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Two isozymes of ribonuclease (RNase) T1 exist in nature, i.e. Gln25 RNase T1 and Lys25 RNase T1. Gln25 RNase T1 is less stable than Lys25 RNase T1, although the enzymatic activity is not distinguishable between these two isozymes. To elucidate the effects of the replacement of Lys25 with Gln on the conformation and microenvironments of RNase T1 in detail, two-dimensional NMR spectra were measured, sequence-specific 1H NMR resonance assignments of Gln25 RNase T1 were performed, and then the determined parameters and microenvironments of Gln25 RNase T1 were compared with those of Lys25 isozyme [Hoffmann, E. and Rüterjans, H. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 177, 539-560]. The main chain protons were assigned for 101 out of the total of 104 amino acid residues. Secondary structure elements were identified from analysis of characteristic NOE patterns, interstrand NOE connectivities, and hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates of main chain amide protons. The results indicated that Gln25 RNase T1 contains a single alpha-helix and seven beta-strands. The secondary structure of Gln25 RNase T1 is, thus, essentially the same as that of Lys25 RNase T1. On the other hand, comparison of the conformation-dependent shifts of Gln25 RNase T1 with these of Lys25 RNase T1 showed that the replacement of Lys25 with Gln has significant effects on the C-terminal part of the alpha-helix region and the base-binding site. These results may indicate that the base-binding site is relatively flexible in the RNase T1 molecule. Among the residues of the C-terminal part of the alpha-helix region, the protons of Asp29 were most affected in terms of their chemical shifts, which may indicate that the side chain carboxylate anion of Asp29 is the counterpart of the electrostatic interaction of Lys25 in Lys25 RNase T1. The Gln25 of Gln25 RNase T1 may have little or no interaction with Asp29, and this may be the reason why Gln25 RNase T1 is less stable than the Lys25 isozyme.  相似文献   

Structure at 0.85 A resolution of an early protein photocycle intermediate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein photosensors from all kingdoms of life use bound organic molecules, known as chromophores, to detect light. A specific double bond within each chromophore is isomerized by light, triggering slower changes in the protein as a whole. The initial movements of the chromophore, which can occur in femtoseconds, are tightly constrained by the surrounding protein, making it difficult to see how isomerization can occur, be recognized, and be appropriately converted into a protein-wide structural change and biological signal. Here we report how this dilemma is resolved in the photoactive yellow protein (PYP). We trapped a key early intermediate in the light cycle of PYP at temperatures below -100 degrees C, and determined its structure at better than 1 A resolution. The 4-hydroxycinnamoyl chromophore isomerizes by flipping its thioester linkage with the protein, thus avoiding collisions resulting from large-scale movement of its aromatic ring during the initial light reaction. A protein-to-chromophore hydrogen bond that is present in both the preceding dark state and the subsequent signalling state of the photosensor breaks, forcing one of the hydrogen-bonding partners into a hydrophobic pocket. The isomerized bond is distorted into a conformation resembling that in the transition state. The resultant stored energy is used to drive the PYP light cycle. These results suggest a model for phototransduction, with implications for bacteriorhodopsin, photoactive proteins, PAS domains, and signalling proteins.  相似文献   

Water oxygen-17 and deuteron nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) measurements were used to characterize ribonuclease A (RNase A) in the course of thermal denaturation at pH 2 and 4. The structure and dynamics of the protein were probed by specific long-lived water molecules, by the short-lived surface hydration, and by labile side-chain hydrogens. The NMRD data show that native RNase A contains at least three water molecules with a mean residence time of 8 ns at 27 degreesC and an activation enthalpy of ca. 40 kJ mol-1. These water molecules are identified with some or all of six ordered water molecules partly buried in surface pockets in the crystal structure of RNase A. The loss of the 17O dispersion at higher temperatures demonstrates that, in the thermally denatured protein, these surface pockets are either not present or undergoing large structural fluctuations on a subnanosecond time scale. The relaxation dispersion step vanishes monotonically and essentially in concert with the CD denaturation curves, thus ruling out the existence of equilibrium intermediates with a substantial amount of non-native and long-lived hydration water. The NMRD data show that thermally denatured RNase A has a relatively compact but highly flexible structure. The global solvent exposure and the hydrodynamic volume of the denatured protein are much less than for maximally unfolded disulfide-intact RNase A. The NMRD data show that thermal denaturation is accompanied by a large reduction of the mean-square orientational order parameter of side-chain O-H bonds, implying that, in the denatured state, these side chains sample a wide distribution of conformational states on a subnanosecond time scale.  相似文献   

Human placental RNase inhibitor (hRI), a leucine-rich repeat protein, binds the blood vessel-inducing protein human angiogenin (Ang) with extraordinary affinity (Ki <1 fM). Here we report a 2.0 A resolution crystal structure for the hRI-Ang complex that, together with extensive mutagenesis data from earlier studies, reveals the molecular features of this tight interaction. The hRI-Ang binding interface is large and encompasses 26 residues from hRI and 24 from Ang, recruited from multiple domains of both proteins. However, a substantial fraction of the energetically important contacts involve only a single region of each: the C-terminal segment 434-460 of hRI and the ribonucleolytic active centre of Ang, most notably the catalytic residue Lys40. Although the overall docking of Ang resembles that observed for RNase A in the crystal structure of its complex with the porcine RNase inhibitor, the vast majority of the interactions in the two complexes are distinctive, indicating that the broad specificity of the inhibitor for pancreatic RNase superfamily proteins is based largely on its capacity to recognize features unique to each of them. The implications of these findings for the development of small, hRI-based inhibitors of Ang for therapeutic use are discussed.  相似文献   

There is evidence that phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) can increase reverse cholesterol transport by inducing favorable subclass distribution in the high density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction. This includes generation of initial cholesterol acceptor particles, pre beta-HDL, and of enlarged particles that are rapidly cleared from the circulation. However, partly because of methodological difficulties, the mechanisms behind the PLTP-mediated interconversion of HDL particles are not fully understood. In this communication, we describe the use of a novel methodology, based on 1H NMR spectroscopy, to study the PLTP-induced size changes in the HDL particles. In accordance with native gradient gel electrophoresis, the 1H NMR data revealed a gradual production of enlarged HDL particles in the HDL3+ PLTP mixtures. In addition, according to a physical model for lipoprotein particles, relating the frequency shifts observable with NMR to the size of the lipoprotein particles, the NMR data demonstrated that PLTP-mediated HDL remodeling involves fusion of the HDL particles.  相似文献   

The segmental dynamics of solid-state poly(methylphenylsilane) were probed with deuterium solid-echo and two-dimensional exchange (2D-X) NMR via a methyl-d3 label. Between 25 and 50 degreesC, the spectra indicated that the polymer consisted of two fractions-a fast fraction with correlation times (tauc) below 10(-5) s and one with tauc's above 10 s. Above 50 degreesC, motion with tauc's around 10(-3) s was also detected. A minimization routine was developed to fit the 2D-X spectra to a model of isotropic rotational diffusion with a distribution of tauc's. The best fits were obtained with trimodal stretched-exponential distributions. The trimodal distributions consisted of a fast mode with tauc's around 10(-5) s, an intermediate mode with tauc's between 10(-4) and 0.3 s, and a slow mode with tauc's generally above 10 s. As the temperature increased from 56 to 90 degreesC, the fast fraction steadily increased from 21% to 50% while its average tauc remained around 10(-5) s; the intermediate fraction remained relatively constant at 23% while its average tauc decreased from 125 to 8 ms, and the rigid fraction decreased from 55% to 32% with an average tauc around 40 s. The fast fraction was attributed to amorphous segments, the rigid fraction to crystalline segments, and the intermediate fraction to segments that formed an interphase between the two.  相似文献   

2D NMR spectroscopic methods have been used to determine the structure of the adduct formed between the antitumor antibiotic hedamycin and the oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplex d(CACGTG)2. Evidence for both intercalation and alkylation in the adduct was observed, and a model for the binding interaction was constructed based on intermolecular NOEs and distance-restrained molecular dynamics. In our computationally refined model, the anthrapyrantrione chromophore of hedamycin is intercalated between the 5'-CG-3' bases with the two aminosugar groups placed in the minor groove and the six carbon bisepoxide side chain located in the major groove. The anglosamine sugar attached at C8 is oriented in the 3' direction relative to the intercalation site, while the N,N-dimethylvancosamine attached at C10 is oriented to the 5' side, with each aminosugar wedged between a guanine exocyclic amino group and one of the groove walls. The terminal epoxide carbon C18 is covalently bound to the N7 atom of the central guanine, as evidenced by lability of the C8 hydrogen of this purine upon reaction with hedamycin. Our binding model places the C10-attached N,N-dimethylvancosamine of hedamycin in van der Waals contact with the alkylated strand. A strong NOE contact verifies the close proximity of the terminal methyl group (C19) of the bisepoxide side chain to the methyl group of the thymine on the 3' side of the alkylated guanine. This, in conjunction with other data, suggests hydrophobic interactions between the bisepoxide chain and the floor of the major groove may contribute to sequence recognition. Furthermore, it is proposed that the 5'-CGT sequence selectivity of hedamycin arises, in part, from complementarity in shape between the chromophore substituents and the major and minor groove at the binding site.  相似文献   

Improved pulse sequences DIFN (abbreviation of the words: DIFferentiation by N pulses), 90 degrees - tau1 - 180 degrees tau1 - . . . 180 degrees - tau1 with optimised time intervals tau1- for T1 measurement and contrast enhancing in NMR imaging are presented. The pulse sequences DIFN have a better sensitivity to T1 than the well-known pulse sequence SR. In contrast to the IR pulse sequence, the information given by the DIFN pulse sequence is more reliable, because the NMR signal does not change its sign. For a given time interval tau0 < or = (0.1 - 0.3) T(1) the DIFN pulse sequences serve as T1-filters. They pass the signal components with relatively short T1 < T(1) and suppress the components with relatively long T1 < T(1). The effects of the radiofrequency field inhomogeneity and inaccurate adjusting of pulse lengths are also considered. It is also proposed in this work to use the joint T1T2-contrast in NMR imaging obtained as a result of applying the DIFN pulse sequences in combination with the well-known Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence. The region of interest, where the contrast should be especially enhanced, is specified by the two times at which measurements are performed, which allow the amplitudes of pixels to reach some defined levels by spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation.  相似文献   

The phenotypic identification of the classical propionibacteria is essentially still problematic and alternative techniques for the identification of the various species are required. A rapid and sensitive technique for the routine identification of the classical propionibacteria, based on the amplification of 16S rRNA genes using the polymerase chain reaction and the subsequent restriction endonuclease digestion of the PCR products, was previously described. Although this technique enabled differentiation between the various classical species examined it was only evaluated on a limited number of type and reference strains. During this study, the taxonomic relationship between 135 Propionibacterium strains from diverse ecological niches, representing four classical species was investigated using this PCR/RFLP technique. Visual differentiation between the classical Propionibacterium was possible after restriction endonuclease digestion of the PCR products obtained using primers 16sP1-16sP4 and 16sP3-16sP4 with the restriction endonucleases HaeIII, AluI and HpaIII, respectively. With the exception of strains independently identified as "P. rubrum" and "P. sanguineum", the results of this study confirm the consolidation of the "old" species into the various classical species as they currently exist. It was therefore concluded that the PCR/RFLP protocol is suitable for the rapid and routine identification of the classical propionibacteria.  相似文献   

We report two cases of acromegaly due to pituitary adenoma without any other endocrinopathy in a family. The patients had high plasma GH and were improved by transsphenoidal adenomectomy. Acromegaly is usually a clinical syndrome of sporadic nonfamilial occurrence. The familial occurrence of acromegaly not associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia is very rare. Our patients are unlikely to be associated with the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome. Here we describe two patients with acromegaly, a father and his daughter, and review familial cases reported.  相似文献   

An X-ray crystallographic structure determination has been carried out on 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconic (KDPG) aldolase at 3.5-A resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement method with three heavy atom derivatives along with anomalous dispersion contributions from two of the derivatives. Crystals grown from ammonium sulfate-phosphate buffered (pH 3.5) solutions were: cubic, a= 103.40 (4) A, space group P213. KDPG aldolase consists of trimeric heterologous assemblages utilizing crystallographic threefold symmetry. The overall profile of the oligomeric structure viewed down the threefold axis resembles that of a ship propeller while the subunits are approximate irregular oblate ellipsoids (25 X 45 X 45 A). The folding of most of the polypeptide chain was traced unambiguously. Secondary structural features consist of nine helical regions (75 residues, 35%) and a pair of two parallel chains. The subunit contains a long empty channel which is about 9 X 9 X 30 A with one of the pair of parallel chains forming part of the wall. Three mercury binding sites are located in this channel. These might correspond to the two readily accessible and one of the two buried cysteine residues of each subunit. The channel terminates with another cavity of about 8 X 10 X 25 A near the surface of the oligomeric structure. The regions of the subunits near the threefold axis are characterized by a high degree of secondary structural organization and these make close intersubunit contacts. Quarternary interactions are due mainly to side-chain interactions of helices.  相似文献   

By means of modern 3D-visualization systems it is possible to render detailed reconstructions of very small morphological structures such as the inner ear. Aim of the present study was to demonstrate the imaging quality of a new 3D-segmentation program developed in the University of Hamburg. The investigation was carried out on a high-resolution MR-tomography of the author's labyrinth and facial nerve. The images were obtained with a fast-field-echo technique using a surface coil. 32 axial slices of 1.0 mm thickness were used for reconstruction. Thus it was possible to completely visualize cochlea, semicircular canals and facial nerve. Especially the filiform substructures of the inner ear could reliably be reconstructed. So the content of information of the MR-investigation could be increased by the 3D-technique applied.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old man was referred to our hospital for recurrent desmoid tumor of the chest wall. He underwent chest wall resection with reconstruction of Marlex mesh. But we could not resect it enough widely, because the tumor invaded beside left subclavian artery and subclavian vein, brachioflexus. So he had additional radiation therapy (50 gry). The patient is now doing well without recurrence 1 year after the operation.  相似文献   

Attempts to modify the guanine specificity of ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) by rationally designed amino acid substitutions failed so far. Therefore, we applied a semirational approach by randomizing the guanine binding site. A combinatorial library of approximately 1.6 million RNase T1 variants containing permutations of 6 amino acid positions within the recognition loop was screened on RNase indicator plates. The specificity profiles of 180 individual clones showing RNase activity revealed that variant K41S/N43W/N44H/Y45A/E46D (RNaseT1-8/3) exhibits an altered preference toward purine nucleotides. The ApC/GpC preference in the cleavage reaction of this variant was increased 4000-fold compared to wild-type. Synthesis experiments of dinucleoside monophosphates from cytidine and the corresponding 2'3'-cyclic diesters using the reverse reaction of the transesterification step showed a 7-fold higher ApC synthesis rate of RNase 8/3 than wild-type, whereas the GpC synthesis rates for both enzymes were comparable. This study shows that site-directed random mutagenesis is a powerful additional tool in protein design in order to achieve new enzymatic specificities.  相似文献   

Altered hepatic expression of apolipoproteins occurs during the acute phase response. Here we examined whether the acute phase response alters extra hepatic expression of apolipoproteins. Syrian hamsters were injected with endotoxin (LPS), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin (IL)-1, or the combination of TNF + IL-1 and mRNAs for serum amyloid A (apoSAA), apolipoprotein (apo) J, apo E. apo A-I, and apo D, were analyzed. LPS increased mRNA levels for apoSAA in all tissues examined. LPS and TNF + IL-1 increased mRNA levels for apo J in kidney, heart, stomach, intestine, and muscle. Individually, TNF and IL-1 were less potent than the combination of the two cytokines. LPS decreased mRNA levels for apo E in all tissues, except for mid and distal intestine. TNF and IL-1 were less effective than LPS. LPS, TNF + IL-1 and TNF decreased mRNA levels for apo A-I in duodenum. mRNA for apo D decreased in heart, were unchanged in brain and increased in muscle, following LPS. The widespread extra hepatic regulation of the apolipoproteins during the acute phase response may be important for the alterations in lipid metabolism that occur during infection and inflammation as well as the immune response.  相似文献   

We have detected an anhydride intermediate in the CPA catalyzed proteolytic reaction of Gly-Tyr. It appears that since the zinc-bound water molecule which is believed to attack the scissile amide carbonyl carbon in the hydrolysis reaction is excluded by the N-terminal amino group of Gly-Tyr, the carboxylate of Glu-270 becomes to attack the amide bond to generate the anhydride intermediate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Self-assembled conjugated polymers are rapidly finding biological and biotechnological applications. This work describes a synthetic membrane system based on self-assembled polydiacetylenes, which are responsive to the enzymatic activity of phospholipases - a ubiquitous class of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phospholipid molecules embedded in cell membranes. RESULTS: We show that phospholipases are active at bilayer vesicles composed of the natural enzyme substrate, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), and a synthetic pi-conjugated polymerized lipid based on polydiacetylene (PDA). In addition, the enzymatic reaction induces an optical transition in the surrounding PDA matrix, visible to the naked eye. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirms the occurrence of enzymatic catalysis and reveals the fate of the cleavage products. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the structural and color changes of the PDA matrix are directly related to interfacial catalysis by phospholipase. This novel biocatalytic method of inducing optical transitions in conjugated polymers might lead to new approaches towards rapidly screening new enzyme inhibitor compounds.  相似文献   

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