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Thermally driven flow in a thin rectangular cavity filled with a fluid saturated porous layer is studied analytically and numerically. A constant heat flux heating and cooling is applied on both vertical walls while the horizontal ones are assumed to be insulated. On the basis of the Darcy-Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations, the problem can be solved analytically, in the limit of a thin layer, using asymptotic expansions and an integral form of the energy equation. The flow field and temperature distributions are obtained explicitly in terms of the Rayleigh number in the conduction as well as intermediate regimes. A numerical study of the same phenomenon, obtained by solving the complete system of governing equations, is also presented. A very good agreement is found between the numerical simulations and the analytical predictions. The various physical processes in this type of flow are discussed based on the findings of the analytical and numerical studies.  相似文献   

The influence of heat generation or absorption on the steady, two-dimensional flow of an electrically conducting fluid near a stagnation point on a stretching permeable surface with variable surface heat flux in the presence of a magnetic field is investigated. The governing system of partial differential equations describing the problem are converted into highly non-linear ordinary differential equations using similarity transformation. Numerical solutions of these equations are obtained using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration scheme with the shooting method. The effects of the heat generation or absorption parameter and the velocity ratio parameter on the velocity and the temperature are displayed graphically and discussed. The numerical values of the local skin-friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number for various values of physical parameters are presented through tables and discussed.  相似文献   

单面干燥条件下混凝土的收缩变形分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过固定多组位移传感器,研究了单面干燥条件下不同水灰比混凝土试件距离表面不同深度处的收缩变形,同时埋置湿度传感器,研究了不同深度处混凝土中相对湿度变化.结果表明:混凝土试件内层(距表面55 mm和100 mm)的收缩和相对湿度降低明显小于混凝土近表层(距表面10 mm)的;水灰比越小,沿混凝土干燥表面垂直方向的收缩与湿度梯度差越大:单面干燥条件下,不同深度混凝土层的收缩与其相对湿度降低值之间均存在较好的线性关系,在达到相同湿度条件时的表层混凝土收缩小于内层混凝土.  相似文献   

实现滴状冷凝的超薄聚合物表面冷凝传热的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马学虎  徐敦颀 《化工学报》1993,44(3):277-281
在紫铜表面上制备了聚八氟环丁烷超薄有机聚合物表面,实现了水蒸气的滴状冷凝.对冷凝表面温度进行了实时动态检测,同时测定了表面性能及冷凝传热系数.  相似文献   

Experimental data are presented concerning heat transfer to a sphere immersed into an argon plasma flow. Transient method has been employed to measure the heat flux to the sphere. The temperature and velocity of the thermal plasma flow are about 104K and 102m/s, respectively, while the sphere diameter is 0.68 or 1.0 mm. In preliminary tests, the applicability of the transient method has been demonstrated, and a series of complicated factors which may affect the heat flux measurement have been studied including the diameter and the length exposed to the plasma flow of the thermocouple wires, radiation heat loss from the probe to the surroundings, etc. Experimental results show that the Nusselt number defined based on the LTE (local thermodynamic equilibrium) heat-conduction-potential always assumes a value greater than 2.0. Main error source of the experimental Nusselt numbers is the: plasma temperature measurement.  相似文献   

探讨了超临界压力下煤油流过内径为 1.70mm的不锈钢管的传热特性 .实验在压力为 5、 15MPa ,质量流率为 85 0 0~ 5 10 0 0kg·m-2 ·s-1和热负荷高达 5 5 .0MW·m-2 的参数范围内进行 .结果表明 :在内壁温达到拟临界温度时有拟沸腾现象发生 ;进一步提高热负荷会发生传热恶化 ,加入添加剂能提高临界热负荷 ;在极高热负荷下还会发生第 2次传热强化 ,限制了传热恶化的壁温飞升 .给出了煤油的强制对流传热关联式 ,计算值和实验值吻合良好 .  相似文献   

The effect of thermal radiation absorption on an unsteady free convective flow past a vertical plate is studied in the presence of a magnetic field and constant wall heat flux. Boundary layer equations are derived, and the resulting approximate nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved analytically using asymptotic technique. A parametric study of all parameters involved is conducted, and a representative set of numerical results for the velocity and temperature profiles as well as the skin-friction parameter are illustrated graphically to show typical trends of the solutions.  相似文献   

尼龙6聚合管内微分发热量与温度分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周美华  徐静波 《化工学报》1992,43(3):378-383
<正>1引言 尼龙6是合成聚酚胺生产中最重要的产品之一[1],目前工业上多数采用水解聚合。本文涸绕尼龙6聚合反应工程开发的一系列工作都是为这一技术路线国产化提供理论基础。近卫0年来,尼龙6聚合的各种主、副反应精确的动力学数据已有报道[2,3],目前的重点已转向工业化生产反应器中各种物理过程的模拟,诸如传热、流动、混合、停留时问分布、蒸发脱水以及过程优化控制等领域。  相似文献   

基于热力学第一、二定律 ,在恒壁温工况下分析了污垢对管内对流换热过程热力学性能的影响 ;提出了反映污垢对管内对流换热过程热力学性能影响的指标———单位传热量的熵增率 ;讨论了管内流体Reynolds数(无污垢时 )和量纲为 1的入口换热温差等参数对单位传热量熵增率的影响 .研究结果表明 ,该指标不仅能反映污垢对管内传热过程的影响 ,而且能反映污垢对管内流动过程的影响 ,而由污垢层导热所引起的熵产在管内传热过程总的熵产中占有重要的地位  相似文献   

水泥窑窑体表面换热系数的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种计算水泥窑窑体面换热系数的新方法。这种方法充分考虑了强制对流,自然对流,热辐射和窑体大小对换热系数的影响。推导了窑体表面强制对流与自然对流的换热关系式,通过互相比较得到了可忽略强制对流域自然对流的条件。结果表明,大多数情况下窑体表面的强制流换热数量极相等。因此利用向量总和法建立了混合对流换热关系式。进一步的研究发现,辐射散热所占的比例很大,采用黑度小的材料可显著降低熟料热耗。该方法...  相似文献   

This article deals with the study of boundary layer flow of a second-grade fluid in a porous medium past a stretching sheet and heat transfer characteristics with power-law surface temperature or heat flux. The flow in the boundary layer is considered to be generated solely by the linear stretching of the boundary sheet adjacent to a porous medium, and boundary wall slip condition is assumed. In the energy equation effects of viscous dissipation, work done due to deformation and internal heat generation/absorption is taken into account. Closed form solutions are obtained for this problem.  相似文献   

孔凡谦  李敬珂 《大氮肥》2001,24(2):125-126
介绍火管式废热锅炉的应用情况,并对其工艺气出口温度缓升原因及对系统的影响进行分析。  相似文献   

DSC法测定环氧树脂固化反应温度和反应热   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了差示扫描量热法(DSC)测试环氧树脂固化反应温度和反应热的原理和试验条件,研究了升温速率和样品量对测定结果的影响,对试验方法的不确定度进行了分析和评定,并进行了应用试验。结果表明,该方法对环氧树脂及其预浸料实施有效的质量控制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The developing flow and heat transfer in the entry region of a heated circular tube is analyzed for the case of constant wall temperature. An integral or boundary-layer solution is presented which has a number of advantages over earlier Karman-Pohlhausen integral analyses. Thus, in the present analysis, the velocity and temperature distributions, the local and mean drag coefficients, and the local and mean Nusselt numbers approach their fully-developed values asymptotically. The new analysis is based on the hydrodynamic inlet-filled region concept originally proposed by Ishizawa (1966) and later adopted by Mohanty and Asthana (1978) to flow through a circular tube. This concept is extended to the combined entry-length problem by introducing a thermal transition region, herein called the thermally-filled region, between the thermal inlet boundary-layer region and the thermally fully-developed region. A thermal shape factor is also introduced which ensures smooth transition of all pertinent thermal quantities from the entrance region to the fully-developed region. Results for the variation of the local and mean Nusselt numbers with axial distance along the tube for Pr = 0.1,0.5,0.7,1,5, and 10 are presented. These results agree well with the numerical solutions of Hombeck (1965), Manohar (1969), and Hwang and Sheu (1974) and also with the correlations of Churchill and Ozoe (1973).  相似文献   

李雅红  樊宏源 《大氮肥》2000,23(2):76-78
针对低温甲醇洗装置高负荷运行时温度升高、系统失衡的问题,经过实测和计算提出改造方案,较好地消除了生产装置的瓶颈。  相似文献   

对山东兖州矿业集团北宿煤样进行热处理实验研究,利用振动样品磁强计VSM,测定在不同加热温度条件下微粉煤的比磁化率.通过对粉磨并经过热处理的100目以下的微粉煤进行比磁化率测定,以及对煤质进行分析,发现加热温度及加热环境对粉煤比磁化率有着一定的影响,微粉煤热处理后煤质变化对其磁性的影响较为显著.实验结果为干法磁选脱硫选前磁性强化提供了有价值的实验研究理论依据.  相似文献   

An experimenl was performed to study the effects of bubbling from a circular, horizontal, fiat plate on the heat transfer to an overlying water pool. The plate had drilled orifices through which nitrogen was injected into an overlying pool of water at atmospheric pressure. For “deep” pools, the heat transfer coefficient was found to increase only about 20% over a range of superficial gas velocities from 0.6 to 8.5cm/s, A turbulent heat transfer model developed by Konsetov was found to agree well with the data from this experiment. This model and the experimental data suggest that under certain conditions the heat transfer coefficient is similar for both horizontal and vertical surfaces. These conditions are, that the bubbles only contribute to the stirring action in the pool and only when the bubbling pool is considered “deep”. When the pool height fell below 60% of its diameter, the heat transfer coefficient decreased almost linearly with pool height. This suggests that there occurs a reduction in the turbulent fluctuations or in the characteristic length scale based on the average turbulent eddy size as the pool height decreases.  相似文献   

传热系数对中空纤维周向和径向温度梯度分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由侧吹风引起的传热系数 (h)对纤维的传热影响较大 ,尤其是不对称冷却吹风将引起纤维截面温度分布的不对称性。文中利用计算机纺丝模拟 ,详细讨论了中空纤维在强吹风条件下 ,h随纺程在截面上的变化及其对温度截面梯度的影响。对强吹风中空纤维的纺丝模拟的传热系数进行了修正  相似文献   

Available boundary layer type solutions to the combined hydrodynamic and thermal entrance region problem are known to exhibit a discontinuity in the gradients of the velocity and temperature distributions in the entrance region. A new solution is presented which alleviates this shortcoming. The new solution is based on the hydrodynamic inlet-filled region concept originally proposed by Ishizawa (1966) and later adopted by Mohanty and Das (1982) to hydrodynamically developing flow in a channel. This concept is extended to the combined entry length problem by dividing the thermal entrance length into two lengthwise regions, a thermal inlet region and a thermally filled region. In the former, the effect of heat transfer between fluid and wall is confined within the thermal boundary layer developing along the wall. At the end of the thermal inlet region, the thermal boundary layers meet at the duct axis but the temperature profile is not yet developed. In the thermally filled region, the heat effects propagate throughout the entire cross section and the temperature profile undergoes adjustment in a fully thermal region to finally attain the fully developed form. A thermal shape factor is also introduced in the thermally filled region which ensures that all thermal quantities attain their fully developed values asymptotically. The new model is used to obtain solutions to the combined entry length problem for laminar flow through a parallel plate channel under the constant wall heat flux boundary condition. The analysis gives considerably better results for the local Nusselt number and thermal entrance length than previously available.  相似文献   

湿煤堆非稳态温度场计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用计算机编程对湿煤堆非稳态自热过程的一维模型进行差分计算,求得不同煤层厚度湿煤堆内的非稳态温度场。结果表明,采用自热过程的非稳态数学模型计算,可以剖析影响湿煤堆自热的因素,对评价实际湿煤堆的自燃危险性有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

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