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The geographical distribution of the population of the city of Santiago, Chile, has changed significantly in recent years. In spite of this fact, the location of the fire stations has remained unchanged. We propose a model for the optimal location of the fire stations and a fleet assignment for the Santiago Fire Department (SFD), aimed at maximising the number of events attended to with a predefined standard response. The results of the model are compared with respect to the current location of fire stations and fleet assignment in the SFD. There are different types of resources (stations and vehicles), and different types of events in which the same types of vehicles are used. We analyse various possible current and future scenarios, using a forecast based on historical data. Our results show that by optimally reallocating the resources a 10–30% increase can be achieved in the number of emergency calls that are attended to with an adequate response in time and number of vehicles, without the need for additional fire stations or vehicles. Thus our contribution is empirical and relies on the real world application which is being considered by Chilean government. 相似文献
Observation and analysis of the detachment frequency of coalesced bubbles in pool boiling liquid nitrogen 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The detachment frequency of coalesced bubbles is one of the important parameters in the boiling heat transfer model at high heat flux. Although some researches on detachment frequency of coalesced bubbles have been done for common liquids, the work on cryogenic liquids is relatively insufficient. A visual experimental apparatus was built for observing the boiling in liquid nitrogen. The growth process of coalesced bubbles was recorded by a high-speed camera, emphasizing on the detachment frequency of coalesced bubbles from the circular, horizontal heating surfaces. The effects of the heating surface material, the surface diameter and the heat flux on the detachment frequency were analyzed. The available empirical correlations from common liquids are compared with our experimental data to check their applicability in liquid nitrogen, where the detachment frequency is 13.47 s−1. 相似文献
介绍充气包装常用六种气体,和它们在社会各行业的适用范围,阐述了充气包装良好 腐防锈能力,探讨了如何推广应用和发展充气包装技术。 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2022,33(9):103719
To get more accurate quantitative impact effects of selective parameters of the sand-ejecting fire extinguisher on the scattering results by the CFD-DEM coupling method, orthogonal experimental design, analysis of range and variance, full factorial design and the OFAT design were used in this paper. The single impact effects and mixed impact effects of blade number, blade incidence and sand mass flow on scattering vertical distance and inclination were analysed and concluded, as well as the details of the sand distribution. The results show that only the sand mass flow has the dominating influence on the vertical distance, while all three factors have no significant influence on the scattering inclination. The larger the sand mass flow is, the more obvious influence of air resistance and airflow from the outlet of the scattering unit can be shown, and the scattering bifurcation phenomenon can be displayed more obviously. 相似文献
同的太阳电池其变化关系也迥异。最后用Multisim的模拟结果检验了理论分析计算的正确性。 相似文献
通过数值计算方法对北京地下直径线侧穿地铁2号线某车站的结构变形进行预测,并将预测值与实测值进行对比和差异性原因分析,以期对类似工程预测变形、指定控制指标有一定指导作用。 相似文献
由于V70 2阀后铝管开裂 ,使珠光砂进入塔内和主冷内 ,虽进行吹扫 ,但珠光砂粉末仍未能从换热器内清扫干净 ,影响运行 ,采用液氧倒灌法开车出氧 相似文献
介绍 6 0 0 0m3 /h制氧机实施冷备用和液体回灌进一步缩短设备启动时间的经验。详细阐述制氧机冷备用过程应注意的主要问题及效益 相似文献
高压富水充填溶腔具有水量大、水压高、规模范围大、充填介质复杂的特征,工程施工风险极高,采用传统的注浆法进行处理,受地层的不均一性、材料选择、技术水平的影响,难免会出现注浆盲区,施工中一旦注浆盲区被高压水击穿,将会发生大规模突水突泥,造成灾害。针对宜万铁路所遇到的高压富水充填溶腔,通过科技攻关,提出采取释能降压新技术进行处治。经现场实践,安全、经济、可靠,并取得了成功。释能降压技术是针对高压富水充填溶腔采取有计划、有目的的精确爆破揭示,从而释放溶腔所存储的能量,降低施工及运营过程中水土压力对隧道形成影响,之后,通过配套处治措施完成溶腔治理。 相似文献
Arnaud Macadre Maxim Artamonov Saburo Matsuoka Jader Furtado 《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》2011,78(18):3196-3211
Experiments to investigate the effect of hydrogen pressure and test frequency on the fatigue crack growth properties of a Ni–Cr–Mo steel for the storage cylinder of a 70 MPa hydrogen storage station were conducted. Compact tension specimens were cut out from the storage cylinder. The crack growth properties obtained in hydrogen gas were compared with those obtained in air. Higher hydrogen pressures and lower loading frequencies lead to faster crack growth. However, there is an upper limit to the acceleration of the fatigue crack growth rate in hydrogen gas, which can be used for the design of the hydrogen cylinder. The effect of long and large inclusions present in the steel was also verified. The observations carried out on specimen fracture surfaces showed that the low population of inclusions did not influence the fatigue crack growth rate. 相似文献
Guoqiang Pan Chaoyin Xu Rong Fan Chen Gao Xiaohua Lou Maikun Teng Qingqiu Huang Liwen Niu 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2005,540(2-3):480-486
This publication describes the design and performance of the U7B beamline and X-ray diffraction and diffuse scattering station at National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). The beamline optics comprise a Pt-coated toroidal focusing mirror and a double-crystal Si(1 1 1) monochromator. A preliminary experiment of diffraction data collection and processing was carried out using a commercial imaging plate detector system (Mar345). The data collected from one single crystal of acutohaemolysin, a Lys49-type PLA2 from Agkistrodon acutus venom, are of high quality. 相似文献
高性能复合砂浆钢筋网(high performance ferrocement laminate, HPFL)作为一种新型的加固方式,具有防火、耐高温、施工简易等优点.为研究其加固受火钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete, RC)梁的性能,结合已有的对高性能复合砂浆钢筋网的试验研究和对受火后混凝土梁强度、弹性模量等性能的研究成果,采用ANSYS中的PLANE55单元对高温后RC梁截面的温度场进行模拟,并利用计算二台阶模型简化成等效T形截面,考虑未卸载完全下高性能复合砂浆钢筋网同原材料间的应力—应变滞后现象,计算初始荷载下待加固构件的滞后应变,在此基础上结合构件受力情况推导出高性能复合砂浆钢筋网加固受火RC梁二次受力下的正截面承载力计算公式,将计算结果同试验数据进行比较,并给出了工程实际算例.结果表明,理论值与试验值吻合较好,采用高性能复合砂浆钢筋网加固后能提高受火RC梁的承载力,可供有关混凝土结构加固设计参考. 相似文献
Zhe Li Fei Wu LiJie Zhao Xiao Lin Lan Shen Yi Feng 《Advanced Powder Technology》2018,29(11):2881-2894
Direct compaction (DC) is the preferred choice for tablet manufacturing; however, its application in natural plant product (NPP) tablets is still extremely immature. In this study, NPP powders prepared by three commonly used methods were evaluated on their suitability for DC. Extensive characterizations of their physical properties were performed. Multivariate statistical analysis was utilized to explore the influence of preparation technology on the properties of NPP powders and identify the dominating factors that influence their DC properties. The results demonstrated that (i) the 27 kinds of model NPP powders selected randomly in this study could to some degree represent most NPP powders used in actual production; (ii) ~81.5% of the NPP powders exhibited both poor compactibility and flowability, and none of the NPP powders could be compacted into tablets via DC; (iii) the physical properties of NPP powders prepared by direct pulverization were significantly different from those of extracted ones, while there were no significant differences between the water and ethylalcohol extracted ones; and (iv) the DC properties of NPP powders could be improved through controlling some physical properties (e.g., density, particle size, morphology, and texture parameters) reasonably. Overall, this study comprehensively evaluated the current status and application of NPP powders in DC, and is significant in facilitating the development and modernization of NPPs through DC. 相似文献