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概率矩阵分解是近几年广泛应用的协同过滤推荐方法。针对如何利用矩阵分解技术提高推荐质量以及在大数据环境下如何突破计算时间、计算资源瓶颈等问题进行研究,提出了Improved Probabilistic Matrix Factorization(IPMF)融入邻居信息的概率矩阵分解算法,并且提出了parallel-IPMF (p-IPMF)算法来解决融入邻居信息后计算复杂度高和难以并行化等问题。 在MapReduce并行计算框架下将p-IPMF算法加以实现,并在真实数据集上进行验证。实验结果表明,所提算法能有效提高推荐质量并缩短计算时间。 相似文献
分析了 Cloudera 公司推出的 Impala 实时查询引擎原理与架构,并深入比较 Impala 与传统 MapReduce 的性能与特点,针对 Impala 进行复杂大数据处理方面的不足,提出了 MapReduce 与 Impala 结合的大数据处理方法,通过使用 MapReduce 对 Impala 的输入数据进行预处理,利用 MapReduce 在复杂作业处理方面的长处弥补了Impala 在这方面的不足。最后对电信手机上网日志进行大数据查询和分析计算实验,实验结果表明,在大数据查询性能方面,基于 MapReduce 与 Impala 结合的大数据处理速度比传统 MapReduce 快了一倍。特别地,在迭代查询实验中,基于 MapReduce 与 Impala 结合的处理方法超过传统 MapReduce 方法八倍以上。基于 MapReduce与 Impala 结合的处理方法在单次查询中的效率仍然高于传统 MapReduce;而在迭代查询中,MapReduce 与 Impala结合的处理方法远远地超过了 MapReduce。因此,MapReduce 与 Impala 结合的处理方法能够发挥 Impala 和 Ha-doop 各自的优点,让处理效率远超传统 MapReduce,对于复杂的大数据处理的能力高于 Impala。 相似文献
随着大数据计算需求的增长,集群的处理速度需要得到快速的提升,然而目前大数据处理框架的处理性能已逐渐满足不了这种快速增长的需求。由于集群的存储架构是分布式存储,因此数据的存放在大数据处理过程中成为影响集群的处理性能的因素之一。首先,对当今的分布式文件存储系统的结构进行了介绍;接着,根据不同的优化目标,例如减少网络负载、负载均衡、降低能耗和高容错性等,对近年国内外大数据存储算法的研究进行了总结,分析和对比了已有算法的优点以及存在的问题;最后,对大数据存储架构和优化算法设计的挑战和未来研究方向作了展望。 相似文献
张国栋 《网络安全技术与应用》2023,(5):63-65
IT运维终端用户数据查询时存在查询执行时间过长的问题,提出基于MapReduce的IT运维终端用户数据查询方法。设置终端用户数据查询关键词,获取终端用户数据特征;基于MapReduce设计运维数据查询算法;构建终端用户数据索引查询框架,从而完成IT运维终端用户数据查询。实验结果表明,设计的IT运维终端用户数据MapReduce查询方法的查询执行时间较短,查询效率较高,具有省时性,有一定的应用价值,为后续运维终端用户数据处理作出一定的贡献。 相似文献
大规模数据常因其分布式存储特性导致寻找其相似度最大的前k对数据比较困难.针对上述问题,提出一种基于MapReduce的最相似k对数据查询方案.该方案首先将所有数据对分割成多个组,然后提出所有数据对分组算法和核心数据对分组算法,通过单独计算每个组中的最近似k对数据,再从所有组的最近似k对数据中选择相似度最高的k对数据,进而正确地确定最近似k对数据.最后基于合成数据和真实数据进行实验,通过改变最近似数据对数k和机器数目s验证算法性能.实验结果表明增加机器数目s能够提升算法的运行效率和可扩展性,而k参数的变化对基于MapReduce的算法影响不大. 相似文献
介绍了JDO查询语言的必需组成部分和Query接口中的核心方法。通过一个应用实例讨论了JDO查询的过程以及Query接口中方法的应用,该实例包括一个简单查询和一个复杂查询。特别分析了JDO查询过滤器语义与Java语义在方法调用等方面的区别。最后概述了新的JDO规范在提高JDOQL效率方面所做的改进。 相似文献
Recently, in the area of big data, some popular applications such as web search engines and recommendation systems, face the problem to diversify results during query processing. In this sense, it is both significant and essential to propose methods to deal with big data in order to increase the diversity of the result set. In this paper, we firstly define the diversity of a set and the ability of an element to improve the overall diversity. Based on these definitions, we propose a diversification framework which has good performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Also, this framework has theoretical guarantee on probability of success. Secondly, we design implementation algorithms based on this framework for both numerical and string data. Thirdly, for numerical and string data respectively, we carry out extensive experiments on real data to verify the performance of our proposed framework, and also perform scalability experiments on synthetic data. 相似文献
函数查询是大数据应用中重要的操作,查询解答问题一直是数据库理论中的核心问题。为了分析大数据上函数查询解答问题的复杂度,首先,使用映射归约方法将函数查询语言归约到已知的可判定语言,证明了函数查询解答问题的可计算性;其次,使用一阶语言描述函数查询,并分析了一阶语言的复杂度;在此基础上,使用NC-factor归约方法将函数查询类归约到已知的 -complete类中。证明函数查询解答问题经过PTIME(多项式时间)预处理后,可以在NC(并行多项式-对数)时间内求解。通过以上证明可以推出,函数查询解答问题在大数据上是可处理的。 相似文献
针对Sqoop在导入大表时表现出的不稳定和效率较低两个主要问题,设计并实现了一种新的基于MapReduce的大表导入编程模型。该模型对于大表的切分算法是:将大表总的记录数对mapper数求步长,获得对应每个split的SQL查询语句的起始行和区间长度(等于步长),从而保证每个mapper的导入工作量完全相同。该模型的map方式是:进入map函数的键值对中的键是一个split所对应的SQL语句,将查询放在map函数中完成,从而使得模型中的每个mapper只调用一次map函数。对比实验表明:两个记录数相同的大表,无论其记录区间如何分布,其导入时间基本相同,或者对同一表分别用不同的分割字段,导入时间也完全相同;而对于同一个大表,模型的导入效率比Sqoop有显著提高。 相似文献
对SQL翻译成MapReduce程序的性能进行分析,并对影响翻译性能的原因进行阐述。结合MapReduce作业间输入相关性、数据转换相关性和作业流相关性的分析,通过合并冗余的作业,减少资源消耗,从而达到提高SQL查询性能的目的,给出了优化条件和优化规则。通过对优化前后的性能进行对比,证明改进后的SQL过程有更高的执行效率。 相似文献
Skyline queries are extensively incorporated in various real-life applications by filtering uninteresting data objects. Sometimes, a skyline query may return so many results because it cannot control the retrieval conditions especially for highdimensional datasets. As an extension of skyline query, the kdominant skyline query reduces the control of the dimension by controlling the value of the parameter kto achieve the purpose of reducing the retrieval objects. In addition, with the continuous promotion of Bigdata applications, the data we acquired may not have the entire content that people wanted for some practically reasons of delivery failure, no power of battery, accidental loss, so that the data might be incomplete with missing values in some attributes. Obviously, the k-dominant skyline query algorithms of incomplete data depend on the user definition in some degree and the results cannot be shared. Meanwhile, the existing algorithms are unsuitable for directly used to the incomplete big data. Based on the above situations, this paper mainly studies k-dominant skyline query problem over incomplete dataset and combines this problem with the distributed structure like MapReduce environment. First, we propose an index structure over incomplete data, named incomplete data index based on dominate hierarchical tree (ID-DHT). Applying the bucket strategy, the incomplete data is divided into different buckets according to the dimensions of missing attributes. Second, we also put forward query algorithm for incomplete data in MapReduce environment, named MapReduce incomplete data based on dominant hierarchical tree algorithm (MR-ID-DHTA). The data in the bucket is allocated to the subspace according to the dominant condition by Map function. Reduce function controls the data according to the key value and returns the k-dominant skyline query result. The effective experiments demonstrate the validity and usability of our index structure and the algorithm. 相似文献
The Global Database of Event, Language, and Tone (GDELT) is the only global political georeferenced event dataset with more than 250 million observations covering all countries in the world since January 1, 1979. TABARI and CAMEO are the tools that are used to collect and code events from all international news coverage. To query such big geospatial data, traditional RDBMS can no longer be used, and the need for parallel distributed solutions has become a necessity. MapReduce paradigm has proven to be a scalable platform to process and analyze Big Data in the cloud. Hadoop, as an implementation of MapReduce, is an open‐source application that has been widely used and accepted in academia and industry. However, when dealing with Spatial Data, Hadoop is not equipped well and does not perform efficiently. SpatialHadoop is an extension of Hadoop with the support of spatial data. In this paper, we present Geographic Information System Query and Analytics Framework (GISQAF), which has been built on top of SpatialHadoop. GISQAF focuses on two parts: query processing and data analytics. For the query processing part, we show how this solution outperforms Hadoop query processing by orders of magnitude when applying queries on the GDELT dataset with a size of 60 GB. We show the results for various types of queries. For the data analytics part, we present an approach for finding Spatial co‐occurring events. We show how GISQAF is suitable and efficient to handle data analytics techniques. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为实现数据集成查询我们会用到查询优化器,而传统的查询优化器生成的执行计划会由于以下几个原因产生不良的结果:成本估计不正确,运行时可用的内存不足和数据传输率无法预测,所有这些问题都要求助于动态策略来修正静态的查询执行计划。介绍了一个动态的查询处理框架和这个框架用到的动态策略。 相似文献
面对大数据规模庞大且计算复杂等问题,基于MapReduce框架采用两阶段渐进式的聚类思想,提出了改进的K-means并行化计算的大数据聚类方法。第一阶段,该算法通过Canopy算法初始化划分聚类中心,从而迅速获取粗精度的聚类中心点;第二阶段,基于MapReduce框架提出了并行化计算方案,使每个数据点围绕其邻近的Canopy中心进行细化的聚类或合并,从而对大数据实现快速、准确地聚类分析。在MapReduce并行框架上进行算法验证,实验结果表明,所提算法能够有效地提升并行计算效率,减少计算时间,并提升大数据的聚类精度。 相似文献