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An experimental trial on the colonization of two Salmonella enteritidis strains (phage types 4 and 8) originating from meat turkey flocks, were carried out. Three-day old poults were inoculated orally with approximately 10(6) cfu/bird (one group with PT8 and the other with PT4). clinical signs were not observed in any of the groups. The total reisolation rates from cloacal swabs in birds inoculated with PT4 was higher than from birds inoculated with PT8. The inoculated strains could also be detected in contact birds. Examination of internal organs 21 days p.i. revealed higher isolation rates in the group infected with PT4 than with PT8. The results indicate that both phage types of S. enteritidis were able to colonize the intestinal tract and the internal organs of turkey poults. However, the colonization and duration of shedding differed between the two phage types. This may be due to the fact that PT8 strain used was free from the S. e. virulence plasmid 37 MDa.  相似文献   

In four experiments, the interactions of leucine, isoleucine and valine in turkey poults were studied. The additon of 1.50% excess leucine to a 22% protein starter diet, marginal in isoleucine and valine, depressed growth. This growth depression was corrected by the addition of valine and isoleucine. The addition of the excess leucine caused a decrease in plasma valine and isileucine concentrations in experiments 3 and 4, and plasma valine concentration in experiment 1. The addition of valine caused a marked linear increase in plasma valine with little or no effect on plasma isoleucine. The addition of isoleucine to the diet caused an increase in plasma isoleucine. Plasma valine, however, was decreased by the addition of isoleucine to a high-leucine diet. It is concluded that interactions exist in turkey poults between leucine-valine, leucine-isoleucine and isoleucine-valine and that the growth reduction caused by added leucine can be partly alleviated by addition of valine or by valine plus isoleucine, but not be isoleucine alone.  相似文献   

Groups of turkey poults with high levels of maternal antibodies (MA+) to turkey rhinotracheitis virus (TRTV) were challenged with virulent TRTV at 1, 5, and 10 days of age. A maternal antibody-free group (MA-) was also challenged at 1 day of age. Before each challenge, levels of maternal antibodies to TRTV were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Clinical signs were scored for each group. Unchallenged poults showed no signs. Respiratory signs in poults infected at 10 days of age resembled those seen in MA- birds infected at 1 day of age but both were more severe than in MA+ birds infected at 1 day of age, when the maternal antibodies were highest. However, overall, the presence of high levels of maternal antibodies did not prevent the development of clinical disease.  相似文献   

Peripheral leukocyte heat shock proteins (HSP: HSP90, HSP70, and HSP23) from broiler chickens and turkey poults were induced by in vitro and in vivo high temperature exposure. Heat conditioning, via a daily 1 h exposure to 41 C, enhanced in vitro HSP expression in leukocytes from chickens heat-conditioned for 1 to 2 wk, and a similar response was found in turkey poults with 3 wk of heat conditioning causing the greatest HSP expression. In vivo heat exposure trials caused maximization of HSP expression after 1 wk of daily heat conditioning exposures in broilers, but no additional enhancement was seen in chickens heat conditioned for 2 wk. Enhancement in HSP expression was evident for periods up to 4 wk after termination of the daily heat conditioning episodes.  相似文献   

A vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein (CaBP) has been found in the intestinal mucosa of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). This protein is similar, if not identical, to the corresponding one found in the intestine of the chicken (Gallus domesticus). The concentration of intestinal CaBP in the intestine of cholecalciferol-fed turkey poults was twice that found in the intestine of the domestic chicken of parallel age. Dietary calcium or phosphorus restriction resulted in a significant increase in intestinal CaBP. This increase was less pronounced than that obtained in chickens. The relationship between duodenal CaBP and dietary calcium appears to be linear. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D) deficiency or dietary calcium, but not phosphorus, restriction resulted in an increase of kidney 25 hydroxycholecalciferol-1-hydroxylase activity in vitro. The values of activity obtained in turkeys were higher than those obtained under the same experimental conditions in chicks. Bone ash was reduced by dietary calcium, phosphorus or cholecalciferol restriction. Plasma inorganic phosphorus was lower in either cholecalciferol- or phosphorus-restricted turkeys. Plasma calcium was significantly higher in the phosphorus-restricted turkeys than in the calcium-restricted or control turkeys.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of loteprednol etabonate 0.5% as prophylactic treatment for the ocular signs and symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. METHODS: In this randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, parallel study, 293 adults with history of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis were treated with either loteprednol etabonate or vehicle (placebo) four times daily, beginning before the onset of the allergy season and continuing for 6 weeks. The primary efficacy measure was a primary composite score (sum of itching and bulbar conjunctival injection scores). Supportive efficacy measures were the investigator global assessment and a secondary composite score (sum of tearing, erythema, chemosis, and discomfort scores), all calculated during the 21-day peak pollen season. RESULTS: The proportion of patients who never developed moderate or severe signs and symptoms of allergy during the peak pollen season in the loteprednol etabonate treatment group was greater than that in the placebo group. For the primary composite score, this efficacy criterion was reached by 94% of patients (136/145) in the loteprednol etabonate group and 78% of patients (111/143) in the placebo group (P = .001). The magnitude of effect was similar for the investigator global assessment (86% [118/138] vs 64% [87/137]; P < .001) and, although not statistically significant, the secondary composite score (77% [112/145] vs 68% [97/143]; P = .092). None of the loteprednol etabonate-treated patients had an intraocular pressure increase of 10 mm Hg or more, whereas two placebo patients did. CONCLUSIONS: Loteprednol etabonate is generally effective in prophylaxis of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and has an acceptable safety profile.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that a novel source of ozone gas (O3) maybe used to chemically degrade numerous mycotoxins, including aflatoxin (AF) B1. Subsequent in vitro analyses demonstrated detoxification of AFB1, suggesting a potential method of remediate AF-contaminated grain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capability of electrochemically produced ozone to degrade AFB1 in naturally contaminated whole kernel corn and confirm detoxification in turkey poults. Corn was procured from the southern coastal areas of Texas and HPLC revealed 1,220 +/- 73.3 ppb AFB1. Control and contaminated corn were treated for 92 h with O3 at 200 mg/min in 30 kg batches; greater than 95% reduction of AFB1 in contaminated corn was achieved. One-day-old female turkey poults were fed 1) control corn, 2) control corn + O3, 3) AFB1 corn, or 4) AFB1 corn + O3 mixed in rations (46% by wt.) and consumed ad libitum for 3 wk. When compared with controls, turkeys fed AFB1 corn had reduced body weight gain and relative liver weight, whereas turkeys fed control corn + O3 or AFB1 corn + O3 did not differ from controls. Furthermore, alterations in the majority of relative organ weight, liver discoloration, serum enzyme activity, hematological parameters, and blood chemistry caused by AFB1 were eliminated (no difference from controls) by treatment with O3. These data demonstrate that treatment of contaminated corn with electrochemically produced O3 provided protection against AFB1 in young turkey poults. It is important to note that treatment of control corn with O3 did not alter the performance of the turkey poults.  相似文献   

The responses of growth and feed efficiency to pelleted feed was investigated in 4- to 7-wk-old broiler chickens, and in 8- to 12- and 16- to 20-wk-old turkeys. In all cases, the growth and feed efficiency responses were linear within the ranges of dietary energy tested. When energy was added by carbohydrate supplementation, weight gain and feed efficiency responses were parallel for both mash and pellets, but due to the growth response to pellets, the elevation was higher for pellets than for mash. When energy was added by fat, the growth response to pellets also resulted in an increase in function elevation but the slope of the response was lower than in mash feeding, possibly due to a decline in pellet quality as dietary fat increased. Grinding of pellets completely abolished the growth and feed efficiency responses observed when the physical form was preserved. In chickens, comparisons of ground pellets to mash suggested some decline in nutritional quality due to the process of pelleting when either carbohydrates or fat were increased in the diets. In both chickens and turkeys, the feeding of pelleted diets resulted in an increase in abdominal fat.  相似文献   

Diets containing 300 mg fumonisin B1 (FB1)/kg of feed and 5 mg T-2 toxin/kg of feed singly or in combination were fed to female turkey poults (Nicholas Large White) from day of hatch to 21 d of age. When compared with controls, 21-d body weight gains were reduced 21% by FB1, 26% by T-2, and 47% by the combination. the efficiency of feed utilization was adversely affected by FB1 and the combination of FB1 and T-2. Relative weights (grams/100 g BW) of the liver and gizzard were increased in poults fed the FB1 and the combination diets; whereas, the relative weight of the pancreas was increased in all treated groups. All poults were scored for oral lesions using a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = no visible lesions, 4 = severe lesions). Oral lesions were present in all poults fed the T-2 diet (average score of 3.29) or the combination diet (average score of 3.54). Serum concentration of cholesterol was decreased and lactate dehydrogenase activity was increased in poults fed the FB1 and combination diets. The activity of aspartate aminotransferase and the values for red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were increased only in poults fed the combination diet. Inorganic phosphorus concentration was decreased only in poults fed the combination diet. The increased toxicity in poults fed the combination diet for most variables can best be described as additive, although some variables not altered by FB1 or T-2 singly were significantly affected by the combination, indicating that the combination may pose a potentially greater problem to the turkey industry than either of the mycotoxins individually.  相似文献   

The neutral lipids of the skin from the feet of turkey poults fed a biotin supplemented or a biotin deficient diet consist mainly of triacyglycerols, and of mono- and diester waxes. Diester waxes from both groups were characterized as fatty acid esters of erythro-2,3-alkanediols. A comparison between fatty acid composition of the two groups, however, revealed the following significant differences. Biotin deficient birds showed a fairly high concentration of very long chain fatty acids (C36-C40) which were completely absent in biotin supplemented birds. Further, almost one-third of the fatty acids of diester waxes in biotin deficient birds were unsaturated while those from biotin supplemented birds were predominantly (96%) saturated.  相似文献   

Radioprotective and therapeutical effect of silymarin (Flavobion) on development and repair of latent injury in rat liver was examined by its application during the continual gamma irradiation (dose rates 0.2 and 0.6 Gy/day) or after acute gamma irradiation (dose 6 Gy). Silymarin influence was evaluated on the basis of mitotic index and chromosomal aberration frequency in the liver regenerating after partial hepatectomy. We have found that silymarin application stimulates the process of liver regeneration in non-irradiated rats as well as in irradiated ones. Positive effect of silymarin (100 mg per kg p.o. ones per day) was manifested at both dose rates of continual irradiation with increase in mitotic activity and mitigation of chromosomal erration frequency in the regenerating liver in comparison with non-protected irradiated animals. Curative effect of silymarin (70 mg/kg p.o., twice per day) was shown especially after 14 days of its postradiation application.  相似文献   

In vitro binding studies revealed that plasmid R6K could attach to both inner and outer membrane fractions of its host cell, Escherichia coli. Derivatives of R6K carrying one or two of its three origins of replication could not bind stably to the same membrane fractions in the presence of salt. However, the derivative, pRK35, carrying the intact three origins of replication could bind stably to membrane fractions from its host in the presence or absence of salt. These observations suggest that the three origins of DNA replication must be contiguous for stable binding of the plasmid to the cell membrane. The results of binding experiments showed that plasmid R6K bound competitively with pRK35 as well as the heterologous plasmid, pl524.  相似文献   

The individual and combined effects of feeding diets containing 300 mg fumonisin B1 (FB1), and 4 mg diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) or 3 mg ochratoxin A (OA) were evaluated in two experiments using female turkey poults (Nicholas Large Whites) from day of hatch to 3 wk of age. When compared with controls, body weight gains were reduced 30% (Study 1) and 24% (Study 2) by FB1, 30% by DAS, 8% by OA, 46% by the FB1 and DAS combination, and 37% by the FB1 and OA combination. The efficiency of feed utilization was adversely affected by all treatments except FB1 in Experiment 2. Relative weights of the liver were significantly increased by all treatments except the DAS treatment. Serum concentrations of cholesterol were decreased and activities of aspartate aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase were increased and several hematological values were altered in poults fed FB1 alone and in combination with either DAS or OA. Results indicate additive or less than additive toxicity, but not toxic synergy, when poults are fed diets containing 300 mg FB1, and 4 mg DAS or 3 mg OA/kg of diet. The likelihood of encountering FB1, DAS, or OA at these concentrations in finished feed is small. However, under field conditions, other stress factors could alter the impact of these mycotoxins on the health and performance of poultry.  相似文献   

Seventy-two ureteroileal anastomoses taken from ileal conduits removed from 62 patients were examined histologically to characterize the range of mucosal and stromal changes at these sites. All 72 demonstrated variable amounts of subepithelial chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Other histological features included: cystic spaces lined by transitional epithelium (N = 29; 40%; average diameter 1.2 mm); cystic spaces lined by mixed intestinal/transitional epithelium (N = 5; 7%; average diameter 0.77 mm); and cystically dilated intestinal glands (N = 21; 29%; average diameter 0.24 mm). The latter were associated with overgrowth by transitional epithelium, which had prevented mucus drainage. Twenty-one (29%) had mucus pools with no epithelial lining (average diameter 1.2 mm), and polypoidal protrusions into the lumen of the anastomosis were found containing mucus pools (N = 4; 6%; average diameter 1.4 mm), transitional-lined cysts (N = 5; 7%; average diameter 2.2 mm), and mixed intestinal/transitional-lined cysts (N = 2; 3%; average diameter 2.5 mm). Focal rupture of dilated intestinal glands with interstitial pooling of mucus was not uncommon, and marked dystrophic calcification was found in 1 case within a large collection of extracellular mucus. This series confirms that inflammation, fibrosis, and glandular overgrowth by transitional epithelium are common occurrences at ureteroileal anastomosis sites. Subsequent gland rupture may result in sizable accumulations of interstitial mucus, and rarely in marked dystrophic calcification.  相似文献   

In 1971, a study of 66 synovial biopsy samples indicated that the presence of ferric deposits in the subintimal synovial tissue was of real semiological value in the diagnosis of rheumatoid synovitis. In 1975, a study of 228 synovial biopsy samples led the authors to reconsider this finding: the presence of ferric deposits in the subintimal synovial tissue was far from being a constant feature in rheumatoid synovitis and it was seen with similar frequency in other forms of chronic inflammatory rheumatism and also in several other joint conditions. The origin of the synovial iron and the influence it may have on the development of the rheumatoid processes remain obscure.  相似文献   

Tissue distribution and intracellular localization of dynamin by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry is investigated in this study. Dynamin was widely expressed in all the neurons we examined, and was especially abundant in the central nervous system after maturation, although its expression presented regional heterogeneity. Dynamin was present most abundantly in cerebellar Purkinje cells and hippocampal pyramidal cells, and to a lesser extent in motor neurons and peripheral nerves. However, dynamin was nearly absent in cells such as anterior pituitary cells and adrenal medullary cells which secrete mainly dense cored vesicles. Dynamin was localized not only in cell bodies, axons, and synapses but also in dendrites. Subcellular fractionation indicated that dynamin existed in the membrane fraction as well as in the soluble fraction. In ligated peripheral nerves, dynamin colocalized with tubulovesicular membranous organelles transported mainly anterogradely. By transfection of dynamin cDNA into mouse fibroblast L-cells, we showed it colocalized with some membranous organelles but not with microtubules. Our results show that dynamin is associated with membranous organelles in vivo, although a certain amount of dynamin also exists in the soluble fraction and is distributed diffusely throughout mature neurons. The data suggest that dynamin's fundamental role involves membrane trafficking in neurons in the central nervous system rather than in sliding microtubules as a motor protein.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1985,33(2):231-238
The enhancement of creep by the introduction of aqueous solutions into the porosity of nonfully dense, cold compacted potassium chloride powder has been characterized in room temperature experiments. This phenomenon was first investigated by Pharr and Ashby, who concluded that the mechanism of creep is diffusionally controlled, with the liquid acting as a rapid diffusion path. Current results show that at high stresses, a second mechanism becomes important. This conclusion is based on differences in the stress exponent for creep, the strain at the onset of tertiary creep, and the volumetric strain behavior at low and high stresses. The mechanism is shown to involve grain boundary sliding accommodated by the opening of intergranular cracks and voids.  相似文献   

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