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Contemporary operating systems for single-ISA (instruction set architecture) multi-core systems attempt to distribute tasks equally among all the CPUs. This approach works relatively well when there is no difference in CPU capability. However, there are cases in which CPU capability differs from one another. For instance, static capability asymmetry results from the advent of new asymmetric hardware, and dynamic capability asymmetry comes from the operating system (OS) outside noise caused from networking or I/O handling. These asymmetries can make it hard for the OS scheduler to evenly distribute the tasks, resulting in less efficient load balancing. In this paper, we propose a user-level load balancer for parallel applications, called the ’capability balancer’, which recognizes the difference of CPU capability and makes subtasks share the entire CPU capability fairly. The balancer can coexist with the existing kernel-level load balancer without detrimenting the behavior of the kernel balancer. The capability balancer can fairly distribute CPU capability to tasks with very little overhead. For real workloads like the NAS Parallel Benchmark (NPB), we have accomplished speedups of up to 9.8% and 8.5% in dynamic and static asymmetries, respectively. We have also experienced speedups of 13.3% for dynamic asymmetry and 24.1% for static asymmetry in a competitive environment. The impacts of our task selection policies, FIFO (first in, first out) and cache, were compared. The use of the cache policy led to a speedup of 5.3% in overall execution time and a decrease of 4.7% in the overall cache miss count, compared with the FIFO policy, which is used by default.  相似文献   

Load sharing in large, heterogeneous distributed systems allows users to access vast amounts of computing resources scattered around the system and may provide substantial performance improvements to applications. We discuss the design and implementation issues in Utopia, a load sharing facility specifically built for large and heterogeneous systems. The system has no restriction on the types of tasks that can be remotely executed, involves few application changes and no operating system change, supports a high degree of transparency for remote task execution, and incurs low overhead. The algorithms for managing resource load information and task placement take advantage of the clustering nature of large-scale distributed systems; centralized algorithms are used within host clusters, and directed graph algorithms are used among the clusters to make Utopia scalable to thousands of hosts. Task placements in Utopia exploit the heterogeneous hosts and consider varying resource demands of the tasks. A range of mechanisms for remote execution is available in Utopia that provides varying degrees of transparency and efficiency. A number of applications have been developed for Utopia, ranging from a load sharing command interpreter, to parallel and distributed applications, to a distributed batch facility. For example, an enhanced Unix command interpreter allows arbitrary commands and user jobs to be executed remotely, and a parallel make facility achieves speed-ups of 15 or more by processing a collection of tasks in parallel on a number of hosts.  相似文献   

一种基于负载均衡异构分布式系统的改进容错调度算法*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于基/副版本技术提出了一种具有容错功能的静态进程调度算法。给出了一个新的设计模型,并在该模型上提出HDAL算法。此前类似负载均衡容错调度算法都是通过排序来解决故障发生前后的负载均衡调度问题。该算法与以往算法不同之处就是在不依赖排序情况下,通过引进控制进程来解决负载均衡调度问题,并且该算法的负载均衡性在一定程度上具有了可控性。最后通过模拟实验得到以下有意义的结论:在业务繁忙的异构系统中,HDAL算法比以往算法资源利用率高,负载均衡性更好,并且在调度速度上优势明显。  相似文献   

The problem of finding efficient workload distribution techniques is becoming increasingly important today for heterogeneous distributed systems where the availability of compute nodes may change spontaneously over time. Resource-allocation policies designed for such systems should maximize the performance and, at the same time, be robust against failure and recovery of compute nodes. Such a policy, based on the concepts of the Derman–Lieberman–Ross theorem, is proposed in this work, and is applied to a simulated model of a dedicated system composed of a set of heterogeneous image processing servers. Assuming that each image results in a “reward” if its processing is completed before a certain deadline, the goal for the resource allocation policy is to maximize the expected cumulative reward. An extensive analysis was done to study the performance of the proposed policy and compare it with the performance of some existing policies adapted to this environment. Our experiments conducted for various types of task-machine heterogeneity illustrate the potential of our method for solving resource allocation problems in a broad spectrum of distributed systems that experience high failure rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study parallel branch and bound on fine grained hypercube multiprocessors. Each processor in a fine grained system has only a very small amount of memory available. Therefore, current parallel branch and bound methods for coarse grained systems ( 1000 nodes) cannot be applied, since all these methods assume that every processor stores the path from the node it is currently processing back to the node where the process was created (the back-up path). Furthermore, the much larger number of processors available in a fine grained system makes it imperative that global information (e.g. the current best solution) is continuously available at every processor; otherwise the amount of unnecessary search would become intolerable. We describe an efficient branch-and-bound algorithm for fine grained hypercube multiprocessors. Our method uses a global scheme where all processors collectively store all back-up paths such that each processor needs to store only a constant amount of information. At each iteration of the algorithm, all current nodes may decide whether they need to create new children, be pruned, or remain unchanged. We describe an algorithm that, based on these decisions, updates the current back-up paths and distributes global information in O(log m) steps, where m is the current number of nodes. This method also includes dynamic allocation of search processes to processors and provides optimal load balancing. Even if very drastic changes in the set of current nodes occur, our load balancing mechanism does not suffer any slow down.  相似文献   

针对异构蜂窝系统的接纳控制问题,设计了一种动态联合呼叫接纳控制算法。该算法采取TOPSIS法选择最优接入网,根据系统负载分布情况动态调整网络资费,对用户的接入选择决策施加影响,以均衡网络间负载;针对不同的呼叫优先级,采取多级接入阈值及动态带宽分配策略,在接入控制环节进一步改善系统性能及用户体验。仿真结果表明,该算法在重视用户偏好的同时实现了负载均衡,降低了呼叫阻塞率和掉线率。  相似文献   

建立了一个异构分布式系统实时调度模型,对异构分布式系统中的任务及不同处理机资源进行了形式化描述.结合基版本/副版本技术,给出了用于异构分布式系统的实时任务轮转式容错调度算法.实例分析表明,该算法有效提高了异构处理机环境下的资源利用率以及整体计算性能.  相似文献   

多机器人系统在联合搜救、智慧车间、智能交通等领域得到了日益广泛的应用。目前,多个机器人之间、机器人与动态环境之间的路径规划和导航避障仍需依赖精确的环境地图,给多机器人系统在非结构环境下的协调与协作带来了挑战。针对上述问题,本文提出了不依赖精确地图的分布式异构多机器人导航避障方法,建立了基于深度强化学习的多特征策略梯度优化算法,并考虑了人机协同环境下的社会范式,使分布式机器人能够通过与环境的试错交互,学习最优的导航避障策略;并在Gazebo仿真环境下进行了最优策略的训练学习,同时将模型移植到多个异构实体机器人上,将机器人控制信号解码,进行真实环境测试。实验结果表明:本文提出的多特征策略梯度优化算法能够通过自学习获得最优的导航避障策略,为分布式异构多机器人在动态环境下的应用提供了一种技术参考。  相似文献   

We consider a cluster of heterogeneous servers, modeled as M/G/1 first-come first-serve queues with different processing speeds. A dispatcher that assigns jobs to the servers takes as input only the size of the arriving job and the overall job-size distribution. This general model captures the behavior of a variety of real systems, such as web server clusters. Our goal is to identify assignment strategies that the dispatcher can perform to minimize expected completion time and waiting time. We show that there exist optimal strategies that are deterministic, fixing the server to which jobs of particular sizes are always sent. We prove that the optimal strategy for systems with identical servers assigns a non-overlapping interval range of job sizes to each server. We then prove that when server processing speeds differ, it is necessary to assign each server a distinct set of intervals of job sizes in order to minimize expected waiting or response times.  相似文献   

考虑网格资源异构、自治、动态等特性,讨论本地用户具有强占优先权情况下的任务调度问题,提出了TBBS(Time-Balancing Based Scheduling Algorithm)算法.建立调度优化模型,以期望完成时间最小为目标选择执行任务的最佳资源组合.以时间均衡策略将任务分解并调度到资源上执行,减少了子任务同步时因等待而产生的延时,获得较好的并行计算性能.采用重复调度策略,适应计算网格中资源的特性.  相似文献   

Efficient task scheduling on heterogeneous distributed computing systems (HeDCSs) requires the consideration of the heterogeneity of processors and the inter-processor communication. This paper presents a two-phase algorithm, called H2GS, for task scheduling on HeDCSs. The first phase implements a heuristic list-based algorithm, called LDCP, to generate a high quality schedule. In the second phase, the LDCP-generated schedule is injected into the initial population of a customized genetic algorithm, called GAS, which proceeds to evolve shorter schedules. GAS employs a simple genome composed of a two-dimensional chromosome. A mapping procedure is developed which maps every possible genome to a valid schedule. Moreover, GAS uses customized operators that are designed for the scheduling problem to enable an efficient stochastic search. The performance of each phase of H2GS is compared to two leading scheduling algorithms, and H2GS outperforms both algorithms. The improvement in performance obtained by H2GS increases as the inter-task communication cost increases.  相似文献   

We present a new parallel semiconductor device simulation using the dynamic load balancing approach. This semiconductor device simulation based on the adaptive finite volume method with a posteriori error estimation has been developed and successfully implemented on a 16-PC Linux cluster with a message passing interface library. A constructive monotone iterative technique is also applied for solution of the system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Two different parallel versions of the algorithm to perform a complete device simulation are proposed. The first is a dynamic parallel domain decomposition approach, and the second is a parallel current-voltage characteristic points simulation. This implementation shows that a well-designed load balancing simulation can significantly reduce the execution time up to an order of magnitude. Compared with the measured data, numerical results on various submicron VLSI devices are presented, to show the accuracy and efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

We present a general purpose model for routing user requests, e.g. queries, in a network of autonomous heterogeneous databases. The database schemas and other information on the database nodes are used to construct a multi-level knowledge-base (MKB) that resides in various nodes. Access to the databases is not done by creating direct connections between the user and the nodes where the data are presumably located. Rather, the user approaches the network by contents via an intelligent system that utilizes the MKB in order to identify the nodes and databases where the most relevant information resides, and establishes access routes to those nodes.  相似文献   

Data partitioning and load balancing in parallel disk systems   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Parallel disk systems provide opportunities for exploiting I/O parallelism in two possible ways, namely via inter-request and intra-request parallelism. In this paper, we discuss the main issues in performance tuning of such systems, namely striping and load balancing, and show their relationship to response time and throughput. We outline the main components of an intelligent, self-reliant file system that aims to optimize striping by taking into account the requirements of the applications, and performs load balancing by judicious file allocation and dynamic redistributions of the data when access patterns change. Our system uses simple but effective heuristics that incur only little overhead. We present performance experiments based on synthetic workloads and real-life traces. Received May 17, 1994 / Accepted June 9, 1997  相似文献   

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