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A monolithic digital chirp synthesizer (DCS) chip has been developed using GaAs/AlGaAs HI2L technology. The 6500-HBT-gate DCS chip is capable of producing linear frequency-modulated (chirp) waveforms or single-frequency waveforms. The major components of the DCS are two 28-b pipelined accumulators, a 1.8 kb sine ROM, a 1.8 kb cosine ROM, and two 8 b digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The total chip area is 4.877 mm×6.172 mm using a minimum feature size of 1.5 μm. All components of the DCS are fully functional and the device has been clocked to 450 MHz with a power dissipation of 18 W  相似文献   

A method for obtaining power spectra for the self-noise components in phase and in quadrature to the desired generated clock signal for PAM systems is described. A previously recognized cross spectrum is also discussed. Results can be expressed either in a closed form or as the sum of rapidly convergent series, depending on the signalling waveform used. A computation of the in-phase and quadrature spectra for Nyquist pulses for excess bandwidth factors ranging from 0.1-0.9 is included, along with demonstration showing that for signalling waveforms with even or odd symmetry, cross power spectrum is zero at all frequencies. It is also shown that if the cross power spectrum is not zero due to asymmetry in the signalling waveform, sampling keyed to other than zero-crossing of the timing wave can give a lower timing jitter  相似文献   

An open microwave resonator can be formed above a planar microstrip substrate by suspending a spherical reflector above it. A theory is developed to account for the coupling between such an open resonator mode and a microstrip line. The open resonator is shown to have useful circuit properties similar to a dielectric resonator, but with the potential of efficient operation well into the millimeter-wave range. Experimental confirmation of the theory is demonstrated by a scale model of a microstrip-based single-pole bandpass filter, which shows a loaded Q of 860 and a minimum loss of 0.8 dB±0.4 dB at 10 GHz  相似文献   

An integrated-carrier loop/symbol synchronizer, using a digital Costas loop with matched arm filters to demodulate staggered quaternary phase-shift keyed (QPSK) signals, is analyzed. An expression is derived for the S curve, parameterized by bit synchronization error. This result suggests that the demodulator structure offers an inherent I/Q channel reversal correcting capability. Computer simulation results are presented that support this conclusion, and suggest that ambiguity resolution performance depends on the ratio of carrier and synchronization loop bandwidths  相似文献   

A technique that enables the attenuation constant α of a microstrip line to be found from the measured return loss curve as a function of frequency for a half-wavelength resonator is described. Data averaging is incorporated and the effects of dispersion are included. This method does not require the use of an equivalent resonator model for the stripline, nor does it rely on graphical techniques  相似文献   

The noise characteristics of a single-mode laser with a low-Q cavity are investigated theoretically. After the electric field is adiabatically eliminated from the Maxwell-Bloch equations, coupled Langevin equations with both additive and multiplicative white noises are examined. The equations are solved using Rice's method in a framework of quasilinear Fourier analysis. Noise spectral densities are calculated analytically to study the dependence of the relative intensity noise (RIN) on the pumping. Through an investigation of the auto- and cross-correlations of the light intensity and population noises, their variances are obtained in order to compare their properties to the good-cavity case. The stationary intensity cumulants, the photon counting coefficient, and the photon counting probability are explicitly derived and compared with the results of a Fokker-Planck analysis previously carried out for both the good- and bad-cavity cases  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a semiconductor laser coupled to an external resonator is studied using the single-mode rate equations modified to account for the dispersive feedback. Both the frequency and the damping rate of relaxation oscillations are affected by the feedback. The frequency chirp that invariably accompanies amplitude modulation is significantly reduced. The feedback also reduces the phase noise and the linewidth. To investigate the usefulness of external-resonator lasers in high-speed optical communication systems, the rate equation have been solved numerically to obtain the emitted chirped pulse; the pulse is propagated through the fiber, detected, and filtered at the receiver. The simulated-eye diagrams show that such lasers can be operated at high bit rates with negligible dispersion penalty owing to their reduced frequency chip  相似文献   

The amplitude noise characteristics of femtosecond optical pulses generated from a synchronously pumped all-fiber Raman soliton laser with high-Q cavity are investigated under different operation states of the laser. By suppressing the soliton self-frequency shift (SSFS) effect in the high-Q fiber cavity, real femtosecond soliton oscillation can be obtained in the laser. Low-noise 400 fs optical pulses with a white amplitude noise level of -120 dBc/Hz have been generated from the laser operating in such an SSFS-free state  相似文献   

A generalized Q function representation for the transient M/M/1 queue variance is developed. The expression is highly accurate and computationally efficient, and an upper bound on the error is easily calculated. For a Q function relative error of 2×10-12 using Parl's method, the relative error of the variance is generally less than 10-9. Average execution time is of the order of 70 ms per point on a VAX 11/750, but faster execution times can be obtained by using larger Q function relative errors  相似文献   

The authors describe a high-bandwidth amplifier that simultaneously achieves high gain by using internal positive feedback. The results obtained when the amplifier is used in a general-purpose switched-capacitor biquadratic building block are also presented. This device achieves 150-kHz center-frequency operation with Q accuracy of 15% when clocked at 7.5 MHz with 10-V ±10% supplies from -55°C to +125°C. With a minimum power supply of 4.5 V, this filter operates with center frequencies up to 100 kHz when clocked at 5 MHz, while performing with the same accuracy and across the same temperature range as above  相似文献   

The authors extend the standard rate equation analysis to obtain expressions for the maximum peak power, maximum pulse energy, and minimum pulsewidth of a single Q-switched output pulse; the maximum power efficiency of a repetitively Q-switched laser; and the corresponding cavity output couplings. Results are obtained analytically and numerically, and a comparison of the two sets of results is made. As a first step in this process the authors derive general expressions for the peak power, pulsewidth, pulse energy, and power efficiency. The authors next differentiate these expressions in order to find the maxima or minima that optimize the parameter of interest. Differentiation is done with respect to the cavity output coupling  相似文献   

The cavity length of a CW mode-locked Nd:YLF laser is detuned to investigate the effect of detuning on the output of the laser. Negative detunings of 0.4 to 2.4 μm result in periodic modulations of the pulse envelope. Further negative detunings of 2.4 to 3.4 μm produce undamped regular spikings, that is, stable self-Q-switching behavior with mode-locked pulses of 30~47 ps pulsewidths, which are as short as those of plain mode locking without Q switching. Similar self-Q-switching behavior is also produced by positive detunings, but the stability is very poor  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on Q switching of erbium lasers at 3 μm with an acoustooptical modulator. Different laser crystals of YAG:Er and YSGG:Cr:Er have been investigated. The highest fraction of single pulse Q-switch energy to free-running mode energy was 1%. Pulse durations of 50 ns were obtained. Multiple switching with up to 14 Q-switch peaks per flashlamp pulse could be generated, containing up to 19% of the energy of the free-running mode  相似文献   

A scheme for the construction of m-out-of-n codes based on the arithmetic coding technique is described. For appropriate values of n, k, and m, the scheme can be used to construct an (n,k) block code in which all the codewords are of weight m. Such codes are useful, for example, in providing perfect error detection capability in asymmetric channels such as optical communication links and laser disks. The encoding and decoding algorithms of the scheme perform simple arithmetic operations recursively, thereby facilitating the construction of codes with relatively long block sizes. The scheme also allows the construction of optimal or nearly optimal m-out-of-n codes for a wide range of block sizes limited only by the arithmetic precision used  相似文献   

The authors have fabricated high-temperature superconducting films made of TlBaCaCuO (2212) and YBaCuO (123) by postdeposition annealing techniques on (100) LaAlO3 substrates. These films, especially the TlBaCaCuO(2212), exhibit high temperature operation, high Q (low surface resistance), and low power dependence. Both types of films have measured surface resistances which are better than 1/10 that of copper to 20 GHz. Microstrip resonators with a fundamental resonance frequency of 5 GHz were fabricated from these materials. The performance of the best resonator at 90 K (loaded Q>20000 at 5 GHz) was 50 times better than an analogous copper resonator (also measured at 90 K) and can handle more than 10 W of peak power in the resonator with only a small degradation of the Q. In addition, the shift of the resonator frequencies with temperature was fit to a two-fluid model  相似文献   

A novel Q-switching scheme, using rapid variation of the path difference between the cavities of a multiple-cavity resonator, is described. A thermooptic phase modulator was used to switch the cavity loss of a Y-junction glass waveguide laser between high and low states. Q-switched pulses with durations of 5 μs and peak powers of 70 mW were obtained  相似文献   

Numerical calculations on the Jaynes-Cummings model in a cavity of arbitrary Q at finite temperature, using the master equation approach, are discussed. Effects due to mismatch of the atomic transition frequency and cavity mode frequency are included. Results relate to recent experiments on 85Rb Rydberg atoms  相似文献   

A high-power, laser-diode-pumped, Q-switched fiber laser operating at 1.053 μm which is suitable for use in time-multiplexed fiber sensor applications is described. The laser emits >1-kW pulses at 1.053 μm with 2-ns duration at up to 1-kHz repetition rates for an adsorbed pump power of only 22 mW at 810 nm. Tunable Q-switched operation over a 40-nm wavelength range has also been demonstrated  相似文献   

A fast-Fourier-transform (FFT) computational scheme based on a Fourier expansion technique is developed to calculate the development of an electromagnetic (EM) field from spontaneous noise inside a loaded rotating mirror Q-switched laser. A rate equations analysis is also carried out, using the FFT-calculated dependence of the diffraction loss on the fixed Q-switch mirror tilt angle. The computational results are compared with the output characteristics of an eye-safe (λ=1.54 μm) erbium glass laser. The experiments are in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the predictions of the FFT mode. The model reveals short-duration intense spatial regions, as well as two types of temporal modulations of the laser output pulses. These modulations are attributed to the inhomogeneous development of the laser field in the longitudinal and transverse laser resonator direction. These irregularities must be taken into account when calculating eye-safety levels of rotating mirror Q-switched lasers  相似文献   

Kallel  S. 《Electronics letters》1992,28(12):1097-1098
An efficient stop-and-wait ARQ protocol proposed by Sastry (1975) is modified to include a parity retransmission type II hybrid ARQ scheme. Unlike the Sastry scheme in which simple repeats of a data packet are transmitted, with the type II hybrid ARQ scheme, the data packet to be transmitted is encoded with a rate 1/2 code, and repetitions alternate between the two sequences obtained at the output of the encoder. It is found that the throughput can be substantially increased.<>  相似文献   

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