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The in situ reaction procedure and microstructure evolution of a graphite fiber reinforced Ti-Al composite (Grf/Ti-Al) was investigated, and the stability of TiAl3 at high temperature was discussed. As-cast material was prepared by pressing molten pure aluminum into a preform, which was composed of titanium particles and graphite fibers. The in situ reaction procedure of the as-cast material was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and phases in the products were detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Experimental results showed that TiAl3 was formed first. With an increase in temperature, TiC and Al4C3 were observed, but TiAl3 decreased. In the final product, Al2O3 and TiO2 were observed. It was considered that the previous forming TiAl3 decomposed, then TiC precipitated, and subsequently, oxidation resulted in the formation of Al2O3 and TiO2.  相似文献   

The effects of Ti content and the alloying elements of Si and Cu on the microstructures of casting in situ Al_3Ti-Al composites were investigated. Simultaneously, their corrosion properties were also discussed. The results indicate that the aspect ratios of Al_3Ti platelets in different Al based composites are different although all of them are in flaky shape. The morphologies of Al_3Ti phase are not only determined by Ti content, but are also related to the alloying elements. The grain refining role of Al_3Ti phase in the pure Al and Al-Cu based composites is more effective than that in the Al-Si based composite. The addition of Ti decreases the corrosion resistance of pure Al and Al alloys. The corrosion resistances of the composites are dependent on both the corrosion characteristics of the corresponding matrixes and the distribution of Al_3Ti platelets.  相似文献   

Titanium-based composite coatings reinforced by in situ synthesized TiB and TiC particles between titanium and B4C were successfully fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding. Phase constituents of the coatings were predicted by thermodynamic calculations in the Ti-B4C-Al and Ti-B-C-Al systems, respectively, and were validated well by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis results. Microstructural and metallographic analyses were made by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). The results show that the coatings are mainly composed of α-Ti cellular dendrites and the eutecticum in which a large number of needle-shaped TiB and a few equiaxial TiC particles are embedded. C is enriched in α-Ti cellular dendrites and far exceeds the theoretical maximum dissolubility, owing to the extension of saturation during laser cladding. The coatings have a good metallurgical bond with the substrate due to the existence of the dilution zone, in which a great amount of lamella β-Ti grains consisting of a thin needle-shaped martensitic microstructure are present and grow parallel to the heat flux direction; a few TiB and TiC reinforcements are observed at the boundaries of initial β-Ti grains.  相似文献   

Failure assessment of the integrity of a ductile flawed structural component is done currently by a one-parameter fracture mechanics approach. The J-integral is the one-parameter used; it has proven to be useful in order to predict ductile crack initiation. However, when tension loading dominates and/or a fully plastic condition develops around the crack, the J-integral alone does not describe completely the crack-tip stress field and a second parameter is needed. In this work, an accurate modeling of the elastic-plastic stress field around a deep crack in a three-dimensional three-point bend specimen is carried out. Numerical results for the crack-tip stress field are used to evaluate a crack-tip constraint parameter Q, in terms of applied loading, from contained plasticity to large-scale yielding. The parameter Q, measures the degree of stress triaxiality and constraint around the crack-tip. In order to obtain the stresses in the near-crack-tip field with high accuracy, a detailed mesh with higher order three-dimensional finite elements is located around the crack front. The modeling of crack-tip blunting deformation is performed by using a small notch radius in the crack-tip. Large-strain and finite-rotation nonlinear behavior effects around the crack-tip are included. The material, an ASTM A 516 steel, is modeled with incremental theory of plasticity. Numerical results of the Q triaxiality parameter are presented for increasing level loads to obtain an extended yield condition. Additional results of J-integral parameter and crack-tip opening displacement, for different load ratios and for different position across the specimen thickness are shown.  相似文献   

Cylindrical components of in situ functionally gradient composite materials of Al-19Si-5Mg alloy were manufactured by centrifugal casting. Microstructure characteristics of the manufactured components were observed and the effects of the used process factors on these characteristics were analyzed. The results of observations shows that, in thickness, the components possess microstructures accumulating lots of Mg2Si particles and a portion of primary silicon particles in the inner layer, a little Mg2Si and primary silicon particles in the outer layer, and without any Mg2Si and primary silicon particle in the middle layer. The results of the analysis indicate that the rotation rate of centrifugal casting, mould temperature, and melt pouring temperature have evidently affected the accumulation of the second phase particles. Also, the higher the centrifugal rotation rate, mould temperature, and melt pouring temperature are, the more evident in the inner layer the degree of accumulation of Mg2Si and primary silicon particles is.  相似文献   

Al-Al3Ti composites were prepared by a direct reaction method, in which Al3Ti was formed by the reaction of Ti and Al in aluminum alloy melt. The morphology of Al3Ti changes apparently from the fine particle, needle-like to large block with the increase of Al3Ti content. The addition of magnesium can markedly change the morphology of Al3Ti and reduce their size. Short rod-like Al3Ti was formed and homogeneous distribution was obtained with the addition of 3 wt.% Mg. The effect of Al3Ti and Mg on the microstructure of Al-Al3Ti composites and the mechanism were also discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the following parameters of millimeter-range electromagnetic radiation on the biosynthesis of extracellular hydrolases and the life cycle of Aspergillus niger 33 and Aspergillus niger 33–19 CNMN FD 02A fungi (producers of amylases) and Penicillium viride CNMN FD 04P fungus (a producer of pectinases) is studied: the wavelength (λ = 4.9, 5.6, and 7.1 mm), the irradiation mode (periodic and continuous), and the duration of exposure (10–60 min). It is established that the efficiency of the irradiation exposure depends on the physical parameters of the radiation and the properties and functional state of the strains. The optimal irradiation conditions allowing the biosynthesis and secretion of extracellular hydrolases to be enhanced by up to 44.4–49.4% as compared with the control groups are established for each particular strain. Moreover, in the case of Aspergillus niger 33–19 CNMN FD 02A micromycetes, the acceleration of the growth cycle by 48 h is observed.  相似文献   

TiC_P/Ti复合材料的熔铸法制备及微观组织研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用熔铸法制备了原位自生钛合金基复合材料。为减少复合材料的成分波动 ,熔炼前先用混合均匀的TiC粉和铝粉制备TiC Al中间合金 ,然后用中间合金制取复合材料。研究了复合材料中TiC的形貌。结果表明所制备的复合材料的成分易控制 ,波动小。对其TEM的研究表明 ,其TiC形态为初生树枝晶和短棒状共晶 ,此外还发现有 0 3~ 0 6 μm的规则块状TiC颗粒析出 ,多分布在晶界上 ,与基体界面干净 ,无反应层 ,HRTEM也证明不存在反应层。基体中存在较多位错 ,且位错线上有阻碍位错运动的TiC析出物 ,。  相似文献   

We have calculated the electronic structures of Co2FeAl1-xSix(101) surface using first-principles method based on the density functional theory. Because of the surface effect, the minority spin band gap at the Fermi level disappears at the surface of bulk Co2FeAl1-xSix. However, beneath the surface, the minority spin gap opens at the Fermi level, which indicates that the electronic structures of Co2FeAl1-xSix(101) be-come close to that of bulk phase. Accordingly, the Co2FeAl1-xSix(101) surface is a composite tri-layer structure that corresponds to the weakening of half-metallic property in Co2FeAl1-xSix films. Even though, the spin polarization of Co2FeAl1-xSix(101) surface is still larger than that of Co2FeAl or Co2FeSi materials, making Co2FeAl1-xSix a promising spintronics material.  相似文献   

Al2O3 particle-reinforced ZL109 composite was prepared by in situ reaction between CuO and Al.The microstructure was observed by means of OM,SEM and TEM.The Al2O3 particles in sub-micron sizes distribute uniformly in the matrix,and the Cu displaced from the in situ reaction forms net-like alloy phases with other alloy elements.The hardness and the tensile strength of the composites at room temperature have a slight increase as compared to that of the matrix.However,the tensile strength at 350 ℃ has reached 90.23 MPa,or 16.92 MPa higher than that of the matrix.The mechanism of the reaction in the CuO/Al system was studied by using of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and thermodynamic calculation.The reaction between CuO and Al involves two steps.First,CuO reacts with Al to form Cu2O and Al2O3 at the melting temperature of the matrix alloy,and second,Cu2O reacts with Al to form Cu and Al2O3 at a higher temperature.At ZL109 casting temperature of 750-780 ℃,the second step can also take place because of the effect of exothermic reaction of the first step.  相似文献   

Two kinds of Al based functionally gradient composite tubes reinforced by primary Si particles alone and primary Si/in situ Mg2Si particles jointly were successfully prepared by centrifugal casting,and their structural and mechanical characters were compared.It is found that the composite reinforced with primary Si particles takes a characteristic of particles distribution both in the inner and outer layers.However,composite reinforced with primary Si/Mg2Si particles jointly takes a characteristic of partic...  相似文献   

The isotherms of the relative linear adsorption deformation of AUK microporous carbon adsorbent are measured during the n-pentane adsorption within the pressure range of 1 Pa to 50 kPa and at temperatures of 243, 273, 293, 313, 353, and 393 K. The curves of adsorption deformation have similar behavior within the whole range of investigated temperatures. Except for the initial pressure range p < 400 Pa, the adsorption deformation increases as pressure grows and reduces as temperature grows. The effects of adsorption deformation manifest extremely weakly at pressures of less than 400 Pa. Nevertheless, in this pressure range, at temperatures below 350 K, the initial compression of adsorbent (0.01%) is observed, which increases as temperature reduces. At higher temperatures, the sharp initial adsorbent expansion by 0.002% is observed, which transfers them to a narrow region of deformation constancy. Beyond this region, the adsorbent expands in all temperature ranges as the pressure increases.  相似文献   

MgTi x Ni (x = 0, 0.1, and 0.2) alloys were successfully prepared by mechanical alloying (MA), and the influence of milling time on the electrochemical characteristics of the electrodes was discussed. MgTi x Ni alloys after 90 h milling displayed the best electrochemical performance. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the alloy ball-milled for 90 h was amorphous with a widened diffraction peak. The charge-discharge tests indicated that these alloys had good electrochemical activation properties, and the MgTi0.2Ni alloy electrode exhibited the best cycle performance. The initial discharge capacity of the MgTi0.2Ni alloy reached up to 401.1 mAh·g−1, and the retention rate of capacity was 31.0% after 30 cycles, much higher than that of MgNi (17.3%). The Tafel polarization curves revealed that Ti addition could enhance the anticorrosion performance of these alloys in alkali solution, which was responsible for the ameliorated cyclic stability of these alloy electrodes.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the creep behavior of the Ti-35V-15Cr and Ti-35V-15Cr-0.2C alloys at 500 to 580 °C within the stress range of 200 to 300 MPa. The creep resistance of Ti-35V-15Cr-0.2C is considerably improved by the incorporation of Ti2C particulates into the Ti-35V-15Cr-0.2C matrix. This paper was presented at the Beta Titanium Alloys of the 00’s Symposium sponsored by the Titanium Committee of TMS, held during the 2005 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 13–16, 2005 in San Francisco, CA.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) model Hamiltonian, conditions have been investigated under which the local disturbance created by a nonmagnetic impurity atom can lead to the appearance of discrete levels inside the energy gap of a superconductor with s pairing. It has been established that the local suppression of the superconducting parameter of order at an impurity site creates localized states inside the gap, whereas the potential electron scattering at impurity atoms does not lead to the appearance of discrete levels. The positions of the intragap levels that appear upon the local suppression of the order parameter have been evaluated, to show that for the typical s-type superconductors these levels lie very close to the edge of the superconducting gap, near the band of quasi-continuous states; therefore, in the region of small concentrations of impurities they cannot noticeably influence the thermodynamic properties of superconductors. A situation is discussed where the introduction of an impurity into an s-type superconductor could create deep levels in the superconducting gap.  相似文献   

This study presented nanosized WC-Co composite powders synthesized using a one-step reduction-carbonization process with a combination of CH4/H2 as a gas carbon source and soluble starch as an in situ carbon source. The results of carbon analysis and X-ray diffraction revealed that WC-Co nanocomposite powders with a pure WC and Co phase could be obtained at 1100 °C after 0.5 h. A higher gas flow ratio of CH4/H2 during the reduction-carbonization process led to a higher total carbon content of the sample. A field emission scanning electron microscope confirmed that the particles in the WC-6 wt% Co composite powders had the lowest average size of 43 nm with equiaxed shapes. A sintering neck was observed in the WC-3 wt% Co composite powders whereas faceted particles were found in the WC-12 wt% Co composite powders. Moreover, this method has advantages of simple processing, rapid synthesis and good applicability in potential industry application.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) alloy 7075 reinforced with Al2O3 particles was prepared using the stir casting method. The microstructure of the cast composites showed some degree of porosity and sites of Al2O3 particle clustering, especially at high-volume fractions of Al2O3 particles. Different squeeze pressures (25 and 50 MPa) were applied to the cast composite during solidification to reduce porosity and particle clusters. Microstructure examinations of the squeeze cast composites showed remarkable grain refining compared with that of the matrix alloy. As the volume fraction of particles and applied squeeze pressure increased, the hardness linearly increased. This increase was related to the modified structure and the decrease in the porosity. The effect of particle volume fraction and squeeze pressure on the dry-sliding wear of the composites was studied. Experiments were performed at 10, 30, and 50 N with a sliding speed of 1 m/s using a pin-on-ring apparatus. Increasing the particle volume fraction and squeeze pressure improved the wear resistance of the composite compared with that of the monolithic alloy, because the Al2O3 particles acted as load-bearing constituents. Also, these results can be attributed to the fact that the application of squeeze pressure during solidification led to a reduction in the porosity, and an increase in the solidification rate, leading to a finer structure. Moreover, the application of squeeze pressure improved the interface strength between the matrix and Al2O3 particles by elimination of the porosity at the interface, thereby providing better mechanical locking.  相似文献   

Titanium-based composite coatings reinforced by in situ synthesized TiB and TiC particles between titanium and B4C were successfully fab-ricated on Ti6A14V by laser cladding. Phase constituents of the coatings were predicted by thermodynamic calculations in the Ti-B4C-Al and Ti-B-C-Al systems, respectively, and were validated well by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis results. Microstructural and metallographic analyses were made by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). The results show that the coatings are mainly composed of α-Ti cellular dendrites and the eutecticum in which a large number of needle-shaped TiB and a few equiaxial TiC particles are embedded. C is enriched in α-Ti cellular dendrites and far exceeds the theoretical maximum dissolubility, owing to the extension of saturation during laser cladding. The coatings have a good metallurgical bond with the substrate due to the existence of the dilution zone, in which a great amount of lamella β-Ti grains consisting of a thin needle-shaped martensitic microstructurc are present and grow parallel to the heat flux direction; a few TiB and TiC reinforcements are observed at the boundaries of initial β-Ti grains.  相似文献   

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