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An analysis of the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the residential sector by using hydrogen energy is reported. The residential sectors in provinces across Canada are considered. Greenhouse gas emissions are determined from the consumption of fossil fuels associated with the energy requirements in the residential sector. The use of hydrogen technologies in the residential sector is compared to conventional systems. The results are determined to vary by province, with the greatest attainable annual reductions in greenhouse gas emissions observed for heating to be in Alberta (7.2 t CO2) and for power generation to be in Saskatchewan (7.2 t CO2). The results suggest that hydrogen technologies for heating and power generation are promising options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Canada and its provinces.  相似文献   

In 2007, the Government of Canada announced its medium- and long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction plan entitled Turning the Corner, proposed emission cuts of 20% below 2006 levels by 2020 and 60–70% below 2006 levels by 2050. A report from a Canadian government advisory organization, the National Round Table on Environment and Economy (NRTEE), Achieving 2050: A carbon pricing policy for Canada, recommended “fast and deep” energy pathways to emissions reduction through large-scale electrification of Canada’s economy by relying on a major expansion of hydroelectricity, adoption of carbon capture and storage for coal and natural gas, and increasing the use of nuclear.  相似文献   

The second largest national consumer of commercial energy in the world, the USSR also emits large quantities of energy-related CO2. This study uses four long-term scenarios of energy use and related emissions to investigate opportunities for reducing the USSR's greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years. This paper shows that if no measures are taken to control these emissions, CO2 and methane will increase by 1.5 to 2 times the 1990 level by the year 2020. However, this growth can be restrained dramatically through structural changes in the Soviet economy, improved energy efficiency and interfuel substitutions. Abating emissions of carbon in the USSR would entail the widespread implementation of energy policies and, for more substantial reductions, higher investments from the Soviet economy. Achieving these goals would also require broad support from the international community.  相似文献   

介绍了填埋、焚烧和堆肥3种垃圾处理方式对温室气体减排的影响;分析了这3种不同处理方式下,各种温室气体的产气模型,采用IPCC推荐模型;根据填埋气发电、焚烧发电、有机垃圾堆肥这些温室气体减排措施,分析项目的流程边界,得到温室气体减排量计算公式;提出垃圾综合处理才能实现较好的温室气体减排效果。  相似文献   

As the population and economy continue to grow globally, demand for energy will continue to grow. The transportation sector relies solely on petroleum for its energy supply. The United States and China are the top two oil-importing countries. A major issue both countries face and are addressing is energy insecurity as a result of the demand for liquid fuels. Improvements in the energy efficiency of vehicles and the substitution of petroleum fuels with alternative fuels can help contain growth in the demand for transportation oil. Although most alternative transportation fuels — when applied to advanced vehicle technologies — can substantially reduce greenhouse emissions, coal-based liquid fuels may increase greenhouse gas emissions by twice as much as gasoline. Such technologies as carbon capture and storage may need to be employed to manage the greenhouse gas emissions of coal-based fuels. At present, there is no ideal transportation fuel option to solve problems related to transportation energy and greenhouse gas emissions. To solve these problems, research and development efforts are needed for a variety of transportation fuel options and advanced vehicle technologies.  相似文献   

Renewable energy generation of electricity is advocated as a means of reducing carbon dioxide emissions associated with the generation from fossil fuels. Whilst it is true that renewable sources do not generate significant carbon dioxide whilst producing electricity, as with fossil-fuelled plants they do embody significant emissions in their materials of construction. The “full-chain” environmental impacts of wind, hydro, solar-thermal and photovoltaic conversion are quite different and the likely trend in future reduction of embodied energy of next generation systems reflects the relative maturity of each technology. There has been much recent development of solar thermal electricity generation options for which there is a wide divergence in embodied CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to investigate the options for the sustainable development of the Northern Ireland energy supply system, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Particular factors which must be considered centre around the isolation of the system, the prospect of a new gaspipeline and electrical interconnector to the rest of the U.K., and the re‐establishment of an electrical interconnector to the Republic of Ireland. The study has relevance for all similar isolated or island systems, which have particular problems because they tend to be relatively small in size, and their isolation means that inter‐connection with their neighbours is either weak or non‐existent. Because of this, they have to carry greater spare capacity than would normally be the case, with consequent efficiency and cost penalties. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A model is developed that simulates nationwide energy consumption of the residential sector by considering the diversity of household and building types. Since this model can simulate the energy consumption for each household and building category by dynamic energy use based on the schedule of the occupants’ activities and a heating and cooling load calculation model, various kinds of energy-saving policies can be evaluated with considerable accuracy. In addition, the average energy efficiency of major electric appliances used in the residential sector and the percentages of housing insulation levels of existing houses is predicted by the “stock transition model.” In this paper, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the Japanese residential sector until 2025 are predicted. For example, as a business – as-usual (BAU) case, CO2 emissions will be reduced by 7% from the 1990 level. Also evaluated are mitigation measures such as the energy efficiency standard for home electric appliances, thermal insulation code, reduction of standby power, high-efficiency water heaters, energy-efficient behavior of occupants, and dissemination of photovoltaic panels.  相似文献   

This paper examines policy and technology scenarios in California, emphasizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020 and 2030. Using CALGAPS, a new, validated model simulating GHG and criteria pollutant emissions in California from 2010 to 2050, four scenarios were developed: Committed Policies (S1), Uncommitted Policies (S2), Potential Policy and Technology Futures (S3), and Counterfactual (S0), which omits all GHG policies. Forty-nine individual policies were represented. For S1–S3, GHG emissions fall below the AB 32 policy 2020 target [427 million metric tons CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e) yr−1], indicating that committed policies may be sufficient to meet mandated reductions. In 2030, emissions span 211–428 MtCO2e yr−1, suggesting that policy choices made today can strongly affect outcomes over the next two decades. Long-term (2050) emissions were all well above the target set by Executive Order S-3-05 (85 MtCO2e yr−1); additional policies or technology development (beyond the study scope) are likely needed to achieve this objective. Cumulative emissions suggest a different outcome, however: due to early emissions reductions, S3 achieves lower cumulative emissions in 2050 than a pathway that linearly reduces emissions between 2020 and 2050 policy targets. Sensitivity analysis provided quantification of individual policy GHG emissions reduction benefits.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a total of 27 projects from the Finnish CLIMTECH technology program. These were used to investigate the prospects of greenhouse gas-mitigation technologies under Finnish conditions, including all emissions sources and all Kyoto gases. The estimated impacts of climate change on the energy system were also taken into account in the analysis. Systematic investments in technology development were found to yield substantial benefits in the long term by decreasing emissions reduction costs and by facilitating more ambitious reduction targets. Advanced biofuel production and utilization technologies, as well as offshore wind power, have proved to have the largest potential by the 2030s. Results also indicated a clear relationship between technological development and national emissions-trading patterns.  相似文献   

We have developed a model to assess the life cycle greenhouse emissions of compressed natural gas–hydrogen (CNG–H2) mixtures used for transportation in Argentina. The overall fuel life cycle is assessed through a well-to-wheel (WTW) analysis for different hydrogen generation and distribution options. The combustion stage in road vehicles is modeled using the COPERT IV model. Hydrogen generation options include classical steam methane reforming (SMR) and water electrolysis (WE) in central plants and distributed facilities at the refueling stations. Centralized hydrogen generation by electrolysis in nuclear plants as well as the use of solar photovoltaic and wind electricity is also considered. Hydrogen distribution options include gas pipeline and refrigerated truck transportation for liquefied hydrogen. A total number of fifteen fuel pathways are studied; in all the cases the natural gas–hydrogen mixture is made at the refueling station. The use of WE using nuclear or wind electricity appears to be less contaminant that the use of pure CNG.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》1999,63(1):53-74
Greenhouse gas emissions in Lebanon mainly come from energy activities, which are responsible for 85% of all CO2 emissions. The CO2 emissions from energy use in manufacturing industries and construction represent 24% of the total emissions of the energy sector. Lebanese manufacturers' accounted for 39.15 million gigajoules of fuel consumption for heat and power generation in 1994, including both fuel used directly and fuel burned remotely to generate electricity used in the sector. In addition to being processed by combustion, CO2 is generated in calcining of carbonates in the manufacture of cement, iron and glass. Electricity, the most expensive form of energy, represented 25.87% of all fuel used for heat and power. Residual fuel oil and diesel, which are used mainly in direct combustion processes, represent 26.85 and 26.55% of all energy use by industry, respectively. Scenarios for future energy use and CO2 emissions are developed for the industrial sector in Lebanon. The development of the baseline scenario relied on available data on major plants' outputs, and on reported amounts of fuels used by the industrial sector as a whole. Energy use in industry and the corresponding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Lebanon are projected in baseline scenarios that reflect technologies, activities and practices that are likely to evolve from the base year 1994 to year 2040. Mitigation work targets a 15% of CO2 emissions from the baseline scenario by year 2005 and a 20–30% reduction of CO2 emissions by year 2040. The mitigation options selected for analysis are screened on the basis of GHG emissions and expert judgement on the viability of their wide-scale implementation and economic benefits. Using macroeconomic assessment and energy price assumptions, the final estimates of potential GHG emissions and reduction costs of various mitigation scenarios are calculated. The results show that the use of efficient electric motors, efficient boilers and furnaces with fuel switching from fuel oil to natural gas has the largest impact on GHG emissions at a levelized annual cost that ranges from −20 to −5 US$/tonne of CO2 reduced. The negative costs are indicative of direct savings obtained in energy cost for those mitigation options.  相似文献   

To meet long-term environmental and energy security goals, the United States must reduce petroleum use in the light-duty vehicle fleet by 70% and greenhouse gas emissions by a factor of ten compared to business-as-usual growth projections for the year 2050. A wedge-based approach was used to quantify the scope of the problem in real terms, and to develop options for meeting mid-century targets. Four mitigation mechanisms were considered: (1) improvements in near-term vehicle technologies; (2) emphasis on low-carbon biofuels; (3) de-carbonization of the electric grid; and (4) demand-side travel-reduction initiatives. Projections from previous studies were used to characterize the potential of individual mitigation mechanisms, which were then integrated into a light-duty vehicle fleet model; particular emphasis was given to systemic constraints on scale and rates of change.  相似文献   

This paper describes a number of different allocation methods for assigning greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation to charging plug-in electric vehicles. These methods for calculating the carbon intensity of electricity are discussed in terms of merits and drawbacks and are placed into a framework to aid in understanding the relation with other allocation methods. Three independent decisions are used to define these methods (average vs. marginal, aggregate vs. temporally-explicit, and retrospective vs. prospective). This framework is important because the use of different methods can lead to very different carbon intensities and studies or analyses that do not properly identify the methods used can confuse policymakers and stakeholders, especially when compared to other studies using different methods.  相似文献   

Structural decomposition analysis of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Richard Wood   《Energy Policy》2009,37(11):4943-4948
A complex system of production links our greenhouse gas emissions to our consumer demands. Whilst progress may be made in improving efficiency, other changes in the production structure may easily annul global improvements. Utilising a structural decomposition analysis, a comparative-static technique of input–output analysis, over a time period of around 30 years, net greenhouse emissions are decomposed in this study into the effects, due to changes in industrial efficiency, forward linkages, inter-industry structure, backward linkages, type of final demand, cause of final demand, population affluence, population size, and mix and level of exports.Historically, significant competing forces at both the whole of economy and industrial scale have been mitigating potential improvements. Key sectors and structural influences are identified that have historically shown the greatest potential for change, and would likely have the greatest net impact. Results clearly reinforce that the current dichotomy of growth and exports are the key problems in need of address.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》2002,71(1):15-30
Most, i.e. 85%, of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Jordan emanate as a result of fossil fuel combustion. The industrial sector consumed 23.3% of the total national fuel consumption for heat and electric-power generation in 1999. The CO2 emissions from energy use in manufacturing processes represent 12.1% of the total national CO2 emissions. Carbon dioxide is also released as a result of the calcining of carbonates during the manufacture of cement and iron. Electricity, which is the most expensive form of energy, in 1999 represented 45% of total fuel used for heat and power nationally. Heavy fuel oil and diesel oil represented 46% and 7%, respectively, of all energy used by industry. Scenarios for future energy-demands and the emissions of gaseous pollutants, including GHGs, have been predicted for the industrial sector. For these, the development of a baseline scenario relied on historical data concerning consumption, major industries’ outputs, as well as upon pertinent published governmental policies and plans. Possible mitigation options that could lead to a reduction in GHG emissions are assessed, with the aim of achieving a 10% reduction by 2010, compared with the baseline scenario. Many viable CO2 emission mitigation measures have been identified for the industrial sector, and some of these can be considered as attractive opportunities due to the low financial investments required and short pay back periods. These mitigation options have been selected on the basis of low GHG emission rates and expert judgement as to their viability for wide-scale implementation and economic benefits. The predictions show that the use of more efficient lighting and motors, advanced energy systems and more effective boilers and furnaces will result in a significant reduction in the rates of GHG emissions at an initial cost of between 30 and 90 US$ t−1 of CO2 release avoided. However, most of these measures have a negative cost per ton of CO2 reduced, indicating short pay-back periods for the capital investments needed.  相似文献   

Integrated assessment models have been used to project both baseline and mitigation greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Results of these scenarios are typically presented for a number of world regions and end-use sectors, such as industry, transport, and buildings. Analysts interested in particular technologies and policies, however, require more detailed information to understand specific mitigation options in relation to business-as-usual trends. This paper presents sectoral trend for two of the scenarios produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. Global and regional historical trends in energy use and carbon dioxide emissions over the past 30 years are examined and contrasted with projections over the next 30 years. Macro-activity indicators are analyzed as well as trends in sectoral energy and carbon demand. This paper also describes a methodology to calculate primary energy and carbon dioxide emissions at the sector level, accounting for the full energy and emissions due to sectoral activities.  相似文献   

The hikes in hydrocarbon prices during the last years have lead to concern about investment choices in the energy system and uncertainty about the costs for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. On the one hand, high prices of oil and natural gas increase the use of coal; on the other hand, the cost difference between fossil-based energy and non-carbon energy options decreases. We use the global energy model TIMER to explore the energy system impacts of exogenously forced low, medium and high hydrocarbon price scenarios, with and without climate policy. We find that without climate policy high hydrocarbon prices drive electricity production from natural gas to coal. In the transport sector, high hydrocarbon prices lead to the introduction of alternative fuels, especially biofuels and coal-based hydrogen. This leads to increased emissions of CO2. With climate policy, high hydrocarbon prices cause a shift in electricity production from a dominant position of natural gas with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) to coal-with-CCS, nuclear and wind. In the transport sector, the introduction of hydrogen opens up the possibility of CCS, leading to a higher mitigation potential at the same costs. In a more dynamic simulation of carbon price and oil price interaction the effects might be dampened somewhat.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the increased greenhouse gas emissions and negative effect on energy conservation (or “efficiency penalty”) due to electric rate structures that employ an unavoidable customer charge. First, the extent of customer charges was determined from a nationwide survey of US electric tariffs. To eliminate the customer charge nationally while maintaining a fixed sum for electric companies for a given amount of electricity, an increase of 7.12% in the residential electrical rate was found to be necessary. If enacted, this increase in the electric rate would result in a 6.4% reduction in overall electricity consumption, conserving 73 billion kW h, eliminating 44.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, and saving the entire US residential sector over $8 billion per year. As shown here, these reductions would come from increased avoidable costs, thus leveraging an increased rate of return on investments in energy efficiency, energy conservation behavior, distributed energy generation, and fuel choices. Finally, limitations of this study and analysis are discussed and conclusions are drawn for proposed energy policy changes.  相似文献   

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