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Two theory-based programs to increase mammography screening rates among asymptomatic women were implemented and evaluated in the community. One program (E) was based on the Health Belief Model (HBM); the second program (EP) added exercises adapted from the social psychology of compliance. Program impact on screening among 295 primarily Caucasian, middle-class women was evaluated against untreated controls (C) over a 6-month period. Both programs led to increases in HBM components (Perceived Susceptibility, and Perceived Benefits) and Intentions to obtain a mammogram. Screening rates 2 to 3 times higher were observed in the EP and E over C conditions; EP and E did not differ. A mediational model of compliance illustrated the interplay of HBM components in the compliance process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Program "Europe against Cancer" published the 2nd edition of quality assurance guidelines for breast cancer screening in June 1996. For the enforcement of these guidelines, a European network of reference centres (EUREF) is being established. Although the EUREF protocol contains guidelines for all disciplines involved in breast cancer screening, this article concentrates on the physical and technical aspect. The comparison with the German regulations (DIN Norms) demonstrates the high requirements requested by the EUREF guidelines with its tighter limits and more extensive and more frequent tests.  相似文献   

A cost-effectiveness analysis has been conducted in order to evaluate effects and costs of a nationwide mammographic breast cancer screening programme compared with no screening in a 30 years period. The analysis includes seven different phases of breast cancer, from the screening programme itself to the treatment of terminal illness. The estimates use italian published data and field studies. The calculations were performed with the Miscan computer simulation package: a programme providing for the screening of women aged 50-69 at two years intervals might be expected to result in a 1,650 deaths prevented and 14,500 years of life gained each year. The overall net costs of the programme were assessed at between 2,893 and 3,212 thousand million lire, the cost per life saved between 59.8 and 66.4 million lire and the cost per life-year gained between 6.6 and 7.3 million lire (between 10.7 and 11.5 million lire with a 5% discount rate, an estimate lower than that of German programme). The analysis produces important information for the Italian policy debate over mammography and it also contributes to the development of economic evaluation in our country.  相似文献   

External beam radiotherapy is a widely experimented treatment modality in prostatic cancer. Recently published studies have documented a close dependence of clinical results, in terms of local control and toxicity in particular, on radiation therapy quality. Efforts to improve results of conventional radiotherapy were directed towards the identification of new therapeutic modalities (conformal therapy, fast neutron radiotherapy, neoadjuvant hormonotherapy) as well as towards the optimization of treatment accuracy. In this respect, the following procedures have been particularly effective: 1. the systematic use of CT and retrograde urethrography in PTV definition; 2. immobilization systems which allow a significant reduction in positioning errors; 3. checks before and during treatment by "portal imaging" which allow the identification and correction of a relevant percentage of inaccuracies. The general evolution in treatment planning occurred in recent years has introduced into prostatic cancer radiotherapy new methods and calculation algorithms. While at present the use of new and at the same time complex techniques makes the need for quality assurance of radiation treatments increasingly critical, it is in any case a daily requirement even in most conventional routine treatments.  相似文献   

Screening for breast cancer can result in early detection of malignancies and lives saved. Many employers now offer periodic screening as an employee health benefit, and some have established screening programs in the workplace. This study was performed to identify the employer costs of breast cancer screening in the workplace, referrals for suspicious findings, and initial treatment of malignant disease. Additionally, the costs for these same services, had they been obtained outside of a workplace screening program, were estimated. Data on program components and associated costs for an established employer based breast cancer screening program were obtained. These costs were compared to those among a hypothetical cohort of women not enrolled in the workplace screening program. From 1989 through 1995, 1,416 women participated in the program. Nearly 2,500 screening mammograms and approximately 2,773 clinical breast examinations were performed, resulting in 292 referrals to physicians outside of the program for additional diagnostic procedures and treatment as needed. These referrals resulted in the detection of 12 malignancies: 8 Stage I; 3 Stage II; and 1 Stage III. Mammographic and clinical breast examination screening cost $249,041; referrals resulting in benign disease or no detectable disease cost $185,002; and referrals resulting in malignant disease, followed by initial treatment, cost $148,530. Therefore, the total cost was $582,573. Approximately 47% of the cost of referrals and initial treatment were due to employee lost productivity. Total cost in the hypothetical cohort was $1,067,948 under the assumptions that all women received screening outside of the workplace, and that the same number of malignancies were detected at the same stage as in the workplace program. These findings indicate referrals resulting in detection of benign disease or no disease accounted for a substantial proportion of the total cost of the program. In addition, employee lost productivity accounted for almost 50% of the cost of all referrals and initial treatment. Workplace screening is a relatively efficient approach for early detection of breast cancer when compared to off site screening or no screening. The efficiency could be improved with a reduction in the number and cost of unnecessary referrals.  相似文献   

In 1974 a new approach to breast cancer screening was introduced--the single view mammography method. An urban nonselected population of 6845 women of more than 34 years of age were screened with one roentgenogram of each breast. By this method it has been possible to reduce the radiation dose, while the patient flow is increased and the costs are decreased to an acceptable level. Forty cases of breast carcinoma were detected (6.7/1000). Twenty cases were preclinical.  相似文献   

Colon cancer is a leading cause of death in the United States and is estimated to cause 56,500 deaths during 1998. Most cancers evolve from adenomatous polyps. Screening asymptomatic average-risk individuals is recommended to reduce colorectal cancer mortality by detection and removal of adenomatous polyps.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that the most effective approach to lung cancer is primary prevention--stop smoking. Richards has proposed the MVROCST--the Monosyllabic Verbal Response Office Cancer Screening Test: "Do you smoke?" If "yes," intervene. If "no," move on. Ample evidence exists that a clear message from a physician to a patient about the importance of stopping smoking makes a difference. In contrast to the maze of arguments and data on early detection, this is something that each physician clearly can and should do. A reduced risk for lung cancer may begin as early as 5 years after cessation of cigarette use. Huuskonen has proposed conceptualizing screening as a coordinated intervention with the goal of identifying populations at risk and working to modify that risk. Primary prevention should be central to any efforts to reduce mortality from lung cancer, and attention to this area needs to increase despite the difficulties and frustration. Despite declining percentages of smokers in the population as a whole, it is estimated that more than 3000 teenagers become regular smokers each day in the United States. In this environment, the question of whether to recommend a CXR or sputum for early detection is not going to disappear in the near future. The NCI has recognized the persistent and important nature of this debate and is currently funding the Prostate, Lung, Colon and Ovary Cancer Screening Trial. This is a large and powerful randomized study of men and women aged 60 to 74. The lung cancer arm is designed to look at the usefulness of a yearly CXR intervention in reducing cancer-specific mortality. The overall power of the study (based on national mortality data) is 0.99 for a 15% reduction in lung cancer mortality and 0.89 for a 10% reduction, with differentially better sensitivity in men than women. The study is currently in progress at multiple sites and will be completed over the next 12 to 14 years. In the meantime, what is the right approach? It is useful in considering this question to return to the concepts of early detection, screening, and case finding. 1. Early detection in lung cancer remains a concept of uncertain applicability because of the unknowns and variability in the natural history of the disease. The available, accessible, and acceptable detection tools appear to be inadequate by current evidence. This is not a static field, however, and new work in the area of biomarkers carries promise for significantly more sensitive and specific techniques. Tockman and colleagues conclude that early detection is conceptually sound, although not currently practical, and further research may expand the role of intervention. In the end, a judgement on early detection in lung cancer must be linked to the proposed setting--screening or case finding. 2. Screening, defined as the application of a test to the general population to define disease risk further with the implied benefit of improved treatment and outcome, cannot be recommended for lung cancer. This is the perspective of the major organizations cited previously, and it is based on admittedly imperfect but nonetheless convincing data. 3. Case finding, the situation of the patient who seeks care and is available for informed discussion and negotiation on possible testing, is a potentially different situation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

The Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation (1985) has insisted that a hospital-wide quality assurance program is essential for accreditation, and hospital departments are in various stages of quality assurance program development. The present authors review the rationale and issues (e.g., professional autonomy, malpractice, health care costs, consumerism) that forced the development of quality assurance and some generally accepted definitions of key concepts. The current status of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Psychology Department's program of quality assurance is described, with special reference to structure, process, and outcome criteria. Implications that quality assurance programs have for the professional practice of psychology and functioning within the public hospital setting are discussed. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the breast cancer stages and detection methods in screened women who receive hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with those in screened women who do not receive HRT to determine whether HRT affects the stage or mammographic detection of malignancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred fifteen cases of breast cancer in women (age range, 55-65 years) in whom at least one screening mammogram had been obtained at least 24 months before diagnosis and in whom the history regarding HRT could be determined were reviewed retrospectively. Statistical analysis was performed with CHI-2 analysis and the Fischer exact test. RESULTS: The cancer stages in the 58 women who received HRT were stage 0 in 15 (26%), stage I in 28 (48%), stage II in 13 (22%), and stage III in two (3%) women. The stages in the 57 women who did not receive HRT were stage 0 in 19 (33%), stage I in 24 (42%), stage II in 11 (19%), stage III in two (4%), and stage IV in one (2%) woman. Cancers in 38 (67%) of the women who did not receive HRT and in 38 (66%) of those who did receive HRT were detected with mammography alone; false-negative mammograms were obtained in five (9%) women in the non-HRT group and in four (7%) women in the HRT group (P = .89). CONCLUSION: Among screened women who developed breast cancer, there were no significant differences in cancer stages or in the number of mammographically detected cancers or false-negative mammograms between the HRT group and the non-HRT group.  相似文献   

Screening by mammography is at present the only way to obtain good results in terms of diagnosis of breast cancer at an early stage. In this paper we present the results of first and second rounds of a mammographic and clinical screening programme carried out in the health district of Brescia. At the first round out of 129 cancers detected, mammography was diagnostic in 124 cases; in 82 cases, the examination also allowed the identification of a suspicious nodule, while in 42 cases non palpable neoplasm was diagnosed with mammography alone. In the remaining 5 cases mammography was negative and only clinical examination led to the discovery of breast neoplasms. In the second round, in the 125 cancers detected, mammography was diagnostic in 124 cases; clinical examination allowed the identification of 59 of these tumours, while in 65 cases non palpable tumours were found with mammography alone. Only in one case mammography was negative and clinical examination led to the identification of the tumour.  相似文献   

Mammography for breast cancer screening has been available in Austria free of charge since 1974 and has been explicitly recommended for mass screening since 1980. The type of screening is opportunistic. Evaluation has to rely on population-based data (mortality, stage distribution, screening prevalence). In a representative cross-sectional study (women aged 40-79 years, n = 566, conducted in 1995) 58% reported at least one screening mammography; the lowest prevalence was found in the age group 70-74 years: 39.3%, the highest in the age group 50-54 years: 71.4%. 23.1% reported at least 2 mammograms within an interval of less than 2 years; lowest prevalence 70-74 years: 10.7%, highest 50-54 years: 35.7%. Age-standardized mortality rate has stabilized since 1985. Since 1980 age-specific rates have increased significantly in all age groups > 54 years, but a decreasing tendency in most groups has been noted since around 1990. The incidence rates of stage II or worse tumors have increased significantly since 1982, except in the age groups 40-44 and 55-59 years; however, during the past 3 to 6 years the absolute rates of incidence of advanced tumors has decreased in alle age groups. The reduction of advanced cancers at diagnosis, followed by a reduction of mortality rates is plausible related to screening prevalence. More uniform decreasing trends should be expected in the years to come. If not, discontinuation of the current opportunistic form of screening without monitoring and evaluation, financed by public money, has to be discussed.  相似文献   

We cloned a novel human beta-defensin gene and determined its full-length cDNA sequence. The entire gene spanned more than 7 kb and included a large 6962-bp intron. The 362-bp cDNA encoded a prepropeptide that corresponded precisely to the recently identified human beta-defensin HBD-1, an antimicrobial peptide implicated in the resistance of epithelial surfaces to microbial colonization. By two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization on both metaphase chromosome and released chromatin fiber, HBD-1 gene (DEFB1 in HUGO/GDB nomenclature) mapped to chromosomal region 8p23.1-p23.2 in close proximity (within 100-150 kb) to the gene for the human neutrophil alpha-defensin HNP-1 (DEFA1). Thus, despite a complete lack of DNA sequence similarity and despite differences in their disulfide-pairing pattern, the alpha- and beta-families appear to have evolved from a common premammalian defensin gene.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PL-DOX) has been shown in preclinical models to induce less cardiotoxicity than non-liposomal doxorubicin. Endomyocardial biopsy is a highly sensitive and specific method for detecting anthracycline-induced cardiac damage. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Myocardial tissue from ten KS patients who had received cumulative PL-DOX (20 mg/m2/biweekly) of 440-840 mg/m2 was evaluated for evidence of anthracycline-induced cardiac damage. Controls were assembled from patients who had received cumulative doxorubicin doses of 174-671 mg/m2 in two earlier cardiac biopsy protocols. Two control groups were selected on the basis of both cumulative (+/- 10 mg/m2) and peak doxorubicin dose (60 or 20 mg/m2, control group 1), or peak dose alone (20 mg/m2, control group 2). RESULTS: PL-DOX patients had significantly lower biopsy scores compared with those of doxorubicin controls despite higher cumulative doses of anthracycline. The median biopsy scores for the PL-DOX and doxorubicin groups, respectively, were 0.3 vs. 3.0 (P = 0.002, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel row mean difference test) for group 1 and 1.25 for group 2 (P < 0.001, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). CONCLUSIONS: Less severe cardiac changes were seen in patients given PL-DOX relative to historical control patients given comparable cumulative doses of doxorubicin.  相似文献   

Studies done in the mid-1970s documented increased risk for respiratory cancer and leukemia among employees in a chemical company manufacturing plant where chloromethyl ethers were used in production from 1948 to 1971. In the late 1980s, the company informed current and former employees about the results of follow-up studies which showed a moderation of risk of respiratory cancer and leukemia. New data showing elevated rates of mortality from colorectal, prostate, bladder, and pancreatic cancer in the population were also reported. Via mailed correspondence, the company made a no-cost program of colorectal and prostate cancer screening available to employees upon request; and information about bladder and pancreatic cancer was made available. Thirteen percent of employees in the population indicated interest in colorectal and prostate cancer screening (response). Thirty-one percent of these responders were screened (adherence). Multivariate analyses showed that education and length of employment in the plant were positively associated with response. Being white was positively associated with response for younger workers; while among older workers being male was positively associated with response. In terms of adherence, we found that older, more highly educated workers were more likely to have a screening examination. Findings indicate that employee participation in workplace-sponsored colorectal and prostate cancer screening can vary according to worker sociodemographic factors and length of employment in areas of potential exposure.  相似文献   

This meta-analytic review addresses the issue of how a woman's risk of breast cancer relates to the likelihood that she will obtain mammography screenings. Studies that compared women with or without a family history of breast cancer (n?=?19) showed that women with a family history were more likely to have been screened. Studies that measured perceived risk (n?=?19) showed that feeling vulnerable to breast cancer was positively related to having obtained a screening. Studies that compared women who did or did not have a history of breast problems (n?=?10) showed that those with a positive history were more likely to have been screened. Finally, studies that measured worry (n?=?6) showed that greater worry was related to higher screening levels. Taken together, these data suggest that increasing perceptions of personal vulnerability may increase screening behavior for breast cancer. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J Newman 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,70(1):61-76; quiz 77-80
Effective mammography requires rigorous quality control, mandated by the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992 (MQSA). This article reviews MQSA's requirements and the elements of the imaging chain that affect mammogram quality. Major classes and sources of artifacts also are presented.  相似文献   

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