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The mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene (PP)/muscovite/low-density polyethylene (LDPE)/polypropylenegraftmaleic anhydride (PP-g-MAH) ternary composites were investigated. In PP matrix, muscovite, LDPE, and PP-g-MAH were added as strengthening agent, toughening agent, and compatibilizer, respectively. The effects of dosages of the added materials were analyzed. The experimental results show that the optimum recipe of PP/muscovite/LDPE/PP-g-MAH composites is100/10/6/20 (mass ratio). Compared with the pure PP, the mechanical properties of PP/muscovite/LDPE/PP-g-MAH composites, including notched impact strength, Rockwell hardness and flexural strength, are improved. Although tensile strength is slightly decreased, they have better toughness. Filled with muscovite, the heat-resistance and heat-decompostion of the composites are improved. Funded by the 11th Five-Year National Key Technology R&D Program(2006BAB12B02)  相似文献   

菱铁矿热分解动力学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
菱铁矿具有热分解特性,在一定温度与气氛条件下,经焙烧后放出CO2气体,并生成强磁性的磁铁矿,利于弱磁选富集.用TG和DTG(热重法和微商热重法)研究了大西沟菱铁矿的热分解过程,判定了发生热分解反应的温度范围,分析了热分解反应的动力学行为,采用微分法计算了大西沟菱铁矿的热分解动力学参数,并判定热分解过程所符合的动力学模型,用多种积分方法和非等温线性拟合法对计算结果进行了验证.结果表明:大西沟菱铁矿的热分解反应温度较低,在400-600℃之间.热分解过程符合F1模型.  相似文献   

为探究氯氧镁水泥的热稳定性和循环利用的可能性,首先合成了纯的3·1·8和5·1·8相;然后用IR、XRD对其形成过程进行了表征;最后使用TG、DTA分别研究了两种相态的热分解过程,使用XRD表征了各阶段热分解产物的组成及相态.通过本论文的研究可以确定在150℃时3·1·8和5·1·8相失去结晶水而完全失去强度,进一步升高温度到400℃时,氢氧化镁失水,此时热分解产物可重新用做原料生产氯氧镁水泥.  相似文献   

壳聚糖季铵盐的抑菌机理研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
吴迪  蔡伟民 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》2005,37(7):1014-1015,1018
针对壳聚糖抑菌能力受限的问题,制备了壳聚糖季铵盐并对其抑菌性能进行了研究.结果表明,其相对于大肠杆菌和金色葡萄球菌的最低抑菌浓度分别为0.039和0.078mg/ml,较壳聚糖有很大提高.经壳聚糖季铵盐作用后,细菌的细胞壁的保护功能明显下降,大量细胞内酶外泄;TEM照片显示,部分细胞壁缺失,并且有明显的质壁分离.因此推测壳聚糖季铵盐的阳离子性导致的细菌细胞壁功能的破坏是壳聚糖季铵盐具有抑菌功能的原因.  相似文献   

废电线热解过程产物分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
模拟研究了废电脑电线热解特性和热处理产物.结果表明,废电脑电线热解过程出现3个剧烈失重阶段,第l剧烈失重阶段主要是聚合物分解,第2剧烈失重阶段主要是增塑剂分解,阻燃剂分解持续整个实验过程.废电脑电线热解产物既有6~16个c原子的油状有机物,也有烃类小分子有机化合物、有机氯化物和HCI.热解产物中有多种毒害物质,必须加以控制.  相似文献   

By testing the melt index (MI), tensile strength and breaking extension ratio, the thermal ageing rate of polyoxymethylene (POM) was analyzed and compared. The surface morphology and type of function group of POM surface were observed and analyzed by SEM and XPS. The results show that the MI value increases gradually with the ageing time at 120℃, indicating that the thermal oxidation decomposition occurrs slowly. The effect of 20-day thermal ageing on the tensile strength and breaking extension ratio of POM is not obvious, showing that the ageing of POM is quite a long process. After 105-day, thermal ageing cracking and powdering occurr on the POM surface. XPS determination shows the Cls spectra of samples before and after ageing include two peaks of C-C and C-O, while after ageing the content of C-C decreases and the content of C-O increases, indicating that the thermal ageing of POM is mainly the breaking and decomposing of C-C bond. The Ols/Cls ratio of original samples is 56.98% and after 105-day thermal ageing the ratio is 72.92%.  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition processes of Wangjiatan siderite samples were studied in nitrogen by thermogravimetric(TG)analysis.The mechanism of thermal decomposition of the siderite obeyed an F n kinetic law and the n-order was between 1.16 and 1.29.The results from non-isothermal experiments show that the size of particles has an obvious effect on the logarithm of pre-exponential factor in kinetics parameter of the thermal decomposition of Wangjiatan siderite.A linear relationship is shown between the size of particles and the logarithm of pre-exponential factor.An F 1 kinetic model containing size factor describes the thermal decomposition of Wangjiatan siderite well.  相似文献   

热惰性指标D是基于谐波分析法的建筑热稳定模型中的关键参数,为揭示热惰性指标对围护结构内热流波动的作用机制,首先基于对周期性非稳态热作用下围护结构传热过程的理论分析和求解,给出了热惰性指标与围护结构内温度波衰减及温度波数量的关系式,然后利用数值模拟方法分析了热惰性指标对围护结构内温度波衰减和延迟的影响,最后分析了热惰性指标对剧烈波动层厚度、内表面蓄热系数、多层围护结构的衰减倍数及延迟时间等热稳定性能参数计算的关键影响.研究表明:热惰性指标与围护结构内温度波衰减以及温度波数量存在定量关系式;对于相同形式的围护结构,D越大,衰减倍数及延迟时间越大,围护结构内温度波数量越多,热稳定性能越好;对于不同形式的多层围护结构,D越大,表明延迟时间越长,而衰减倍数的大小还与材料层的排顺有关,外保温比内保温围护结构能获得更大的衰减倍数;利用D=1确定温度剧烈波动层厚度为围护结构蓄热设计提供了新思路;内表面蓄热系数的计算主要与剧烈波动层内的热工参数有关.  相似文献   

针对输入负荷特征对分解结果的重要程度不同,以及长短时记忆网络(LSTM)在捕捉长时间用电信息的时间依赖性方面受限导致分解误差高等问题,提出一种基于多注意力机制集成的非侵入式负荷分解算法.首先,利用概率自注意力机制对一维空洞卷积提取到的负荷特征进行优化处理,实现重要负荷特征的遴选;其次,采用时间模式注意力机制对LSTM的隐状态赋予权重,从而增强网络对长时间用电信息之间的时间依赖性的学习能力;最后,利用公开数据集UKDALE和REDD对所提分解模型的有效性和创新性进行验证.实验结果表明,与其他多种现有分解算法相比,基于多注意力机制集成的分解算法不仅具备更好的负荷特征遴选能力,而且能更加精确地建立特征之间的时间依赖关系,有效降低了分解误差.  相似文献   

In order to provide references for selecting highly efficient red mud flocculants, the behaviour of polyacrylamidomethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (PATAC) in red mud separation process was investigated. PATAC was employed as a flocculant for red mud separation from the caustic aluminate liquor at 95 ℃. The used red mud was generated from Chinese diaspore bauxite in Bayer process of alumina production. And the changes of PATAC before or after being treated in caustic solution at 95 ℃ were studied by thermogravimetry (TG) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectral analysis. The results show that PATAC fails in effectively focculating red mud and PATAC is readily converted to a quaternary ammonium hydroxide (PATAH) in caustic solution. PATAH can be decomposed to a new polymer (HPATAH) even at 95 ℃. Furthermore, there is an intramolecular hydrogen bond formed in the HPATAH polymer chain with two functional groups of--CH2--OH and --CONH2. Therefore, the poor flocculation property of PATAC for red mud separation can be attributed to the thermal decomposition of PATAC in the caustic red mud slurry at 95 ℃ and the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bond in the polymer chain of HPATAH during the thermal decomposition, which causes the absorbable functional groups of PATAC to decrease greatly.  相似文献   

新型气凝胶玻璃具有良好的透光隔热性能,作为高性能建筑玻璃能有效降低建筑能耗。通过气凝胶颗粒粒径和填充厚度设计,制成8种不同结构的气凝胶填充玻璃;实验研究了气凝胶颗粒粒径与填充厚度对气凝胶玻璃透光和隔热性能的影响。结果表明:当气凝胶粒径从0.41 mm增大到0.93 mm时,玻璃透光率明显增大,而当气凝胶粒径继续增大时透光率变化不大;当气凝胶粒径从0.41 mm增大到2.7 mm时,气凝胶玻璃传热系数增大约15%;相对于普通玻璃,相同尺寸的普通玻璃传热系数最多可降低51.43%。采用玻璃隔热实验测试研究了气凝胶玻璃与普通中空玻璃的隔热温差,结果表明,气凝胶玻璃较普通玻璃隔热效果提高5.4~10.2℃。  相似文献   

应用热重法对电石渣在氮气气氛、不同升温速率下的分解动力学进行了研究.应用等转化率法,在不假设机理函数的情况下,得到了电石渣热分解的活化能随转化率的增加而减小的规律.应用Malek法求得“动力学三因子”分别为:活化能E=84.79 kJ/mol,反应机理函数,微分形式f(α) =2.95(1-α)0.661,积分形式G(α)=1-(1-α)0.339,指前因子.研究结果表明升温速率越大,热分解过程越快,电石渣分解反应符合相边界反应的收缩球体模型,即R3(α).  相似文献   

为了探索机械系统原理分解对称的作用机理及其在产品创新设计中的应用规律,建立由原理时空对称和原理效用对称组成的机械原理对称体系.原理效用对称描述多个原理方案实现相同目的功能的等效性,可分为原理分解对称、组合对称和置换对称3种类型,其中原理分解对称可进一步分为异种原理分解对称和同种原理分解对称.基于原理分解对称的作用机理和效用,提出原理分解对称的17个设计准则和2个设计原理.建立“产品性能需求-原理解缺点-原理分解对称设计准则/原理”关联模型,提出应用原理分解对称知识实现产品原理创新的进程.给出一个实例,说明作者如何运用提出的方法,借助于原理分解对称的设计准则而发明一种能抵消附加磁扭矩的电锤钻的创新过程,并验证相关应用知识的有效性.  相似文献   

水分含量对土壤导热系数的影响及机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对土壤导热系数随含湿率的变化及其影响规律的研究是准确进行地源热泵系统设计和运行的基础和前提.文章利用Hotdisk热常数分析仪对不同含湿率的土壤导热系数进行了测量,研究分析了水分含量对土壤导热系数的影响及机理.结果表明:导热系数随含湿率增大而总体星增大趋势,但并非单调递增;含湿率增大时土壤体积呈降低一增大一降低一增大的变化趋势;不同含湿率时水分,呈不同形态,其对土壤颗粒的作用也不相同,从而导致土壤颗粒间距离发生变化,进而影响体积变化;水分形态、水分含量以及土壤颗粒间间距的变化均对土壤导热系数大小产生影响,这些因素综合决定土壤导热系数的变化趋势.  相似文献   

Flotation experiments were performed to investigate the separation of muscovite and quartz in the presence of dodecylamine(DDA), tallow amine(TTA) and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide(DTAC). The adsorption mechanisms of these three kinds of amines on muscovite and quartz were studied by FT-IR spectrum analysis, contact angle measurement and molecular dynamics(MD) simulation. The results reveal that the separation of muscovite from quartz is feasible at strong acid pulp condition using amine collectors. TTA and DTAC show poorer collecting ability for flotation of the two minerals compared with DDA. Physical adsorption is found to be the main adsorption module of amine collectors on muscovite and quartz by FT-IR analysis. MD simulation results show a strong physical adsorption ability of DDA+ cation on muscovite and quartz(muscovite(001):-117.31 kJ/mol, quartz(100):-89.43 kJ/mol), while neutral DDA molecular can hardly absorb onto the surface of these two minerals. These findings provide a novel explanation for the flotation mechanism from the perspective of MD simulation.  相似文献   

In the present study, the kinetics of thermal decomposition of hydrated minerals associated in natural hematite iron ores has been investigated in a fixed bed system using isothermal methods of kinetic analysis. Hydrated minerals in these hematite iron ores are kaolinite, gibbsite and goethite, which contribute to the loss on ignition(LOI) during thermal decomposition. Experiments in fixed bed have been carried out at variable bed depth(16, 32, 48 and 64 mm),temperature(400-1200 ℃) and residence time(30,45, 60 and 75 min) for iron ore samples. It is observed that beyond a certain critical bed depth(16 mm), 100% removal of LOI is not found possible even at higher temperature and higher residence time. Most of the solid-state reactions of isothermal kinetic analysis have been used to analyze the reaction mechanism. The raw data are modified to yield fraction reacted "α" versus time and used for developing various forms of "α" functions.f(α) is the inverse of first derivative of g(α) with respect to α. The study demonstrates that decomposition of hydrated mineral in hematite follows the chemical kinetics.The estimated activation energy values in all the experimental situations are found to high, of the order of 60 kJ/mol, reinstating that the reactions are indeed controlled by moving phase boundary and random nucleation.  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition process of basic magnesium carbonate was investigated. Firstly, Basic magnesium carbonate was prepared from magnesite, and the characteristics of the product were detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subsequently, the thermal decomposition process of basic magnesium carbonate in air was studied by thermogravimetry-differential thermogravimetry (TG-DTG). The results of XRD confirm that the chemical composition of basic magnesium carbonate is 4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·4H2O. And the SEM images show that the sample is in sheet structure, with a diameter of 0.1–1 μm. The TG-DTG results demonstrate that there are two steps in the thermal decomposition process of basic magnesium carbonate. The apparent activation energies (E) were calculated by Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method. It is obtained from Coats-Redfern’s equation and Malek method that the mechanism functions of the two decomposition stages are D3 and A1.5, respectively. And then, the kinetic equations of the two steps were deduced as well.  相似文献   

1Introduction Recently,anincreasingattentionhasbeenpaidtopolysiloxanebecausepolysiloxaneisthermallyresistantpolymerinhightemperaturewiththermalenduranceinoxidativeatmosphereupto300℃andmoreininertat mosphere.Thermoanalyticaltechniques,suchasthermo gravimetric(TG),differentialthermolgravimetric(DTG),anddifferentialscanningcalorimetry(DSC)havewidelybeenusedtocharacterizepolymericmaterials.Qingzeng Zhu[1]investigatedthethermaldecompositionofsilazanepolymerswiththermogravimetrymethodandindicat…  相似文献   

采用输入输出分解的分区分段演化机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对演化硬件的可扩展性问题,提出了基于输入输出分解的分区分段并行在线演化机制,用于演化组合逻辑电路。依据输入输出分解策略,将原电路分解为多个具有较少输入、输出的子电路,并对各子电路单独分配进化区域,实现各子电路的并行演化;某些子电路演化完毕,其对应进化区域即可用于其他任何未演化完毕子电路的并行演化;所有子电路均演化成功后,将其进行整合得到顶层电路。在Xilinx Virtex-5 FX构建的自演化系统上,以加法器电路、乘法器电路和部分MCNC基准电路为例进行了验证。结果表明:相对于经典演化方法,该方法可以大大减少演化时间,进化出多达21个输入的组合电路。  相似文献   

The hot-end components of gas turbine engines in the serviced condition usually suffer from the thermal cycle loading effect. Thermal barrier coating (TBCs) have been used as a protective coating to prevent degradation during practical applications. In the current work, the influence of a loading waveform on the failure mechanism of an atmospheric plasma-sprayed TBCs is investigated at an elevated temperature. The samples under the trapezoidal loading condition present a lower thermal cycling fatigue lifetime than that under the triangular loading condition. Moreover, cracks in the TBCs samples under the triangular loading condition are initiated from the defects on the top coat formed during preparation, and cracks under the trapezoidal loading condition preferentially occur at the thermally grown oxide-top coat interface due to higher stress at the interface. Our results demonstrate that the thermal loading waveform should be carefully designed to characterize the in-service condition of hot-end components.  相似文献   

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