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Anogenital distance (AGD), defined as the distance from the center of the anus to the base of the clitoris, in lactating dairy cows of first and second parity, has been reported to be inversely related to fertility and moderately heritable. Thus, AGD may be a useful reproductive phenotype for future genetic selection to improve fertility. The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize AGD in nulliparous dairy heifers; and (2) determine if the inverse relationship between AGD and fertility, found in lactating dairy cows, is also evident in nulliparous heifers. We measured AGD in 1,692 Holstein heifers from 16 herds in Western Canada (Alberta and British Columbia) and one herd in the United States (Washington State). Data were analyzed using MEANS, UNIVARIATE, LOGISTIC, ROC, GLIMMIX, and LIFETEST procedures of SAS (SAS Institute Inc.). Mean (±standard deviation) age at AGD measurement was 13.9 ± 1.5 mo, and AGD was normally distributed with a mean of 107.3 ± 10.5 mm, ranging from 69 to 142 mm. With every 1-mm increase in AGD, the predicted probability of pregnancy was reduced by 1.9%. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the optimum threshold AGD that predicted the probability of pregnancy. Based on the optimum threshold AGD, data from heifers were categorized into short (≤110 mm) and long (>110 mm) AGD groups, and associations between AGD groups and fertility measures were determined. Heifers with short AGD required fewer services per conception (1.5 vs. 1.7) than heifers with long AGD. Consequently, heifers with short AGD conceived earlier (448.4 vs. 454.3 d) and had greater pregnancy to first AI than those with long AGD (58.3 vs. 49.6%). Moreover, heifers with long AGD had reduced hazard (hazard ratio of 0.59) for pregnancy up to 450 d of life compared with those with short AGD. In summary, AGD was normally distributed and highly variable in the population. In addition, an inverse relationship between AGD and fertility measures in nulliparous heifers was evident, confirming an earlier report of a similar relationship in lactating dairy cows. These findings strengthen the potential for AGD to be used as a fertility trait and management tool in future selection programs.  相似文献   

The evaluation of anogenital distance (AGD), the distance from the center of the anus to base of the clitoris, as a potential fertility trait for genetic selection in dairy cows has generated recent interest. The objectives of this cross-sectional observational study were to (1) characterize the distribution and variability of AGD, (2) determine factors associated with AGD, (3) estimate heritability for AGD, (4) identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with phenotypic variation of AGD, and (5) validate the relationship between categories of AGD and fertility in Irish Holstein-Friesian cows. Anogenital distance was measured using digital calipers in 1,180 Holstein cows (mean ± standard deviation: 225 ± 79 d in milk) from 10 dairy herds located in Munster, Ireland. In addition, age (yr), weight (kg), height at hip (cm), and body condition score (BCS) at the time of AGD measurement were determined in a subset of 281 cows. Genotype information available from 908 cows was subsequently imputed to the Illumina Bovine High Density BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA) for genome-wide association analysis of phenotypic variation in AGD. Overall, AGD had a normal distribution and high variability (mean ± standard deviation; 119.2 ± 11.6 mm). Anogenital distance was weakly but positively associated with cow age, hip height, and body weight, and negatively associated with BCS; the phenotypic variation in AGD that was explainable by these variables was small (coefficient of determination; R2 = 0.09, 0.06, 0.10, and 0.02, respectively). The estimated heritability for AGD was 0.37 (standard error of mean ± 0.08). Six SNP of suggestive significance were identified on Bos taurus autosomes 6, 15, 20, and 26; however, none of these SNP was related to previously identified candidate genes for fertility. Cows were categorized into quartiles (Q1; 86 to 111 mm; n = 311, Q2; 112 to 120 mm; n = 330; Q3; 121 to 127 mm; n = 265, and Q4; 128 to 160 mm; n = 274) based on AGD and the association with reproductive outcomes examined (21-d submission rate, pregnancy to first AI, pregnancy rate within 21, 42 and 84-d after the farm mating start date, and number of times bred). None of the reproductive variables differed significantly between AGD categories. In summary, despite identification of high variability and moderate heritability for AGD in Irish Holstein-Friesian cows, reproductive outcomes did not differ between categories of AGD. This latter result differs from our previous finding of an inverse relationship between AGD and pregnancy outcomes in first- and second-parity Canadian Holstein cows, emphasizing the need to test and validate this new phenotype in diverse cow populations.  相似文献   

Anogenital distance (AGD) serves as a marker for prenatal androgenization, reproductive development, and fertility in humans and rodents. The primary objectives of this observational study in lactating dairy cows were to (1) characterize the distribution and variability of AGD, (2) determine the relationship among AGD and potential postnatal AGD determinants of age and height, and (3) evaluate the associations between AGD and pregnancy to first artificial insemination (P/AI) and cumulative pregnancy by 250 d in milk (DIM) within parity groups (first, second, and third+ parities). The secondary objective was to evaluate the association between AGD and testosterone concentrations. The AGD (mm), age (yr), and height at hip (cm) at the time of AGD determination, and aforesaid reproductive outcomes were determined in 921 Holstein cows (first, second, and third+ parity; n = 360, 256, and 305, respectively). Plasma concentrations of testosterone were determined in a subset of 93 cows. Overall, AGD had a normal distribution and high variability [mean (±standard deviation); 131.0 ± 12.2 mm], was weakly associated with cow age and height (coefficient of determination = 0.09 and 0.04, respectively), and had an inverse relationship with P/AI in first- and second-parity cows, but not in third+ parity cows. For every 1 mm increase in AGD, the odds of P/AI decreased by 3.4 and 2.4% for first- and second-parity cows, respectively. The optimal AGD threshold to predict probability of P/AI was 127.1 mm for both first- (sensitivity: 66.4; specificity: 56.6%) and second-parity cows (sensitivity: 46.0; specificity: 70.4%). Accordingly, first- and second-parity cows were categorized into either short or long AGD (≤ or >127.1 mm), and associations with reproductive outcomes were evaluated. First-parity cows with long AGD had lower P/AI (30.9 vs. 53.6%) and decreased likelihood (hazard ratio: 0.68) of pregnancy by 250 DIM than those with short AGD. Similarly, second-parity cows with long AGD had reduced P/AI (28.3 vs. 44.4%) and a tendency for decreased likelihood (hazard ratio: 0.76) of pregnancy by 250 DIM than in cows with short AGD. The association between AGD and testosterone was weak and nonsignificant. In summary, AGD in Holstein cows was normally distributed, highly variable, and weakly associated with age and height. Besides, AGD had an inverse relationship with P/AI and cumulative pregnancy by 250 DIM in first- and second-parity cows; however, such a relationship was not evident in older (third+ parity) cows.  相似文献   

A total of 416,670 lactations for 189,101 ewes from 3,603 sires and distributed across 1,978 herd-year groups were used to estimate genetic and environmental parameters of standardized milk yield (SMYT), fertility in ewe lambs (PR1), and fertility in adult ewes (PRA). Parameters were estimated with a multiple-trait sire linear model. Heritabilities for SMYT, PR1, and PRA were 0.27 (0.009), 0.04 (0.004), and 0.05 (0.004), respectively. These results were in accordance with the literature. The genetic correlation between PR1 and PRA was 0.55, indicating that fertility is not the same trait in ewe lambs and adult ewes. The genetic correlation between milk yield and lamb fertility was not significantly different from zero. The genetic correlation between milk yield and fertility in adult ewe (−0.23) was in the range of antagonistic correlations reported in dairy cattle. Consequently, these results show that selection for milk yield can induce an indirect decrease in fertility. Nevertheless, no phenotypic decrease in fertility in artificial insemination matings has been observed in this population. This is the first time that correlation between milk yield and fertility is reported in sheep and further investigations are needed to confirm this result.  相似文献   

We developed a reproductive tract size and position score (SPS) system as a reproductive management tool to identify lactating dairy cows with decreased fertility. This system, relying solely on transrectal palpation, considers the size (cervical and uterine) and position of the reproductive tract relative to the pelvis. Cows undergoing pre-breeding exams were identified as having reproductive tracts that were small (SPS1), medium (SPS2), or large (SPS3). Cows designated SPS1 had small and compact uterine horns that rested within the pelvic cavity; SPS2 cows had reproductive tracts that were intermediate in cervical and uterine horn diameter, with longer uterine horns resting partially outside the pelvic cavity; and SPS3 cows had reproductive tracts that were larger and rested mostly outside the pelvic cavity. Cows that were SPS1 had a higher rate of pregnancy per artificial insemination (43.3 ± 3.7%) than cows that were SPS2 (36.9 ± 3.6%) or SPS3 (27.7 ± 4.3%). The percentage of cows with an SPS2 score differed in pregnancies per artificial insemination compared with SPS3 cows. The average days in milk was similar for SPS1, SPS2, and SPS3 cows (104.3 ± 3.5, 98.4 ± 3.4, and 94.7 ± 7.7, respectively). Ultrasound measurements of the uterine horn and cervical diameter, and length measurements of the uterine horns, cervix, and vagina confirmed differences among the SPS groups derived by transrectal palpation. The ease with which transrectal palpation can be used to determine the size and position of the reproductive tract attests to the relevance and usefulness of this scoring system to identify less fertile lactating dairy cows. The ability to do so with ease provides an opportunity to make economically relevant management decisions and maximize reproductive efficiency in a given herd.  相似文献   

Genetic and phenotypic parameters for Mexican Holstein cows were estimated for first- to third-parity cows with records from 1998 to 2003 (n = 2,971-15,927) for 305-d mature equivalent milk production (MEM), fat production (MEF), and protein production (MEP), somatic cell score (SCS), subsequent calving interval (CAI), and age at first calving (AFC). Genetic parameters were obtained by average information matrix-REML methodology using 6-trait (first-parity data) and 5-trait (second- and third-parity data) animal models. Heritability estimates for production traits were between 0.17 ± 0.02 and 0.23 ± 0.02 for first- and second-parity cows and between 0.12 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.03 for third-parity cows. Heritability estimates for SCS were similar for all parities (0.10 ± 0.02 to 0.11 ± 0.03). For CAI, estimates of heritability were 0.01 ± 0.05 for third-parity cows and 0.02 ± 0.02 for second-parity cows. The heritability for AFC was moderate (0.28 ± 0.03). No unfavorable estimates of correlations were found among MEM, MEF, MEP, CAI, and SCS. Estimates of environmental and phenotypic correlations were large and positive among production traits; favorable between SCS and CAI; slightly favorable between MEM, MEF, and MEP and SCS, between AFC and SCS, and between SCS and CAI; and small but unfavorable between production traits and CAI. Estimates of genetic variation and heritability indicate that selection would result in genetic improvement of production traits, AFC, and SCS. Estimates of both heritability and genetic variation for CAI were small, which indicates that genetic improvement would be difficult.  相似文献   

Eighty-two multiparous cows of high and low genetic merit were fed one of two isonitrogenous (19.3% crude protein), isoenergetic (11.3 MJ of metabolizable energy) diets that differed in ratio of rumen-undegradable protein to rumen-degradable protein. Factors that influenced reproductive performance were investigated using logistic regression and survival analysis. Significant associations were identified between reproductive performance and indicators associated with nutrient balance. Cows with higher dry matter intake were more likely to show signs of estrus at first ovulation and to become pregnant by d 150 of lactation. Increased ratio of plasma glucose to 3-hydroxybutyrate was associated with a greater probability of estrous expression at first ovulation. Concentrations of plasma cholesterol were positively associated with expression of estrus at first ovulation, interval from calving to conception, and likelihood of conception and pregnancy. Greater concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids in plasma were associated with a lower probability of conception by d 150 of lactation. Increased yield of fat-corrected milk during early lactation was negatively associated with expression of estrus at first ovulation and probability of pregnancy by d 150 of lactation. Cows of high genetic merit were less likely to show signs of estrus at first ovulation. Cows fed the high rumen-degradable-protein diet that also lost more body weight during early lactation were less likely to conceive at first service and to have a prolonged interval from calving to conception. Continued selection for increased production of milk and a more negative nutrient balance during early lactation may reduce reproductive performance particularly for cows fed high concentrations of rumen-degradable protein.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2699-2707
The inverse association between anogenital distance (AGD; the distance from the center of the anus to the base of the clitoris) and fertility, its moderate heritability, and high variability reported in dairy cattle make AGD a promising candidate for further exploration as a reproductive phenotype. In addition to heritability, repeatability (i.e., consistency in measurements taken at different time points) is important for a reproductive phenotype to be considered useful in genetic selection. Therefore, our primary objective was to determine the repeatability of AGD from birth to breeding age (≈16 mo) in Holstein heifer calves, and during different stages of the estrous cycle, gestation, and lactation in Holstein cows. We also determined the associations among AGD, height (at the hip), and body weight (BW) at birth. In calves (n = 48), we recorded BW (kg) and height (cm) at birth and measured AGD (mm) at approximately 0, 2, 6, 9, 12, and 16 mo of age. In cows, AGD was measured at different stages of the estrous cycle (proestrus, estrus, metestrus and diestrus; n = 20), gestation (30, 90, 180, and 270 d; n = 78), and lactation (30–300 d in milk in 30-d increments; n = 30). Calf height and BW at birth had a weak positive association with AGD at birth. The AGD increased linearly from birth to breeding age, but there was no association between the AGD at birth and at breeding age in heifers. Although any 2 consecutive AGD measurements were correlated, 6 mo was the earliest age at which AGD was moderately correlated (r = 0.41) with that of breeding-age heifers. The AGD was neither influenced by the different stages of estrous cycle nor lactation and remained highly repeatable (r ≥ 0.95). Although AGD measurements at 30, 90, and 180 d of gestation (126.9, 126.7, and 127.7 mm, respectively) were strongly correlated (r ≥ 0.97) with each other, AGD at 270 d of gestation (142.8 mm) differed from AGD at all earlier stages of gestation. In summary, AGD measured at birth did not reflect AGD at breeding age in heifers, but AGD measurements in cows had high repeatability at all stages of the estrous cycle, gestation, and lactation, except at 270 d of gestation. Therefore, AGD could be measured reliably at any of the aforesaid physiological states in cows due to its high repeatability, except during late gestation. The earliest gestational stage when pregnancy-associated increase in AGD occurred, however, could not be definitively established in the present study.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to evaluate the relationships among milk urea nitrogen and nonreturn rates at the phenotypic scale, and to estimate genetic parameters among milk urea nitrogen, milk yield, and fertility traits in the early period of lactation. Milk yield, protein percentage, the interval from calving to first service, and 56- and 90-d nonreturn rates were available from 73,344 Holstein cows from 2,178 different herds located in a region in northwestern Germany. Generalized linear models with a logit link function were applied to assess the phenotypic relationships. Bivariate threshold-threshold, linear-threshold, and linear-linear models, fitted in a Bayesian framework, were used to estimate genetic correlations among traits. Milk yield, protein percentage, and milk urea nitrogen were means from test-day 1 (on average 20.8 d in milk) and test-day 2 (on average 53.1 d in milk) after calving. An increase in milk urea nitrogen was associated with decreasing 56-d nonreturn rates on the phenotypic scale. At fixed levels of milk urea nitrogen, greater values of protein percentage, indicating a surplus of energy in the feed, were positively associated with nonreturn rates. Heritabilities were 0.03 for 56- and 90-d nonreturn rates, 0.07 for interval from calving to first service, 0.13 for milk urea nitrogen, and 0.19 for milk yield. Service sire explained a negligible part (below 0.15%) of the total variance for nonreturn rates. Genetic correlations between the interval from calving to first service and nonreturn rates were close to zero. The genetic correlation between nonreturn rates was 0.94, suggesting that a change from nonreturn after 90 d to nonreturn after 56 d in the national genetic evaluation would not result in any loss of information. The genetic correlation between milk yield and nonreturn after 56 d was −0.31, and between milk yield and calving to first service was 0.14, both indicating an antagonistic relationship between production and reproduction. The genetic correlation between milk yield and milk urea nitrogen was 0.44, reflecting an energy deficiency in early lactation. The genetic correlations between milk urea nitrogen and nonreturn rates were too weak (−0.19 for 56-d nonreturn rate, and −0.23 for 90-d nonreturn rate) to justify the use of milk urea nitrogen as an additional trait in genetic selection for fertility, as demonstrated by selection index calculations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reproductive performance and milk yield in central-southern Chilean Holstein cattle that calved from 1990 to 2003. The analysis included 150,457 lactations obtained from a certified recording system. Reproductive indexes included in the study were calving interval (CI, d), calving to first service interval (CFSI, d), calving to conception interval (CCI, d), services per conception (SC), and conception rate at first service (CRFS). Survival analysis for the risk of pregnancy was also conducted. Models for reproductive indexes were significant and included, as independent variables, year and season of parturition, parity, length of dry period, milk and fat production standardized to 305 d, herd size, and herd. In 1990 and 2003, respectively, means ± SEM for CI were 399 ± 1.6 and 415 ± 1.1 d; for CFSI were 85 ± 0.6 and 97 ± 0.6 d; for CCI were 124 ± 1.3 d and 137 ± 1 d; and for SC were 1.6 ± 0.02 and 1.7 ± 0.01. For every 100 kg of 305-d standardized milk yield, the CCI increased by 0.6 d and CRFS decreased by 0.9%. Association between milk yield and the risk of pregnancy was almost zero when a Cox proportional regression model was conducted (hazard ratio = 1.005; 95% confidence interval = 1.002 to 1.008). We conclude that CCI has increased over time and is related negatively to the increase in milk yield experienced by central-southern Chilean Holstein cattle during the last 15 yr. Nevertheless, risk of pregnancy was not explained by the individual level of standardized 305-d milk yield of cows studied.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6587-6594
An inflammatory response is induced in the reproductive tract by deposition of semen during natural mating. This response might facilitate establishment and maintenance of pregnancy and alter the phenotype of the offspring by modifying the microenvironment of the reproductive tract. Here, we hypothesized that intrauterine infusion of 0.5 mL of seminal plasma at the time of artificial insemination (AI) in first-service lactating Holstein cows will improve pregnancy success after insemination. Cows were inseminated (511 primiparous cows inseminated with X-sorted semen, 554 multiparous cows inseminated with X-sorted semen, and 627 multiparous cows inseminated with conventional semen) using the Double-Ovsynch protocol. Cows were randomly assigned to receive intrauterine infusion of either 0.5 mL of seminal plasma or saline immediately after AI. There was no overall effect of seminal plasma infusion on the percentage of inseminated cows diagnosed pregnant at d 32 or 60 after AI, pregnancy loss, or percent of inseminated cows calving. If cows were inseminated with conventional semen, seminal plasma reduced pregnancies at d 32 and tended to reduce calvings. There was no effect of seminal plasma if cows were inseminated with X-sorted semen. Seminal plasma infusion increased the birth weight of heifer calves born using X-sorted semen but not conventional semen. These results do not support a beneficial effect of seminal plasma on pregnancy success after AI, but exposure to seminal plasma may program fetal development to affect phenotype at birth.  相似文献   

Objectives were to quantify lying behavior (LB) during an estradiol and progesterone-based synchronization protocol, to assess risk factors for ovulation, pregnancy per AI (P/AI), and degree of behavioral change at estrus, and to investigate the associations between estrus LB and walking activity. Holstein cows (43.6 ± 11.0 kg of milk/d) were fitted with leg-mounted accelerometers. Total lying time/d (L_time), bout frequency (bout_N), average lying bout duration, and relative increase in walking activity (ACT%) were evaluated for 1,411 timed artificial insemination events. The day with lowest L_time or bout_N among d ?2, ?1, and 0 (day of timed artificial insemination) determined the day of behavioral estrus. The variables L_time% and bout_N% represent relative ratios between lowest L_time and baseline (d ?7), L_time, and lowest bout_N, and baseline (d ?7) bout_N, respectively [e.g., (lowest L_time/baseline L_time) × 100]. Correlation coefficients between L_time% and bout_N% and ACT% were ?0.38 and ?0.31, respectively. Estrus LB change was considered large if <75% of baseline and small if ≥75% of baseline for both L_time% and bout_N%; average lying bout duration did not change with estrus. Lowest L_time% and bout_N% corresponded to, respectively, 65 ± 21% (mean ± standard deviation; 447 ± 157 min/d) and 65 ± 24% (8.5 ± 4.0 bouts/d) of baseline. The change in L_time% at estrus was smaller when cows had milk yield above average; the change in bout_N% was smaller among multiparous cows and for estrus occurring in the colder season. Likelihood of ovulation was greater when there was larger change in L_time% [odds ratio = 4.9; ovulation rate = 93 (large change) and 76% (small change)], as well as when a corpus luteum was present at start of protocol (odds ratio = 3.6; in the model with L_time%). Likelihood of pregnancy at d 32 was 1.6 times greater for estrus with large change in LB [L_time% or bout_N%; P/AI = 34% (large change in L_time%) and 26% (small change in L_time%)]. Among estrus events with ACT% ≥300% (high intensity), classification by small or large L_time% did not influence P/AI at 32 d. The magnitude of LB change at estrus and its association with fertility suggest potential application toward improved use of activity monitors (e.g., increased estrus detection, fertility prediction). The contribution of LB to accuracy of estrus detection when physical activity is known remains to be addressed. The relationship between intensity of estrus expression and fertility requires further investigations of its physiological rationale and on-farm applications.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the heritability of a number of traditional and endocrine fertility traits in addition to d-56 predicted milk yield (MY56), and the genetic and phenotypic correlations between these traits. Various fixed effects such as season, year, herd, lactation number, diet, percentage Holstein (PCH) of the cow, and occurrence of uterine infection (UI), dystocia (DYS), and retained placenta (RP) were also investigated. Data collected for 1212 lactations of 1080 postpartum (PP) Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in eight commercial farms between 1996 and 1999 included thrice weekly milk progesterone samples, calving and insemination dates, various reproductive health records, monthly/bimonthly production records, three-generation pedigrees, and PCH information. Genetic models were fitted to the data to obtain heritabilitites and correlations using ASREML. Estimates of heritability for interval to commencement of luteal activity PP (lnCLA), length of the first luteal phase PP (lnLutI) and occurrence of persistent CL type I (PCLI) were 0.16, 0.17, and 0.13, respectively. Heritabilities for pregnancy to first service (PFS), interval to first service (IFS), and MY56 were 0.14, 0.13, and 0.50, respectively. Genetic regressions of lnCLA and lnLutI on PTA of the sire for milk, fat, and protein yields, and PIN95 were investigated. Regressions of lnCLA were positive and significant on fat yield, while regressions of lnLutI on both protein yield and PIN95 were negative and significant. Genetic correlations of endocrine fertility traits (lnCLA, lnLutI, and PCLI) with MY56 were high (0.36, P < 0.05; -0.51, P < 0.05; and -0.31, P < 0.1, respectively). Percentage Holstein of the cows had no significant effect on any of the fertility parameters monitored. This work emphasizes the strong genetic correlation of fertility with production traits and, therefore, highlights the urgent requirement for selective breeding for fertility in the United Kingdom. The high heritability of endocrine fertility traits stress their potential value for inclusion in a selection index to improve fertility.  相似文献   

Milk protein concentration in dairy cows has been positively associated with a range of measures of reproductive performance, and genetic factors affecting both milk protein concentration and reproductive performance may contribute to the observed phenotypic associations. It was of interest to assess whether these beneficial phenotypic associations are accounted for or interact with the effects of estimated breeding values for fertility. The effects of a multitrait estimated breeding value for fertility [the Australian breeding value for daughter fertility (ABV fertility)] on reproductive performance were also of interest. Interactions of milk protein concentration and ABV fertility with the interval from calving date to the start of the herd's seasonally concentrated breeding period were also assessed. A retrospective single cohort study was conducted using data collected from 74 Australian seasonally and split calving dairy herds. Associations between milk protein concentration, ABV fertility, and reproductive performance in Holstein cows were assessed using random effects logistic regression. Between 52,438 and 61,939 lactations were used for analyses of 4 reproductive performance measures. Milk protein concentration was strongly and positively associated with reproductive performance in dairy cows, and this effect was not accounted for by the effects of ABV fertility. Increases in ABV fertility had important additional beneficial effects on the probability of pregnancy by wk 6 and 21 of the herd's breeding period. For cows calved before the start of the breeding period, the effects of increases in both milk protein concentration and ABV fertility were beneficial regardless of their interval from calving to the start of the breeding period. These findings demonstrate the potential for increasing reproductive performance through identifying the causes of the association between milk protein concentration and reproductive performance and then devising management strategies to capitalize on them. Research should be conducted to understand the component of the relationship not captured by ABV fertility.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors affecting circulating progesterone (P4) concentrations in cows with similar genetic merit for milk production traits, but with extremes of good (Fert+) or poor (Fert−) genetic merit for fertility traits. Study 1: 28 cows were enrolled in an ovulation synchronization protocol at 61 ± 13 (±standard deviation) days postpartum, and data are presented for 13 Fert+ and 9 Fert− cows that remained in the study. Progesterone concentrations were determined from d 0 to 9 (d 0 = estrus) and on d 7, corpus luteum (CL) volume and blood flow area (BFA) were measured by B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography, respectively. Cows were administered PGF on d 7 in the p.m. and d 8 in the a.m. to regress the CL, and 2 controlled internal drug release devices were inserted per vaginum on d 8 in the a.m. Liver biopsies were collected on d 9 and hepatic mRNA abundance of genes involved in P4 catabolism was determined. On d 10, the controlled internal drug release inserts were removed and frequent blood samples were collected to measure the rate of decline in circulating P4. The Fert+ cows tended to have greater dry matter intake compared with Fert− cows (+0.79 kg of dry matter/d), but similar milk production (29.82 kg/d). After synchronized ovulation, the rate of increase in circulating P4 concentrations was greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows. No effect of genotype on CL volume was detected, but BFA was 42% greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows. The Fert− cows had greater mRNA abundance of cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A (CYP3A) compared with Fert+ cows, but the mRNA abundance of aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C1 (AKR1C1), AKR1C3, AKR1C4, and cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C (CYP2C) were similar. The half-life and metabolic clearance rate of P4 were similar in Fert+ cows and Fert− cows. Study 2: 23 cows were enrolled in an ovulation synchronization protocol at 55 ± 7 (±standard deviation) d postpartum, and data are presented for 13 Fert+ and 8 Fert− cows that remained in the study. On d 4, 7, 10, and 13 (d 0 = estrus), CL volume and BFA were measured as in study 1. Progesterone concentrations were measured from d 1 to 13. Corpus luteum volume was 41% greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows but no effect of genotype on BFA was detected. Mean circulating P4 concentrations were 79% greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows. Milk yield was similar in both genotypes. The results indicate that greater circulating P4 concentrations were primarily due to greater CL P4 synthetic capacity rather than differences in P4 clearance in this lactating cow genetic model of fertility.  相似文献   

Heat stress (HS) decreases milk protein synthesis beyond what would be expected based on the concomitant reduction in feed intake. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the direct effects of HS on milk protein production. Four multiparous, lactating Holstein cows (101 ± 10 d in milk, 574 ± 36 kg of body weight, 38 ± 2 kg of milk/d) were individually housed in environmental chambers and randomly allocated to 1 of 2 groups in a crossover design. The study was divided into 2 periods with 2 identical experimental phases (control phase and trial phase) within each period. During phase 1 or control phase (9 d), all cows were housed in thermal neutral conditions (TN; 20°C, 55% humidity) and fed ad libitum. During phase 2 or treatment phase (9 d), group 1 was exposed to cyclical HS conditions (32 to 36°C, 40% humidity) and fed ad libitum, whereas group 2 remained in TN conditions but was pair-fed (PFTN) to their HS counterparts to eliminate the confounding effects of dissimilar feed intake. After a 30-d washout period in TN conditions, the study was repeated (period 2), inverting the environmental treatments of the groups relative to period 1: group 2 was exposed to HS and group 1 to PFTN conditions. Compared with PFTN conditions, HS decreased milk yield (17.0%), milk protein (4.1%), milk protein yield (19%), 4% fat-corrected milk (23%), and fat yield (19%). Apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein, and ether extract was increased (11.1–42.9%) in HS cows, as well as rumen liquor ammonia (before feeding 33.2%; after feeding 29.5%) and volatile fatty acid concentration (45.3%) before feeding. In addition, ruminal pH was reduced (9.5 and 6% before and after feeding, respectively) during HS. Heat stress decreased plasma free amino acids (AA; 17.1%) and tended to increase and increased blood, urine, and milk urea nitrogen (17.2, 243, and 24.5%, respectively). Further, HS cows had reduced plasma glucose (8%) and nonesterified fatty acid (39.8%) concentrations compared with PFTN controls. These data suggest that HS increases systemic AA utilization (e.g., decreased plasma AA and increased nitrogen excretion), a scenario that limits the AA supply to the mammary gland for milk protein synthesis. Furthermore, the increase in AA requirements during HS might represent the increased need for gluconeogenic precursors, as HS is thought to prioritize glucose utilization as a fuel at the expense of nonesterified fatty acids.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(3):1910-1924
The objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic and phenotypic correlations and heritabilities for milk production and fertility traits in spring-calved once-daily (OAD) milking cows for the whole season in New Zealand and compare those estimates with twice-daily (TAD) milking cows. Data used in the study consisted of 69,252 first parity cows from the calving seasons 2015–2016 to 2017–2018 in 113 OAD and 531 TAD milking herds. Heritability estimates for production and fertility traits were obtained through single-trait animal models, and estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were obtained through bivariate animal models. Heritability estimates of production traits varied from 0.26 to 0.61 in OAD and from 0.13 to 0.63 in TAD. Heritability estimates for fertility traits were low in both OAD and TAD milking cow populations, and estimates were consistent (OAD: 0.01 to 0.10 and TAD: 0.01 to 0.08) across milking regimens. Estimates of phenotypic and genetic correlations among production traits were consistent across populations. In both populations, phenotypic correlations between milk production and fertility traits were close to zero, and most of the genetic correlations were antagonistic. In OAD milking cows, genetic correlations of milk and lactose yields with the start of mating to conception, 6-wk in-calf, not-in-calf, and 6-wk calving rate were close to zero. Interval from first service to conception was negatively genetically correlated with milk and lactose yields in OAD milking cows. Protein percentage was positively genetically correlated with 3-wk and 6-wk submission, 3-wk in-calf, 6-wk in-calf, first service to conception, 3-wk calving, and 6-wk calving rate in the TAD milking cow population, but these correlations were low in the OAD milking cow population. Further studies are needed to understand the relationship of protein percentage and fertility traits in the OAD milking system. The phenotypic correlations between fertility traits were similar in OAD and TAD milking populations. Genetic correlations between fertility traits were strong (≥0.70) in cows milked TAD, but genetic correlations varied from weak to strong in cows milked OAD. Further research is required to evaluate the interaction between genotype by milking regimen for fertility traits in terms of sire selection in the OAD milking cow population.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the risk factors for late embryonic loss (LEL) in supplemented grazing dairy cows. Additional objectives were to assess the incidence of LEL and its association with the reproductive performance of cows. A data set containing productive, reproductive, and health records of 13,551 lactations was used. A retrospective case-control study involving 631 cows with LEL (cases) and 2,524 controls (4 controls per case within each study year) was run. A case of LEL was defined when the embryo had no heartbeat or there was evidence of detached membranes or floating structures including embryo remnants by ultrasonography (US) at 28 to 42 d post-artificial insemination (AI), whereas a non-case was defined as a cow diagnosed with positive pregnancy by US 28 to 42 d post-AI and reconfirmed as pregnant 90 ± 7 d post-AI. Four controls per case were randomly selected from the non-cases with a temporal matching criterion (±3 d around the date of the fecundating AI of the case). Multivariable logistic models were offered with the following predictors: year of LEL (2011 through 2015), season of LEL (summer vs. fall vs. winter vs. spring), parity (1 vs. 2 vs. ≥3), uterine disease (UD), non-uterine disease (NUD), body condition score at parturition, body condition score at 28 to 42 d post-AI (BCS-LEL), days in milk (DIM), and daily milk yield (MY). Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 and a tendency was set at P ≤ 0.10. We found that 4.7, 22, and 23% of cows had LEL, UD, and NUD, respectively. Cases tended to have higher daily MY than controls (32.5 vs. 31.8 kg); also, cases had much longer calving to pregnancy interval (226 vs. 118 d), lower hazard of pregnancy [hazard ratio = 0.39, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.35–0.43], and higher odds for non-pregnancy [odds ratio (OR) = 2.89, 95% CI = 2.37–3.54] than controls. We found that the odds for LEL increased with parity number (OR = 2.48, 95% CI = 1.99–3.08 for parity ≥3) and with BCS-LEL <2.50 (OR = 1.81, 95% CI = 1.33–2.47). Conversely, the odds for LEL decreased with BCS-LEL >3.00 (OR = 0.70, 95% CI = 0.53–0.91). The odds for LEL increased with UD (OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.01–1.49), NUD (OR = 1.24, 95% CI = 1.01–1.54), DIM (OR = 1.03, 95% CI = 1.00–1.05), and daily MY (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.04–1.25) in univariable models only. Finally, the odds for LEL were not associated with year, season, DIM, and body condition score at parturition. In conclusion, LEL is associated with extended calving to pregnancy interval, and among its risk factors are parity number and BCS-LEL.  相似文献   

The relationship between energy status and fertility in dairy cattle was retrospectively analyzed by comparing fertility with body condition score (BCS) near artificial insemination (AI; experiment 1), early postpartum changes in BCS (experiment 2), and postpartum changes in body weight (BW; experiment 3). To reduce the effect of cyclicity status, all cows were synchronized with Double-Ovsynch protocol before timed AI. In experiment 1, BCS of lactating dairy cows (n = 1,103) was evaluated near AI. Most cows (93%) were cycling at initiation of the breeding Ovsynch protocol (first GnRH injection). A lower percentage pregnant to AI (P/AI) was found in cows with lower (≤2.50) versus higher (≥2.75) BCS (40.4 vs. 49.2%). In experiment 2, lactating dairy cows on 2 commercial dairies (n = 1,887) were divided by BCS change from calving until the third week postpartum. Overall, P/AI at 70-d pregnancy diagnosis differed dramatically by BCS change and was least for cows that lost BCS, intermediate for cows that maintained BCS, and greatest for cows that gained BCS [22.8% (180/789), 36.0% (243/675), and 78.3% (331/423), respectively]. Surprisingly, a difference existed between farms with BCS change dramatically affecting P/AI on one farm and no effect on the other farm. In experiment 3, lactating dairy cows (n = 71) had BW measured weekly from the first to ninth week postpartum and then had superovulation induced using a modified Double-Ovsynch protocol. Cows were divided into quartiles (Q) by percentage of BW change (Q1 = least change; Q4 = most change) from calving until the third week postpartum. No effect was detected of quartile on number of ovulations, total embryos collected, or percentage of oocytes that were fertilized; however, the percentage of fertilized oocytes that were transferable embryos was greater for cows in Q1, Q2, and Q3 than Q4 (83.8, 75.2, 82.6, and 53.2%, respectively). In addition, percentage of degenerated embryos was least for cows in Q1, Q2, and Q3 and greatest for Q4 (9.6, 14.5, 12.6, and 35.2% respectively). In conclusion, for cows synchronized with a Double-Ovsynch protocol, an effect of low BCS (≤2.50) near AI on fertility was detected, but change in BCS during the first 3 wk postpartum had a more profound effect on P/AI to first timed AI. This effect could be partially explained by the reduction in embryo quality and increase in degenerate embryos by d 7 after AI in cows that lost more BW from the first to third week postpartum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to monitor the dry matter intake (DMI), metabolic status, uterine health, and resumption of cyclicity in cows with similar genetic merit for milk production traits but with either good (Fert+) or poor genetic merit (Fert−) for fertility traits. Twenty-six cows were enrolled in the study and data are reported for 15 Fert+ and 10 Fert− cows that completed the study. All cows received a total mixed ration diet during early lactation and were turned out to pasture in late spring. Dry matter intake was recorded daily from wk −2 to 5 relative to parturition. Blood metabolites and metabolic hormones were measured from wk −2 to 8 relative to parturition. Milk production, body condition score, and body weight until wk 35 of lactation are reported. To monitor uterine health, vaginal mucus was scored weekly on a scale of 0 (no pus) to 3 (≥50% pus) from parturition to wk 8 and uterine polymorphonuclear neutrophil count was measured at wk 3 and 6 postpartum. Prepartum DMI was similar between genotypes, but Fert+ cows had significantly greater DMI than Fert− cows (19.7 vs. 16.8 kg of dry matter/d) during the postpartum period. Energy balance at wk 1 was significantly greater in Fert+ cows than in Fert− cows [2.3 vs. −1.12 unité fourragère lait (UFL)/d]. The Fert+ cows had significantly greater daily milk solids production (1.89 vs. 1.74 kg/d) and tended to have greater daily milk yield (24.2 vs. 22.3 kg/d). The Fert+ cows had significantly greater mean circulating insulin-like growth factor-I (102.62 vs. 56.85 ng/mL) and tended to have greater mean circulating insulin (3.25 vs. 2.62 μIU/mL) compared with Fert− cows from wk −2 to 8 relative to parturition. Mean circulating glucose (3.40 vs. 3.01 mmol/L) concentrations were significantly greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows from wk −2 to 3 relative to parturition. The Fert+ cows maintained significantly greater mean body condition score throughout lactation compared with Fert− cows (2.98 vs. 2.74 units). Moreover, Fert+ cows had better uterine health compared with Fert− cows, as evidenced by lower weekly vaginal mucus scores from wk 2 to 6 postpartum and, based on uterine cytology, smaller proportions were classified as having endometritis at wk 3 (0.42 vs. 0.78) and 6 (0.25 vs. 0.75). Also, a significantly greater proportion of Fert+ cows had resumed cyclicity by wk 6 postpartum (0.86 vs. 0.20) compared with Fert− cows. Hence, we report for the first time that genetic merit for fertility traits is associated with postpartum uterine health status. Superior uterine health and earlier resumption of cyclicity may be mediated through differences in DMI, energy balance, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I, and body condition score profiles. Importantly, phenotypic improvement in fertility traits was achieved without antagonizing milk production.  相似文献   

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