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肉类、鱼类、贝类、酱类、香菇等都具有特殊的鲜美滋味,这是由于这些食品都含有一定的鲜味物质,例如肉类、鱼类、发酵调味品中的谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、肌苷酸、鸟苷酸;贝类中的琥珀酸等。 为了提高食品的鲜味,常在加工食品中添加这些鲜味物质,在食品添加剂分类上称为鲜味剂。最常用的鲜味剂有L-谷氨酸钠、5′-肌苷酸钠和5′-鸟苷酸钠。其次是天门冬氨酸和琥珀酸,这些鲜味剂都可以用化学合成的方法生产。但由于成本较高,因此,都采用生物技  相似文献   

冯容保 《发酵科技通讯》2002,31(2):29-29,11
琥珀酸二钠,又名干贝素,是干贝中的主要鲜味成份,含量达0.37%,是琥珀酸的钠盐。琥珀酸一钠即具有鲜味,又有酸味,呈味的阈值为0.015%,琥珀酸二钠呈味的阈值为0.03%,对比呈鲜味的L-天门冬氨酸钠仅为0.16%,L-谷氨酸钠为0.03%,5′-肌苷酸二钠为0.025%,5′鸟苷酸二钠为0.0125%,可见其鲜味强烈,做为食品中的强力鲜味剂,普遍存在于传统发酵产品清酒、……  相似文献   

海产鲜味物质及海产品特征滋味的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
素有"海鲜"之称的海产品,以其味道鲜美而备受人们的喜爱。迄今为止,人类所发现的氨基酸、核苷酸、有机酸三类鲜味物质在海产品中都广泛存在,这是海产品鲜味形成的共同物质基础。然而,不同的海产品又呈现出各具特色的特征滋味,这主要归因于各鲜味物质的不同比例以及多种呈味物质的存在。总结了主要海产鲜味物质的研究概况,综述了贝、鱼、虾、蟹等典型海产品特征滋味及其构成的研究进展。并在此基础上预测了今后海产鲜味物质的研究与开发趋势。  相似文献   

通过酶法水解将小梅鱼制备成营养型高档调味剂 .用酶对小梅鱼进行水解 ,结果表明温度、pH、酶的种类、酶的组合、酶添加的顺序对产物的分布有影响 .在初始pH值为 8,温度为 5 0℃时 ,胰酶水解产物中小分子产物含量较高 .胰酶的水解产物用微生物风味复合酶进一步酶解 ,可脱除苦味 .对产物进行氨基酸分布检测 ,结果显示 ,产物中含 18种氨基酸 ,总氮质量分数为 12 6 .4mg/ g(以N计 ) ,α 氨基氮质量分数为 6 0 .8mg/ g .  相似文献   

味精是最重要的鲜味剂,全世界消费量达90多万吨,其中亚洲国家占绝大部分。中国每年消费40万吨,占世界之首,但人均消费量并不高,所以每年仍以大约10%的速度增长。西方国家虽没有食用味精习惯,但随着方便快餐食品的发展,鲜味剂用量包括味精的市场也逐渐扩大,年增长约20%。应该指出的是,鲜味剂的品种比较起来在西方增长速度最快的是:营养性天然动植物提取浸膏,动植物蛋白质水解的浓缩液以及酵母降解提取物——酵母浸膏。据报道全世界鲜味剂,包括味精、植物水解蛋白、动物浸膏(萃取物)、酵母浸膏。1993年销售额达10多亿美元,其中欧洲为3.45亿美元,按百分组成的市场占有率为:  相似文献   

大力发展新型营养鲜味剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“九五”和2010规划,食品工业的发展重点之一是进人一日三餐的方便营养食品,这里包括主食、副食、调料等等。新型鲜味剂国外也称风味剂是进人一日三餐的调味品,所以有广阔的发展前景。味精因能进人一日三餐,我国年产已达50多万吨,新型鲜味剂包括酵母提取物、水解动植物蛋白和其他复合的牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉浸膏和粉剂,这是当今国内外市场的热门产品,预计今后有可能超过味精的消费。因为新型鲜味剂不仅风味多样,而且富含蛋白质、肽类、氨基酸、矿物质等营养功能成分,因此目前在欧洲和日本已有较大的市场。据报道,全世界鲜味剂,包括味…  相似文献   

目前,我国饲料工业普遍采用化学防霉法。联合国FAO/WH0对防霉剂有严格的要求:防霉剂添加量应很小,无毒性和无刺激性;能溶解达到有效的浓度;性质稳定贮存时不发生变化,也不与饲料或原料中其他成分起反应;无异味、臭味;有较厂的抑菌谱。由于防霉剂难以对所有致霉微生物都有抑制作用,并且它所产生的毒性  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对食品口味、口感的要求也随之提高,各种添加剂在食品中的应用也越来越广泛。甜味剂、鲜味剂作为新型功能性食品添加剂在食品加工行业被充分利用。结合甜味剂、鲜味剂的应用状况,总结介绍了这类食品添加剂不仅可以起到调味作用,使食品具备最佳的风味和口感,还可改善杀菌条件,在食品生产工艺中发挥着不可或缺的独特作用。  相似文献   

酵母抽提物(YE)是一种极佳的风味增强食品,具有极强的鲜味(umami)增强和浓厚味(kokumi)效果。对三种酵母抽提物(高纯YE,高I+G YE,普通YE)的umami及kokumi滋味进行了评价和描述。通过超滤、凝胶层析对YE滋味组分进行了分离,初步得出分子质量处于200~1 000u的肽类,本身具有苦味及强烈刺舌滋味,对MSG-NaCl、I+G+NaCl、鸡汤-NaCl模型溶液具有増鲜,增加复杂口感及持续的满口感的kokumi效果。随后对三种YE的粗分质子量分布、肽分布、核苷酸含量、GSH含量进行了测定。结果得出,YE中1 000u分子量寡肽含量较高(约70%),为其主要滋味物质,相对而言,YE中呈味核苷酸含量较低(3.530mg/g),而不能与其中的kukumi活性物质起到协同效果。通过YE对MSG-NaCl、I+G+NaCl模型溶液的反馈感官鉴评实验,得出YE浓度分别达到0.25g/L、0.05g/L时开始体现出増鲜效果,而在两种模型溶液中YE分别达到2.5g/L,5g/L浓度时达到最大増鲜效果,超过这一浓度时,溶液开始呈现一定的苦味,鲜味也不再增强。此外,对于I+G+NaCl模型溶液,YE对其鲜味提升更为明显,增鲜阈值也较低。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The pH dependence of the taste of alkaline electrolyzed water (AEW) made by electrolyzing bottled mineral waters was examined by sensory evaluation. For water with a calcium concentration of 79 or 93 mg/L, the taste of AEW with a pH of 9.5 was considered better than that of the unelectrolyzed water. In contrast, for water with a calcium concentration of 10 mg/L, the taste of the unelectrolyzed water was preferred to that of AEW with a pH of 9.5. Electrolysis reduced the calcium concentrations in waters with calcium concentrations of 79 or 93 mg/L, but did not change the calcium concentration in water with a calcium concentration of 10 mg/L. Electrolysis probably improved the taste of water with a higher calcium concentration by reducing the calcium concentration; however, the effect of electrolysis on water with a calcium concentration of 10 mg/L is likely to be the result of the pH increase alone.  相似文献   

Understanding taste is key for optimizing the palatability of seaweeds and other non-animal-based foods rich in protein. The lingual papillae in the mouth hold taste buds with taste receptors for the five gustatory taste qualities. Each taste bud contains three distinct cell types, of which Type II cells carry various G protein-coupled receptors that can detect sweet, bitter, or umami tastants, while type III cells detect sour, and likely salty stimuli. Upon ligand binding, receptor-linked intracellular heterotrimeric G proteins initiate a cascade of downstream events which activate the afferent nerve fibers for taste perception in the brain. The taste of amino acids depends on the hydrophobicity, size, charge, isoelectric point, chirality of the alpha carbon, and the functional groups on their side chains. The principal umami ingredient monosodium l -glutamate, broadly known as MSG, loses umami taste upon acetylation, esterification, or methylation, but is able to form flat configurations that bind well to the umami taste receptor. Ribonucleotides such as guanosine monophosphate and inosine monophosphate strongly enhance umami taste when l -glutamate is present. Ribonucleotides bind to the outer section of the venus flytrap domain of the receptor dimer and stabilize the closed conformation. Concentrations of glutamate, aspartate, arginate, and other compounds in food products may enhance saltiness and overall flavor. Umami ingredients may help to reduce the consumption of salts and fats in the general population and increase food consumption in the elderly.  相似文献   

While basic taste interactions have been the subject of many research studies, there is one combination where data is limited in the literature: sour and umami. This combination is universal in culinary preparations and of key interest to the food industry. Therefore, the primary goal of the present study is to assess how increasing concentrations of acidity (citric acid) affect, if at all, the intensity of a constant concentration of umami (monosodium glutamate, MSG). The secondary goal is to investigate other possible factors in umami taste perception. Here, a crowdsourced cohort of 734 individuals (age range 8–81) tasted and rated the intensity of 50 mM MSG alone, and in combination with citric acid at varying concentrations (1.25 mM, 6.25 mM, 31.25 mM). Participants were also genotyped for the single nucleotide polymorphism rs34160967 in the TAS1R1 gene. The results show a significant decrease in the intensity perception of umami as sour concentration increases (low: p = 0.005, medium: p < 0.001, high: p < 0.001). Situational factors such as participant hunger level and time since last eating also have a significant effect on umami intensity perception. Neither the biological factors of sex, age, and ancestry appear to play a role in umami perception, nor does variation in gene TAS1R1 at rs34160967. These new data contribute to the growing field of taste and sensory interaction by giving evidence that sour suppresses umami taste perception in bi-model samples.  相似文献   

通过单因素试验和正交试验优化木瓜蛋白酶酶解香菇煮菇水的工艺条件,并对酶解后呈鲜味氨基酸含量和等效鲜味浓度(EUC)进行评价。结果表明,木瓜蛋白酶酶解香菇煮菇水提高氨基酸态氮含量的最佳工艺条件为酶解pH 6.0、酶解温度55℃、加酶量0.4%、酶解时间5h,该条件下氨基酸态氮含量为0.454g/100mL。且木瓜蛋白酶酶解可显著提高香菇煮菇水中谷氨酸和天冬氨酸含量,并可增强EUC。  相似文献   

通过添加不同POV值(40、60、80 meq/kg脂肪)氧化牛油对牛肉酶解液进行Maillard热反应,检测不同牛肉Maillard反应产物的氨基酸组成、肽分子量分布、香气组分以及感官测评的变化情况,研究不同POV值氧化牛油对于牛肉风味味感的影响。结果表明:不同POV值氧化牛油参加反应,主要影响牛肉酶解液Maillard热反应体系中含硫氨基酸和鲜味氨基酸的反应活性,以及Maillard反应产物的肽分子量的分布,从而影响了牛肉香气和味感的形成。   相似文献   

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