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So-called sulfur-turf microbial mats, which are macroscopic white filaments or bundles consisting of large sausage-shaped bacteria and elemental sulfur particles, occur in sulfide-containing hot springs in Japan. However, no thermophiles from sulfur-turf mats have yet been isolated as cultivable strains. This study was undertaken to determine the phylogenetic positions of the sausage-shaped bacteria in sulfur-turf mats by direct cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes amplified from the bulk DNAs of the mats. Common clones with 16S rDNA sequences with similarity levels of 94.8 to 99% were isolated from sulfur-turf mat samples from two geographically remote hot springs. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the phylotypes of the common clones formed a major cluster with members of the Aquifex-Hydrogenobacter complex, which represents the most deeply branching lineage of the domain bacteria. Furthermore, the bacteria of the sulfur-turf mat phylotypes formed a clade distinguishable from that of other members of the Aquifex-Hydrogenobacter complex at the order or subclass level. In situ hybridization with clone-specific probes for 16S rRNA revealed that the common phylotype of sulfur-turf mat bacteria is that of the predominant sausage-shaped bacteria.  相似文献   

A high incidence of gene mutations or deletions of p16INK4, a cell cycle regulator which inhibits the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 4/cyclin D complex and blocks the G1-to-S transition, has been reported in pancreato-biliary tract cancers. In order to investigate p16INK4 gene alterations in sporadic ampullary carcinomas, 17 sporadic ampullary carcinomas were examined. After histological diagnosis, DNA samples extracted separately from both cancerous and normal paraffin-embedded tissues were investigated. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was investigated utilizing 3 microsatellite markers on 9p21-22, and a mutational analysis was performed by cloning and sequencing. LOH was observed in 3 cases (17.6%) and somatic mutations with retention of heterozygosity were found in 7 cases (41.2%). Of note was that two mutations resulted in truncated incomplete proteins and one was a point mutation at the consensus site in the conserved ankyrin repeats, which would be crucial for function. Although two-hit inactivation was not evident in any of the mutation cases and further investigation would be needed to elucidate the role of altered p16INK4, these results suggest that the p16INK4 gene mutations are relatively frequent and its inactivation might be important in ampullary carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The p16(INK4a) (p16) tumor suppressor gene can be inactivated by promoter region hypermethylation in many tumor types including lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. We have determined the timing of this event in an animal model of lung carcinogenesis and in human squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). In the rat, 94% of adenocarcinomas induced by the tobacco specific carcinogen 4-methylnitrosamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone were hypermethylated at the p16 gene promoter; most important, this methylation change was frequently detected in precursor lesions to the tumors: adenomas, and hyperplastic lesions. The timing for p16 methylation was recapitulated in human SCCs where the p16 gene was coordinately methylated in 75% of carcinoma in situ lesions adjacent to SCCs harboring this change. Moreover, the frequency of this event increased during disease progression from basal cell hyperplasia (17%) to squamous metaplasia (24%) to carcinoma in situ (50%) lesions. Methylation of p16 was associated with loss of expression in both tumors and precursor lesions indicating that both alleles were functionally inactivated. The potential of using assays for aberrant p16 methylation to identify disease and/or risk was validated by detection of this change in sputum from three of seven patients with cancer and 5 of 26 cancer-free individuals at high risk. These studies show for the first time that an epigenetic alteration, aberrant methylation of the p16 gene, can be an early event in lung cancer and may constitute a new biomarker for early detection and monitoring of prevention trials.  相似文献   

The recently discovered p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes encoding cell cycle regulating proteins, map to a region on chromosome 9p21 that is commonly deleted in a variety of malignant diseases. The p16INK4 gene has now been shown to be a tumor suppressor gene. It is frequently inactivated in cancer and is possibly the second most often mutated gene in human malignant disease after p53. The role of the p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes in hematologic malignancies has been the subject of intense investigation since their discovery. In this review we address the function and possible role in tumorigenesis of the p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes and discuss their significance as prognostic markers in hematologic malignancies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: D-type cyclins, in association with the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK4 and CDK6, promote progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. CDK activity is modulated by inhibitors such as p15INK4b and p16INK4a. Loss of function of p15INK4b and p16INK4a (multiple tumor suppressor-I and CDK4 inhibitor) determines impairment in the control of the cell cycle and contributes to the transformation of several cell types. METHODS: The authors examined 20 thyroid neoplasms (12 papillary carcinomas and 8 follicular adenomas) and 4 human thyroid carcinoma cell lines for gene mutations and epigenetic modifications of the p15INK4b and p16INK4a genes by Southern blot analysis, single strand conformation polymorphism, and a polymerase chain reaction-based methylation assay. RESULTS: Abnormalities of p16 were found in the four cell lines studied. In follicular carcinoma (WRO) cells, both the p15 and p16 genes were homozygously deleted. Undifferentiated carcinoma (FRO) cells had a nonsense point mutation at codon 72 (CGA-TGA, Arg-Stop) of p16, whereas the poorly differentiated papillary carcinoma (NPA) line harbored a point mutation at the exon 1-intron 1 boundary that altered the donor splicing site and caused an aberrantly spliced form of p16INK4a. Furthermore, p16 allelic loss was evident in the DNA of both FRO and NPA cells. Finally, p16 expression was absent in the ARO cell line, likely due to a de novo methylation of exon 1 of p16INK4a. Regarding the primary thyroid tumors, a missense point mutation at codon 91 was found in 1 of 12 papillary thyroid carcinomas (GCC-GTC, Ala-Val). No mutations were found in follicular adenomas. However, in 6 of 20 primary tumors there was hypermethylation at exon 1 of p16. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of p15 and p16 mutations in the cell lines described suggests involvement of these genes in immortalization in vitro. The p16 defects may have preexisted in a small subclone of the primary tumor that were selected for in vitro. Alternatively, p16 mutations may have arisen de novo during cell culture. Mutations of p15INK4b and p16INK4a do not appear to be critical events in the development of follicular adenomas or papillary carcinomas. However, de novo methylation of the 5' CpG island of p16 is common in primary tumors, indicating that the function of this gene may be lost as an epigenetic event during disease progression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The molecular status of the p16(INK4) tumor-suppressor gene has not been fully elucidated in hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this study was to clarify the mechanism that gives rise to inactivation of p16(INK4) in hepatocellular carcinoma. METHODS: The status of p16(INK4) was evaluated in 60 hepatocellular carcinomas by immunohistochemical staining, differential polymerase chain reaction, single-strand conformational polymorphism, methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, and methylation-sensitive single nucleotide primer extension. RESULTS: Immunohistochemical staining showed that 29 of the 60 tumors exhibited complete loss of p16(INK4) expression. High levels of DNA methylation were detected in 24 of 29 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma with negative p16(INK4) expression, with methylation of 60%-85% of the CpG islands. In contrast, the level of methylation was <25% in tumors with faint p16(INK4) staining, and no methylation was detected in tumors with positive immunostaining. Intragenic alteration of p16(INK4) was detected in 4 cases. CONCLUSIONS: A strong correlation was found between the extent of methylation and the degree of expression of p16(INK4) in tumor tissues, indicating that epigenetic change due to extensive CpG methylation is the main cause of inactivation of p16(INK4) in hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of 9p21, which contains the p16INK4a tumor suppressor gene locus, is one of the most frequent genetic abnormalities in human neoplasia, including esophageal adenocarcinomas. Only a minority of Barrett's adenocarcinomas with 9p21 LOH have a somatic mutation in the remaining p16 allele, and none have been found to have homozygous deletions. To determine whether p16 promoter hypermethylation may be an alternative mechanism for p16 inactivation in esophageal adenocarcinomas, we examined the methylation status of the p16 promoter in flow-sorted aneuploid cell populations from 21 patients with premalignant Barrett's epithelium or esophageal adenocarcinoma. Using bisulfite modification, primer-extension preamplification, and methylation-specific PCR, we demonstrate that the methylation assay can be performed on 2 ng of DNA (approximately 275 cells). Eight of 21 patients (38%) had p16 promoter hypermethylation and 9p21 LOH, including 3 patients who had only premalignant Barrett's epithelium. Our data suggest that promoter hypermethylation with LOH is a common mechanism for inactivation of p16 in the pathogenesis of esophageal adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

We examined the genomic status of cyclin-dependent kinase-4 and -6 inhibitors, p16INK4,p15INK4B, and p18, in 40 primary lung cancers and 31 metastatic lung cancers. Alterations of the p16INK4 gene were detected in 6 (2 insertions and 4 homozygous deletions) of 22 metastatic non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs; 27%), but none were detected in 25 primary NSCLCs, 15 primary small cell lung cancers (SCLCs), or 9 metastatic SCLCs, indicating that mutation in the p16INK4 gene is a late event in NSCLC carcinogenesis. Although three intragenic mutations of the p15INK4B gene were detected in 25 primary NSCLCs (12%) and five homozygous deletions of the p15INK4B gene were detected in 22 NSCLCs (23%), no genetic alterations of the p15INK4B gene were found in primary and metastatic SCLCs. The p18 gene was wild type in these 71 lung cancers, except 1 metastatic NSCLC which showed loss of heterozygosity. We also examined alterations of these three genes and expression of p16INK4 in 21 human lung cancer cell lines. Alterations of the p16INK4 and p15INK4B genes were detected in 71% of the NSCLC cell lines (n = 14) and 50% of the NSCLC cell lines (n = 14), respectively, but there were none in the 7 SCLC cell lines studied. No p18 mutations were detected in these 21 cell lines. These results indicate that both p16INK4 and p15INK4B gene mutations are associated with tumor progression of a subset of NSCLC, but not of SCLC, and that p15INK4B mutations might also be an early event in the molecular pathogenesis of a subset of NSCLC.  相似文献   

p15(INK4b) gene is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 and CDK6 whose expression is induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)beta. Recent reports suggest frequent methylation of the p15(INK4b) gene promoter in leukemias, and it has been proposed that this methylation could be necessary for leukemic cells to escape TGF beta regulation. We investigated the methylation status of p15(INK4b) gene in 53 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) cases, including nine that had progressed to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), using a recently described sensitive method where polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is preceded by bisulfite modification of DNA (methylation specific PCR). p15(INK4b) methylation was observed in 20 of 53 (38%) of the cases. Twenty of the 24 patients with greater than 10% bone marrow blasts had p15(INK4b) methylation (including all nine patients who had progressed to AML) as compared with none of MDS patients with <10% bone marrow blasts. No correlation between karyotypic abnormalities and methylation status was found. Patients with p15(INK4b) methylation had a worse prognosis, but the prognostic significance of p15(INK4b) methylation was no more found by multivariate analysis, due to its strong correlation to the percentage of marrow blasts. In 10 MDS cases, sequential DNA samples were available. In five of them, methylation of the p15(INK4b) gene was detected at leukemic transformation, but not at diagnosis. Our results showed that methylation of the p15(INK4b) gene in MDS is correlated with blastic bone marrow involvement and increases with disease evolution toward AML. It suggests that proliferation of leukemic cells might require an escape of regulation of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, and possibly of TGF beta inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Gliomas are tumors of the central nervous system that may be inherited in some patients. The gene(s) responsible for the clustering of gliomas in families have not yet been identified. Molecular studies of sporadic high-grade gliomas have revealed mutations or deletions of the genes encoding the protein kinase inhibitors p16(INK4A) and p15(INK4B) in a large proportion of tumors. Moreover, those tumors without deletions frequently display gene amplification and/or over-expression of mRNA encoding the protein kinase cdk4. We hypothesized that germ-line mutations in the p16(INK4A), p15(INK4B), or CDK4 genes might contribute to some cases of familial gliomas. To address this issue, we analyzed 36 kindreds with a predisposition to glial tumors. Genomic DNA from index members of these families was screened by PCR-single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis. We did not detect any functional mutations in the p16(INK4A), p15(INK4B), or CDK4 genes, although two individuals did have a previously described A140T polymorphism in p16(INK4A). Thus, despite the association between the sporadic forms of high-grade glioma and abnormalities of p16(INK4A), p15(INK4B), or CDK4, we found no evidence that germ-line mutations in the coding region of these three genes predispose to inherited glial tumors.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors known as p15, p16, p18 and p19 have been suggested as candidates for tumor suppressor genes. The main genetic alterations are deletions (bi- or monoallelic) or 5' CpG island methylation of p15 and p16; very few cases or cell lines had p18 or p19 deletions or hypermethylation. Hypermethylation and homozygous deletions of tumor suppressor genes establish a new paradigm of inactivation by lack of expression, in contrast to the previously identified tumor suppressors which are predominantly inactivated by point mutations followed by loss of the wild-type allele. Here, the literature data on alterations of this gene family in more than 4700 primary cases of leukemia or lymphoma and some 320 continuous leukemia-lymphoma cell lines are summarized. Among hematopoietic malignancies, the highest frequencies of p15del and p16del were seen in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (>30%) with striking rates in T-ALL (>50%), but also high rates in B cell precursor (BCP)-ALL (>20%); the rates of deletions in chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL), multiple myeloma, acute and chronic myeloid leukemia (AML and CML), and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) were rather low, only some B cell and T cell lymphomas showed increased frequencies. Results are quite different with regard to the second mode of inactivation, hypermethylation of the promoter region. Here, p15 is most often inactivated, at particularly high frequencies in the disorders lacking any p15/p16 deletions: 40-80% p15met in AML, MDS and multiple myeloma. Also p15met rates in BCP- and T-ALL cases were high (c. 40%). There is controversy concerning the prognostic impact of p15 and p16 aberrations with some studies describing a significant correlation between inactivation of these genes and poor prognosis, while most others did not detect any prognostic relevance, at least in pediatric ALL; there may be a worse prognosis for adults with B or T cell lymphomas. Despite the small number of cases studied, paired sequential analyses suggested that disease progression is associated with loss of p15/p16 activity in a certain percentage of adult patients. p15del/p16del and p15met/p16met were also detected in the large panel of leukemia-lymphoma cell lines studied. In general, the results in cell lines reproduce the data seen in primary cells with the important difference that the rates of p15/p16 inactivation are clearly higher in the cultured cells compared with the freshly explanted cells. Retrovirus- or electroporation-mediated ectopic gene transfer of p16 wild-type into p16-deficient cell lines led to growth inhibition, arrest in G1 (without apoptosis) and occasionally to differentiation, suggesting that the malignant phenotype of p16-/- cell lines can, at least partially, be reversed by restoring p16 gene expression. A striking inverse correlation between the absence of p16 (due to deletion) and presence of wild-type retinoblastoma gene was observed in cell lines confirming a common growth suppressor pathway; no comparable relationship of p16 inactivation with p53 was detected. Paired analysis of cell lines and corresponding primary cell material showed that in all instances tested both populations carried the same gene configuration of p15 and p16. Thus, p15del or p16del did not occur during establishment of the cell lines or during prolonged culture. It is likely that p15 or p16 deletions already acquired in vivo provide a dramatic growth advantage for the immortalization process in vitro, thus increasing the success rate for cell line establishment which is commonly extremely difficult. In conclusion, the present review suggests an involvement of the p15 and p16 tumor suppressor genes in leukemo- and lymphomagenesis. Future studies will determine their exact role in the development and progression of hematopoietic neoplasms. These genes may represent interesting targets for new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The p15(INK4B), p16(INK4) and p18 genes are members of the gene family coding for inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6. p15(INK4B) and p16(INK4) are located at 9p21, a chromosomal region frequently deleted in many human neoplasms. To examine the role of these 3 genes in lung carcinogenesis, somatic mutations within the genes were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphism and DNA sequencing in 71 non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) samples. Six somatic mutations in the p16(INK4) gene and 3 cases with a polymorphic allele were observed. Loss of heterozygosity in the p18 gene was found in 1 sample. We did not find any intragenic mutations in the p15(INK4B) or p18 genes. We conclude that p16(INK4) mutations play a role in the formation of some NSCLCs, whereas the involvement of p15(INK4B) and p18 is uncommon.  相似文献   

Measures of arterial elasticity have been proposed as surrogate markers for asymptomatic atherosclerosis. We investigated the relations of serum lipoproteins, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL), and familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) to arterial elasticity among young men. As a marker of arterial elasticity we measured compliance in the thoracic aorta by using magnetic resonance imaging and in the common carotid artery by using ultrasound. LDL diene conjugation was used as a marker of ox-LDL. In study I, 25 healthy men (aged 29 to 39) were classified into 2 extreme groups according to previously measured high-density lipoprotein cholesterol to total cholesterol ratio (HDL-C/TC ratio). In study II, the healthy men were used as controls for 10 age matched asymptomatic patients with FH. In healthy men, the group with low HDL-C/TC ratio had decreased carotid artery compliance (2. 3+/-0.4% versus 1.9+/-0.5%/10 mm Hg, P=0.034). In univariate analysis, the compliance of the carotid artery associated with ox-LDL (r =-0.49, P=0.016) and HDL-C/TC ratio (r=0.41, P=0.040). In multivariate regression analyses, ox-LDL was the only independent determinant for compliance of the carotid artery (P=0.016). Aortic elasticity was not related to standard lipid variables, but the compliance of the ascending aorta associated with ox-LDL (r=-0.44, P=0.030). In FH patients, arterial elasticity was similar to that in controls. We conclude that elasticity of the common carotid artery is affected by serum lipid profile in young men. The current study demonstrates for the first time an in vivo association between ox-LDL and arterial elasticity suggesting that oxidative modification of LDL may play a role in the alteration of arterial wall elastic properties.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we reported that protein intake at the level of dietary protein allowance for Japanese adults, i.e. 1.08 g/kg per day, was enough for recommended daily exercise. However, whether or not recommended daily exercise increases the protein requirement for young adults has not been examined. In this study, we investigated the effect of recommended daily exercise on the protein requirement under an isoenergetic state by a nitrogen balance method. After an adaptation period of 3 days, 12 healthy college students exercised for 10 days with a non-exercise control period of 10 days before or after the exercise period. They were given a maintenance level of energy and 0.64 g/kg per day of high-quality mixed proteins, estimated as the average protein requirement for adults by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, throughout the experimental period. They performed treadmill running during the exercise period at about 65% of VO2 max for 25 or 40 min/d, which expended 200 or 300 kcal of extra energy, respectively. Although the exercise increased the dermal nitrogen loss, a compensatory decrease in urinary nitrogen excretion was observed. Consequently, the exercises (200 and 300 kcal/d) did not significantly affect the nitrogen balance. These findings indicate that the recommended amount of daily exercise does not change the protein requirement.  相似文献   

The CDKN2A gene located on chromosome region 9p21 encodes the cyclin-dependent kinase-4 inhibitor p16/INK4A, a negative cell cycle regulator. We analyzed p16/INK4A expression in different types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to determine whether the absence of this protein is involved in lymphomagenesis, while also trying to characterize the genetic events underlying this p16/INK4A loss. To this end, we investigated the levels of p16/INK4A protein using immunohistochemical techniques in 153 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, using as reference the levels found in reactive lymphoid tissue. The existence of gene mutation, CpG island methylation, and allelic loss were investigated in a subset of 26 cases, using single-strand conformational polymorphism and direct sequencing, Southern Blot, polymerase chain reaction, and microsatellite analysis, respectively. Loss of p16/INK4A expression was detected in 41 of the 112 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas studied (37%), all of which corresponded to high-grade tumors. This loss of p16/INK4A was found more frequently in cases showing tumor progression from mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue low-grade lymphomas (31 of 37) or follicular lymphomas (4 of 4) into diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. Analysis of the status of the p16/INK4A gene showed different genetic alterations (methylation of the 5'-CpG island of the p16/INK4A gene, 6 of 23 cases; allelic loss at 9p21, 3 of 16 cases; and nonsense mutation, 1 of 26 cases). In all cases, these events were associated with loss of the p16/INK4A protein. No case that preserved protein expression contained any genetic change. Our results demonstrate that p16/INK4A loss of expression contributes to tumor progression in lymphomas. The most frequent genetic alterations found were 5'-CpG island methylation and allelic loss.  相似文献   

The identification of homozygous deletions in malignant tissue has been a powerful tool for the localization of tumor suppressor genes. Representational difference analysis (RDA) uses selective hybridization and the PCR to isolate regions of chromosomal loss and has facilitated the identification of tumor suppressor genes such as BRCA2 and PTEN. Twenty RDA clones were generated by comparing genomic DNA from a prostate cancer xenograft to the same patient's normal kidney DNA. Southern blot analysis of the tester and driver and of normal and xenograft DNA, using the differential products as probes, showed the homozygous deletion in 16 of 20 RDA clones. The sequence of one of the differential products overlapped HSU59962, a genomic GenBank sequence on chromosome 12p12-13. Multiplex PCR of the xenograft DNA using polymorphic repeats mapped the deletion to a 1-5-cM region on 12p. Genomic DNA isolated from a panel of cryostat microdissected metastatic prostate adenocarcinomas/normal pairs was screened for loss of heterozygosity using the same polymorphic repeats. Loss of heterozygosity was demonstrated in 9 (47%) of 19 patients. This region may contain, or lie in close proximity to, tumor suppressor genes important in the progression and/or initiation of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

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