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This paper presents application of fuzzy logic controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage device, SMES to damp the frequency oscillations of interconnected two-area power systems due to load excursions. The system frequency oscillations appear due to load disturbance. To stabilize the system frequency oscillations, the active power can be controlled via superconducting magnetic energy storage device, SMES. The error in the area control and its rate of change is used as controller input signals to the proposed fuzzy logic controller. In order to judge the effect of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled SMES, a comparative study is made between its effect and the effect of the conventional proportional plus integral (PI) controlled SMES. The studied system consists of two-area (thermal–thermal) power system each one equipped with SMES unit. The time simulation results indicate the superiority of the proposed fuzzy logic controlled SMES over the conventional PI SMES in damping the system oscillations and reach quickly to zero frequency deviation. The system is modeled and solved by using MATLAB software. 相似文献
非线性PID控制器在超导磁储能装置中的应用研究 总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12
非线性比例-积分-微分(Nonlinear Proportion-Integral-Differential,NLPID)控制是一种利用非线性跟踪-微分器和非线性组合方法对线性PID控制进行改进的新型控制策略,它具有不依赖于被控系统模型的特点.作者设计了用于电力系统超导磁储能(Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage,SMES)装置的NLPID控制器,该控制器通过对由跟踪-微分器提取的转子角速度和机端电压的偏差及其微分和积分信号分别进行适当非线性组合,产生用于协调控制SMES和系统之间的有功和无功功率交换的控制信号.仿真结果表明该NLPID控制器具有较好的适应性和鲁棒性,且改善了系统的阻尼特性,提高了系统电压的稳定性. 相似文献
Mohd Hasan Ali Minwon Park In-Keun Yu Toshiaki Murata Junji Tamura Bin Wu 《International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems》2009,31(7-8):402-408
This paper presents a fuzzy logic-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) for the enhancement of transient stability in a multi-machine power system. The control scheme of SMES is based on a pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage source converter (VSC) and a two-quadrant DC–DC chopper using gate-turn-off (GTO) thyristor. Total kinetic energy deviation (TKED) of the synchronous generators is used as the fuzzy input for SMES control. Communication delays introduced in online calculation of the TKED are considered for the actual analysis of transient stability. Global positioning system (GPS) is proposed for the practical implementation of the calculation of the TKED. Simulation results of balanced fault at different points in a multi-machine power system show that the proposed fuzzy logic-controlled SMES is an effective device for transient stability enhancement of multi-machine power system. Moreover, the transient stability performance is effected by the communication delay. 相似文献
Luis M. CastroClaudio R. Fuerte-Esquivel J.H. Tovar-Hernández 《Electric Power Systems Research》2011,81(10):1859-1865
This paper proposes a solution approach of the power flow problem to assess the steady-state condition of power systems with wind farms in a single frame of reference, in which the state variables of the wind generators are combined with the nodal voltage magnitudes and angles of the entire network for a unified iterative solution through the Newton-Raphson method. Different wind energy conversion systems (WECS) are mathematically derived from the steady-state representation of the induction generator. Suitable strategies for initializing the state variables of the wind generators are also proposed in this paper. Lastly, three numerical examples are presented to numerically illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach. 相似文献
With the recent increase in demand, power systems have become large and complex and generation plants are located far from the load center. As a result, power system instability has become more serious. On the other hand, the active and reactive powers am controlled rapidly and flexibly by the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system. This paper proposes a practical method to suppress power oscillation in a multimachine power system by using SMES wherein its active power is controlled by the signal derived from a bus frequency deviation. This controlled scheme is conducted easily only by detecting the frequency deviation on the site. The proposed method is examined on a 4-machine miniature power system connecting a I-MJ SMES as well as another digital simulation using the same model. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown. 相似文献
With rapidly growing of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) in renewable power systems, several disturbancesinfluence on the power systems such as; lack of system inertia that results from replacing the synchronousgenerators with RESs and frequency/voltage fluctuations that resulting from the intermittent nature of the RESs.Hence, the modern power systems become more susceptible to the system instability than conventional powersystems. Therefore, in this study, a new application of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) (i.e.,auxiliary Load Frequency Control (LFC)) has been integrated with the secondary frequency control (i.e., LFC) forfrequency stability enhancement of the Egyptian Power System (EPS) due to high RESs penetration. Where, thecoordinated control strategy is based on the PI controller that is optimally designed by the Particle SwarmOptimization (PSO) algorithm to minimize the frequency deviations of the EPS. The EPS includes bothconventional generation units (i.e., non-reheat, reheat and hydraulic power plants) with inherent nonlinearities,and RESs (i.e., wind and solar energy). System modelling and simulation results are carried out using Matlab/Simulink® software. The simulation results reveal the robustness of the proposed coordinated control strategyto preserve the system stability of the EPS with high penetration of RESs for different contingencies. 相似文献
Hidehiko Okada Yositeru Tsuchinaga Ryozo Itoh Fujio Irie 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1997,118(4):1-9
To scale up the capacity of an SMES for a practical application, it is necessary to adopt a high-voltage system, a large current system or a modular system. The first system is difficult because of the very low withstanding voltage of a superconducting coil and the second also involves difficulties such as multiple connections of many convertors on the dc side and large current conductors in the superconducting coil. The third system, composed of several modules with small-scale convertor units and element coils, might be a solution of the above difficulties. In this modular system, the module coils have magnetic linkage with one another. In this paper, the influence of magnetic linkage between coils of a modular SMES is investigated by computer simulation. The magnetic linkage varies with the number of modules and the type of connection of the coils. By the effect of this magnetic linkage, each module's coil current is different at the same power. The current and energy transfer characteristics are determined for discharge from one or more of 6 modules, consisting of 18 coils. The discussion deals with the case in which there is an unused module when quenching occurs. The transfer with the same current in all modules is shown by control of convertor power of the current feedback. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn. 118 (4): 1–9, 1997 相似文献
In this paper, an attempt is made to tune the controllers of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)–based wind energy conversion system (WECS). The procedure is optimized to improve the performance of the WECS under both normal and transient operating conditions. It is shown that under normal operating conditions, the outer control loop of the rotor side converter, i.e., speed controller, affects the quality and quantity of output power. Therefore, to extract the maximum available power and smooth the power injected to the grid, this controller is tuned. On the other hand, other controllers affect the response of the DFIG during transient conditions. Thus, to improve the transient stability of the DFIG, the parameters of these controllers are tuned based on the eigenvalue analysis. To verify the performance of the proposed tuning method, comparisons between the proposed and conventional pole placement methods, under normal and fault operating conditions, are presented. 相似文献
This paper proposes a competent and effective scheme to enhance the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of wound field synchronous generator (WFSG) based wind turbines (WTs) under unbalanced voltage dip conditions. A technique for grid synchronization against voltage excursions, i.e., a PLL using positive grid voltages with a high selectivity filters (HSFs) is utilized to extract a robust grid voltage synchronization signal irrespective of the mains condition to enhance the overall system performance. Besides, a new controller (adaptive fuzzy RST) for both the stator side converter (SSC) and grid side converter (GSC) current regulation are employed to further improve dynamic performance. Also, a reactive power support scheme to manage the WFSG reactive power during contingencies and fulfill the grid codes obligations is presented. Moreover, an additional device such as braking chopper (BC) circuit is used in the DC-link circuit for stable operation of the wind energy conversion system (WECS) under-line fault. Effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by the numerical simulations. 相似文献
Ruohuan Yang Jianxun Jin Qian Zhou Mingshun Zhang Shan Jiang Xiaoyuan Chen 《Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy》2023,11(4):1356-1369
Unpredictable power fluctuation and fault ridethrough capability attract increased attention as two uncertain major factors in doubly-fed induction generators(DFIGs) integrated DC power system. Present solutions usually require complicated cooperation comprising multiple modules of energy storage, current control, and voltage stabilizer. To overcome the drawbacks of existing solutions, this paper proposes a superconducting magnetic energy storage(SMES) integrated currentsource DC/DC converter(CSDC). It is mainly composed of a current-source back-to-back converter, and the SMES is tactfully embedded in series with the intermediate DC link. The proposed SMES-CSDC is installed in front of the DC-DFIG to carry out its dual abilities of load voltage stabilization under multifarious transient disturbances and power regulation under wind speed variations. Compared with the existing DC protection devices, the SMES-CSDC is designed on the basis of unique current-type energy storage. It has the advantages of fast response, extensive compensation range, concise hardware structure, and straightforward control strategy. The feasibility of the SMESCSDC is implemented via a scaled-down experiment, and its effectiveness for DC-DFIG protection is verified by a large-scale DC power system simulation. 相似文献
In this paper, we present the design of a fuzzy logic supervisor for the control of active and reactive power which is generated by fixed speed wind energy conversion systems (WECS). First, the modelling of a three-phase induction generator driven by a horizontal axis wind turbine is described. An adjustable capacitor bank is plugged at the connection point with a Static Var Compensator (SVC), which is controlled to regulate the rms voltage. The obtained model is reduced by taking into consideration the dynamics of the system. A fuzzy logic-based supervisor is proposed in order to minimize variations of the generated active power and the stator voltage. The regulation of the rms voltage is performed while imposing a reactive power reference. The pitch angle of the turbine blades is set to obtain the maximum wind power. The obtained performances of the proposed supervisor are then presented. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the effect of fuzzy logic-controlled superconductive magnetic energy storage (SMES) on minimizing shaft torsional oscillations of synchronous generators in a multi-machine power system. The proposed fuzzy logic controller has been designed in a very simple way considering only one input variable and one output variable. The time derivative of the total kinetic energy deviation (TKED) of the synchronous generators is used as the global input to the fuzzy controller for SMES switching. The influence of time delay associated with the global input calculation of the fuzzy controller on minimizing shaft torsional oscillations is investigated. Global positioning system (GPS) is proposed for the practical implementation of the calculation of the global input to the fuzzy controller. Simulation results of a balanced fault at different points in a multi-machine power system show that the proposed SMES can minimize the shaft torsional oscillations of synchronous generators well. Moreover, the time delay has an influence on the performance of fuzzy controlled SMES to minimize shaft torsional oscillations. However, even though the performance of fuzzy controlled SMES is somewhat effected by the communication delay, it is clear from the simulation responses that the fuzzy logic-controlled SMES considering typical communication delays can minimize the shaft torsional oscillations of synchronous generators well. 相似文献
建立含超导磁储能装置(SMES)的单机无穷大系统的Phillips-Heffron模型,导出含SMES电力系统总的电磁转矩表达式,从理论上分析SMES对增强系统阻尼的作用.并设计了SMES非线性比例积分微分控制器,数字仿真结果验证了SMES阻尼系统功率振荡的特性,同时表明该控制器具有较好的鲁棒性. 相似文献
以双馈风力发电系统(doubly-fed induction generator based wind energy conversion system,DFIG-based WECS)为例,利用小信号分析法推导出由风机、双质量块传动链构成的动力与传动系统通用传递函数方程。动力与传动系统传递函数的零极点位置、稳定性与系统参数及系统运行工作点相关。该传递函数可进一步分解为扭转分量和非扭转分量。传动链参数仅对扭转分量造成影响。在此基础上,建立了考虑动力传动、电机、变流器、控制等环节的风力发电系统传递函数模型。模型综合了各环节参数,可直观反映系统参数对系统响应的影响,有助于深入了解系统动态行为。算例及时域仿真结果证明了所提出传递函数模型的准确性和高效性,可为系统参数设计研究提供理论依据。
Kazuhiko Ogimoto Tatsuo Masuda Hiroto Inabe Toshihiko Komukai Syunichi Tsuruta Toyofumi Momotake 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1994,114(1):54-64
With the increase in the size and capacity of electric power systems and the growth of widespread interconnections, the problem of power oscillations due to the reduced system damping has become increasingly serious. Since a Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) unit with a self-commutated converter is capable of controlling both the active (P) and reactive (Q) power simultaneously and quickly, increasing attention has been focused recently on power system stabilization by SMES control. This paper describes the effects of SMES control on the damping of power oscillations. By examining the case of a single generator connected to an infinite bus through both theoretical analyses and experimental tests (performed with a SMES unit with maximum stored energy of 16 kJ and an artificial model system), the difference in the effects between P and Q control of SMES is clarified as follows:
- 1 In the case of P control, as the SMES unit is placed closer to the terminal of the generator, the power oscillations will decay more rapidly.
- 2 In the case of Q control, it is most effective to install the SMES unit near the midpoint of the system.
- 3 By comparing the P control with Q control, the former is more effective than the latter based on the conditions that the SMES unit location and the control gain are the same.
20 kJ/15 kW可控超导储能实验装置 总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7
介绍了一套可控超导储能(SMES)实验装置.该装置可作为可控超导储能在电力系统中应用的实验研究平台.它包括一个储能量为20 kJ的低温超导磁体和一个15 kW的基于绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)的电流型变流装置.为了减少冷却系统的漏热,超导磁体通过Bi-2223带材制成的高温超导电流引线同变流装置连接.变流装置采用双桥型拓扑和PWM开关策略以减少其输出电流中的谐波成分.为了可以执行高速和高精度的控制算法,变流装置的控制系统采用双DSP的控制器.文中还介绍了该实验装置各部分的结构和工作原理,并给出了初步的实验结果. 相似文献