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An output feedback controller is proposed to enhance the transient stability of nonlinear multimachine power systems considered as a classical model with flux decay dynamics. Combining high-order sliding-mode techniques with a robust high-order sliding-mode differentiator, a robust decentralized controller is obtained. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed control scheme and its robustness properties.  相似文献   

Limited control authority is a key issue in the field of structural control and is a major research area since most of the practical control problems are dominated by constraints on the control signal. The paper presents a simple and practical gain-scheduled controller design procedure for active vibration suppression of a three-storey flexible structure. First, system identification experiments are performed and the plants uncertainty is derived. Next, robust controller design with constraint on the control signal is presented. For a better trade-off between control performance and control constraint a gain-scheduling approach is investigated. Stability analysis of the gain-scheduled controller is analysed using a parameter-independent Lyapunov function (quadratic stability) as well as a parameter-dependent Lyapunov function (biquadratic stability). Finally, the gain-scheduled controller is tested experimentally when the flexible structure is excited with a scaled historical earthquake record (1940 El Centro record). Successful experimental results show that the proposed robust gain-scheduled control approach offers good performance in the case of control authority limitation.Nomenclature M mass matrix - C damping matrix - K stiffness matrix - q relative displacement vector to base - ma active mass - active mass acceleration - ground (base) acceleration - Kgap transfer gain of the displacement sensor - Kacc transfer gain of the acceleration sensor - KAMD transfer gain of the active mass damper - id frequency range of system identification experiments - r control reference - u control signal - d external disturbance - y control output - e control error - x state vector - p(t) time-varying parameter - Np parameter boxs dimension - V(x) Lyapunov function - V(x,p) parameter-dependent Lyapunov function - largest parameter box where quadratic stability holds - S(s),T(s) sensitivity and complementary sensitivity transfer functions - Gn(s),G(s) transfer function of nominal and real plant - Krate rate feedback gain - Pn(s) transfer function of nominal plant modified by rate feedback - P(s) transfer function of real plant modified by rate feedback - Gred transfer function of the reduced-order plant - m(s) multiplicative uncertainty - WS(s),WT(s) performance and robustness weighting functions - Gc(s) controllers transfer function - Gc1(s),Gc2(s) transfer function of robust controller for vertex 1 and vertex 2 - Gcs(p,s) transfer function of the gain-scheduled controller - uA amplitude of the control signal - Kmin,Kmax minimum and maximum controller gain - K(p) scheduled controller gain - J1,J2,J3,J4,J5 performance evaluation parameters  相似文献   

FACTS devices like TCPAR can be used to regulate the power flow in tie-lines of interconnected power system. The transient state power flow occurring after power disturbances can be influenced by using TCPAR equipped with power regulator and frequency-based stabilizer. The analysis of a simple interconnected power system consisting of two power systems has shown that the control of TCPAR can force a good damping of both power swings and oscillations of local frequency. In the case of a larger interconnected power system consisting of more than two power systems, the influence of the control of TCPAR on damping can be more complicated. Strong damping of local frequency oscillations and power swings in one tie-line may cause larger oscillations in remote tie-lines and other systems. Hence the use of devices like TCPAR as tools for damping power swings and frequency oscillations in a large interconnected power system must be justified by detailed analysis of power system dynamics. In this paper, some results of time-domain simulations of a three-system area are presented. These results have proven that it is possible to obtain a good damping of tie-line power and frequency swings by optimizing the main parameters of TCPAR installed in tie-lines. The results have been confirmed by an eigenvalue analysis of linearized model of interconnected system consisting of three subsystems.  相似文献   

Load modeling for wide area power system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The electrical loads have significant impacts on the dynamic performances of the wide area power system, and the dynamic behaviors of the power system can not be reproduced by the simulation system, unless the electrical load was modeled accurately. In the previous load modeling, the dynamics of the electrical load itself is of concern. Using such load models, the satisfied dynamic behaviors of the wide area power system can not be obtained by simulation. In this paper, a system-wide load modeling strategy is proposed. The electrical loads are firstly classified into a few categories using the component based load modeling method. According to the problems studied, the output variables of the power system are selected, and the objective function is constructed using the data from Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS). The trajectory sensitivities of the load model parameters with respect to the output variables are analyzed. Based on which, the key parameters playing important roles on dynamics of the power system are identified and included in further parameter estimation. The load models for the wide area power system are built simultaneously, and the system-wide load modeling method is implemented on the IEEE 39-bus system to evaluate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

This article presents a formal study of the transient stabilization problem, including a stability proof. A decentralized nonlinear robust control scheme for multimachine electrical power systems is presented. The mathematical model takes into account the interconnections between electrical elements of the power system such as generators, electric networks, loads and exciters. Each generator is considered as a seventh order system that includes the mechanical and rotor electrical dynamics with static exciter dynamics. The proposed control scheme is based on the Block Control methodology and Second Order Sliding Modes technique using the Super Twisting algorithm. A nonlinear observer is designed to estimate the rotor fluxes of the synchronous machines. The designed decentralized control scheme requires the only local information for each local controller. This control scheme was tested through simulation on the well known reduced 9 buses equivalent model of the WSCC system.  相似文献   

Iranian power system encountered major oscillations in January 2008 in the northeastern area with an amplitude of about 120 MW. Since not all the events and variables had been recorded, a scenario to simulate the recorded oscillations and results of studies conducted to reproduce the oscillations by simulation are discussed in the first part. Tuning of supplementary controllers, such as PSSs, on the generating units and the use of reactive power compensators in the long transmission line to enhance stability and eliminate severe oscillations between the north and eastern areas are investigated in the second part. Eigen-value analysis and participation factors are used to appreciate the nature of oscillations and the required PSS settings. The results show that, by using the properly tuned PSSs and accurate compensation of the reactive power, transient stability and damping of oscillations are considerably improved.  相似文献   

Thanks to its essential functionality and structure simplicity, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers are commonly used by industrial utilities. A robust PID-based power system stabilizer (PSS) is proposed to properly function over a wide range of operating conditions. Uncertainties in plant parameters, due to variation in generation and load patterns, are expressed in the form of a polytopic model. The PID control problem is firstly reduced to a generalized static output feedback (SOF) synthesis. The derivative action is designed and implemented as a high-pass filter based on a low-pass block to reduce its sensitivity to sensor noise. The proposed design algorithm adopts a quadratic Lyapunov approach to guarantee α-decay rate for the entire polytope. A constrained structure of Lyapunov function and SOF gain matrix is considered to enforce a decentralized scheme. Setting of controller parameters is carried out via an iterative linear matrix inequality (ILMI). Simulation results, based on a benchmark model of a two-area four-machine test system, are presented to compare the proposed design to a well-tuned conventional PSS and to the standard IEEE-PSS4B stabilizer.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a new robust control strategy to synthesis of robust proportional-integral-derivative (PID) based power system stabilisers (PSS). The PID based PSS design problem is reduced to find an optimal gain vector via an H∞ static output feedback control (H∞-SOF) technique, and the solution is easily carried out using a developed iterative linear matrix inequalities algorithm. To illustrate the developed approach, a real-time experiment has been performed for a longitudinal four-machine infinite-bus system using the Analog Power System Simulator at the Research Laboratory of the Kyushu Electric Power Company. The results of the proposed control strategy are compared with full-order H∞ and conventional PSS designs. The robust PSS is shown to maintain the robust performance and minimise the effect of disturbances properly.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust power controller design of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) based on wide area synchronized phasor measurement units (PMUs) for stabilization of inter-area oscillation. The structure of active and reactive power controllers of SMES is the first-order lead/lag compensator. Assuming multiple PMUs are located in an interconnected power system, the steady state phasor data are obtained by applying the small load perturbation. Using the phasor data, the simplified oscillation model (SOM) included with SMES power controllers can be identified and applied to estimate the dominant inter-area oscillation modes. In the robust control design, unstructured system uncertainties such as various operating conditions, system parameters variation, etc., are represented by the inverse additive perturbation and included in the SOM. To enhance the system robust stability margin, the optimization of SMES control parameters is solved by genetic algorithm in the SOM. Simulation studies in the West Japan 6-machine power system confirm that the robustness of the proposed SMES is much superior to the conventional SMES against various operating conditions and fault locations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of fuzzy control to enhance power system stability. The proposed control consists of the controller for large disturbance (FU 1), the fuzzy controller for small disturbance (FU 2), and the fuzzy judgment mechanism (FU 3). FU 1 is determined based on the fuzzy controller [FU 1(F)] is determined according to the control rules and its input signals, i.e., speed deviation and acceleration at every sampling time of the machine. FU 2 consists of two controllers, namely, FU 2-ω and FU 2-P; FU 2-ω has the same mechanism as FU 1, while the output signal of FU 2-P is determined according to the rules together with the change of error of electrical power and terminal voltage. To obtain the optimal desired control signal during both the large and the small disturbances, the operations of FU 1 and FU 2 are judged by FU 3, where the magnitude of speed deviation is chosen as its input signal. The determined control signal is fed to AVR of the machine. The implementation of the proposed control is simple due to the small amount of calculations and required data. The effectiveness of the proposed control is demonstrated by the one-machine infinite-bus system model and very good system performance is obtained throughout all the simulations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for tuning various linear controllers such as Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) and Proportional-Resonant (PR) structures which are frequently used in power electronics and power system applications. The linear controllers maintain a general structure defined by the Internal Model Principle (IMP) of control theory. The proposed method in this paper is twofold. The first perspective uses the well-known concept of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to address the problem as a regulation problem. The Q matrix of the LQR design is then finely adjusted in order to assure the desired transient response for the system. The second perspective redefines the LQR in order to add capability to address the optimal tracking problem and is then generalized to systems with more than two states. These methods are then applied to two specific examples, one in an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) inverter system and the other one in a distributed generation (DG) system. In these examples, the tuning of PR and PI controllers is studied in great detail. These proposed design methods provide an easy and algorithmic procedure without jeopardizing stability or robustness. These tuning methods can also be utilized for linear state-space realization of any power converters. Both examples are supported via simulation and the results, which confirm analytical derivations, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

时变时滞不确定系统的鲁棒控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于二次稳定性理论,导出了时变时滞不确定系统鲁棒镇定的充分条件,应用LMI方法,讨论了时变时滞不确定系统的鲁棒控制器设计问题,进而通过建立和求解不同的凸优化问题,给出了控制律满足不同指标要求的构造方法,最后给出一个算例,对该方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to design nonlinear decentralized controllers for multi-machine power systems. The design procedure is based on H control theory and consists of two parts. First, the feedback linearization technique is used. Then, a robust controller is designed using the linear matrix inequalities (LMI) approach. The controller has two blocks. One, is a nonlinear function of some local measurable signals such as the generator active and reactive powers, the rotor speed and the armature current. The other block is a PID controller. The linear H theory is used to tune the PID parameters. The method results in a controller which is easy for implementing in practice. The performance of the controller is tested on a sample multi-machine power system model. Simulation results show the effectiveness, robustness and good performance of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

Robust load frequency control for power systems is discussed. A detailed robustness analysis of the existing control laws shows that parameter variation is not a critical issue but more attention should be paid to the unmodeled dynamics in robust load frequency controller design. A new robust load frequency control method is then proposed considering the unmodeled dynamics of power systems. Finally, a new configuration is proposed to overcome the effects of generation rate constraints (GRC). Simulation results show that the design method and the anti-GRC configuration are effective.  相似文献   

采样控制系统鲁棒稳定性的时域方法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
给出了采样控制系统鲁棒稳定性的一个充分条件。离散系统模式中的扰动是由连续系统的不确定性映象得到的,本文对特殊的指数不确定性结构,用Laplace变换方法给出了等效离散系统扰动下一个谱范数估计的界。  相似文献   

The problem of designing a robustly stable pole placement indirect adaptive controller in the presence of output disturbances and unmodelled dynamics is addressed. The key features of such a design are the following. (1) The unknown parameters are estimated by a normalized least-squares algorithm with a dead zone to provide the stability robustness with respect to bounded disturbances and ‘small’ unmodelled dynamics. (2) The estimated model controllability is ensured by modifying the control law over a finite time. The modification involved consists of adding an internal impulse excitation and ‘freezing’ the controller parameters.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of self-tuning Linear Quadratic Gaussian control with Loop Transfer Recovery (LQG/LTR), applied in Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSC) installed in interconnected power systems. The proposed robust adaptive controller can improve power system stability margins, damping properly the system's dominant electromechanical modes. Although this TCSC controller is designed mainly to identify and damp inter-area modes, it does not affect negatively the local modes damping, therefore enhancing the overall system performance. The proposed controller properties can be verified using non-linear simulations for a four-machine power system, in different operation conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method is proposed for the design of a non-negatively interactive FACTS-based stabilizer in a multi-machine power system. It is demonstrated in the paper that the FACTS-based stabilizer can be designed to impose positive interactions upon other stabilizers in the power system through the correct selection of non-negatively interactive installing locations and feedback signals of the FACTS-based stabilizer and the proper setting of the phase angle of the FACTS-based stabilizer. An example power system is presented in the paper, where a TCSC-based stabilizer is designed, which is not only able to damp the target inter-area oscillation mode effectively but also imposes a positive interaction with a PSS in the power system to damp a local oscillation mode.  相似文献   

不确定滞后系统的鲁棒模型预测控制   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
对于输入受约束的离散不确定滞后系统,提出鲁棒模型预测控制方法,其中不确定性存在于系统的状态矩阵和输入矩阵当中,且满足范数有界条件。用LMI解决滞后系统的不确定性和约束,针对滞后系统给出了新的鲁棒性能指标上界和系统稳定的充分条件,通过求解LMI凸优化得到状态反馈控制律,对提出的方法进行了数字仿真研究,结果表明,基于LMI约束不确定滞后系统的鲁棒模型预测控制易于求解。适于实际应用。  相似文献   

Lurie型时滞控制系统是工程实践中经常遇到的重要的非线性控制系统,根据Lyapunov稳定性理论,提出了不确定性Lurie时滞控制系统稳定的充分条件,并给出了一个应用实例.  相似文献   

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