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《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):1246-1266
The objective was to evaluate relationships between putative periparturient management and dietary factors at the pen and herd levels with metabolic- and inflammation-related analytes, health disorders, milk yield, and reproductive performance. Multiparous and primiparous cows from 72 farms in the northeastern United States were enrolled in a prospective cohort study. Farms were visited 3 times during the prepartum and postpartum periods: during the far-off dry, close-up dry, and fresh periods. Pen measurements were taken at each visit for the pens where cows sampled were housed, and particle size was determined for the total mixed ration for the pen. A survey was used to acquire data on herd-level management variables. Blood samples were collected from the same 11 to 24 cows per farm during the close-up and fresh period visits. Whole blood was analyzed for postpartum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentrations, and plasma was analyzed for prepartum and postpartum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and postpartum haptoglobin (Hp) concentrations. Health event, milk yield, and reproductive records were acquired through the records management software program used on the farm. For the pen-level analysis, primiparous and multiparous cows were analyzed separately. For the pen- and herd-level analysis, a simple linear regression was conducted on all possible explanatory variables. Variables were included in the full multivariable general linear model if P < 0.20, and a manual backward stepwise elimination process ensued until all variables had P < 0.10. Our results indicate that pen- and herd-level management factors are associated with blood biomarkers, health, milk yield, and reproductive performance. For the prepartum period, our results support increasing the proportion of particles on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, optimizing bunk space, and not overfeeding metabolizable energy (ME), to decrease the prevalence of elevated postpartum NEFA, BHB, and Hp concentrations, decrease disorder incidence, maximize milk yield, and improve pregnancy risk to first service. For the fresh period, our results generally support optimizing bunk space, avoiding commingling, increasing feeding frequency, avoiding high physically effective undigested neutral detergent fiber (NDF) after 240 h of in vitro fermentation and high total fermentable carbohydrate diets while optimizing the inclusion of forage NDF, and ensuring adequate diet ME and metabolizable protein to reduce the prevalence of elevated postpartum NEFA, BHB, and Hp concentrations, minimize disorder incidence, maximize milk yield, and improve pregnancy risk to first service. At the herd level, our results generally support not vaccinating in the calving pen, minimizing the number of prepartum and postpartum pen moves, and avoiding long stays in the calving pen after parturition to reduce the prevalence of elevated biomarker concentrations, decrease disorder incidence, increase milk yield, and improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):5327-5348
Our objective was to describe management and herd characteristics of the transition period on freestall dairy herds in the northeastern United States using an on-farm survey and prospective cohort design. Enrolled herds (n = 72) had a median of 900 milking cows (range: 345–2,900) and a rolling herd average of 12,674 kg (standard deviation ± 1,220 kg), and 87.2% (n = 82/94) of fresh pens were milked at least 3×/d. The prevalence of herds with ≥15% of sampled cows with elevated concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids prepartum (≥0.27 mmol/L, 2–14 d before parturition) and postpartum [primiparous: ≥0.60 mmol/L, multiparous: ≥0.70 mmol/L, 3–14 d in milk (DIM)], β-hydroxybutyrate postpartum (≥1.2 mmol/L, 3–14 DIM), and haptoglobin postpartum (≥1 g/L, 0–12 DIM) was 51%, 51%, 51%, and 57%, respectively. In most herds, cows were moved to a calving pen when showing signs of labor (73.6%; n = 53/72) instead of 0 to 3 d before expected calving (26.4%, n = 19/72). Cows remained in the calving or maternity pen for a median (range) time of 2 (0–24) h after parturition before moving to the next pen. Primiparous cows remained in the first pen moved to after parturition for a longer period than multiparous cows [median (range) days: 12 (1.5–25) vs. 6 (1.5–22)]. Approximately 20% of herds had routine vaccinations administered in the maternity or calving pen, first pen after parturition, or both. Almost all herds (n = 69/72) performed fresh cow health checks; however, only 53% (n = 38/72) locked up all fresh cows daily. More herds housed primiparous and multiparous cows in separate pens during the far-off dry (65.3%; n = 47/72) and high-lactation (81.9%; n = 59/72) periods compared with the close-up dry (31.9%; n = 23/72) and fresh periods (27.8%; n = 20/72). At least half of the pens observed during the far-off dry, close-up dry, and fresh periods had a stocking density <100%. Approximately one-third of pens observed during the far-off dry period had feed pushed up ≤4×/d compared with approximately 15 to 20% of pens observed during the close-up dry, fresh, and high-lactation periods. More than half of the total mixed ration samples acquired from the far-off and close-up dry period visits had greater than the recommended proportion of particles in the 19-mm screen of the Penn State Particle Separator. The results of this observational study illustrated the range of management practices used in freestall herds in this region and lay the groundwork for future hypothesis-driven studies using this sampled population.  相似文献   

Absorption of adequate IgG from colostrum is critical to provide the newborn calf with adequate immunological protection and resistance to disease. Excessive iodine supplementation of the prepartum ewe reduces IgG absorption of her offspring; it is possible that excessive iodine supplementation of the prepartum dairy cow may similarly impair the ability of the calf to acquire immunological protection. The objectives of this study were to determine whether the iodine status, health status, and ability of calves to absorb IgG from colostrum were affected by prepartum iodine supplementation strategies of their dams. Dairy cows (n = 127) received one of the following levels of iodine supplementation precalving: 15 mg of iodine/kg of dietary dry matter (DM) (HI); no additional iodine supplementation (MI); 5 mg/kg of dietary DM (SI); and 15 mg of iodine/kg of DM for the first 3.5 wk of the precalving period and no additional supplementation for the second 3.5 wk (HMI). Calves were assigned to 1 of 6 experimental treatments, based on the prepartum iodine supplementation treatment of their dam and the precalving treatment group of the cows from which the colostrum fed was obtained: (1) HI_HI: born to HI dams, fed HI colostrum (i.e., colostrum produced by cows in the HI group); (2) MI_MI: born to MI dams, fed MI colostrum; (3) SI_SI: born to SI dams, fed SI colostrum; (4) HI_MI: born to HI dams, fed MI colostrum; (5) MI_HI: born to MI dams, fed HI colostrum; and (6) HMI_HMI: born to HMI dams, fed HMI colostrum. Concentration of calf serum IgG and plasma inorganic iodine (PII) was measured at 0 and 24 h of age. Apparent efficiency of absorption for IgG was determined. Health scores were assigned to calves twice weekly and all episodes of disease were recorded. Cow experimental treatment group affected calf PII at 0 h of age; the PII of calves born to HI dams (987.2 µg/L) was greater than that of calves born to MI dams (510.1 µg/L), SI (585.2 µg/L), and HMI dams (692.9 µg/L). Calf experimental treatment group affected calf PII at 24 h of age; the PII of HI_HI (1,259.2 µg/L) and HI_MI (1,177.8 µg/L) calves was greater than MI_MI (240.7 µg/L), SI_SI (302.2 µg/L), HMI_HMI (320.7 µg/L), and MI_HI (216.3 µg/L) calves. No effect of experimental treatment was observed on the concentration of IgG measured in calf serum at 24 h of age, or on apparent efficiency of absorption. Experimental treatment had no effect on the likelihood of a calf being assigned a worse nasal, eye and ear, cough, or fecal score within the study period, nor did it affect the probability of a calf receiving treatment for a disease a greater number of times. Prepartum iodine supplementation of cows at 15mg/kg of DM increased the iodine levels in their calves at birth and 24 h of age, but did not affect their ability to absorb IgG from colostrum. Supplementation with iodine above the minimum requirements established by the National Research Council was unnecessary to ensure appropriate iodine levels in calves at birth.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to evaluate histopathologic changes during the transition period, describe the histopathological features of the metabotypes identified in Part I (Schären et al., 2021b), and investigate effects of a metaphylactic treatment with butaphosphan and cyanocobalamin (BCC) on the liver parenchyma. Eighty German Holstein cows (mean 305-d production: 10,957 kg, range: 6,480–15,193 kg; mean lactation number: 3.9, range: 2–9) from a commercial dairy farm in Saxony, Germany, were enrolled in a randomized, prospective, triple-blinded study. Two groups received a treatment with BCC (5 or 10 mL/100 kg of body weight 10% butaphosphan and 0.005% cyanocobalamin, Catosal, Bayer Animal Health, n = 20 each) and one group a placebo treatment (NaCl 0.9%, n = 40). Liver biopsy specimens were collected 14 d antepartum (AP) and 7, 28, and 42 d postpartum (PP), routinely processed for histologic examination, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Sudan III, periodic acid-Schiff, and picrosirius red stains. The sections were assessed for fat and glycogen content and degenerative, inflammatory, fibrotic, and proliferative changes. The statistical analysis included the effects of the sampling day, the lactation number, the treatment, and the metabotype (A = medium, B = minor, C = large alterations in the liver metabolome profile between AP and PP status). There was mild to moderate fat infiltration in the liver of 37% of cows in the last 2 wk AP, and moderate to severe fat infiltration in 66% of cows in the first days PP. The degree of fat infiltration increased from 2 wk AP until the end of the first week PP, and then decreased until the end of the study period, at which time about 25% of cows had moderate to severe fatty infiltration. Lipidosis was positively correlated with the severity of liver cell degeneration, and negatively correlated with the degree of glycogen deposits. Complete glycogen depletion of hepatocytes was not observed in cows, even in the presence of severe hepatic lipidosis. Moderate to severe lymphocytic hepatitis was seen in 39% of cows throughout the study period, and cows with lactation numbers 5 or greater had perisinusoidal fibrosis more often than younger cows. Severe fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver did not occur. Metabotype B animals exhibited a higher chance of fatty infiltration, lower glycogen storage, and perisinusoidal fibrosis and for this metabotype positive correlations were calculated between increased fat deposition in the liver and marked glycogen depletion, and increased degenerative, inflammatory, fibrotic, and proliferative changes of hepatic tissue. For the treatment with BCC, no significant effect was observed. In summary, during the transition period, the liver of dairy cows is characterized by fat accumulation and glycogen depletion and histologic signs of hepatitis and hepatocyte degeneration. These histomorphologic changes were accentuated in animals exhibiting little alterations in their liver metabolome profile across the transition period (metabotype B) and support the assumption of a decreased grass silage quality as a causative factor.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify herd-level colostrum management factors associated with the adequate transfer of passive immunity (TPI; defined as serum Brix refractance ≥8.4% in the first week of life). A total of 59 commercial Holstein dairy farms were included in this observational cross-sectional study. In every participating herd, a minimum of 14 Holstein calves were sampled to measure their TPI using a digital Brix refractometer. Colostrum samples fed to each of these calves were collected to estimate IgG concentration (colostrum quality) using a digital Brix refractometer and bacterial contamination using the Petrifilm (3M, St. Paul, MN) culture system. Dairy producers completed a questionnaire on colostrum management to assess on-farm practices. The study outcome was the prevalence of adequate TPI calculated based on the proportion of adequate TPI (defined with an individual threshold ≥8.4% Brix) on the total samples tested within each herd. According to the threshold determined in a previous study investigating the influencing colostrum management factors to achieve adequate TPI at the calf level, the prevalence of an adequate colostrum volume fed at first meal (≥2.5 L), the prevalence of adequate colostrum quality (≥24.5% Brix), the prevalence of an adequate time to first feeding (delay between birth and the first colostrum meal, ≤3 h), the prevalence of low aerobic bacterial contamination (≤20,000 cfu/mL), the prevalence of low coliform contamination (≤1,000 cfu/mL), and the prevalence of females were calculated. The herd-level prevalence of adequate TPI ranged from 24% to 100%, with a median of 68%. The median herd prevalences of an adequate colostrum volume fed at first meal, of adequate colostrum quality, of an adequate time to first feeding, of low aerobic bacterial contamination, of low coliform contamination, and of females, were 71, 42, 41, 64, 88, and 61%, respectively. In the final model, the prevalence of adequate TPI was associated with the prevalence of an adequate colostrum volume fed at first meal and the prevalence of an adequate time to first feeding. In summary, management practices varied greatly between farms and influenced the prevalence of adequate TPI.  相似文献   

The objective of our experiment was to evaluate the effects of prill size of a palmitic acid–enriched fatty acid supplement (PA; 85% C16:0) on feed intake, nutrient digestibility, and production responses of dairy cows. Twenty-four primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows were assigned based on parity and production level to replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares balanced for carryover effects with 21-d periods. Treatments were a control diet (no added PA), or 2.0% PA added as a small prill size (PA-SM; 284 ± 12.4 µm), a medium prill size (PA-MD; 325 ± 14.7 µm), or a large prill size (PA-LG; 600 ± 17.4 µm) supplement. Overall, PA treatments increased milk fat content (4.25 vs. 3.99%), milk fat yield (1.48 vs. 1.39 kg/d), 3.5% fat-corrected milk (39.2 vs. 37.7 kg/d), and improved feed efficiency (fat-corrected milk:dry matter intake; 1.51 vs. 1.42) compared with control. Compared with control, PA treatments did not affect dry matter intake, body weight, body condition score, or yields of milk, protein, and lactose. The PA treatments increased neutral detergent fiber digestibility (44.8 vs. 42.4%) and reduced the digestibility of 16-carbon fatty acids (72.3 vs. 79.1%) and total fatty acids (76.6 vs. 80.3%). Compared with control, PA treatments reduced the contents of de novo synthesized milk fatty acids (23.0 vs. 25.8 g/100 g of fatty acids) and preformed milk fatty acids (36.3 vs. 39.1 g/100 g of fatty acids), but did not affect their yields. In contrast, PA treatments increased the content (40.8 vs. 35.1 g/100 g of fatty acids) and yield (570 vs. 436 g/d) of 16-carbon milk fatty acids compared with control. The PA prill size had no effect on dry matter intake, yield of milk and milk components, or feed efficiency. However, PA-LG tended to increase milk fat content compared with PA-SM (4.28 vs. 4.22%), and it increased 16-carbon fatty acid digestibility compared with PA-MD (74.2 vs. 71.0%) and PA-SM (74.2 vs. 71.7%). Additionally, PA-LG increased total fatty acid digestibility compared with PA-MD (78.1 vs. 75.6%) and PA-SM (78.1 vs. 76.0%). Results demonstrate that PA increased milk fat content and yield, and feed efficiency. Reducing prill size decreased fatty acid digestibility, but it had no effect on animal performance under the dietary conditions and prill sizes evaluated.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1014-1027
Several factors influence the composition of milk. Among these, genetic variation within and between cattle breeds influences milk protein composition, protein heterogeneity, and their posttranslational modifications. Such variations may further influence technological properties, which are of importance for the utilization of milk into dairy products. Furthermore, these potential variations may also facilitate the production of differentiated products (e.g., related to specific breeds or specific genetic variants). The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic variation and relative protein composition of the major proteins in milk from 6 native Norwegian dairy breeds representing heterogeneity in geographical origin, using the modern Norwegian breed, Norwegian Red, as reference. In total, milk samples from 144 individual cows were collected and subjected to liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry–based proteomics for identification of genetic and posttranslational modification isoforms of the 4 caseins (αS1-CN, αS2-CN, β-CN, κ-CN) and the 2 most abundant whey proteins (α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin). Relative quantification of these proteins and their major isoforms, including phosphorylations of αS1-CN and glycosylation of κ-CN, were determined based on UV absorbance. The presence and frequency of genetic variants of the breeds were found to be very diverse and it was possible to identify rare variants of the CN, which, to our knowledge, have not been identified in these breeds before. Thus, αS1-CN variant D was identified in low frequency in 3 of the 6 native Norwegian breeds. In general, αS1-CN was found to be quite diverse between the native breeds, and the even less frequent A and C variants were furthermore detected in 1 and 5 of the native breeds, respectively. The αS1-CN variant C was also identified in samples from the Norwegian Red cattle. The variant E of κ-CN was identified in 2 of the native Norwegian breeds. Another interesting finding was the identification of αS2-CN variant D, which was found in relatively high frequencies in the native breeds. Diversity in more common protein genetic variants were furthermore observed in the protein profiles of the native breeds compared with milk from the high-yielding Norwegian Reds, probably reflecting the more diverse genetic background between the native breeds.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR able to identify cows’, goats’ and sheep's milk in dairy products was developed. Specific primers were designed in the mitochondrial 12s and 16s rRNA genes so as to generate fragments of different length.The assay was applied to 19 cheeses from the retail trade in order to verify the label statements. The multiplex PCR results were confirmed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism.The proposed multiplex PCR represents a rapid and sensitive method applicable on a routine basis. In fact it enables to detect, in a single step, goats’, sheep's and cows’ milk in dairy products with a good sensitivity threshold (0.5%).  相似文献   

Dairy cows in modern production systems are at risk to develop metabolic disorders during the transition period. Reasons for individual differences in susceptibility, as well as the underlying pathomechanisms, are still only partially understood. The development of metaphylactic treatment protocols is needed. In this context, an on-farm prospective 3-fold blinded randomized study involving 80 German Holstein cows was performed throughout 1 yr. The trial involved a thorough recording of the production and clinical traits, clinical chemistry, and liver biopsies and blood and urine sampling at d 14 (mean: 12 d, range: 1–26 d) antepartum (AP), and d 7 (7, 4–13) and 28 (28, 23–34) postpartum (PP) for metabolomics analyses. Two groups received a treatment with butaphosphan and cyanocobalamin (BCC) at either the dosage recommended by the manufacturer or the double dosage (5 or 10 mL/100 kg of body weight 10% butaphosphan and 0.005% cyanocobalamin (Catosal, Bayer Animal Health), n = 20 in each group, parity: 4.2 ± 2.0 and 3.4 ± 1.3, respectively (mean ± SD)] and one group a placebo treatment (NaCl 0.9%, n = 40, parity: 4.0 ± 1.9). The animals were treated at 6 time points (7, 6, and 5 d AP, and 1, 2, and 3 d PP) via intravenous injection. Mass spectroscopy-based targeted metabolomics analysis of blood plasma and liver samples were performed using the AbsoluteIDQ p180 kit (Biocrates Life Sciences), whereas the urine samples were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate [partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)] and univariate methods (linear mixed model). Multivariate data analysis (PLS-DA plots) of the liver metabolome revealed 3 different metabotypes (A = medium, B = minor, C = large alterations in liver metabolome profile between AP and PP status). Metabotype B animals were characterized by higher PP lipomobilization (stronger PP body condition decrease and higher blood bilirubin, fatty acids, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and triglyceride levels) and a higher occurrence of transition cow diseases, compared with the animals in metabotype C. Analysis of the feeding data showed that the period of metabotype B animals (calving in a distinct time frame) was characterized by a decreased grass silage quality. The PP liver metabolome of the metabotype C animals was characterized by higher concentrations of AA, acylcarnitines, lysoPC and sphingomyelins compared with metabotype B. For the metaphylactic treatment with BCC a dose-dependent effect was confirmed, differing between the metabotypes. In all matrices and metabotypes at various time points significant treatment effects were observed, with different profiles in clinical chemistry and as well in metabolomics data. The most clear-cut treatment effect was observed in metabotype B in the liver at 7 d PP, characterized by an increase in several acylcarnitines and phosphatidylcholines, indicating a more efficient influx and oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria and thereby an increase in energy supply and more efficient triglyceride export in the liver. The results from the liver metabolomics analysis support the application of an indication-based metaphylactic treatment with BCC.  相似文献   

This paper reflects the concepts reviewed during the presentation in the Joint MILK/Lactation Biology Symposium at the ADSA 2018 Annual Meeting. Our intention is to update the concepts and advances in the area of research regarding milk phospholipids or polar lipid fraction as part of a dairy ingredient used today in nutritional studies that focus on gut health as well as brain development of infants. Although processing advances have allowed the production of novel ingredients rich in milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) components, mostly monitored by phospholipid concentration and presence of membrane proteins, there is wide variability in their composition and structure. Furthermore, we aimed to include in the phospholipid fraction of milk nanovesicles designated as milk exosomes, which are secreted into milk by different secretion mechanisms than those of the fat globules but are also made up of a unique mixture of polar lipids. We consider imperative the study of polar lipid-derived structures from milk regarding composition and structure to gain insights into their biological effect in human health. Nevertheless, and tolerating the differences in composition and concentration of their components, studies supplementing the diet of infants with polar lipids (i.e., MFGM components) have shown significant advances in several areas of human health and well-being. Here we present a summary of the important components of MFGM and milk exosomes as well as an overview of the effects on gut health and brain and cognitive development when added to the diet of infants.  相似文献   

Children with Phenylketonuria (PKU) and severe cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) consume prescribed, specially formulated, foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs) as well as restricted amounts of normal foods. These patients are exposed to artificial sweeteners from the consumption of a combination of free and prescribed foods. Young patients with PKU and CMPA have a higher risk of exceeding acceptable daily intakes (ADI) for additives than age-matched healthy children. A predictive modelling approach has been adapted successfully to assess the additive exposure of young patients with PKU and CMPA to artificial sweeteners. Steviol glycosides (E960) are at various stages of regulatory approval for the various food categories in the EU but are not as yet permitted for use in products intended for young children. The aim of this study was to predict potential steviol glycoside exposure in young children with PKU and CMPA considering the potential for future provisions for the use of this sweetener. The recent introduction of steviol glycosides means that no exposure data are available for children with CMPA and PKU. Food consumption data were derived from the food consumption survey data of healthy young children in Ireland from the National Preschool and Nutrition Survey (NPNS, 2010–11). Specially formulated amino acid-based FSMPs are used to replace whole or milk protein foods and were included in the exposure model to replace restricted foods. The recommendations to ensure adequate protein intake in these patients were used to determine FSMP intake. Exposure assessment results indicated that the maximum permitted level (MPL) for FSMPs would warrant careful consideration to avoid exposures above the ADI. These data can be used to inform recommendations for the medical nutrition industry.  相似文献   

This study assessed prevalence of boar taint in backfat and lean of barrows, gilts, sows, and boars, collected from abattoirs, without knowledge of the farms of origin, in different regions in the United States. Concentrations of 5α-androstenone (liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy) and skatole (liquid chromatography with fluorescent detection) in backfat were measured. A trained panel evaluated boar taint aroma in heated samples. Mean 5α-androstenone and skatole levels were low among barrows, gilts, and sows, whereas 55.8% of boars scored above a 1.0 μg/g threshold for 5α-androstenone concentrations and 34.2% were above a 0.2 μg/g threshold for skatole concentrations. Mean aroma scores for backfat and lean from barrows, gilts, and sows were low. In comparison, 59.2% of boars had elevated mean aroma scores from fat samples and 31.7% from lean. Importantly, boar taint aroma was detectable by the trained panel in at least some animals in each of the sex classes.  相似文献   

Montbéliarde (MO) × Holstein (HO) and Viking Red (VR) × HO crossbred cows were compared with pure HO cows in 8 large, high-performance dairy herds in Minnesota. All cows calved for the first time from December 2010 to April 2014. Fertility and survival traits were calculated from records of insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, calving, and disposal that were recorded via management software. Body condition score and conformation were subjectively scored once during early lactation by trained evaluators. The analysis of survival to 60 d in milk included 536 MO × HO, 560 VR × HO, and 1,033 HO cows during first lactation. Cows analyzed for other fertility, survival, and conformation traits had up to 13% fewer cows available for analysis. The first service conception rate of the crossbred cows (both types combined) increased 7%, as did the conception rate across the first 5 inseminations, compared with the HO cows during first lactation. Furthermore, the combined crossbred cows (2.11 ± 0.05) had fewer times bred than HO cows (2.30 ± 0.05) and 10 fewer d open compared with their HO herdmates. Across the 8 herds, breed groups did not differ for survival to 60 d in milk; however, the superior fertility of the crossbred cows allowed an increased proportion of the combined crossbreds (71 ± 1.5%) to calve a second time within 14 mo compared with the HO cows (63 ± 1.5%). For survival to second calving, the combined crossbred cows had 4% superior survival compared with the HO cows. The MO × HO and VR × HO crossbred cows both had increased body condition score (+0.50 ± 0.02 and +0.25 ± 0.02, respectively) but shorter stature and less body depth than HO cows. The MO × HO cows had less set to the hock and a steeper foot angle than the HO cows, and the VR × HO cows had more set to the hock with a similar foot angle to the HO cows. The combined crossbred cows had less udder clearance from the hock than HO cows, more width between both front and rear teats, and longer teat length than the HO cows; however, the frequency of first-lactation cows culled for udder conformation was uniformly low (<1%) across the breed groups.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(9):10217-10231
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection has a major effect on the health of cows and consequently on herd performance. Many countries have implemented control or eradication programs to mitigate BVDV infection and its negative effects. These negative effects of BVDV infection on dairy herds are well documented, but there is much less information about the effects of new introduction of BVDV on dairy herds already participating in a BVDV control program. The objective of our study was to investigate the effect of a new BVDV introduction in BVDV-free herds participating in the Dutch BVDV-free program on herd performance. Longitudinal herd-level surveillance data were combined with herd information data to create 4 unique data sets, including a monthly test-day somatic cell count (SCC) data set, annual calving interval (CIV) and culling risk (CR) data sets, and a quarterly calf mortality rate (CMR) data set. Each database contained 2 types of herds: herds that remained BVDV free during the whole study period (defined as free herds), and herds that lost their BVDV-free status during the study period (defined as breakdown herds). The date of losing the BVDV-free status was defined as breakdown date. To compare breakdown herds with free herds, a random breakdown date was artificially generated for free herds by simple random sampling from the distribution of the breakdown month of the breakdown herds. The SCC and CIV before and after a new introduction of BVDV were compared through linear mixed-effects models with a Gaussian distribution, and the CR and CMR were modeled using a negative binomial distribution in generalized linear mixed-effects models. The explanatory variables for all models included herd type, BVDV status, year, and a random herd effect. Herd size was included as an explanatory variable in the SCC, CIV, and CMR model. Season was included as an explanatory variable in the SCC and CMR model. Results showed that free herds have lower SCC, CR, CMR, and shorter CIV than the breakdown herds. Within the breakdown herds, the new BVDV introduction affected the SCC and CMR. In the year after BVDV introduction, the SCC was higher than that in the year before BVDV introduction, with a factor of 1.011 [2.5th to 97.5th percentile (95% PCTL): 1.002, 1.020]. Compared with the year before BVDV breakdown, the CMR in the year of breakdown and the year after breakdown was higher, with factors of 1.170 (95% PCTL: 1.120; 1.218) and 1.096 (95% PCTL: 1.048; 1.153), respectively. This study reveals that a new introduction of BVDV had a negative but on average relatively small effect on herd performance in herds participating in a BVDV control program.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the hygienic quality of raw milk used in the manufacture of S?o Jorge, a Protected Denomination of Origin Portuguese semihard cheese, as well as to ascertain the sanitary conditions prevailing during its processing. Viable counts of Enterobacteriaceae and Micrococcaceae were accordingly obtained, pertaining to 21 independent batches (including samples of raw milk, curd, and cheeses after 1, 3, and 4 months of ripening), from 7 dairy farms. Standard plate counts (log CFU per milliliter or per gram) ranged from 6.1 to 8.6 in raw milk, whereas they ranged from 7.0 to 8.0 in 4-month-old cheeses. Viable counts of Enterobacteriaceae ranged between 5.9 and 7.0 in raw milk and between 0.0 and 1.3 in 4-month-old cheeses. Species identified within this family encompassed Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter sakazakii, and Escherichia coli; Klebsiella ornithinolytica, Klebsiella terrigena, and Serratia odorifera were detected only in raw milk. No Salmonella whatsoever could be detected in any of the samples. Viable counts of Micrococcaceae ranged between 4.7 and 5.9 and between 1.3 and 3.3 in raw milk and 4-month-old cheeses, respectively. Species identified within this family encompassed Staphylococcus sciuri, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus (which was found mainly in ripened cheeses), and Staphylococcus aureus (which was not detected in 4-month-old cheeses). Accompanying physicochemical analyses included determination of moisture, salt, and pH. Statistical analyses revealed a negative correlation between salt content and viable numbers of Enterobacteriaceae in cheese, whereas in the case of Micrococcaceae, a more negative correlation was found between viable numbers and moisture content than between viable numbers and pH. The results of our study indicate, in general, poor milk handling conditions in all farms, given that the indicators total mesophile and Enterobacteriaceae counts were high, between 100- and 1,000-fold those enforced by international standards pertaining to the matrices in question. However, by the time of regular consumption (i.e., after 4 months of ripening), S?o Jorge cheeses exhibit low levels of contamination by Enterobacteriaceae and S. aureus, as well as absence of Salmonella.  相似文献   

Effects of green tea catechin (GTC, catechin content 61.4%) on the formations of hydroperoxide, malonaldehyde, and volatile compounds, and losses of retinol and tocopherol in milk during light illumination were studied. GTC showed surprisingly high protective activity of milk photooxidation, in a dose dependent manner. GTC at 25 ppm exerted 82.1 and 75.0% inhibitions of hydroperoxide and malonaldehyde formation during 30 h light illumination, respectively. GTC at 25 ppm exerted 88.7 and 94.3% inhibition of hexanal and heptanal formation in milk during 30 h light illumination, respectively. The 25 ppm GTC greatly suppressed the losses of retinol and α-tocopherol, showing 53.6 and 58.7% protections of their losses in milk after 12 h light illumination, respectively. The protective activity of GTC was at least 4 times higher than ascorbic acid. The inhibitory activities of GTC and ascorbic acid against the photooxidation of milk were in consistent with their singlet oxygen quenching abilities.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in lactating ewes to examine the involvement of ?9-desaturase in mammary lipogenesis, especially in the endogenous synthesis of cis-9, trans-11 18:2 and cis-9 18:1, because no information on this matter was available for dairy sheep. With this aim, 6 Assaf ewes were monitored in a 15-d experiment, which included a 5-d pretreatment period, a 5-d treatment period, and a 5-d posttreatment period. During the treatment period, ewes received 0.5 g/d of sterculic acid (a cyclopropene fatty acid that inhibits ?9-desaturase), delivered intravenously in 4 equal doses at 6-h intervals. Animals were fed pasture to supply mainly α-linolenic acid and minimize the amount of milk cis-9, trans-11 18:2 of ruminal origin. Sterculic acid administration was calculated to inhibit ?9-desaturase by 70% based on the milk content of cis-9 14:1. This inhibition resulted in decreases in the milk content of the enzyme products (e.g., cis-9 10:1, cis-9 14:1, cis-9 16:1, cis-9 18:1, and cis-9, trans-11 18:2) and increases in its substrates (e.g., 14:0, 18:0, and trans-11 18:1), as well as in reductions in the desaturase indexes. Some other milk fatty acids, further to previously reported products or substrates of ?9-desaturase (e.g., cis-15 18:1 and cis-9, cis-15 18:2, or trans-11, trans-15 18:2, and cis-9, trans-11, trans-15 18:3), were also affected by sterculic acid administration. Endogenous synthesis was the major source of cis-9 18:1 and cis-9, trans-11 18:2, accounting for 63 and 74% of its content in milk fat, respectively. To our knowledge, the present study provides the first estimates of endogenous synthesis of these 2 bioactive fatty acids in ovine milk fat.  相似文献   

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