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Semi-definite programs are convex optimization problems arising in a wide variety of applications and the extension of linear programming. Most methods for linear programming have been generalized to semi-definite programs. This paper discusses the discretization method in semi-definite programming. The convergence and the convergent rate of error between the optimal value of the semi-definite programming problems and the optimal value of the discretized problems are obtained. An approximately optimal division is given under certain assumptions. With the significance of the convergence property, the duality result in semi-definite programs is proved in a simple way which is different from the other common proofs.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to learn a linear principal component using the nature of support vector machines (SVMs). To this end, a complete SVM-like framework of linear PCA (SVPCA) for deciding the projection direction is constructed, where new expected risk and margin are introduced. Within this framework, a new semi-definite programming problem for maximizing the margin is formulated and a new definition of support vectors is established. As a weighted case of regular PCA, our SVPCA coincides with the regular PCA if all the samples play the same part in data compression. Theoretical explanation indicates that SVPCA is based on a margin-based generalization bound and thus good prediction ability is ensured. Furthermore, the robust form of SVPCA with a interpretable parameter is achieved using the soft idea in SVMs. The great advantage lies in the fact that SVPCA is a learning algorithm without local minima because of the convexity of the semi-definite optimization problems. To validate the performance of SVPCA, several experiments are conducted and numerical results have demonstrated that their generalization ability is better than that of regular PCA. Finally, some existing problems are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper,an improved PID-neural network(IPIDNN) structure is proposed and applied to the critic and action networks of direct heuristic dynamic programming(DHDP).As one of online learning algorithm of approximate dynamic programming(ADP),DHDP has demonstrated its applicability to large state and control problems.Theoretically, the DHDP algorithm requires access to full state feedback in order to obtain solutions to the Bellman optimality equation. Unfortunately,it is not always possible to access all the states in a real system.This paper proposes a solution by suggesting an IPIDNN configuration to construct the critic and action networks to achieve an output feedback control.Since this structure can estimate the integrals and derivatives of measurable outputs,more system states are utilized and thus better control performance are expected.Compared with traditional PIDNN,this configuration is flexible and easy to expand. Based on this structure,a gradient decent algorithm for this IPIDNN-based DHDP is presented.Convergence issues are addressed within a single learning time step and for the entire learning process.Some important insights are provided to guide the implementation of the algorithm.The proposed learning controller has been applied to a cart-pole system to validate the effectiveness of the structure and the algorithm.  相似文献   

We investigate the optimization of linear impulse systems with the reinforcement learning based adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) method. For linear impulse systems, the optimal objective function is shown to be a quadric form of the pre-impulse states. The ADP method provides solutions that iteratively converge to the optimal objective function. If an initial guess of the pre-impulse objective function is selected as a quadratic form of the pre-impulse states, the objective function iteratively converges to the optimal one through ADP. Though direct use of the quadratic objective function of the states within the ADP method is theoretically possible, the numerical singularity problem may occur due to the matrix inversion therein when the system dimensionality increases. A neural network based ADP method can circumvent this problem. A neural network with polynomial activation functions is selected to approximate the pr~impulse objective function and trained iteratively using the ADP method to achieve optimal control. After a successful training, optimal impulse control can be derived. Simulations are presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of intercepting a maneuvering target is formulated as a two-player zero-sum differential game framework affected by matched uncertainties. By introducing an appropriate cost function that reflects the uncertainties, the robust control is transformed into a two-player zero-sum differential game control problem and therefore ensures the compensation of the matched uncertainties. Additionally, the corresponding Hamilton--Jacobi--Isaacs (HJI) equation is solved by constructing a critic neural network (NN). The closed-loop system and the critic NN weight estimation error are proved to be uniform ultimate boundedness (UUB) by utilising Lyapunov approach. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed robust guidance law is demonstrated by using a nonlinear two-dimensional kinematics, assuming first-order dynamics for the interceptor and the target.  相似文献   

为了提高求解半定规划问题的运算效率,提出了一种新的求解半定规划的非单调信赖域算法。将半定规划的最优性条件转化为无约束优化问题,并构造无约束优化问题的信赖域子问题,修正信赖域半径的校正条件,当初始搜索点处于峡谷附近时仍能搜索到全局最优解。实验结果表明,对于小规模和中等规模的半定规划问题,该算法的迭代次数都比经典的内点算法少,运行速度快。  相似文献   

考虑物流网络需求的不确定性,利用区间参数度量不确定性变量与参数,建立区间需求模式下的物流网络双层规划模型,设计了一种含区间参数与变量的递阶优化遗传算法,通过定义问题求解的风险系数与最大决策偏差,给出适合物流网络结构的区间运算准则,实现模型的确定性转化。以区间松弛变量与0-1决策变量定义初始种群,通过两阶遗传操作运算,求解不同情景下双层规划目标的区间最优解与节点决策方案。算例测试表明算法求解的可操作性更强,求解结果具有区间最优解与情景决策的优越性。  相似文献   

基于卷积神经网络的鲁棒性基音检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在语音信号中, 基音是一个重要参数, 且有重要用途. 然而, 检测噪声环境中语音的基音却是一项难度较大的工作. 由于卷积神经网络(Convolutional neural network, CNN)具有平移不变性, 能够很好地刻画语谱图中的谐波结构, 因此我们提出使用CNN来完成这项工作. 具体地, 我们使用CNN来选取候选基音, 再用动态规划方法(Dynamic programming, DP)进行基音追踪, 生成连续的基音轮廓. 实验表明, 与其他方法相比, 本文的方法具有明显的性能优势, 并且 对新的说话人和噪声有很好的泛化性能, 具有更好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on identification of typical graphical user interface (GUI) programming concerns. As opposed to some other proposals available in the literature that indicate GUI programming concerns by simple intuition, we have conducted a systematic empirical analysis to derive our proposal. It included an analysis of an existing application programming interface (API), its use in industrial projects, and an analysis of the requirements and issues reported during software maintenance. In addition, we have evaluated more than 50 GUI frameworks and APIs and proved usefulness and generality of our classification of concerns. As an additional proof of applicability of the proposed classification, we have refactored the inheritance hierarchy of the selected GUI API using concern-oriented interfaces. We have implemented a supporting tool that complements the developed API and supports its concern-oriented use. The evaluation of the refactored API showed positive effects on API usability.  相似文献   

With the wide propagation of cloud and mobile computing, screen content images (SCIs) have become more indispensable in our daily lives. Compared to natural scene images (NSIs), SCIs possess many particular characteristics, like mixed contents, extremely sharp edges, and text graphics. Consequently, more challenges occur in the feature extraction, which is used to reflect the distortion, during the quality assessment of SCIs. Recently, some convolutional neural network (CNN) models have been designed by automatically learning feature to evaluate the quality. In this paper, we develop a novel blind quality assessment method for SCIs via the CNN. First, compared with existing CNN-based methods, the proposed method avoids the disadvantage of training with image patches, and it is the pioneering attempt that takes the entire image as inputs. Second, instead of the image gray value, the original image is decomposed into two portions, i.e., the predicted and unpredicted portions, according to the internal generative mechanism (IGM) theory as the input of CNN. Through the CNN, all features of the image are learned automatically from beginning to end, and the network finally outputs the predicted score. Since existing SCI database is too small, to fully train the network, we collected 30000 SCIs and employed a high-accuracy full-reference quality assessment metric of SCI to compute scores as the training labels. Experimental results on SIQAD database demonstrate that the proposed method is comparable to reference-based SCI quality assessment metrics and is superior to the state-of-the-art NSI quality assessment metrics.  相似文献   

Symbolic Regression (SR) analysis, employing a genetic programming (GP) approach, was used to analyse laboratory strength and elasticity modulus data for some granitic rocks from selected regions in Turkey. Total porosity (n), sonic velocity (vp), point load index (Is) and Schmidt Hammer values (SH) for test specimens were used to develop relations between these index tests and uniaxial compressive strength (σc), tensile strength (σt) and elasticity modulus (E). Three GP models were developed. Each GP model was run more than 50 times to optimise the GP functions. Results from the GP functions were compared with the measured data set and it was found that simple functions may not be adequate in explaining strength relations with index properties. The results also indicated that GP is a potential tool for identifying the key and optimal variables (terminals) for building functions for predicting the elasticity modulus and the strength of granitic rocks.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of a gradient neural network (GNN), which was designed intrinsically for solving static problems, is investigated, analyzed and simulated in the situation of time-varying coefficients. It is theoretically proved that the gradient neural network for online solution of time-varying quadratic minimization (QM) and quadratic programming (QP) problems could only approximately approach the time-varying theoretical solution, instead of converging exactly. That is, the steady-state error between the GNN solution and the theoretical solution can not decrease to zero. In order to understand the situation better, the upper bound of such an error is estimated firstly, and then the global exponential convergence rate is investigated for such a GNN when approaching an error bound. Computer-simulation results, including those based on a six-link robot manipulator, further substantiate the performance analysis of the GNN exploited to solve online time-varying QM and QP problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel decentralised differential game strategy for large-scale nonlinear systems with matched interconnections is developed by using adaptive dynamic programming technique. First, the Nash-equilibrium solutions of the corresponding isolated differential game subsystems are found by appropriately redefining the associated cost functions accounting for the bounds of interconnections. Then, the decentralised differential game strategy is established by integrating all the modified Nash-equilibrium solutions of the isolated subsystems to stabilise the overall system. Next, the solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi–Isaaci equations are approximated online by constructing a set of critic neural networks with adaptation law of weights. The stability analysis of each subsystem is provided to show that all the signals in the closed-loop system are guaranteed to be bounded by utilising Lyapunov method. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed decentralised differential game method is illustrated by a simple example.  相似文献   

针对溶解氧及硝态氮浓度的跟踪控制问题,提出了一种基于回声状态网络的启发式动态规划控制方法,该方法首先对当前策略进行评价,然后根据评价结果对当前策略进行调整,这个过程交替进行,直至发现最优的控制策略.评价函数及控制策略的逼近均采用回声状态网络实现.为保证控制器的可用性,对控制器学习过程的参数选择范围进行了分析.污水处理过程的控制实验表明,该方法能够显著提高系统控制的平稳性及控制精度.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel multi-objective mathematical model is developed to solve a capacitated single-allocation hub location problem with a supply chain overview. Three mathematical models with various objective functions are developed. The objective functions are to minimize: (a) total transportation and installation costs, (b) weighted sum of service times in the hubs to produce and transfer commodities and the tardiness and earliness times of the flows including raw materials and finished goods, and (c) total greenhouse gas emitted by transportation modes and plants located in the hubs. To come closer to reality, some of the parameters of the proposed mathematical model are regarded as uncertain parameters, and a robust approach is used to solve the given problem. Furthermore, two methods, namely fuzzy multi-objective goal programming (FMOGP) and the Torabi and Hassini's (TH) method are used to solve the multi-objective mathematical model. Finally, the concluding part presents the comparison of the obtained results.  相似文献   

遗传规划在符号回归中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传规划(GP)是一种基于达尔文进化理论的数学规划方法。讨论了GP在符号回归中的应用。与传统的数据拟合方法相比,GP不必给出拟合函数的形式,同时,在初始群体足够大而且交叉和变异概率设置合理的情况下,不会陷入局部优化,具有更广泛的适用性。对于不给定函数形式的曲线拟合,GP可以自动得到曲线的函数形式及其参数大小,避免了传统方法的缺陷。通过具体的应用实例,说明了GP在测量数据处理中的应用。  相似文献   

移动Ad hoc网络服务发现协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍移动Ad hoc网络的应用前景和主要研究内容,阐述服务协议的重要性以及服务发现协议中的基本概念,针对现有的移动Ad hoc网络服务发现协议的核心技术和设计思想进行分析,选取几种典型的服务发现协议进行对比,总结得出各类服务发现协议的优缺点和适用范围,并指出该领域的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

Eye center localization is one of the most crucial and basic requirements for some human-computer interaction applications such as eye gaze estimation and eye tracking. There is a large body of works on this topic in recent years, but the accuracy still needs to be improved due to challenges in appearance such as the high variability of shapes, lighting conditions, viewing angles and possible occlusions. To address these problems and limitations, we propose a novel approach in this paper for the eye center localization with a fully convolutional network (FCN), which is an end-to-end and pixels-to-pixels network and can locate the eye center accurately. The key idea is to apply the FCN from the object semantic segmentation task to the eye center localization task since the problem of eye center localization can be regarded as a special semantic segmentation problem. We adapt contemporary FCN into a shallow structure with a large kernel convolutional block and transfer their performance from semantic segmentation to the eye center localization task by fine-tuning. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and reliability of eye center localization. The proposed method has achieved a large performance improvement on the most challenging database and it thus provides a promising solution to some challenging applications.   相似文献   

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