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Visalberghi and Fragaszy [Animal Behaviour 49:1089-1095, 1995] have shown that social influences affect acceptance of novel foods. However, little is known about the temporal course on which such influences act (e.g., for how long they persist and for how many encounters they are effective). To explore this issue, 11 adult tufted capuchins were observed during ten successive encounters with eight unfamiliar foods (phase 1, in which subjects were tested in social or individual condition) and ten more encounters 6 months later (phase 2, in which all subjects were tested in social condition). A total of 680 observational sessions were carried out. Results show that during the first five encounters in phase 1, capuchins ate more when they encountered these foods in the presence of their groupmates than if they encountered them alone. Thereafter, during the second five encounters of phase 1, foods were consumed equivalently whether presented to monkeys socially or individually. In phase 2, the foods were consumed equivalently regardless of the previous circumstance of their presentation (social or alone). In phase 2, consumption was similar to that scored in a previous study for familiar foods [Visalberghi & Fragaszy, Animal Behaviour 49:1089-1095, 1995]. We conclude that 1) foods remain unfamiliar to capuchins only for the first few encounters, 2) social facilitation of consumption of unfamiliar foods is of limited duration, and 3) individuals consumed equivalent amounts of an unfamiliar food when they repeatedly encountered it alone or in the presence of groupmates. These results caution those who interpret similar feeding habits in primate groups as evidence of social influences.  相似文献   

Comments on M. S. Smart and R. C. Smart's (1971) suggestion that behavioral characteristics of the obesity syndrome identified by S. Schachter (see record 1971-24450-001) equip an individual to perform well as a predator, while opposite types of behavior are more useful for a vegetarian. In contrast, it is suggested that genetic changes played an essential role in the transformation of Homo sapiens from a hunter-gatherer to an agriculturist, and that humans were able to settle in villages only when the genetic basis for this new role became widespread in the population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The search for candidate genes involved in the genesis of common cancers has traditionally been hampered by ambiguities in the process of determining by reliable, clinical criteria which persons harbor the genetic lesion that confers malignant susceptibility. In the case of cutaneous melanoma, the existence of genetic susceptibility has long been evident from its tendency to cluster in families, but it has been unclear until recently whether the genetic basis of familial melanoma derives from the concerted interaction of multiple genes or from a major locus with properties of a tumor suppressor gene. The original strategy used to circumvent difficulties in identifying those who harbor the genetic defect exploited a proposed melanoma precursor lesion, the dysplastic nevus, as the phenotypic marker from which the presence of the melanoma-associated genotype was inferred. That strategy in genetic linkage studies provided the first indication of a major gene for melanoma and assigned the locus to the short arm of chromosome 1. In part because the criteria for the dysplastic nevus have been neither well-defined nor generally agreed upon, multiple independent attempts to confirm the assignment of a gene to that location have failed. The probable map position of a major gene became clear when the most frequently deleted region of the human genome in melanoma tumors was localized to chromosome 9p. The significance of this assignment was established when genetic linkage studies of multiple melanoma kindreds subsequently evaluated the correlated inheritance between melanoma gene carriers, as assigned by a history of melanoma, and molecular markers for DNA polymorphisms near the 9p candidate region; this analysis provided strong statistical evidence of linkage to a melanoma susceptibility locus. Once this candidate tumor suppressor gene) as well as other relevant suppressor loci that may exist is actually cloned and characterized, rapid advances can be expected in our understanding of the pathophysiologic basis for development of melanoma. This will provide opportunities for exploring the mechanisms underlying defects in the gene and the molecular consequences of its loss of function. It will then be possible to identify precisely those persons with a genetic risk for melanoma; as a result, surveillance efforts can be more appropriately focused than has heretofore been possible.  相似文献   

The molecular pathogenesis of systemic acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (AIDS-NHL) is a complex process involving both host factors and the accumulation of genetic lesions within the tumor clone. On the basis of the pattern of molecular lesions involved in these tumors, several distinct pathogenetic pathways can be presently identified in AIDS-related lymphomagenesis. These pathways selectively associate with the different clinicopathologic variants of AIDS-NHL. AIDS-related Burkitt's lymphoma is characterized by activation of c-MYC in all cases, disruption of p53 in 60% of the cases, and infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in 30% of the cases. AIDS-related diffuse large-cell lymphoma harbor frequent EBV infection (80%) and, in 20% of the cases, BCL-6 rearrangements. Finally, the pathogenesis of AIDS-related body cavity-based lymphoma involves infection by human herpesvirus-8 in all cases and frequently also the co-infection by EBV.  相似文献   

Deficiency of the alpha-gamma subunit of the eighth component of complement (C8alpha-gammaD) is frequently associated with recurrent neisserial infections, especially meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis. We here report the molecular basis of C8alpha-gammaD in two unrelated Japanese subjects. Screening all 11 exons of the C8alpha gene and all 7 exons of the C8gamma gene and their boundaries by exon-specific PCR/single-strand conformation polymorphism demonstrated aberrant single-stranded DNA fragments in exon 2 of C8alpha gene in case 1 and in exons 2 and 9 of C8alpha gene in case 2. Nucleotide sequencing of the amplified DNA fragments in case 1 revealed a homozygous single-point mutation at the second exon-intron boundary, inactivating the universally conserved 5' splice site consensus sequence of the second intron (IVS2+1G-->T). Case 2 was a compound heterozygote for the splice junction mutation, IVS2+1G-->T, and a nonsense mutation at Arg394 (R394X). R394X was caused by a C to T transition at nucleotide 1407, the first nucleotide of the codon CGA for Arg394, leading to a stop codon TGA. No mutations were detected in the C8gamma gene by our method. Our results indicate that the pathogenesis of C8alpha-gammaD might be caused by heterogeneous molecular defects in the C8alpha gene.  相似文献   

High and low molecular weight kininogens (HK and LK) modulate inflammatory responses, serve as precursors of kinins, inhibit cysteine proteinases, and modulate thrombin activation of platelets. Differential splicing yields two different mRNAs for HK and LK. We report the first molecular characterization of a kininogen gene mutation in a patient lacking LK and HK. No gross DNA deletion or insertion was detected by Southern blots, and LK and HK mRNAs were normal size on Northern blots. Exon sequences amplified by polymerase chain reaction showed a C-->T transition at nucleotide 587, resulting in a CGA (Arg)--> TGA (Stop) mutation in exon 5 before the splice site in exon 10, thus preventing synthesis of both HK and LK. The mutation eliminated the recognition site of the restriction enzyme Csp45I. Results of Csp45I digestion of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified exon 5 DNA fragment of the patient (lacking kininogens), three daughters (approximately 50% HK), and 1 granddaughter (normal HK) revealed that the patient was homozygous, while the three daughters were heterozygous, and the granddaughter was normal. We conclude that a single base mutation in the kininogen gene exon 5 was responsible for kininogen deficiency in the Williams family.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Other than the documented associations of risk factors and carotid artery wall thickness, the genetic basis of variation in carotid artery intimal-medial thickness (IMT) is unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which variation in common carotid artery (CCA) IMT and internal carotid artery (ICA) IMT are under genetic control. METHODS: The sibship data used for this analysis were part of an epidemiological survey in Mexico City. The CCA and ICA analyses were based on 46 and 44 sibships of various sizes, respectively. The CCA and ICA IMTs were measured with carotid ultrasonography. Using a robust variance decomposition method, we performed genetic analyses of CCA IMT and ICA IMT measurements with models incorporating several cardiovascular risk factors (eg, lipids, diabetes, blood pressure, and smoking) as covariates. RESULTS: After accounting for the effects of covariates, we detected high heritabilities for CCA IMT (h2 = 0.92 +/- 0.05, P = .001) and ICA IMT (h2 = 0.86 +/- 0.13, P = .029). Genes accounted for 66.0% of the total variation in CCA IMT, whereas 27.7% of variation was attributable to covariates. For ICA IMT, genes explained a high proportion (74.9%) of total phenotypic variation. The covariates accounted for 11.5% of variation in ICA IMT. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that substantial proportions of phenotypic variance in CCA IMT and ICA IMT are attributable to shared genetic factors.  相似文献   

Four cases of synovial sarcoma with extensive calcification and osteoid and bone formation are reported. Ages ranged from 21 to 38 years. Two tumors were located in the foot and two in the thigh. Because of a well-circumscribed, densely calcified soft tissue mass, radiologically three patients were thought to have a benign lesion. The fourth patient was thought to have a paraosteal osteosarcoma because of an accompanying bone defect. Tumor size varied from 4.0 to 9.0 cm. Histologically, three tumors were biphasic and one predominantly monophasic. All showed amorphous calcifications with extensive ossification sometimes in a ribbon-like pattern of osteoid, simulating osteosarcoma. The extensive bone formation with abundant osteoid deposition may lead to a misdiagnosis of osteosarcoma. It is important to recognize this variant of synovial sarcoma with ossification and bone formation and distinguish it from extraskeletal osteosarcoma because of the difference in clinical behavior and course. Although the most important point in the recognition of this variant of synovial sarcoma is its biphasic pattern, this may not be apparent in a small tissue sample. Points that aid in the diagnosis include the uniform nuclear appearance of both the epithelial and the spindle cells versus the pleomorphism of osteosarcoma and in some cases the presence of amorphous concretions in sheets and small calcospherites within spaces surrounded by flat or conspicuous epithelial cells. These cells are immunoreactive for cytokeratin and epithelial membrane antigen.  相似文献   

Eleven of 12 tetracycline-resistant Listeria innocua strains, isolated from chicken or turkey frankfurters and mozzarella cheese, were shown to carry DNA sequences which hybridized with the Tet M probe; of these, two strains also hybridized with Tet K. The remaining strain hybridized with the Tet K probe only. The Tet M determinant appeared to be located on the chromosome; in one case, it was transferable by conjugation to recipients Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria ivanovii, and Enterococcus faecalis.  相似文献   

The Sabra salt-sensitive SBH/y and salt-resistant SBN/y rats constitute a unique experimental model of hypertension in which salt-susceptibility is genetically determined and expressed only after salt-loading, without the development of spontaneous hypertension. To determine the genetic basis of salt-susceptibility in the Sabra rats, the candidate gene and total genome screen approaches were adopted. The likely candidate genes in this model incorporate salt-related physiological mechanisms such as the nitric oxide system, the arginine vasopressin axis and the epithelial sodium channel. In the random genome search scheme for culprit genes, SBH/y and SBN/y were cross-bred. A highly unusual and composite mode of transmission of salt-susceptibility was found in this cross, emphasizing the complexity of the genetic basis of salt-susceptibility. Linkage analysis of the entire rat genome with a large number of widely distributed microsatellite markers identified three putative gene loci on chromosomes 1 and 17 that contribute importantly to salt-sensitivity and/or resistance, and uncovered sex specificity in the role that salt-susceptibility genes fulfill in the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

The basis for diabetes resistance in low diabetes incidence NOD/Wehi mice was examined in a breeding study. NOD/Wehi mice were crossed with high diabetes incidence NOD/Lt mice producing F1 hybrid mice which expressed a low incidence of diabetes. To distinguish between genetic and environmental causes for diabetes resistance, these F1 mice were backcrossed to NOD/Lt mice resulting in BC1 hybrid mice which expressed an intermediate incidence of diabetes. Similar results were obtained by examining the severity of insulitis in the hybrid mice. As both the incidence of diabetes and severity of insulitis in the hybrid mice were consistent with a single dominant gene mediating diabetes resistance, an attempt to localize this gene was made. Although over 140 loci which display polymorphism amongst inbred strains were typed in both parental lines, only a single locus, D8Mit9, was found to differ. As heterozygotes at D8Mit9 were not over represented amongst 45 diabetic BC1 hybrid mice examined, it was concluded that a resistance gene was not linked to this locus.  相似文献   

This article provides an update of the search for genetic markers related to Tourette's Disorder. The probable neurophysiology of the disorder is reviewed. Frequently prescribed medications are related to the probable biological bases of the disorder. Behavioral interventions and assessment tools are examined. It is concluded that evidence based studies of behavioral treatments are sorely needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the molecular basis of pancreatic cancer despite it being one of the most common cancers in the developed world. Recent studies have shown that in human pancreatic cancer there are abnormalities in the structure or function, or both, of several oncogenes, notably the c-erb B-2 proto-oncogene and the Ki-ras oncogene. These genetic alterations will have both diagnostic and therapeutic implications. The Ki-ras gene is mutated at codon 12 in about 90% of pancreatic cancers and there is abnormal expression of the c-erb B-2 oncogene in nearly 20%, although mutational activation of the latter is not seen in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma. There is considerable evidence to support the hypothesis that neoplastic transformation requires many genetic events, and it is likely therefore that there are other molecular abnormalities in pancreatic cancer. The sequence of their activation and the agents responsible for that activation have not yet been elucidated, and both laboratory and animal experiments are needed to define which molecular events activate the neoplastic genotype and phenotype and how.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic progenitor cells of the A/J strain of mice show a pronounced defect in the ability to form colonies or proliferate in response to interleukin-3 (IL-3). Comparison of immunoblots of A/J mast cells and of mast cells from the C57BL/6 strain that respond normally to IL-3 showed that, in both strains, a 125-kD band of the expected size was recognized by an antibody against the beta chain of the IL-3 receptor, the AIC2A molecule. However, in the C57BL/6 cells, there was an additional 110-kD species not seen in cells of the A/J strain. Analyses using bone marrow-derived mast cells from a panel of A/J x C57BL/6 and A/J x C57BL/6 recombinant inbred (RI) mice showed that the hypo-responsiveness to IL-3 is governed by a single gene. However, the absence of this 110-kD species in the A/J strain did not co-map with IL-3 hypo-responsiveness but did indeed map to the AIC2A genetic locus. These data show that this trait in the A/J strain was due to a polymorphism of the AIC2A gene unrelated to IL-3 hypo-responsiveness. Typing of the RI strains for the markers D14Mit98, D14Mitl4, and D14Mit133 mapped the locus determining hypo-responsiveness to IL-3 to the subtelomeric region of chromosome 14, the region that also bears the gene encoding the alpha chain of the IL-3 receptor (lL-3Ralpha). Immunofluorescence analyses indicated that IL-3Ralpha protein was undetectable on fresh bone marrow cells from A/J mice, although clearly detectable on cells from the responder C57BL/6 strain. However, IL-3Ralpha was readily detectable at normal levels on A/J mast cells generated by culture of A/J bone marrow cells in a combination of IL-3 and steel factor. Moreover, IL-3Ralpha on these A/J mast cells appears to be functional in that IL-3 stimulation of these cells results in tyrosine phosphorylation events characteristic of IL-3 signaling, including tyrosine phosphorylation of the beta chain of the IL-3 receptor, Jak-2 kinase, and SHPTP2. Collectively, these data indicate that the hypo-responsiveness of A/J mice to IL-3 is due to a defect in the gene encoding IL-3Ralpha and that, although this defect gives rise to reduced expression of alpha chain on primary bone marrow cells, this defect is not absolute and that, under certain circumstances, A/J cells can express functional receptors.  相似文献   

We measured the spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) of water protons and intermolecular cross-relaxation times (T(IS)) from irradiated protein protons (f2-irradiation at 1.95 or -4.00 ppm) of rabbit normal and monoiodoacetate-induced degenerated knee articular cartilages to observed water protons. The mean values of T1 (T1) for control and degenerated rabbit knee cartilages were 1.87+/-0.15 (mean+/-SD, n=29) and 1.82+/-0.13 s (n=34), respectively. The mean values of water content (W(H2O)) for control and degenerated rabbit knee cartilages were 82.9+/-2.09 (n=26) and 83.1+/-2.57% (n=28), respectively. These values were not statistically different from each other. However, the mean values of T(IS) (T(IS)) for normal knee articular cartilage were significantly different from those for degenerated cartilage: (normal), T(IS) (f2=1.95 ppm)=2.46+/-0.62 s (n=28), T(IS) (f2=-4.00 ppm)=4.25+/-1.26 s (n=26); (degenerated), T(IS) (f2=1.95 ppm)=1.99+/-0.76s (n=34), T(IS) (f2=-4.00 ppm)=3.33+/-0.76 s (n=31). Obtained results may be attributed to the reported switchover from type II to type I collagen syntheses in osteoarthritic cartilage, resulting in broad collagen fibers. This specificity of cross-relaxation effect may prove useful in the noninvasive and pathophysiological evaluation of cartilage tissues in vivo.  相似文献   

A new genetically balanced breeding system with a low recombination rate is offered for purposes of maintenance and early identification of mice with the recessive autosomal qk mutation. Dominant T mutation (Brachyury) and recessive t12 mutation of T locus were chosen as genetical markers and Robertsonian translocation Rb (8.17) 1 Iem served as a cytogenetical marker of the qk mutation. As shown by the results, none of genetical mutations studied (qk, T or t12) can be distinguished on differentially stained chromosomal preparations. Hybrid mice of the +T/qk+ genetic compound have a high rate (44%) of homozygous qk/qk offspring. The latter can be identified with the high probability (96%) in foetuses and newborns, according to their tail length, well before the typical neurological symptoms are evident. In the offspring of the F1 hybrids+Rb 1 Iem/qk+ the frequency of qk/qk mice is near 20% and they can be identified with the probability 95% at any stage of the development by means of chromosomal analysis. Hybrids of the +t12/qk genotype are very convenient for prolonged maintenance of the qk gene in a balanced heterozygous condition. Some features of functional similarities between the qk gene and recessive mutations of T locus are discussed. Genetical and cytogenetical markers used in this work provide some novel approaches for experimental analysis of the qk gene expression at early stages of the development.  相似文献   

The three main tachykinins, substance P, neurokinin A (NKA), and neurokinin B, are believed to be selective ligands for respectively the NK-1, NK-2 and NK-3 receptors. However, NKA also has actions which cannot be mediated through its normal NK-2 receptor and the synthetic peptide [pGlu6,Pro9]-Substance P9-11--called septide--is known to have tachykinin-like actions despite its apparent lack of binding to any known tachykinin receptor. In the cloned NK-1 receptor expressed in COS-7 cells NKA and septide as expected were poor competitors for radiolabeled substance P. However, by using radiolabeled NKA and septide directly, it was found that both peptides in homologous binding assays as well as in competition against each other in fact bound to the NK-1 receptor with high affinity: Kd values of 0.51 +/- 0.15 nM (NKA) and 0.55 +/- 0.03 nM (septide). It is concluded that NKA and septide are high-affinity ligands for the NK-1 receptor but that they are poor competitors for substance P, which in contrast competes very well for binding with both NKA and septide.  相似文献   

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