and ADD concentrations in the rumen were greater at nighttime than daytime and peaked 6 h after feeding in the morning or afternoon. The in vitro batch cultures showed that the P4 elimination rate was highest at the P4 addition of 20 ng/mL and declined with the further increased addition of P4. The treatments after dosing P4 exhibited a shorter time than the control group until half of the initial P4 inclusion was eliminated (i.e., half time), and the lowest half time (1.46 h) occurred at the P4 addition of 20 ng/mL. In summary, the ruminal steroids concentration was affected by forage type and quality, and the rumen microorganisms exhibited great ability to transform P4 into testosterone and ADD, depending on incubation time and initial P4 addition level, suggesting that the host might affect the metabolism of its rumen microorganisms via the endogenous steroids.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of exogenous progesterone (P4) in a timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol initiated at 2 different times post-AI on pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in lactating dairy cows. Cows (n = 1,982) in 5 dairy herds were assigned randomly at a nonpregnancy diagnosis 32 ± 3 d post-AI to 1 of 4 resynchronization (RES) treatments arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design using the Ovsynch-56 (GnRH, 7 d later PGF, 56 h later GnRH, 16 h later TAI) protocol. Treatments were as follows: cows initiating RES 32 ± 3 d after AI with no supplemental P4 (d 32 RES-CON; n = 516); same as d 32 RES-CON plus a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert containing P4 at the onset of Ovsynch-56 (d 32 RES-CIDR; n = 503); cows initiating RES 39 ± 3 d after AI (d 39 RES-CON; n = 494); and same as d 39 RES-CON plus a CIDR (d 39 RES-CIDR; n = 491). Cows were inseminated if observed in estrus before TAI. The P/AI was determined 32 and 60 d after TAI. In a subgroup of cows (n = 1,152), blood samples were collected and ovarian structures examined by ultrasonography on the days of the first GnRH (G1) and PGF of Ovsynch-56. Percentage of cows with a corpus luteum (CL) at G1 was unaffected by timing of treatments, but percentage of cows with a CL at PGF was greater for d 32 than for d 39 cows (87.9 vs. 79.4%). In addition, percentage of cows with P4 ≥1 ng/mL at G1 was unaffected by timing of treatments, but was increased for d 32 compared with d 39 RES cows on the day of the PGF of the RES protocols (86.5 vs. 74.3%). Treatment did not affect ovulation to G1 or P/AI 32 d after RES TAI (d 32 RES-CON = 30.1%, d 32 RES-CIDR = 28.8%, d 39 RES-CON = 27.5%, d 39 RES-CIDR = 30.5%). A greater percentage of d 39 RES cows underwent premature luteolysis during the RES protocol compared with d 32 RES cows. An interaction was detected between day of RES initiation and CIDR treatment, in which the CIDR increased P/AI 60 d after TAI for d 39 (CON = 23.7% vs. CIDR = 28.0%), but not for d 32 (CON = 26.9% and CIDR = 24.2%) cows. Pregnancy loss was unaffected by treatment. In addition, cows had improved P/AI 60 d after TAI when they received a CIDR and did not have a CL (CON-CL = 28.2%, CON-No CL = 19.2%, CIDR-CL = 27.0%, and CIDR-No CL = 26.5%) or had P4 <1 ng/mL (CON-High P4 = 27.8%, CON-Low P4 = 15.0%, CIDR-High P4 = 25.0%, and CIDR-Low P4 = 29.4%) at G1, but not if a CL was present or P4 was ≥1 ng/mL at G1. In conclusion, addition of a CIDR insert to supplement P4 during the RES protocol increased P/AI for cows initiating RES 39 ± 3 d after AI but not 32 ± 3 d after AI.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have identified the presence of perchlorate, a natural compound and environmental contaminant, in forages and dairy milk. The ingestion of perchlorate is of concern because of its ability to competitively inhibit iodide uptake by the thyroid and to impair synthesis of thyroid hormones. A recent study established that milk perchlorate concentrations in cattle highly correlate with perchlorate intake. However, there is evidence that up to 80% of dietary perchlorate is metabolized in clinically healthy cows, thereby restricting the available transfer of ingested perchlorate into milk. The influence of mastitis on milk perchlorate levels, where there is an increase in mammary vascular permeability and an influx of blood-derived components into milk, remains unknown. The present study examined the effect of experimentally induced mastitis on milk perchlorate levels in cows receiving normal and perchlorate-supplemented diets. Over a 12-d period, cows were ruminally infused with 1 L/d of water or water containing 8 mg of perchlorate. Five days after the initiation of ruminal infusions, experimental mastitis was induced by the intramammary infusion of 100 μg of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Contralateral quarters infused with phosphate-buffered saline served as controls. A significant reduction in milk perchlorate concentration was observed in the LPS-challenged glands of animals ruminally infused with either water or perchlorate. In control glands, milk perchlorate concentrations remained constant throughout the study. A strong negative correlation was identified between mammary vascular permeability and milk perchlorate concentrations in LPS-infused glands. These findings, in the context of a recently published study, suggest that an active transport process is operative in the establishment of a perchlorate concentration gradient across the blood-mammary gland interface, and that increases in mammary epithelial and vascular endothelial permeability lead to a net outflow of milk perchlorate. The overall finding that mastitis results in lower milk perchlorate concentrations suggests that changes in udder health do not necessitate increased screening of milk for perchlorate.  相似文献   

Chronic use of high oxytocin (OT) dosages can cause a reduced response to endogenous OT. In this study the OT dosages used in the milking practice of 82 dairy cow farms were recorded. The OT dosages per cow used were high, especially when injected i.m. (23 ± 2 IU) compared with i.v. (7 ± 1 IU). In addition, the minimum OT dosages needed to obtain normal milk removal in cows with disturbed milk ejection were investigated. Seventeen cows routinely treated with OT during milking (group T) and 17 cows without previous OT treatment were used (group C). After cessation of spontaneous milk flow, both T and C groups were injected i.v. with a low dosage of OT (0.2 or 0.5 IU/cow). The time from injection until cessation of the OT-induced milk flow was recorded (response phase). The response phase and the amounts of removed milk by effect of the OT injection increased with increasing OT dosage. Values for 0.2 and 0.5 IU/cow of OT injected i.v. were (response phase and amount of milk removed) 198 ± 27 and 302 ± 18 s and 3.4 ± 0.7 kg and 6.5 ± 1.3 kg, respectively, for the C group, and 157 ± 15 and 221 ± 16 s and 3.2 ± 0.5 and 5.5 ± 1.0 kg, respectively, for the T group. Within 20 min of the OT injection, plasma concentrations returned to basal levels. The threshold OT concentration at cessation of milk flow after injection of 0.2 or 0.5 IU/cow of OT was calculated based on the OT plasma half-life. The threshold increased with increasing dosages of OT and was higher in group T (8 ± 1 and 14 ± 1 pg/mL for 0.2 and 0.5 IU/cow, respectively) than in group C (7 ± 1 and 11 ± 1 pg/mL for 0.2 and 0.5 IU/cow, respectively). In conclusion, desensitization of the udder toward OT occurs when the udder is exposed to elevated OT plasma concentrations, both short-term during the actual milking and long-term due to chronic high-dosage OT treatment. However, low-dosage OT treatments to induce normal milk removal can minimize the observed side effects.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11491-11503
Automated monitoring of fertility in dairy cows using milk progesterone is based on the accurate and timely identification of luteolysis. In this way, well-adapted insemination advice can be provided to the farmer to further optimize fertility management. To properly evaluate and compare the performance of new and existing data-processing algorithms, a test data set of progesterone time-series that fully covers the desired variability in progesterone profiles is needed. Further, the data should be measured with a high frequency to allow rapid onset events, such as luteolysis, to be precisely determined. Collecting this type of data would require a lot of time, effort, and budget. In the absence of such data, an alternative was developed using simulated progesterone profiles for multiple cows and lactations, in which the different fertility statuses were represented. To these, relevant variability in terms of cycle characteristics and measurement error was added, resulting in a large cost-efficient data set of well-controlled but highly variable and farm-representative profiles. Besides the progesterone profiles, information on (the timing of) luteolysis was extracted from the modeling approach and used as a reference for the evaluation and comparison of the algorithms. In this study, 2 progesterone monitoring tools were compared: a multiprocess Kalman filter combined with a fixed threshold on the smoothed progesterone values to detect luteolysis, and a progesterone monitoring algorithm using synergistic control, PMASC, which uses a mathematical model based on the luteal dynamics and a statistical control chart to detect luteolysis. The timing of the alerts and the robustness against missing values of both algorithms were investigated using 2 different sampling schemes: one sample per cow every 8 h versus 1 sample per day. The alerts for luteolysis of the PMASC algorithm were on average 20 h earlier compared with the ones of the multiprocess Kalman filter, and their timing was less sensitive to missing values. This was shown by the fact that, when 1 sample per day was used, the Kalman filter gave its alerts on average 24 h later, and the variability in timing of the alerts compared with simulated luteolysis increased with 22%. Accordingly, we postulate that implementation of the PMASC system could improve the consistency of luteolysis detection on farm and lower the analysis costs compared with the current state of the art.  相似文献   

Feed management is one of the principal levers by which the production and composition of milk by dairy cows can be modulated in the short term. The response of milk yield and milk composition to variations in either energy or protein supplies is well known. However, in practice, dietary supplies of energy and protein vary simultaneously, and their interaction is still not well understood. The objective of this trial was to determine whether energy and protein interacted in their effects on milk production and milk composition and whether the response to changes in the diets depended on the parity and potential production of cows. From the results, a model was built to predict the response of milk yield and milk composition to simultaneous variations in energy and protein supplies relative to requirements of cows. Nine treatments, defined by their energy and protein supplies, were applied to 48 cows divided into 4 homogeneous groups (primiparous or multiparous × high or low milk potential) over three 4-wk periods. The control treatment was calculated to cover the predicted requirements of the group of cows in the middle of the trial and was applied to each cow. The other 8 treatments corresponded to fixed supplies of energy and protein, higher or lower than those of the control treatment. The results highlighted a significant energy × protein interaction not only on milk yield but also on protein content and yield. The response of milk yield to energy supply was zero with a negative protein balance and increased with protein supply equal to or higher than requirements. The response of milk yield to changes in the diet was greater for cows with high production potential than for those with low production potential, and the response of milk protein content was higher for primiparous cows than for multiparous cows. The model for the response of milk yield, protein yield, and protein content obtained in this trial made it possible to predict more accurately the variations in production and composition of milk relative to the potential of the cow because of changes in diet composition. In addition, the interaction obtained was in line with a response corresponding to the more limiting of 2 factors: energy or protein.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of 2 different types of long-acting insulin on milk production, milk composition, and metabolism in lactating dairy cows. Multiparous cows (n = 30) averaging 88 d in milk were assigned to one of 3 treatments in a completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of control (C), Humulin-N (H; Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN), and insulin glargine (L). The H and L treatments were administered twice daily at 12-h intervals via subcutaneous injection for 10 d. Cows were milked twice daily, and milk composition was determined every other day. Mammary biopsies were conducted on d 11, and mammary proteins extracted from the biopsies were analyzed by Western blot for components of insulin and mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathways. Treatment had no effect on dry matter intake or milk yield. Treatment with both forms of long-acting insulin increased milk protein content and tended to increase milk protein yield over the 10-d treatment period. Analysis of milk N fractions from samples collected on d 10 of treatment suggested that cows administered L tended to have higher yields of milk protein fractions than cows administered H. Milk fat content and yield tended to be increased for cows administered long-acting insulins. Lactose content and yields were decreased by treatment with long-acting insulins. Administration of long-acting insulins, particularly L, tended to shift milk fatty acid composition toward increased short- and medium-chain fatty acids and decreased long-chain fatty acids. Plasma concentrations of glucose and urea N were lower for cows administered long-acting insulins; interactions of treatment and sampling time were indicative of more pronounced effects of L than H on these metabolites. Concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and insulin were increased in cows administered long-acting insulins. Decreased concentrations of urea N in both plasma and milk suggested more efficient use of N in cows administered long-acting insulins. Western blot analysis of mammary tissue collected by biopsy indicated that the ratios of phosphorylated protein kinase b (Akt) to total Akt and phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) to total rpS6 were not affected by long-acting insulins. Modestly elevating insulin activity in lactating dairy cows using long-acting insulins altered milk composition and metabolism. Future research should explore mechanisms by which either insulin concentrations or insulin signaling pathways in the mammary gland can be altered to enhance milk fat and protein production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the genetic variation in normal and atypical progesterone profiles and investigate if this information could be useful in an improved genetic evaluation for fertility for dairy cows. The phenotypes derived from normal profiles included cycle length traits, including commencement of luteal activity (C-LA), interluteal interval, luteal phase length. and interovulatory interval. In total, 44,977 progesterone test-day records were available from 1,612 lactations on 1,122 primiparous and multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows from Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The atypical progesterone profiles studied were delayed cyclicity, prolonged luteal phase, and cessation of cyclicity. Variance components for the atypical progesterone profiles were estimated using a sire linear mixed model, whereas an animal linear mixed model was used to estimate variance components for the cycle length traits. Heritability was moderate for delayed cyclicity (0.24 ± 0.05) and C-LA (0.18 ± 0.04) but low for prolonged luteal phase (0.02 ± 0.04), luteal phase length (0.08 ± 0.05), interluteal interval (0.08 ± 0.14), and interovulatory interval (0.03 ± 0.04). No genetic variation was detected for cessation of cyclicity. Commencement of luteal activity, luteal phase length, and interovulatory interval were moderately to strongly genetically correlated with days from calving to first service (0.35 ± 0.12, 0.25 ± 0.14, and 0.76 ± 0.24, respectively). Delayed cyclicity and C-LA are traits that can be important in both genetic evaluations and management of fertility to detect (earlier) cows at risk of compromised fertility. Delayed cyclicity and C-LA were both strongly genetically correlated with milk yield in early lactation (0.57 ± 0.14 and 0.45 ± 0.09, respectively), which may imply deterioration in these traits with selection for greater milk yield without cognizance of other traits.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined pregnancy after synchronized ovulation (Ovsynch) with or without progesterone (P4) administered via controlled internal drug release (CIDR) intravaginal inserts. In experiment 1, 262 lactating cows in one herd were in 3 treatments: Ovsynch (n = 91), Ovsynch + CIDR (n = 91), and control (n = 80). The Ovsynch protocol included injections of GnRH 7 d before and 48 h after an injection of PGF20. Timed artificial insemination (TAI; 57 to 77 d postpartum) was 16 to 20 h after the second GnRH injection. Cows in the Ovsynch + CIDR group also received a CIDR (1.9 g of P4) insert for 7 d starting at first GnRH injection. Control cows received A-I when estrus was detected using an electronic estrus detection system. Based on serum P4, 44.1% of cows were cyclic before Ovsynch. Pregnancy rates at 29 d (59.3 vs. 36.3%) and 57 d (45.1 vs. 19.8%) after TAI and embryo survival (75.9 vs. 54.5%) from 29 to 57 d were greater for Ovsynch + CIDR than for Ovsynch alone. In experiment 2, 630 cows in 2 herds received TAI at 59 to 79 d postpartum after 6 treatments. Estrous cycles were either presynchronized (2 injections of PGF2alpha 14 d apart; n = 318) or not presynchronized (n = 312). Within those groups, Ovsynch was initiated 12 d after second presynchronization PGF2alpha, and used alone (n = 318) or with CIDR inserts for 7 d (1.38 g of P4/insert, n = 124 or 1.9 g of P4/insert, n = 188). Before Ovsynch, 80% of cows were cyclic. Presynchronization increased pregnancy (46.8 vs. 37.5%) at 29 d after TAI, but CIDR inserts had no effect on pregnancy in experiment 2. Overall embryonic survival between 29 and 57 d in experiment 2 was 57.7%. Use of CIDR inserts with Ovsynch improved conception and embryo survival in experiment 1 but not in experiment 2, in part due to differing proportions of cyclic cows at the outset. Presynchronization before Ovsynch enhanced pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

The progesterone (P4) monitoring algorithm using synergistic control (PMASC) uses luteal dynamics to identify fertility events in dairy cows. This algorithm employs a combination of mathematical functions describing the increasing and decreasing P4 concentrations during the development and regression of the corpus luteum and a statistical control chart that allows identification of luteolysis. The mathematical model combines sigmoidal functions from which the cycle characteristics can be calculated. Both the moment at which luteolysis is detected and confirmed by PMASC, as well as the model features themselves, can be used to inform the farmer on the fertility status of the cows.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the effect of exogenous progesterone (P4) during a timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol on pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in dairy cows not previously detected in estrus. Lactating cows (n = 3,248) from 7 commercial dairy herds were submitted to a presynchronization protocol (2 injections of PGF 14 d apart; Presynch), and cows in estrus after the second PGF received AI (EDAI; n = 1,583). Cows not inseminated by 12 to 14 d after the second PGF injection were submitted to a TAI protocol (GnRH on d 0, PGF on d 7, and GnRH + TAI 72 h after PGF). At onset of the TAI protocol, cows were balanced by parity and days in milk and assigned randomly to receive no exogenous P4 (control, n = 803) or a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert containing 1.38 g of P4 from d 0 to 7 (CIDR, n = 862). Blood samples were collected at the second PGF injection of the Presynch and on the day of the first GnRH injection of the TAI protocol for P4 determination. When P4 in both samples was <1 ng/mL, cows were classified as anovular, whereas cows having at least 1 sample ≥1 ng/mL were classified as cyclic. Concentration of P4 at 11 to 14 d after AI was determined in a subgroup of cows (n = 453) from 2 herds. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 40 ± 5 and 65 ± 5 d after AI. Proportion of cows inseminated on estrus after the second PGF injection of the Presynch protocol differed among herds (range = 26.7 to 59.8%). Overall P/AI for EDAI cows at 40 ± 5 and 65 ± 5 d were 36.2 and 33.7%, respectively, and pregnancy loss was 8.8%. Proportion of cyclic cows at the onset of the TAI protocol differed among herds (range from 66.5 to 86.3%), but did not differ between treatments (control = 72.4%, CIDR = 74.1%). Treatment affected P/AI at 40 ± 5 (control = 33.3%, CIDR = 38.1%) and 65 ± 5 (control = 30.0%, CIDR = 35.1%) d after AI but did not affect pregnancy loss (8.6%). Cyclic cows had greater P/AI at 40 ± 5 (38.2 vs. 29.3%) and 65 ± 5 d (35.1 vs. 26.1%) after AI, but cyclic status had no effect on pregnancy loss. Treatment affected P4 concentration after AI, with more CIDR cows having P4 ≥1 ng/mL (94.4 vs. 86.9%) and P4 ≥3.2 ng/mL (81.8 vs. 68.0%) at 11 to 14 d after AI compared with control cows. Treatment of cows not previously detected in estrus with a CIDR insert during a TAI protocol increased proportion of cows with functional CL after AI and P/AI.  相似文献   

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