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浅谈扩频通信技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了扩频通信的基本原理、四种常用工作方式及其工作特点,最后简要介绍了扩频通信技术的应用领域之一——CDMA。  相似文献   

扩频通信技术是一种信息传输方式,其信号所占有的频带宽度远大于所传信息必需的最小宽带;频带的扩展是通过一个独立的码序列来完成,用编码及调制的方法来实现的,与所传信息数据无关;在接收端则用同样的码进行相关同步接收、解扩及恢复所传信息数据。扩展频谱通信(Spread Spectrum Communication),它与光纤通信、卫星通信,一同被誉为进入信息时代的三大高技术通信传输方式。  相似文献   

本文阐述了混合DS/SFH扩频通信技术在多目标测量中的应用,分析了发送,包络平方接收,给出了距离及其分辨率的表达式。  相似文献   

扩频通信自20世纪40年代发展以来,至今已有半个多世纪的历史了。扩频通信最早应用于军用通信中,主要用于两个目的:对抗外来强干扰和保密。通过对信号的频谱扩展,使之难以和背景噪声区分,就可达到上述两个目的。  相似文献   

文中阐述了扩频通信系统的特点,分析了扩频通信可行性的理论基础,即信息论中关于信息容量的香农公式和柯捷尔尼可夫关于信息差错概率公式,指出了扩频通信的主要性能指标,给出了扩频通信的数学模型和物理模型,最后分析了几种典型的扩频方式(包括直接序列扩频、跳频扩频、跳时扩频和直扩/跳频混合扩频)及其应用领域。  相似文献   

随着现代电子技术特别是数字技术的发展,通信技术在保密性、可靠性和抗干扰性方面都得到了前所未有的发展.由于扩频通信(Spread Spectrum)比常规通信具有更强的抗干扰、抗截获能力,所以得到了越来越广泛的应用.由于此类信号的监测在民用及军用中均有较迫切的需求,本文通过对扩频信号的分析,提出了一套监测算法,并测试了其...  相似文献   

无线扩频通信技术简述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在移动通信系统中,带宽是一个非常有限的资源。因此,移动通信系统中所有的调制和解调技术就是最小化传输带宽的设计。相反,扩频技术使用的带宽比要求传输的信号带宽大得多,尽管这种方法对单个用户来说,带宽效率很低,但是,扩展频谱的优点是很多用户可以在同一频带中通信,在存在多用户干扰的环境中,扩频系统有很高的频谱效率。  相似文献   

扩频通信系统中的干扰抑制技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对DS(直接序列)、FH(跳频)和TH(跳时)三种主扩频通信体制的干扰性能进行综合比较,分析研究了近几年来出现的新型干扰抑制技术,探讨了扩频通信在干扰抑制方面的潜力。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍扩频通信的基本原理、特点、分类及应用。  相似文献   

本文对常见的几种扩展频谱技术,即直接序列扩频通信技术、跳频通信技术、跳时通信技术以及混合扩频技术在军事通信中的应用情况分别进行了讨论,重点介绍了上述各种扩频通信技术当前的研究进展情况,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Spread spectrum communication techniques including in-time and frequency domains for direct sequence, frequency hopping, and time hopping are currently used in a large number of wireless applications. This article provides an overview of these techniques. Results of laboratory tests of a ZigBee network are presented, and experimental results are compared with theoretical expectations. Part 2 of this paper will present an application we developed for a wireless distributed measurement sensing and actuating system for water quality assessment.  相似文献   

陈勇  陈菊  李广庆 《电讯技术》2013,53(9):1197-1201
针对航天器测控中利用卫星通信转发器实现多站测距进行可行性分析,在扩频测距帧测距原理的基础上,研究利用卫星转发器对上行测距信号变频转发来实现对星测距,同时对卫星工程测控与应用系统之间上下行链路功率分配、标校方法、地面测量设备组成原理等关键技术进行分析论述。该测距方案突破了传统多站测距时受卫星应答机配置数量的限制条件,实现多站同时测距后,可以提高测距精度和定轨精度,降低对设备测角精度的要求,减少测轨时间,有效缓解测控设备资源紧张的状况,同时该测距方式还可作为应答方式侧音测距的有效技术备份手段。  相似文献   

Because of the continuing demand for more telecommunication capacity, to serve the world's need for commerce and public safety, there is a continuing need for more efficient ways of sharing the radio spectrum. The conventional way of allocating the spectrum is by frequency division; however, for many kinds of services this is inefficient. Hence, it seems desirable to reexamine whether alternative procedures might not be necessary if the benefits of telecommunications are to be assured in the face of increased demand. Spreadspectrum techniques, which are based on principles antithetic to those currently used in spectrum allocation for reducing necessary bandwidth, seem to offer benefits for spectrum sharing, for some applications, superior to those of frequency division. This paper provides a tutorial summary of some of the principles upon which spread-spectrum systems have developed. It is hoped the reader might consider what role such techniques may play in future spectrum sharing and allocation opportunities.  相似文献   

Spread spectrum image steganography   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We present a new method of digital steganography, entitled spread spectrum image steganography (SSIS). Steganography, which means "covered writing" in Greek, is the science of communicating in a hidden manner. Following a discussion of steganographic communication theory and review of existing techniques, the new method, SSIS, is introduced. This system hides and recovers a message of substantial length within digital imagery while maintaining the original image size and dynamic range. The hidden message can be recovered using appropriate keys without any knowledge of the original image. Image restoration, error-control coding, and techniques similar to spread spectrum are described, and the performance of the system is illustrated. A message embedded by this method can be in the form of text, imagery, or any other digital signal. Applications for such a data-hiding scheme include in-band captioning, covert communication, image tamperproofing, authentication, embedded control, and revision tracking.  相似文献   

The use of spread-spectrum techniques to achieve more efficient utilization of available frequency spectra is examined. The two main spread-spectrum techniques, direct sequence and frequency hopping, are explained. In frequency hopping, the transmitter repeatedly changes (hops) the carrier frequency from one frequency to another. Direct-sequence transmission spreads the spectrum not by periodically changing the frequency but by modulating the original (information) baseband signal with a very wide-baseband digital signal. The wideband modulating signal's amplitude changes continually between two states, high and low, arbitrarily called +1 and -1, respectively, with the sequence of highs and lows being pseudorandom. Applying spread spectrum to code-division multiaccess (CDMA) communication, in which each user is assigned an identification code (a distinct sequence of frequencies for frequency hopping or +1 s and -1 s for direct-sequence modulation) is discussed. The use of CDMA for cellular radio, where it promises a capacity of over 1000 users per cell, by the authors' calculations, is considered. The potential of spread spectrum for relieving spectrum congestion is addressed  相似文献   

The second part of Spread Spectrum Techniques in Wireless Communication focuses on wireless transmission issues and implementation of a water quality assessment wireless system. I present concepts of electromagnetic propagation, some important issues in open space electromagnetic transmission particularly when a transmission link is over a conductive surface, and a simplified analysis of common occurrences that impair the transmission's quality or can even block the communication between network nodes. I introduce the primary techniques that are used to mitigate open space propagation problems, giving particular attention to solutions that can be used to mitigate fading effects in spread spectrum communication systems. Then, I present experimental results of a wireless transmission system used in water quality assessment.  相似文献   

We propose a novel compressed sensing technique to accelerate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition process. The method, coined spread spectrum MRI or simply s(2)MRI, consists of premodulating the signal of interest by a linear chirp before random k-space under-sampling, and then reconstructing the signal with nonlinear algorithms that promote sparsity. The effectiveness of the procedure is theoretically underpinned by the optimization of the coherence between the sparsity and sensing bases. The proposed technique is thoroughly studied by means of numerical simulations, as well as phantom and in vivo experiments on a 7T scanner. Our results suggest that s(2)MRI performs better than state-of-the-art variable density k-space under-sampling approaches.  相似文献   

Spread spectrum for mobile communications   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The characteristics of spread spectrum that make it advantageous for mobile communications are described. The parameters that determine both the performance and the total capacity are introduced, and an analysis which yields (approximately) the number of users that can simultaneously communicate, while maintaining a specified level of performance, is presented. Spread spectrum overlay, wherein a code-division multiple-access (CDMA) network shares a frequency band with narrow-band users, is analyzed, and it is seen that excision of the narrowband signals from the CDMA receivers before despreading can improve both performance and capacity  相似文献   

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