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To elucidate the differential roles of N- and C-terminal halves of hirudins in thrombin inhibition, we produced novel recombinant hirudin analogs, CX-397 and CX-397R, having a hybrid amino acid sequence of hirudin variants-1 (HV-1) and -3 (HV-3). CX-397 is composed of the N-terminal half of HV-1 (HV-11-36) combined with the C-terminal half of HV-3 (HV-337-66). CX-397R is the opposite combination. Their anti-thrombin activity was determined by a fluorogenic enzyme assay and compared with that of recombinant HV-1 (rHV-1) and rHV-3. The order of the magnitude of dissociation constants (Ki) of these four hirudin analogs in thrombin inhibition was as follows: CX-397R (0.294 pM) > rHV-1 (0.148 pM) > rHV-3 (0.0593 pM) > CX-397 (0.0433 pM), indicating that CX-397 is the strongest inhibitor among them.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (Tpo) is a major regulator of megakaryopoiesis both in vivo and in vitro. Tpo initiates its biologic effects by binding to the Mpl receptor, which is a member of the hematopoietin receptor family. To define the Tpo binding characteristics of the Mpl receptor, we iodinated purified 70-kD recombinant human Tpo using the Bolton-Hunter reagent. Autoradiographic analysis of (125)I-Tpo binding to normal human marrow mononuclear cells showed many grains specifically associated with megakaryocytes; there were no grains specifically associated with myeloblasts or erythroblasts. Equilibrium binding experiments with (125)I-Tpo and normal human platelets showed a single class of high-affinity receptors (kd, 190 pmol/L) with approximately 30 Mpl receptors per platelet. Affinity cross-linking with (125)I-Tpo showed that the Mpl receptor on platelets is of molecular weight approximately 98 kD. Despite their sequence similarity, erythropoietin and Tpo did not cross-compete for binding to BaF3 cells engineered to coexpress Mpl receptor and erythropoietin receptor. Progeny of normal human burst-forming units-erythroid (BFU-E) contained Mpl receptor mRNA, and flow cytometric analysis showed the presence of Mpl receptor protein on the surface of these cells. These data indicate that display of the Mpl receptor is not limited to the megakaryocytic lineage, but also includes progeny of BFU-E. Like receptors for other hematopoietic cytokines, the binding affinity of the Mpl receptor for Tpo is high, with relatively few receptors displayed per cell. These results suggest that the effects of Tpo to speed red blood cell recovery after myelosuppressive therapy in vivo and to enhance colony-forming unit-erythroid generation in vitro may be mediated by direct interaction of Tpo and erythroid progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins, particularly PGE1, are now widely used in PAOD as they act on the balance of microcirculation and endothelial function. The Authors report their experience in 21 patients (19 males, 2 females; median age 64) treated with PGE1, 80 micrograms per day i.v. and subcutaneous heparin 0.2 ml twice a day and followed from September 1993 to March 1995. Twenty patients were affected by PAOD; in this group 8 (5 diabetics) were suffering from claudicatio intermittens, II from critical ischaemia, while 1 patient had thromboangiitis obliterans. One of the 8 claudicating patients did not complete the protocol because he underwent a femoropopliteal bypass, while the other 7 experienced a significant and stable improvement (two of these walk quite freely). Only 7 of the 11 patients with C.L.I. received a medical treatment alone; 4 had healing of necrotic ulcers and in the other 3 the treatment was stopped because of the onset of severe hypertension or because they were non-responders. In 4 patients with C.L.I. PGE1 was associated with a surgical revascularization procedure, and its role has to be better defined. From the analysis of the results reported treatment with PGE1 may be an important step in Fontaine class IIb patients, before planning a surgical approach. Also in most cases of C.L.I. it proved its efficacy, however, the initial therapeutic option (either medical or surgical) should be evaluated in each single case.  相似文献   

rpoB sequence analysis as a novel basis for bacterial identification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparison of the sequences of conserved genes, most commonly those encoding 16S rRNA, is used for bacterial genotypic identification. Among some taxa, such as the Enterobacteriaceae, variation within this gene does not allow confident species identification. We investigated the usefulness of RNA polymerase beta-subunit encoding gene (rpoB) sequences as an alternative tool for universal bacterial genotypic identification. We generated a database of partial rpoB for 14 Enterobacteriaceae species and then assessed the intra- and interspecies divergence between the rpoB and the 16S rRNA genes by pairwise comparisons. We found that levels of divergence between the rpoB sequences of different strains were markedly higher than those between their 16S rRNA genes. This higher discriminatory power was further confirmed by assigning 20 blindly selected clinical isolates to the correct enteric species on the basis of rpoB sequence comparison. Comparison of rpoB sequences from Enterobacteriaceae was also used as the basis for their phylogenetic analysis and demonstrated the genus Klebsiella to be polyphyletic. The trees obtained with rpoB were more compatible with the currently accepted classification of Enterobacteriaceae than those obtained with 16S rRNA. These data indicate that rpoB is a powerful identification tool, which may be useful for universal bacterial identification.  相似文献   

We describe a program, tRNAscan-SE, which identifies 99-100% of transfer RNA genes in DNA sequence while giving less than one false positive per 15 gigabases. Two previously described tRNA detection programs are used as fast, first-pass prefilters to identify candidate tRNAs, which are then analyzed by a highly selective tRNA covariance model. This work represents a practical application of RNA covariance models, which are general, probabilistic secondary structure profiles based on stochastic context-free grammars. tRNAscan-SE searches at approximately 30 000 bp/s. Additional extensions to tRNAscan-SE detect unusual tRNA homologues such as selenocysteine tRNAs, tRNA-derived repetitive elements and tRNA pseudogenes.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of a North American tobacco rattle virus (TRV) isolate, 'Oregon yellow' (ORY), was determined from cDNA and RT-PCR clones derived from the two genomic RNAs of this isolate. The RNA-1 is 6790 bases and RNA-2 is 3261 bases. The sequence of TRV-ORY RNA-1 was similar to RNA-1 to TRV isolate SYM, and differs in 48 nucleotides. TRV-ORY RNA-1 was one base shorter than--SYM, and had 47 base substitutions resulting in 12 amino acid substitutions of which 4 were conservative. The RNA-2 of TRV-ORY was distinct from RNA-2 of other characterized TRV isolates and contained three open reading frames (ORFs) that could potentially code for proteins of MW 22.4 kDa, 37.6 kDa and 17.9 kDa. Based on the homology of the predicted amino acid sequence with those of other tobraviruses. ORF1 of RNA-2 encodes the coat protein (CP). The protein sequence of ORF2 had regions of limited similarity with those of ORF2 of two other TRV isolates and pea early browning tobravirus. The ORF3 was unique to TRV-ORY. Phylogenetic analysis of tobravirus CPs indicated that TRV-ORY was most closely related to pepper ringspot tobravirus and TRV-TCM. The relationship of tobravirus CPs to other rod-shaped tubular plant viruses is also discussed.  相似文献   

A polyclonal CD3(+), CD8(+) T-cell line, G2, was derived from the peripheral blood of a seropositive, PCR-positive, HTLV-IIB infected Guahibo Indian from Venezuela. The cell line is productively infected with HTLV-IIB. The entire HTLV-II G2 proviral DNA was sequenced via PCR using overlapping HTLV-II primer pairs. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that HTLV-II G2 is the most divergent HTLV-IIB strain identified to date. Characterization of its deduced proteins and its relationship to other members of the PTLV/BLV genus of retroviruses are discussed.  相似文献   

Single-read sequences from both ends of 415 3-kb average size genomic DNA fragments of Candida albicans were compared with the complete sequence data of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Comparison at the protein level, translated DNA against protein sequences, revealed 138 sequence tags with clear similarity to S. cerevisiae proteins or open reading frames. One case of synteny was found for the open reading frames of RAD16 and LYS2, which are adjacent to each other in S. cerevisiae and C. albicans.  相似文献   

Graphical dot-matrix plots can provide the most complete and detailed comparison of two sequences. Presented here is DOTTER2, a dot-plot program for X-windows which can compare DNA or protein sequences, and also DNA versus protein. The main novel feature of DOTTER is that the user can vary the stringency cutoffs interactively, so that the dot-matrix only needs to be calculated once. This is possible thanks to a 'Greyramp tool' that was developed to change the displayed stringency of the matrix by dynamically changing the greyscale rendering of the dots. The Greyramp tool allows the user to interactively change the lower and upper score limit for the greyscale rendering. This allows exploration of the separation between signal and noise, and fine-grained visualisation of different score levels in the dot-matrix. Other useful features are dot-matrix compression, mouse-controlled zooming, sequence alignment display and saving/loading of dot-matrices. Since the matrix only has to be calculated once and since the algorithm is fast and linear in space, DOTTER is practical to use even for sequences as long as cosmids. DOTTER was integrated in the gene-modelling module of the genomic database system ACEDB3. This was done via the homology viewer BLIXEM in a way that also allows segments from the BLAST suite of searching programs to be superimposed on top of the full dot-matrix. This feature can also be used for very quick finding of the strongest matches. As examples, we analyse a Caenorhabditis elegans cosmid with several tandem repeat families, and illustrate how DOTTER can improve gene modelling.  相似文献   

Mouse and hamster SR-BI glycoproteins and their putative human counterpart CLA-I are so far the only scavenger receptors known to bind both native and modified lipoproteins. CD36, a multigland glycoprotein structurally related to SR-BI and CLA-1, has been reported to bind oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) and acetylated LDL (AcLDL). In this report, we have studied the ability of CD36 to bind native lipoproteins. By transient expression of human CD36 in mammalian and insect cells, we demonstrate that CD36 is a high affinity receptor for the native lipoproteins HDL, LDL, VLDL, and, as previously reported, for OxLDL and AcLDL. The specificity of these interactions is supported by the dose-dependent inhibiton, effect of a monoclonal antibody against CD36. Furthermore, at least for HDL, binding to CD36 does not require the presence of apoE. These findings, together with preferential expression of CD36 in tissues performing very active fatty acid metabolism (skeletal muscle, heart, mammary epithelium, and adipose tissue) and its involvement in foam cell formation (macrophages), suggest that binding of lipoproteins to CD36 might contribute to the regulation of lipid metabolism, and to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The interaction of leukocyte integrin alphaMbeta2 (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1) with fibrinogen has been implicated in the inflammatory response by contributing to leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium and subsequent transmigration. Previously, it has been demonstrated that a peptide, P1, corresponding to residues 190-202 in the gamma-chain of fibrinogen, binds to alphaM beta2 and blocks the interaction of fibrinogen with the receptor and that Asp199 within P1 is important to activity. We have demonstrated, however, that a double mutation of Asp199-Gly200 to Gly-Ala in the recombinant gamma-module of fibrinogen, spanning region 148-411, did not abrogate alphaM beta2 recognition and considered that other binding sites in the gamma-module may participate in the receptor recognition. We have found that synthetic peptide P2, duplicating gamma377-395, inhibited adhesion of alphaM beta2-transfected cells to immobilized D100 fragment of fibrinogen in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, immobilized P2 directly supported efficient adhesion of the alphaM beta2-expressing cells, including activated and non-activated monocytoid cells. The I domain of alphaM beta2 was implicated in recognition of P2, as the biotinylated recombinant alphaMI domain specifically bound to both P2 and P1 peptides. Analysis of overlapping peptides spanning P2 demonstrated that it may contain two functional sequences: gamma377-386 (P2-N) and gamma383-395 (P2-C), with the latter sequence being more active. In the three-dimensional structure of the gamma-module, gamma190-202 and gamma377-395 reside in close proximity, forming two antiparallel beta strands. The juxtapositioning of these two sequences may form an unique and complex binding site for alphaM beta2.  相似文献   

A full length cDNA for rkST1, a novel member of the Na+/glucose cotransporter family, was cloned from rabbit kidney and sequenced. The coding sequence comprised 2022 base pairs and 674 amino acids. rkST1 beared 50-60% amino acid identity to the other cotransporters and was characteristic in respect of its expression in brain in addition to kidney among the cotransporters.  相似文献   

We describe the identification of the first immunophilin associated with the photosynthetic membrane of chloroplasts. This complex 40 kDa immunophilin, designated TLP40 (thylakoid lumen PPIase), located in the lumen of the thylakoids, was found to play a dual role in photosynthesis involving both biogenesis and intraorganelle signalling. It originates in a single-copy nuclear gene, is made as a precursor of 49.2 kDa with a bipartite lumenal targeting transit peptide, and is characterized by a structure including a cyclophilin-like C-terminal segment of 20 kDa, a predicted N-terminal leucine zipper and a potential phosphatase-binding domain. It can exist in different oligomeric conformations and attach to the inner membrane surface. It is confined predominantly to the non-appressed thylakoid regions, the site of protein integration into the photosynthetic membrane. The isolated protein possesses peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase protein folding activity characteristic of immunophilins, but is not inhibited by cyclosporin A. TLP40 also exerts an effect on dephosphorylation of several key proteins of photosystem II, probably as a constituent of a transmembrane signal transduction chain. This first evidence for a direct role of immunophilins in a photoautotrophic process suggests that light-mediated protein phosphorylation in photosynthetic membranes and the role of the thylakoid lumen are substantially more complex than anticipated.  相似文献   

Two novel triterpene glycosides, achyranthosides E and F, were isolated as methyl esters from the root of Achyranthes fauriei, an antiinflammatory medicinal plant. Their structures were characterized as oleanolic acid glucuronides having unique substituents composed of C6H9O5 and C9H15O7, respectively, at the C-3 position of glucuronic acid. These compounds are active components which can inhibit the excess recruiting of neutrophiles to injured tissues 1,000 times more potently than sialyl Lewis X.  相似文献   

Anoxic incubation for varying periods of Isoparorchis hypselobagri from the swim bladder of the catfish Wallago attu, led to an accumulation of oxygen debt on the part of the parasite. With increasing length of anoxic incubation, there is a corresponding increase in post-anaerobic oxygen uptake, and the longer the period of incubation is, the greater is the time taken to return to a normal rate of oxygen uptake.  相似文献   

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