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The objective of the experiment was to evaluate effects of increased milk replacer feeding on growth, intake, feed efficiency, and health parameters in stressed calves. Holstein bull calves (n = 120; approximately 3 to 8 d of age) were purchased from sale barns and dairy farms and housed in fiberglass hutches. In addition, wood shavings contaminated with coronavirus were mixed with clean shavings and added to each hutch before the start of the experiment. Calves were fed either a fixed amount (454 g/d) of a 20% crude protein (CP), 20% fat milk replacer to weaning at 28 d or a variable amount (454, 681, 908, and 454 g/d on d 0 to 7, 8 to 14, 15 to 31, and 32 to 41, respectively) of a milk replacer containing 28% CP and 17% fat without or with added dietary supplement containing bovine serum. Calves were also fed commercial calf starter and water ad libitum. Plasma IgG concentration in most calves on arrival at the facility was < 10 g/L. Intake, change in body weight, feed efficiency, morbidity and mortality, and selected plasma metabolites were determined. Body weight at 28 d, 56 d, daily body weight gain, intake of milk replacer, fecal scores, days with diarrhea, and days treated with antibiotics were increased with feeding variable amount of milk replacer over the 56-d study. Starter intake from d 1 to 56 was reduced from 919 to 717 g/d in calves fed fixed and variable amounts of milk replacer, respectively. Morbidity, measured as the number of days that calves had diarrhea, was increased by 53% when a variable amount of milk replacer was fed. Calves fed variable milk replacer were treated with antibiotics for 3.1 d compared with 1.9 d for calves fed 454 g of milk replacer/d. Concentrations of plasma glucose, urea N, and insulin-like growth factor-I were increased when calves were fed variable amount of milk replacer. Dietary supplement containing bovine serum had no effect on any parameter measured. There was no effect of milk replacer feeding on concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids, total protein, or growth hormone concentrations. Plasma tumor necrosis factor-α was highest in calves with the highest plasma IgG concentrations on the day of arrival and might be related to the calf's ability to identify pathogens in the environment. Under conditions of this study, calves fed variable amount of milk replacer and exposed to immunological challenge before weaning had greater BW gain, but also increased incidence of diarrhea that required added veterinary treatments.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2408-2427
The composition of milk replacer (MR) for calves greatly differs from that of bovine whole milk, which may affect gastrointestinal development of young calves. In this light, the objective of the current study was to compare gastrointestinal tract structure and function in response to feeding liquid diets having a same macronutrient profile (e.g., fat, lactose, protein) in calves in the first month of life. Eighteen male Holstein calves (46.6 ± 5.12 kg; 1.4 ± 0.50 d of age at arrival; mean ± standard deviation) were housed individually. Upon arrival, calves were blocked based on age and arrival day, and, within a block, calves were randomly assigned to either a whole milk powder (WP; 26% fat, DM basis, n = 9) or a MR high in fat (25% fat, n = 9) fed 3.0 L 3 times daily (9 L total per day) at 135 g/L through teat buckets. On d 21, gut permeability was assessed with indigestible permeability markers [chromium (Cr)-EDTA, lactulose, and d-mannitol]. On d 32 after arrival, calves were slaughtered. The weight of the total forestomach without contents was greater in WP-fed calves. Furthermore, duodenum and ileum weights were similar between treatment groups, but jejunum and total small intestine weights were greater in WP-fed calves. The surface area of the duodenum and ileum did not differ between treatment groups, but the surface area of the proximal jejunum was greater in calves fed WP. Urinary lactulose and Cr-EDTA recoveries were greater in calves fed WP in the first 6 h post marker administration. Tight junction protein gene expression in the proximal jejunum or ileum did not differ between treatments. The free fatty acid and phospholipid fatty acid profiles in the proximal jejunum and ileum differed between treatments and generally reflected the fatty acid profile of each liquid diet. Feeding WP or MR altered gut permeability and fatty acid composition of the gastrointestinal tract and further investigation are needed to understand the biological relevance of the observed differences.  相似文献   

Little information is available on how much water ad libitum milk-fed calves consume during the milk-feeding stage and during weaning to solid feed. Further, no information exists on the effects on calf behavior and performance of different water delivery systems during these stages. Therefore, the objectives of this study were first, to examine the water intake of calves fed acidified milk replacer ad libitum during the milk-feeding and weaning stages, and second, to determine whether the method of water delivery affected water and feed intake and growth during these periods or oral behavior during weaning. To evaluate this, we registered feed and water intake, growth, and oral behaviors of 24 dairy calves before and after abrupt weaning from a 7-wk ad libitum acidified milk replacer feeding regimen. Two water sources (open bucket and nipple) were compared. During the 7-wk milk-feeding period, the calves drank, on average, 12.9 ± 0.7 L/d of acidified milk replacer but very little water. However, after abrupt removal of milk, the 2-mo-old calves rapidly increased their water intake. Moreover, no differences in water intake between the 2 water sources were noted either before or after abrupt weaning. Calves were observed to have some difficulties in using the water nipple. Calves provided water through the nipples consumed less water at each drinking bout but visited the water nipple more frequently compared with calves provided access to water from the bucket. We observed no differences in all other behaviors observed. Overall, the calves rapidly increased their feed intake, rumination time, frequency of cross-sucking, and vocalization after weaning. In conclusion, despite the calves’ consuming very little water when provided ad libitum access to acidified milk replacer, they dramatically increased their water consumption after abrupt weaning from milk. Calves did experience some difficulties in using the water nipples.  相似文献   

Eighteen Holstein (experiment 1) and 15 Jersey (experiment 2) heifer calves were fed milk replacer once or twice daily to determine effects of feeding frequency on weight gain, starter intake, and glucose metabolism. Body weights were measured weekly from birth to 8 wk. Blood samples were collected at wk 1 through 6 from all calves before and at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min after the morning feeding. Plasma was analyzed for glucose, insulin, glucagon, and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA). Urine was collected 90 min postfeeding to measure glucose concentration. Treatment did not affect mean starter intake or body weight. In experiments 1 and 2 mean plasma glucagon, glucose, NEFA, and insulin and urinary glucose concentrations were not affected by treatment. There was an interaction of sampling time and treatment for plasma insulin concentrations but not for glucose concentrations in both experiments. Following feeding, calves fed milk replacer once daily had higher insulin concentrations than those fed twice daily. There was an interaction of sampling time and treatment for plasma NEFA concentrations in Jersey calves only. Jersey calves fed milk replacer once daily had higher plasma NEFA concentrations before the morning milk replacer feeding. At wk 3 and 6, frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance tests were performed to assess glucose effectiveness, insulin sensitivity, and acute insulin response. In experiments 1 and 2 glucose effectiveness and insulin sensitivity were similar regardless of milk replacer feeding frequency. In Holstein and Jersey calves fed milk replacer twice daily, acute insulin response was greater than in calves fed once daily. However, insulin sensitivity decreased with age, while acute insulin response increased with age. These data suggest that feeding calves milk replacer once daily did not deleteriously affect performance or glucose metabolism regardless of breed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of feeding frequency and route of administration on abomasal luminal pH in suckling calves. Six male dairy calves with cannulae in the abomasal body were administered the following six treatments in a randomized crossover design: 24 h fasting, suckling of a high-quality milk replacer (all-milk protein; 12% of body weight [BW]/d) at 12-h (2x), 8-h (3x), 6-h (4x), and 3-h (8x) intervals, and ruminal intubation of milk replacer (12% of body weight/day) at a 12-h (2x) interval. Abomasal luminal pH was measured every second for 24 h with miniature glass pH electrodes. Least squares mean 24-h fasting abomasal luminal pH was 1.73, whereas mean 24-h pH after suckling and intubation of milk replacer every 12 h were higher at 3.44 and 3.17, respectively. Increasing the frequency of milk replacer suckling to 3x, 4x, and 8x increased mean 24-h abomasal luminal pH; however, there was no difference in mean 24-h pH between 3x (3.69), 4x (3.64), and 8x (3.67) suckling. The percentage of the 24-h recording period that abomasal luminal pH was > 3.0 was 0, 49, 53, 61, 61, and 71% for fasting, 2x intubation of milk replacer, and 2x, 3x, 4x, and 8x suckling of milk replacer, respectively. Increasing the frequency of milk replacer suckling may be efficacious in the prophylaxis of abomasal ulceration in milk-fed calves.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11016-11025
Newborn Holstein male calves (n = 50) born on a single dairy farm were assigned randomly at birth to receive 3 feedings of 1.8 L of pooled maternal colostrum (MC) at 1, 6, and 12 h of age or 1 feeding of 500 g of a colostrum replacer reconstituted to 1.8 L at 1 h of age, followed by 2 feedings of 227 g of a commercial milk replacer (MR) reconstituted to 1.8 L at 6 and 12 h of age (CR). All feedings were administered by esophageal feeder. At 2 to 3 d of age, calves were transported to the experimental facility and assigned within colostrum group to receive 0.66 kg/d dry matter (DM) of MR to 39 d, and then 0.33 kg/d to 42 d (MRM) or 0.77 kg/d of MR DM to d 13, 1.03 kg/d for 22 d, and 0.51 kg/d for 7 d (MRH). The MR contained 25.8% crude protein and 17.6% crude fat (DM basis) and was based on whey proteins and lard as the primary fat source. Calf starter (21.7% crude protein, 15.7% neutral detergent fiber, 37.4% starch, DM basis) and water were available for ad libitum consumption throughout the 56-d study. Serum IgG and total protein were measured at 2 to 3 d of age. Intakes of MR and calf starter were monitored daily. Calf health and fecal scores were also monitored daily. Body weight was measured weekly, and hip width and body condition score were monitored every 2 wk. Digestion of DM, organic matter, crude protein, and ether extract were determined at 1 and 3 wk from 5 calves randomly selected within treatment and using chromic oxide as a digestibility marker added to the MR. Calves fed CR had lower serum IgG and total protein than calves fed MC. Also, calves fed CR grew more slowly, consumed less calf starter, and were less efficient to 56 d than calves fed MC. The number of days calves were treated with veterinary medications was higher when calves were fed CR. Calves fed MC-MRH gained more BW than other calves from 3 to 8 wk of age. Calves fed CR-MRH consumed less calf starter than other calves during wk 7 and 8. Digestion of nutrients at 1 and 3 wk of the study was unaffected by type of colostrum or level of MR fed and did not change from 1 to 3 wk. Over the first 2 mo of life, the calves fed MRH consumed less calf starter than calves fed MRM, but average daily gain or hip width change did not differ. One feeding of CR followed by 2 feedings of MR in the first 24 h likely reduced absorption of IgG from CR and contributed to differences in health and growth. Differences in animal performance observed in this study were unrelated to MR digestibility.  相似文献   

Compared with Holstein whole milk, commercial milk replacers (MR) for calves deliver relatively high levels of lactose and low levels of fat, and protein levels are rather comparable, resulting in a lower energy density and energy-to-protein ratio of the diet. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the effects of partially exchanging lactose with fat in MR on voluntary feed intake, growth performance, and feeding behavior. Thirty-two male Holstein calves (2.1 ± 0.16 d of age, 46.4 ± 0.77 kg of body weight; BW) were assigned to 16 blocks of 2 calves per block based on arrival date and serum IgG. Within each block, calves were randomly assigned to 2 treatments: a high-lactose MR (HL; 17% fat; 44% lactose), or a high-fat MR (HF; 23% fat; 37% lactose). Lactose was exchanged by fat on a weight per weight basis, resulting in a 6% difference in metabolizable energy density per kilogram of MR. The experiment was divided into 3 phases: preweaning (P1; 0–35 d), weaning (P2; 36–56 d), and postweaning (P3; 57–84 d). For the first 2 wk of P1, calves were individually housed, fed their respective MR ad libitum through teat buckets, and provided access to water. At 14.2 ± 0.5 d of age, calves were group-housed (4 blocks/pen, 8 calves) and housed in group pens for the remainder of the study. In the group pens, calves were fed ad libitum MR, starter feed, chopped wheat straw, and water via automated feeders. During P2, calves were gradually weaned until complete milk withdrawal by 57 d and then monitored until 84 d (P3). Measurements included daily intakes and feeding behavior (rewarded and unrewarded visits), weekly BW and body measurements, and biweekly blood samples. Increasing fat content at the expense of lactose decreased MR intake during P1 by 15% (HL = 1.32 ± 0.04; HF = 1.17 ± 0.04 kg of dry matter per day), whereas total starter intake was not affected by MR composition. Once MR was restricted during P2, HL calves were reported to have more unrewarded visits to the automatic milk feeder than HF calves (11.9 ± 0.95 vs. 8.4 ± 1.03 visits/d, respectively). Crude protein intake was higher for HL calves during P1 (352.1 ± 11.2 vs. 319.6 ± 11.6 g/d), which was attributed to the higher intake of MR during that period, and metabolizable energy intake and protein-to-energy ratio remained comparable between treatments. Plasma cholesterol and nonesterified fatty acids levels were higher in HF calves as a consequence of the diet. Nevertheless, final BW (84 d) did not differ between treatments. Overall, calves fed ad libitum seemed to regulate their intake of MR based on its energy density, without significant effects on solid feed intake and overall growth.  相似文献   

Male Holstein calves (n = 120) purchased from local dairy farms were fed one of three calf milk replacers for 42 d. Experimental milk replacers were formulated to contain whey protein concentrate (WPC) as the primary protein source or WPC plus 5% spray-dried bovine plasma (SDBP) or spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP). The SDPP was heated to remove heat-insoluble materials and provide products with similar IgG content. Calves were also fed commercial calf starter and water for ad libitum consumption. Intake, change in body weight (BW), feed efficiency, morbidity and mortality were determined. Mortality was 10, 3, and 2 in calves fed WPC, SDBP, and SDPP treatments, respectively. Morbidity, measured as the number of days that calves had diarrhea was reduced by 30% when SDBP or SDPP were fed. Calves had diarrhea for 6.9, 3.9, and 4.7 d during the 42-d study when fed commercial calf milk replacer containing WPC, SDBP, and SDPP, respectively. Fecal scores tended to be reduced and feed efficiency tended to be improved when SDBP or SDPP were fed. Mean intakes of total dry matter during the 42-d study were greater when calves were fed SDBP or SDPP and were 661, 710, and 684 g/d for calves fed WPC, SDBP, and SDPP, respectively. Mean BW gains from d0 to 42 were 231,261, and 218 g/d, respectively. Calves fed SDPP tended to have lower BW gain during the first 28 d of the study. However, difference in daily BW gain from d 1 to 28 was only 39 g/d. Inclusion of SDBP or SDPP in milk replacer reduced morbidity and mortality of milk-fed dairy calves.  相似文献   

This study intended to classify ad libitum–fed calves according to their milk replacer (MR) meal size using the K-means clustering approach. This study aimed to investigate the effects of MR meal size on feed intake, growth performance, and blood metabolic and hormones of ad libitum MR-fed calves. German Holstein calves (16 male and 16 female) were studied from birth until d 77 of age. All calves received first colostrum (2.5 kg) milked from their dams within 2 h after birth. Subsequent colostrum meals (subsequent 4 meals until 2.5 d of age; 2 meals/d) and MR (125 g of powder/L; 21.7% crude protein, 18.6% crude fat) were fed ad libitum by teat bucket until d 10 ± 2 of age. Afterward, calves were housed in group pens with automatic feeders for MR (maximum of 25 L/d) and concentrate from 10 ± 3 d of age. Half of the calves received MR supplemented with butyrate to improve growth performance. Milk intake was stepped down to 2 L/d from wk 9 to 10, and 2 L/d of MR were offered until the end of the study. On d 1, 2, 4, and 7, and then weekly until wk 11 of age, blood samples were collected for measurement of metabolites and hormones related to energy metabolism and growth. The K-means cluster analysis on the MR meal size data collected from the automatic feeder resulted in 3 clusters (n = 14, n = 12, and n = 6). Two clusters with a sufficient cluster size (n = 14 and n = 12) were included for further statistical analysis using repeated measures mixed-model ANOVA. In both clusters, butyrate supplementation was equally distributed and failed to affect a difference in MR meal size. Cluster 1 showed calves with higher MR meal size (HI; 2.2 ± 0.11 L/visit of MR) and cluster 2 with lower meal size (LO; 1.8 ± 0.07 L/visit of MR) supplemented MR without (HIB?; n = 6; LOB?, n = 7) or with 0.33% calcium-sodium butyrate (HIB+; n = 6; LOB+, n = 7). Dry matter intake of MR did not differ between HI and LO, but intakes of concentrate and total dry matter tended to be greater in HI than in LO and increased more distinctly in HI than in LO at the end of the study. The average daily gain (g/d) was greater in HI than in LO. Plasma concentrations of total protein (g/L), albumin (g/L), glucose (mmol/L), urea (mmol/L), insulin (µg/L), and glucagon (ng/L) were higher, and the concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I tended to be higher, in HI than in LO calves. Plasma β-hydroxybutyrate was higher in LO than in HI at d 63 and lower in calves fed MR with butyrate at d 77. In conclusion, clustering analysis discriminates 2 main groups of calves with different MR meal size and indicates an effect of MR meal size on solid feed intake, growth performance, and metabolic changes.  相似文献   

Eighty Holstein and Holstein cross dairy calves were blocked by birth date and randomly assigned to 1 of 8 treatments within each block to examine the effect of a colostrum replacer (CR) feeding regimen, supplementation of CR with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and provision of a milk replacer (MR) feeding on IgG absorption. Calves were offered a CR containing 184.5 g/L of IgG in either 1 feeding at 0 h (within 30 min of birth), with or without 30 g of NaHCO3, with or without a feeding of MR at 6 h of age, or 2 feedings of CR (123 g of IgG at 0 h with or without 20 g of NaHCO3 and 61.5 g of IgG at 6 h with or without 10 g of NaHCO3), with or without a MR feeding at 12 h. Therefore, treatments were (1) 1 feeding of CR; (2) 2 feedings of CR; (3) 1 feeding of CR + 30 g of NaHCO3; (4) 2 feedings of CR + 30 g of NaHCO3; (5) 1 feeding of CR + MR feeding; (6) 2 feedings of CR + MR feeding; (7) 1 feeding of CR + 30 g NaHCO3 + MR feeding; and (8) 2 feedings of CR + 30 g NaHCO3 + MR feeding. Blood samples were obtained at 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h after birth and were analyzed for IgG via radial immunoassay. Results indicated that CR feeding schedule, MR feeding, and the interactions CR × Na, CR × MR, and CR × Na × MR were similar for 24-h serum IgG, apparent efficiency of absorption, or area under the curve. Serum IgG at 24 h, apparent efficiency of absorption, and area under the curve were decreased with addition of NaHCO3 compared with calves not supplemented with NaHCO3. These data indicate that supplementation of CR with NaHCO3 is not beneficial to IgG absorption and feeding MR within 6 h of CR feeding does not affect IgG absorption.  相似文献   

Acidification is a practical way of preserving the bacteriological quality of milk so that it can be fed to calves under free-access conditions. The objectives of this study were to evaluate how milk replacer acidification and free-access feeding affect dairy calf behavior during the first week of life. Sixteen Holstein male calves were purchased at birth and transported to the University of Guelph Kemptville Campus Dairy Education and Research Centre. Calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 milk feeding programs: (1) free-access (ad libitum) feeding of acidified milk replacer (22% crude protein and 17% fat, 150 g/L; FA); (2) restricted (6 L/d, 150 g/L) feeding of acidified milk replacer (RA); (3) free-access feeding of nonacidified milk replacer (FN); and (4) restricted feeding of nonacidified milk replacer (RN). Formic acid was used to acidify milk replacer to a target pH between 4.0 and 4.5. Video recordings of each calf at 1, 2, and 6 d were analyzed continuously over 24 h for all occurrences of each behavior in the ethogram. Feeding behavior observations were organized into sucking bouts, from which feeding behavior outcome variables were calculated. Calves consuming acidified milk replacer demonstrated more fragmented feeding patterns, characterized by more pauses within a sucking bout (FA, FN, RA, and RN calves = 12.4, 4.4, 13.7, and 11.9 pauses/bout, respectively) and longer sucking bout duration (FA, FN, RA, and RN calves = 8.8, 5.2, 9.3, and 8.1 min/bout, respectively), than calves fed nonacidified milk replacer. Restricted-fed calves tended to have longer sucking bouts and performed more within-bout sucks (FA, FN, RA, and RN calves = 10.7, 5.8, 13.5, and 14.1, respectively) and pauses than free-access calves. Acidification and free-access feeding did not affect lying duration. Calves assigned to the acidified feeding treatments tended to perform more grooming behavior than those fed nonacidified milk replacer (FA, FN, RA, and RN calves = 0.9, 0.5, 0.8, and 0.6 h/d, respectively). Free-access feeding did not affect grooming duration. The observed differences in feeding and grooming behavior suggest that acidification to a pH between 4.0 and 4.5 may have altered the palatability of milk replacer. Calves assigned to the acidified milk replacer feeding treatments did not, however, show avoidance toward this feedstuff during the first week of life.  相似文献   

There are concerns with feeding young dairy calves amounts of milk solids approaching 0.9 kg of dry matter (DM) or more because of slumps in average daily gain (ADG) at weaning and low starter intakes. Additionally, programs feeding more than 0.6 kg of DM have not been thoroughly tested for success at different weaning ages. Four milk replacer (MR) programs were compared in trial 1. Program A was 0.44 kg of DM of a 21% crude protein (CP), 21% fat MR powder fed daily for 42 d. Program B was 0.66 kg of DM of a 27% CP, 17% fat MR powder fed daily for 42 d. Program C was 0.66 kg of DM of a 27% CP, 17% fat MR powder daily fed for 28 d. Program D was up to 1.09 kg of DM of a 29% CP, 21% fat MR daily fed for 49 d. Digestibility estimates were made and blood was sampled for serum constituents on d 53 to 56, and performance was measured for 84 d. Three programs feeding a 27% CP, 17% fat MR powder were compared in trial 2 over 56 d. Calves on program A were fed 0.66 kg of DM powder daily and weaned at 28 d. Calves on program B were fed 0.66 kg of DM powder daily and weaned at 42 d. Calves on program C were fed up to 1.09 kg of DM powder daily and weaned at 42 d. Digestibility estimates were made and blood was sampled for serum constituents d 21 to 24, d 36 to 39, and d 53 to 56. In trial 1, calves fed program A had the least overall ADG. Calves fed program D had the greatest ADG from 0 to 56 d, the least ADG from d 56 to 84, the least digestibility estimates, and the least concentrations of serum amylase. At 84 d, there were no differences in body weights of calves fed programs B, C, and D. In trial 2, calves fed program A had the greatest starter intake and greatest concentrations of serum amylase. Calves fed program C had the least estimates of digestibility from d 53 to 56 and the least serum concentrations of amylase. Calves fed up to 1.09 kg/d of 27 to 29% MR powders and weaned at 42 or 49 d had lower starter intakes, concentrations of serum amylase, and digestion of starter postweaning compared with calves fed conventional 21% CP, 21% fat MR powders fed at 0.44 kg/d. Calves fed 0.66 kg/d of a 27% CP, 17% fat MR powder and weaned at 28 or 42 d of age had no reductions in intake or digestion compared with calves fed conventional MR and gained as much total body weight from 0 to 84 d as calves stepped up to 1.09 kg of MR.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of increasing dietary protein and energy on concentrations of selected blood metabolites and hormones in Holstein heifers. Twenty-four heifers were fed 1 of 4 milk replacer (MR) diets for 9 wk (n = 6/diet): control [20% crude protein (CP), 21% fat MR fed at 441 g of dry matter (DM)/d], HPLF (28% CP, 20% fat MR fed at 951 g of DM/d), HPHF (27% CP, 28% fat MR fed at 951 g of DM/d), and HPHF+ (27% CP, 28% fat MR fed at 1,431 g of DM/d). Heifers were fed twice daily; water and starter (20% CP, 1.43% fat) were offered free choice and starter orts recorded daily. Serum and plasma aliquots from blood samples collected twice weekly after a 12-h fast were analyzed for insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP), growth hormone (GH), insulin, glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, triglyceride, and plasma urea nitrogen concentrations. Only plasma glucose, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 were affected by diet. Dietary treatment differences were only noted when the control was compared with the average of the other 3 diets. The addition of fat to the MR (HPLF vs. HPHF) and increased volume of MR (HPHF vs. HPHF+) had no effect on plasma glucose concentration or relative abundance of IGFBP-2 or IGFBP-3. Heifers fed the control diet had less glucose, greater IGFBP-2, and less IGFBP-3 than the average of the other 3 diets. There was a diet by week interaction for IGF-I. Serum IGF-I concentration in control heifers varied in a quadratic manner with a nadir (20 ± 4 ng/mL) at wk 4, whereas IGF-I increased linearly in heifers on other diets. Both insulin and triglyceride changed over time in a complex pattern (significant linear and quadratic contrast effects). The greatest concentrations were measured at wk 0.5 with nadirs at wk 6 for both insulin and triglyceride. Serum GH concentration decreased in a linear manner from wk 0.5 to wk 9 in all heifers. Relative abundance of IGFBP-2 was quadratic over time with the greatest amount of IGFBP-2 observed at wk 5. With the exception of glucose, IGF-I, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3, the blood variables measured were not influenced by treatment. The IGF-I -GH-IGFBP axis requires further study in heifers to deduce effects of nutrition on hypothalamic regulation of metabolism. We expected to see more treatment differences in concentrations of metabolites involved with protein and fat metabolism. It is likely that the diets used in this study were not diverse enough in composition to elicit such changes or that the efficiency of use of absorbed protein and fat was not different in these animals.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11040-11050
Growth and the digestibility of nutrients can be greatly affected by diet preweaning and the rate at which calves are weaned. A 2 × 2 factorial design [moderate (MOD) or high (HI) milk replacer (MR) feeding rates and abrupt (AB) or gradual (GR) weaning] was used to compare these effects. Calves (n = 50) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: MOD-AB, MOD-GR, HI-AB, and HI-GR. Calves assigned to MOD-AB were fed 0.66 kg of MR for the first 42 d and then 0.33 kg for the last 7 d; those assigned to MOD-GR were fed 0.66 kg of MR for 28 d, 0.33 kg for 14 d, and 0.17 kg for the last 7 d; those assigned to HI-AB were fed 0.66 kg of MR for 7 d, 0.82 kg for 7 d, 1.1 kg for 28 d, and 0.66 kg for the last 7 d; and those assigned to HI-GR were fed 0.66 kg of MR for 7 d, 0.82 kg for 7 d, 1.1 kg for 14 d, 0.66 kg for 14 d, and 0.33 kg for the last 7 d. All calves received the same MR [25% crude protein (CP), 17% fat; dry matter (DM) basis] and were given ad libitum access to water and a textured starter (42% starch and 20% CP). On d 26 to 30 and d 45 to 49, a fecal sample was taken from 5 calves in each treatment via the rectum to estimate apparent digestibility coefficients (dC). Apparent dC of DM, organic matter, and fat were greater for HI versus MOD calves. Apparent dC of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and sugar were greater for MOD versus HI calves. Apparent dC of DM was greater for AB versus GR calves [90.9, 89.0 ± 0.5384 (standard error)], and the apparent dC of acid detergent fiber was greater for GR versus AB calves (39.5, 32.3 ± 1.67). Feed efficiency was greater for HI versus MOD and AB versus GR. There were no significant differences between CP or starch dC based on treatment, and no interactions were observed. Starter consumption was greater for MOD calves compared with HI calves, and GR calves consumed more than AB calves. These results suggest that providing calves high amounts of MR preweaning enhanced readily available nutrient dC, but providing moderate amounts of MR resulted in increased fibrous fraction dC. Accordingly, the AB weaning strategy had higher dC for DM and organic matter, but there was a depression in fiber dC.  相似文献   

Current calf milk replacer (CMR) compositions significantly differ from whole milk in their levels of energy, protein, and minerals. Energy source is one of the major differences, as CMR contains high levels of lactose, whereas whole milk contains higher levels of fat. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of partially exchanging lactose for fat on performance, digestibility, and gut permeability in calves fed twice daily on a high feeding plane. Lactose and fat were exchanged in the CMR formulation on a weight–weight basis. The CMR were isonitrogenous but not isoenergetic. A total of 60 male Holstein-Friesian calves were assigned to 1 of 30 blocks based on serum IgG, body weight, and date of collection after birth. Within each block, calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: high fat and high lactose. The CMR was provided twice daily until 49 d of age, followed by a gradual weaning period of 14 d. Starter, straw, and water were available ad libitum throughout the complete study. Exchanging lactose for fat did not affect growth; intakes of starter, straw, water, crude protein, or total energy; or apparent total-tract digestibility of nutrients. Gastrointestinal permeability was assessed by measuring the recovery of lactulose and Cr in 24-h urine and the Cr concentration and lactulose:d-mannitol ratio in serum following an oral pulse dose. Urinary recoveries of Cr and lactulose were generally low in both treatments but were higher in calves fed the high-fat CMR. Accordingly, the serum lactulose:d-mannitol ratio and serum Cr concentrations were higher in calves fed the high-fat CMR. In wk 1 and during the weaning transition, calves fed the high-fat CMR had significantly fewer abnormal fecal scores. In conclusion, exchanging lactose for fat in the CMR did not affect growth performance, total feed intake, or nutrient digestibility. The high-fat CMR was associated with an increase in permeability markers but positively influenced fecal scores in calves.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if increasing the energy and protein intake of heifer calves would affect growth rates, age at puberty, age at calving, and first lactation milk yield. A second objective was to perform an economic analysis of this feeding program using feed costs, number of nonproductive days, and milk yield data. Holstein heifer calves born at the Michigan State Dairy Cattle Teaching and Research Center were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 dietary treatments (n = 40/treatment) that continued from 2 d of age until weaning at 42 d of age. The conventional diet consisted of a standard milk replacer [21.5% crude protein (CP), 21.5% fat] fed at 1.2% of body weight (BW) on a dry matter basis and starter grain (19.9% CP) to attain 0.45 kg of daily gain. The intensive diet consisted of a high-protein milk replacer (30.6% CP, 16.1% fat) fed at 2.1% of BW on a dry matter basis and starter grain (24.3% CP) to achieve 0.68 kg of daily gain. Calves were gradually weaned from milk replacer by decreasing the amount offered for 5 and 12 d before weaning for the conventional and intensive diets, respectively. All calves were completely weaned at 42 d of age and kept in hutches to monitor individual starter consumption in the early postweaning period. Starting from 8 wk of age, heifers on both treatments were fed and managed similarly for the duration of the study. Body weight and skeletal measurements were taken weekly until 8 wk of age, and once every 4 wk thereafter until calving. Calves consuming the intensive diet were heavier, taller, and wider at weaning. The difference in withers height and hip width was carried over into the early post-weaning period, but a BW difference was no longer evident by 12 wk of age. Calves fed the intensive diet were younger and lighter at the onset of puberty. Heifers fed the high-energy and protein diet were 15 d younger at conception and 14 d younger at calving than heifers fed the conventional diet. Body weight after calving, daily gain during gestation, withers height at calving, body condition score at calving, calving difficulty score, and calf BW were not different. Energy-corrected, age-uncorrected 305-d milk yield was not different, averaging 9,778 kg and 10,069 kg for heifers fed the conventional and intensive diets, respectively. However, removing genetic variation in milk using parent average values as a covariate resulted in a tendency for greater milk from heifers fed the intensive diet. Preweaning costs were higher for heifers fed the intensive diet. However, total costs measured through first lactation were not different. Intensified feeding of calves can be used to decrease age at first calving without negatively affecting milk yield or economics.  相似文献   

Forty-four Holstein calves were fed a direct-fed microbial (DFM) and 1 of 2 milk replacers to evaluate calf performance and growth. Treatments were (1) a control milk replacer [22:20; 22% crude protein (CP) and 20% fat], (2) an accelerated milk replacer (27:10; 27% CP and 10% fat), (3) the control milk replacer with added DFM (22:20+D), and (4) the accelerated milk replacer with added DFM (27:10+D). Dry matter intake, rectal temperatures, respiration scores and rates, and fecal scores were collected daily. Body weight, hip and withers height, heart girth, blood, and rumen fluid samples were collected weekly. Effects of treatment, sex, week, and their interactions were analyzed. Calves fed an accelerated milk replacer, regardless of DFM supplementation, consumed more CP and metabolizable energy in the milk replacer. No treatment differences were found for starter intake or intake of neutral detergent fiber or acid detergent fiber in the starter. Calves fed the accelerated milk replacer had greater preweaning and weaning body weight compared with calves fed the control milk replacer. Average daily gain was greater during the preweaning period for calves fed the accelerated milk replacer, but the same pattern did not hold true during the postweaning period. Feed efficiency did not differ among treatments. Hip height tended to be and withers height and heart girth were greater at weaning for calves fed the accelerated milk replacer compared with calves fed the control milk replacer. Fecal scores were greatest in calves fed DFM. Overall acetate, propionate, butyrate, and n-valerate concentrations were lower in calves fed the accelerated milk replacer, but DFM did not have an effect. Rumen pH was not different. Blood metabolites were unaffected by DFM supplementation, but calves fed the accelerated milk replacer had increased partial pressure of CO2, bicarbonate, and total bicarbonate in the blood. Direct-fed microbial supplementation did not appear to benefit the calf in this trial  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):8513-8526
Intensive milk feeding and butyrate supplementation in calves stimulate body growth and affect gastrointestinal development. The aim of the present study was to investigate the synergistic effects of ad libitum milk replacer (MR) feeding and butyrate supplementation of MR on rumen and small intestinal growth and on gene expression in the small intestine related to growth and energy metabolism at weaning. Male Holstein calves (n = 32) received colostrum from birth to d 3 of age and MR either ad libitum (Adl) or restrictively (Res; 6 L of MR/d; 12.5% solids) with (AdlB+, ResB+) or without (AdlB−, ResB−) 0.24% butyrate from d 4 until wk 8 of age. From wk 9 to 10, all calves were weaned and were fed 2 L/d until the end of the trial. Concentrate, hay, and water were freely available. At d 80, calves were slaughtered, volatile fatty acids were measured in rumen fluid, and rumen and small intestine samples were taken for histomorphometric measurements. The expression of mRNA associated with the local insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system and glucose metabolism as well as lactase and maltase activities were measured in the intestinal mucosa. The small intestine was 3 m longer in Adl than in Res. In the atrium ruminis, papilla width was greater in Res than in Adl. Villus circumference, cut surface, and height in the duodenum, proximal jejunum, and ileum were greater in Adl than in Res and in the proximal, mid, and distal jejunum and ileum were greater in calves treated with butyrate. Crypt depth in the duodenum and proximal jejunum was greater in Adl than in Res and in the ileum was smaller in calves treated with butyrate. The villus height:crypt depth ratio was greatest in AdlB+ calves. In the proximal and mid jejunum, IGF1 mRNA abundance was lower in calves treated with butyrate. In the proximal jejunum, INSR mRNA abundance was greater in Res than in Adl. The abundance of PCK2 mRNA was greater in Res than in Adl in the duodenum and was greatest in ResB− in the mid jejunum. Lactase activity tended to be greater in Res than in Adl and after butyrate treatment in the proximal jejunum. The results indicated an elevated growth of the small intestinal mucosa at weaning due to intensive milk feeding and butyrate supplementation, and the local IGF system was involved in intestinal growth regulation. Rumen development was not affected by butyrate supplementation of MR and was slightly delayed due to ad libitum MR feeding.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1170-1185
The objective of this experiment was to examine the effect of milk replacer (MR) feeding rate (FR) and frequency (FF) on glucose metabolism before and after weaning during summer and winter in the subtropical climate of the southeastern United States. Holstein calves (n = 48/season) were enrolled at 8 d of age (DOA) in the summer (June to August, body weight = 40.6 ± 0.7 kg) and winter (November to January, body weight = 41.9 ± 0.8 kg). In each season, calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement including 2 FR [0.65 (low) or 0.76 kg of solids/d (high) of a 26% CP and 17% fat MR] and 2 FF [2× (0700 and 1600 h) or 3× (0700, 1600, and 2200 h)]. Calves were managed similarly and housed in polyethylene hutches bedded with sand. Milk replacer (12.5%) was fed based on treatments until 42 DOA when FR was reduced by half and offered 1×/d (0700 h) for 7 d. Plasma was collected weekly at 1400 h for analyses of glucose and insulin concentrations in all calves. Pre- and postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations of a subset of calves (n = 10/treatment per season) were measured on 20 DOA. A subset of calves (n = 8/treatment per season) was subjected to an intravenous glucose tolerance test (GTT) on 27 and 57 DOA and insulin challenge on 28 and 58 DOA at 1030 h. Average ambient temperature was 26.1 ± 2.2°C in summer and 12.9 ± 5.4°C in winter. During the preweaning period in both seasons, feeding high increased plasma glucose concentrations compared with low, and increasing FF reduced basal insulin concentrations. Compared with 2×, feeding 3× did not affect postprandial glucose but lowered insulin in the summer, whereas in the winter, increased glucose from 30 to 180 min but lowered insulin from 240 to 420 min after MR feeding. Following GTT before weaning in both seasons, 3× reduced insulin increment and area under the curve compared with 2× without affecting glucose disposal. After weaning, treatment did not affect glucose disposal or insulin responses after GTT during winter, but calves fed 3× had faster glucose disposal and stronger insulin responses than 2× during summer. In both summer and winter, preweaned calves fed 3× had greater decrement and area under the curve of plasma glucose after insulin challenge, suggesting enhanced peripheral tissue insulin response compared with 2×. This effect persisted after weaning only during summer. Increasing FR had no effect on metabolic responses in both seasons. In conclusion, increasing MR FF from 2 to 3 times per day reduced insulin secretion but enhanced insulin response on peripheral tissues of preweaned calves regardless of season.  相似文献   

Animal welfare in dairy calf husbandry depends on calf rearing and is probably improved by intensive milk feeding programs. In addition, butyrate supplementation in milk replacer (MR) stimulates postnatal growth and may affect the immune system in calves. We have investigated the combined effects of ad libitum MR feeding and butyrate supplementation on feeding behavior, health, and the immune responses in calves. Holstein calves (n = 64) were examined from birth until wk 11 of age. Calves received MR either ad libitum (Adl) or restrictively (Res) with (AdlB+, ResB+) or without (AdlB?, ResB?) 0.24% butyrate supplementation starting on d 4. From wk 9 to 10, all calves were gradually weaned and were fed 2 L/d until the end of the trial. Concentrate, hay, and water were freely available. Calves were housed in straw-bedded group pens with automatic MR feeders, where feed intake and feeding behavior were documented. Blood was drawn on d 1 before the first colostrum intake; on d 2, 4, and 7; and weekly thereafter until the end of the study to measure plasma concentrations of total protein, albumin, the immunoglobulins IgG1, IgG2, and IgM, and the acute phase proteins fibrinogen, serum amyloid A, and haptoglobin. Liver samples were taken on d 50 and 80 to determine gene expression related to acute phase proteins. Body temperature was measured daily for the first 3 wk, and clinical traits were scored daily. Ad libitum MR feeding resulted in greater MR intake, greater MR intake per meal, slower sucking rate, and greater body weight, but in a lower number of unrewarded visits and lower concentrate intake when compared with Res. Butyrate reduced the sucking rate but increased MR intake per meal. Immunoglobulins in the blood plasma increased after colostrum intake in all calves, with only minor differences among groups throughout the study. Plasma fibrinogen and serum amyloid A increased in the first week of life in all calves, and fibrinogen was greater in Res than in Adl on d 21, 49, and 63. Hepatic gene expression of fibrinogen on d 80 was greater in Adl than in Res. Gene expression of SAA2 was greater on d 50 in Adl than in Res and on d 80 was greater in ResB+ than in ResB?. Body temperature was greater in Adl than in Res during the first 2 wk, but neither MR feeding nor butyrate affected the health status. An improved animal welfare in Adl calves is supported by fewer signs of hunger, but intensive milk feeding and butyrate did not affect the health and immune status of the calves in a consistent manner.  相似文献   

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