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牛肉的等级标准自从出台以后,其自动分级技术的研究已得到重视。根据国外的经验,利用计算机视觉技术提取牛肉的颜色特征,由此分离出牛肉中的肌肉与肌内脂肪,并进一步解决其他问题,从而达到自动分级的目的是可行的,RGB系统是面向硬件的颜色系统,CCD摄像头,或者数码相机,以及计算机存贮的图像都采用这个系统。  相似文献   

机器视觉技术在分析牛肉颜色变化特征中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究利用机器视觉技术分析牛肉的肌肉颜色在储藏过程中的变化规律。将新鲜牛肉分别储藏在室温和5℃的冷藏条件下,每天用CCD摄像头采集一次牛肉图像,采用计算机图像处理技术,分割出图像的肌肉区域,提取肌肉区域图像在RGB和HIS颜色空间的特征分量,分析这些颜色特征分量在牛肉储藏期内的变化规律。结果显示,在室温和冷藏条件下,牛肉颜色均由鲜樱桃红逐渐变为黑红色。牛肉图像的R值随着储藏时间的延长线性降低;G和B值则随着储藏时间的延长线性增加;牛肉颜色的亮度(H值)呈现先升后降的变化,而牛肉颜色的饱和度S和色度I则随着储藏时间的延长线性降低。  相似文献   

计算机视觉在牛肉自动分级技术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外计算机视觉牛肉自动分级技术较为成熟,国内的研究也取得了一定的成果。鉴于国内牛肉分级意义重大,本文概述了我国牛肉质量等级标准和国内外研究现状,并针对利用计算机视觉技术对牛肉自动分级,从完善标准、调整工艺、设计成像条件和计算方法等多个方面提出所遇到的问题,并指出牛肉自动分级技术的研究方向。  相似文献   

计算机视觉在牛肉大理石花纹分级中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛肉大理石花纹是评价牛肉等级标准的重要标志。本文以计算机视觉技术为基础,以C 程序语言为开发工具,运用图像处理技术,研究计算机视觉系统来对牛肉大理石花纹含量和分布进行量化。结果与现有人工标准相吻合并且可以量化表示。  相似文献   

自从主要的牛肉生产国相继颁布牛肉分级系统以来,计算机视觉牛肉分级技术一直就是牛肉分级领域中的研究重点。本文概述了目前世界上主要的牛肉分级体系,着重论述了国内外计算机视觉牛肉分级技术的发展情况,提出了现行的计算机视觉牛肉分级技术面临的主要问题及其发展方向。   相似文献   

RGB颜色空间是与显示器的硬件设备相关的颜色空间,不同显示器的同一个RGB值所代表颜色是不同的,而Lab颜色空间则是各种设备相关颜色空间之间进行颜色转换的中介,是设备无关颜色空间.一个Lab值所代表的颜色是唯一的.因此,Lab颜色空间是进行色彩管理的连接色空间,是ICC文件的核心.  相似文献   

基于计算机视觉的牛肉质量分级研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛肉品质分级对于肉牛产业具有重要意义,为克服人工评级的弊端,客观、无损的自动分级技术成为研究热点。本文综述了国内外利用计算机视觉对牛肉大理石纹、生理成熟度、肉色和脂肪色这些指标进行分级预测的研究进展情况,讨论了研究过程中诸如图像分割、特征提取方面存在的困难,最后指出了计算机视觉技术在牛肉品质分级应用过程中存在的问题以及可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

RGB到Lab颜色空间转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古晶 《广东印刷》2009,(5):11-14
一、引言 随着印刷行业从模拟到数字的变化,色彩的准确再现问题已经变得十分关键.我们需要使用色彩管理,以确保更好、更快、更准确地获得彩色图像.要做到图像处理等过程中的色彩统一性和与设备无关性,就必须实行标准化、规范化的色彩管理.  相似文献   

在印前和印刷过程中,信息相同的同一幅图像在不同的显示器上显示时,可能会呈现出不同的颜色效果,用不同的彩色打印机输出时颜色也可能不尽相同,若印刷出来可能又和打印的效果大相径庭。相同的颜色数据在不同的设备上得不到同样的颜色,相同的颜色数据在设计和印前生产作业的不同阶段所看到的颜色也很难一致,原因是什么呢?  相似文献   

介绍了原棉在线异性纤维检测系统的结构及工作原理.采用RGB颜色模型,以色度为主要特征量,设定阈值对棉花和异物的像素点进行判别.并通过Visual C++语言实现了此算法,得到了较好的效果.  相似文献   

Beef Marbling and Color Score Determination by Image Processing   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Sixty steaks with various degrees of marbling and color were subjected to sensory evaluation and image processing. Marbling and color scores were assigned to each steak with USDA marbling score cards and a lean color guide. Images were recorded for each steak under the same conditions as used for sensory analysis. Steak images were processed for color and marbling characteristics. Image processing effectively predicted the lean color (R2= 0.86) and marbling scores (R2= 0.84). Image processing was an effective tool for determining USDA quality attributes of fresh meat.  相似文献   

Color Characteristics of Irradiated Vacuum-Packaged Pork, Beef, and Turkey   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Changes in color of irradiated meat were observed to be species-dependent. Irradiated pork and turkey became redder due to irradiation but irradiated beef a* values decreased and yellowness increased with dose and storage time. The extent of color change was irradiation dose-dependent and was not related to myoglobin concentration. Visual evaluation indicated pork and turkey increased in red ness whereas beef decreased in redness as dose levels increased. Reflectance spectra showed that irradiation induced an oxymyoglobin-like pigment in pork and that both oxymyoglobin and metmyoglobin developed in beef as a result of irradiation.  相似文献   

Color changes in irradiated meat were species-dependent. Irradiated pork and beef became less red as a result of irradiation and display time. The redness values of turkey increased after irradiation but decreased during display time. The yellowness of the irradiated samples, for all species, increased as a result of irradiation and display. Visual evaluation of irradiated pork and beef indicated an increase in brownness, whereas turkey increased in redness as dose increased. The surface color of irradiated pork became less uniform than unirradiated pork. Reflectance spectra indicated that irradiation induced a metmyoglobin-like pigment in pork and beef, whereas the pigment in turkey was unchanged.  相似文献   

本实验对泡菜发酵牛肉干与传统牛肉干在贮藏期间表面颜色和氧化稳定性进行了研究。泡菜发酵牛肉干是以延(边)黄牛米龙肉为原料,泡菜汁为发酵液制作而成。然后将两种牛肉干自封袋包装后放入4℃冰箱中贮藏6个月,每个月对其pH值、TBARS值、颜色进行测定。结果表明:贮藏期间泡菜发酵牛肉干的CIE a*值显著低于传统牛肉干(P<0.05),泡菜发酵牛肉干在贮藏期间的TBARS值显著低于传统牛肉干(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Three levels of bovine plasma (BP; 1.5, 2.5, 3.5%), red cell (RC; 0.5, 0.75, 1.0%) and decolorized red cell (DC; 0.75, 1.5, 2.25%) proteins were substituted for lean in ground beef patties. Increased RC decreased HunterLab L* and b* values and DC increased L* values, b* values, nonheme iron, and heme iron in uncooked and cooked patties. Soy-type flavors with BP, bloody and metallic flavors with RC and sour flavors with DC increased compared with control patties. Color, iron, cooking loss, and oxidative stability were minimally changed in ground beef with 0.5% RC, 0.75% DC, or 3.5% BP.  相似文献   

边缘检测、二值化处理进行牛肉分级的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用图像处理技术自动估算牛肉眼肌横切面特征值,为基于计算机视觉的牛肉品质自动分级检测奠定基础.以牛胴体6~7肋横断面图像为试验材料,采用边缘检测、二值化处理技术等,运用VisualC++6.0编程语言,对牛肉眼肌的眼肌面积、脂肪、肌肉总面积比、脂肪分布均匀度、眼肌圆度、肌肉和脂肪色度值5个特征参数进行特征提取和检测.结果表明:经测量所得的眼肌面积越大,圆度越大,肌肉和脂肪色度值越高、大理石纹密度分布均匀的牛肉品质越好,相反,眼肌面积小、圆度小、肌肉和脂肪色度值越低、密度分布不均匀的牛肉品质低.该设计可有效计算眼肌面积和特征参数,能代替常规分级方法,实现牛肉质量等级的自动判别.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BHA, BHT, rosemary extract, and α‐tocopherol were incorporated into low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) at the 0.1% level and thermoformed into 25‐mm‐dia, 0.25‐mm‐thick discs, which were exposed to the surface of fresh beef and held in contact with a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) overwrap. On d 0, the control treatment with only the PVC overwrap had greater “a” (redness) values, probably due to greater transmission of oxygen to the meat surface. However, by d 7, the control with only the PVC overwrap had lower redness values than any of the other treatments. By d 8 and 9, the meat packaged with the BHA‐impregnated film had higher “a” (redness) values than any of the other film treatments  相似文献   

Variations in Internal Color of Cooked Beef Patties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Seventeen commercially prepared patty formulations were cooked to internal temperature 71°C. Pink cooked color occurred in eight of the products and was due to incomplete denaturation of myoglobin. Although there was some relation between pH and cooked color, other factors seemed to be involved. When products were re-analyzed after 1 yr storage at -27°C, sixteen products were red/pink when cooked to 71°C. This increase in redness after frozen storage could not be explained. Cooking to internal temperatures between 81 and 87°C was necessary for complete disappearance of red/pink color. Premature browning, where a product looks well-done at temperatures lower than 71°C, occurred in one formulation.  相似文献   

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